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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 14

by Brair Lake

  I glanced at the whore and watch as she empties the coffee machine, replacing the old filter with a new one and fresh granules, and shake my head. “No, thanks.”

  Alex is tucking himself in and I notice the used condom on the table and pick it up. Alex notices and winks as he smiles. “This your last day, Teach.”

  Teach nods. “Yeah. TJ has me starting work the day after tomorrow. I’m not going to miss these early starts.”

  Alex looks at me and I wiggle at the crinkle in his gaze. His lips are lopsided. I’ve just climaxed around this guy’s cock and my pussy is starting to throb again. “Nothing like an early start to get the blood pumping.”

  “Alex,” I pat him on the shoulder.

  “What, it’s the truth. Don’t you feel good from your early start.”

  Teach watches us over her coffee mug. Her gaze thoughtful as she studies me, and I lean over to Alex and kiss him. His tongue parries with mine as his hands cup the cheeks of my ass.

  “Yeah, I feel good. Now let’s get you to bed.” I mutter into his mouth as the kiss is broken.

  I follow Alex into the cabin and watch as he strips of his tee-shirt and pulls his jeans off. His back is smooth, and the tattoo is a work of art. “Who did the tat?”

  “Linc. Are you coming to bed?”

  I shake my head. “I’m going to have a quick shower. Then I’m off to meet Cole.”

  Alex turns to me and the air in my chest is trapped in my lungs. The man is naked. His chest finely tuned and inked. His sides taper into his waist and I lick my lips as his cock stirs.

  “I thought you’d finished with him.”

  “If you mean, have we stopped dating. Then yes. But we still have to work together.”

  “What are you working on. I thought you just blogged.”

  “Do you know what a blog is.”

  Alex steps closer. “Sure, I do. I’ve read yours. Now you’ve dumped NOLA Boy what are you going to tell your readers.

  I couldn’t stop myself as I reach out and stroke the flesh over his chest. “All about my new hot boyfriend. How he tongued fucked me until I came in his mouth.”

  “Just don’t blog about the riverboat and what happens here.”

  I nod. “Sure. What did you mean when you said to Teach about this being her last day?”

  “Why do you want to know.”

  I shrug, “just curious. That’s all.”

  “I didn’t mean anything about it. Just that she’s going to be working for TJ and will no longer need to clean the saloon. I don’t want to see anything about this in your blog.”

  “Do you really read it.”

  “Come to bed and I’ll tell you.” Alex is close and his hands cup mine. As tall as I am, Alex still manages to make me feel trapped as his large body looms in front of me.

  “I can’t be late for this meeting.”

  “Text him and re-arrange.”

  “Would you do that for me for one of your meetings.”

  Alex’s lips pinch as he releases me. He sits on the bed not bothering to hide or cover up his nakedness and I wonder if I would be that comfortable in front of him. It’s not that I’m a prude, it’s just I’m not used to being naked around people. Especially men as hot as Alex. The vice around my heart squeezes. Alex is used to others seeing him naked and I wonder how often he’s made use of Teach’s and the other whores services.

  “Don’t be long. When you get back. We’ll go for a ride,” he said.


  “I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”

  I glance at Cole and smile as he settles in the seat opposite me. “I hope you don’t mind. I needed a reason off the riverboat and your name slipped from my lips.” Cole smiles at the waitress as she pours two coffees. She winks at him as she hands him a piece of paper which he slips into his pocket. “Do you normally accept another woman’s number when you’re with another woman.”

  “Mia, Hunny, it may have slipped your attention, but you’ve just slipped from another’s man’s bed to meet me.”

  “Stop been picky.” I take a sip of my coffee and glance to the window. I don’t know why I called Cole and not Poppy.

  “So, what’s the problem?”


  “That you needed to run from lover boy’s bed.”

  “There isn’t a problem.” I take another sip of my coffee. “What do you know about Joel Delaney.”

  Cole picks up his coffee mug but doesn’t take a sip as he watches me. His smile slips and his gray eyes are intense. “The Joel Delaney.”

  “Why do you say his name like that.”

  Cole shrugs. “There’s only one Joel Delaney I’m aware of. And what I know of him. He’s a bastard.”

  I nod. “You know Alex was married once.”

  Cole’s fingers flex on his mug. “I heard a rumor he ran off with his childhood sweetheart.” I must have flinched because Cole reaches out and covers my hand with his. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t. Alex and Jono used to be friends and he’d spend time at our house.” I smile. “Anyway, Jo-Leigh was long before me.”

  “So, what is it you want to know about Joel Delaney.”

  “Did he kill Jo-Leigh?”

  “Wow. That’s some accusation without evidence. Is that what Alex said.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know what part Delaney played in Jo-Leigh’s death. Just that Alex say’s Delaney has a price on his head.”

  “Are you telling me this off the record, Mia.”

  “I’m telling you as a friend and hope you use your judgement.”

  Cole nods, “has something been said to you.”

  I finish my coffee, then nod at the waitress for a refill. “When Alex returned to Noir Valley after Jo-Leigh’s death there was some trouble between him and Jono.” I glance up as the door to the diner opens and watch Day and Oyster walk in. Day scans the room and his gaze lands on me. Although he smiles, it fails to reach his eyes. I turn my gaze back to Cole. “Forget I said anything.”

  “Mia. Is everything okay.”


  “You don’t mind if we join you. Do you.” I glance at Day. An answer isn’t needed as he sits, while Oyster takes the only other vacant chair at the table. “It’s a great morning. Isn’t it?” Day turns to me. “I thought you would still be tucked up in Alex’s bed.”

  According to Poppy, Day is the love of her life. What she sees in him, apart from his looks, I don’t know. I smile at the biker. “Alex and I have been talking about having a threesome. I was asking Cole if he’s interested.”

  Day glances at Cole then turns to me with a shake of his head. “He’s not a brother. We only share our women with other brothers.” He leans forward. “If you’re looking for a third, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

  “Your women. I’m no-one’s woman.” I smile. “Besides, if you ask him. I’m sure Cole would be more than happy to join The River Demons.”

  Day scratches the back of his ear. “It’ll still be a few years before he came to your bed.”

  “Not if Alex knows he’s the only third I want.” My hands are clammy, and my stomach churns as the blood swims around my head. I know baiting Day isn’t a good thing, but I don’t seem able to stop myself.

  Day drinks his coffee. His gaze on Cole and he nods. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea. Are you planning on staying in Noir Valley for a while?”

  Cole’s smile is cold, and I shuffle in my chair. “I like Noir Valley. There’s plenty of attractions to keep me here.”

  Day nods, “we’re having a race later this afternoon. Come along. Show us what you’re worth. We could do with a new man.”

  Cole nods then stands as he drops some bills on the table. “It was nice catching up, Mia. Maybe I’ll see you later.” His smile deepens and there’s laughter in his eyes. “We can talk about this proposition. It sounds like fun.”

  “Sure. I’ll catch up with you at Demon’s Lair.”

  I watch Cole le
ave the diner. Then as I reach for my purse, Day’s fingers clamp around my wrist. “You’re not going anywhere. Are you, Mia?” I shake my head. Poppy is under this man’s protection and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize her. “You wouldn’t have been talking club business with him, would you, Mia.”

  I shake my head. “I told you. Alex asked me what one of my fantasies were, and I was talking to Cole about it.”

  “Make sure that’s all you were talking about.” Day stands and leans forward. His mouth close to my ear. “If you have any fantasies which involve other men. I’m available.” I nod as I watch him walk to the door.

  Oyster’s chuckle has me glancing over to him and he winks. “He has a warped sense of humor. I think he would run if you invited him to your bed.”

  I stare with my mouth open at Oyster as he follows Day out of the diner. I need some fun and I need to talk to Poppy. As I reach for my purse, my cell rings and I find a message from Jono.

  Noir River is a replica of Noir Valley and as I drive out of the small town, I find the dirt track, Jono instructed me to follow. I drive for a further five miles and pull up in front of one of the old abandoned colonial houses. It’s not as big as some of the old plantation’s houses. There are several bikes parked outside and as I close the door to the Corolla, the door to the house opens and Rickety-Lee jogs down the steps towards me. A shudder runs through me as I remember Jono’s words from the day before and I place a plastic smile on my face at the biker. “Rickety-Lee.”

  “Jono’s inside.” I follow the biker. Stale smoke and old alcohol greet me as I walk into the house and I hide my distaste as I step over a large plastic black bag. Rickey-Lee chuckles. “We’re cleaning up. It’ll be some place when we’re done.” He points to a room. “Through there.” Then he’s gone and I open the door without knocking. Jono sits behind a desk. On the desk is a glass and a half-drunk bottle of Jim’s

  “You’re quite the lord of the manor.” Jono glances up and smiles as he points to the chair in front of his desk. “Where did you get the money from for this place.” As I sit, I smile at him. “Or are you squatting.”

  Jono leans back in his chair. “I’ve a new business partner.”

  A shiver runs through me. “Are you going to tell me who. Or do I need to guess.”

  Jono shrugs. “They’re a silent partner. No need for names.”

  The sour taste of bile lingers on my tongue. “What do you want that couldn’t be discussed over the phone.”

  “I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “We could have done that over the phone.”

  “But you wouldn’t have believed me.” Jono reaches for the Jim’s and holds the bottle out to me. I shake my head and watch as he pours himself a glass.” Shit, Mia. You’re my sister. It riled me that you’ve taken up with Slick after what he did to me.”

  “You fuck who you want, and I’ll keep out of it. Just like I’m asking you to stay out of my love life.”

  Jono chuckles. “Love life. You think Slick is capable of love.” Jono shakes his head. “No. What love he had, died with Jo-Leigh.” He taps the glass of his whisky. His eyes on me. “You’re right, Mia. You’re a grown woman and can fuck who you want. If it’s Slick or the journalist, I’m not bothered who gets into your panties. But there is something you can do for me.”

  “And what’s that.”

  “Show me some sister loyalty. Report back to me on Day’s and The River Demons’ activities. Let me know when they’re out of town and where they’re going. That kind of stuff.”

  “And if I agree to this. What do I get out of it?”

  “I’ll keep Delaney away from you.”

  Chapter 21

  Alex: Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  I finally have a day off and instead of spending time with Mia, who is off with Cole, I’m left prowling Demon’s Lair like a caged tiger, and with as much pent up frustration. I glance around the club’s deserted private room. My feet itch as I pace to the door and walk out onto the deck. Mia’s car is still absent, and I wander down to the casino. A radio plays in the background. The DJ’s voice low as he rambles on about the antics of our politicians and their latest scandal. A quick scan of the room finds Day and Kit by the bar. Candy and Melody are stocking the bar and I make a mental note of the lack of evidence of last night’s activities. The tables are quiet. No small silver balls roll or bounce in the roulette tables. The flicker of shuffling cards is missing as the tables remain covered with green felt cloth and I move around the room with ease with no bodies to block my path. I join Day and Kit with a false smile.


  Day looks up from the paperwork. His smile brief as he glances over my shoulder. “No Mia–Has she done another bunk.”

  “Pass me a water, Melody.” The whore is new to the club, and as pretty as she is, I haven’t tried her wares yet. As I watch her, I hear Mia’s laughter and turn to the door only to find it empty. She’s not here and my frown deepens. The journalist has me locked to a ball and chain when it comes to other women. I shake my head as I glance at Day. “No. She had a meeting.” To ease the dryness at the back of my throat, I swallow a mouthful of my water. “What are your plans for Cole?”

  Day and Kit snigger, and I ignore the grating down my spine.

  “Why,” Kit said.

  “After the success of the family day out I was thinking of holding an open day bike rally and cook out. Call in some of the other brethren to thrill the good people of Noir Valley.”

  “I’ve seen Cole race. You think you got what it takes to take this Cole fella on?” Day’s voice is emotionless as he watches me.

  I heard about the race between Cole and Day. From what I learnt; it was a close call. The tingle which niggles at the base of my spine runs rampant when I think of Cole and what he is hiding. I remind myself, it’s just his connection to the newspaper and Mia which has me suspicious of him. My smile is a smirk of satisfaction as I nod at Day. “Sure. He must be smarting to have lost Mia to me.”

  Kit glances at me. The gleam in his eyes does nothing to ease the tension in my stomach. “Is that where she is now. With Cole?”

  I nod. I have no need to deny it. “They’re working on a story.”

  Kit’s eyebrow rises, “you know what this story is?”

  “No. But it’s not about the club.”

  “Get Mia to sign that contract. I’ll talk to Cole. Invite him to join the club,” Day said.

  I glance at the club’s president. “Are you sure?”

  He nods. His smile twisted. “It’s all about keeping people close. Besides, we could do with the leverage.” Day taps his fingers on the bar counter. His gaze lingering on Melody’s tits. “No point using the women as he’s not hitched.” He glances at Kit. “We need to arrange a game. Get him in deep.”

  “There’s something deep about Cole alright. No matter what Data has found. The twitch in my head and the pull in my gut tells me, he’s not who he says he is.” The ache in my head eases as I raise my doubts to the men sitting beside me.

  Kit nods, “he’s smart, Day. That might not work.”

  “That’s why you’re going to pally up with him.” Day’s smile deepens. “After all, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do. Gain the confidence of the men. Discover their deepest, dirtiest secret.” Day turns to me. “Sort out the rally with Oyster. We’ll make a day of it.”

  I nod, “wanna invite Sinbad and his crew?”

  Day rises from his stool, collects the paperwork from the bar counter and nods. “Might as well. Find out if Twiggy is about. He might fancy a ride or two.”

  I nod as I watch Day leave the casino, then turn to Kit. “Do we know anything about this Cole guy.”

  “I’ve got Data going over his background again. Told him to dig further. We Should know more by the end of the week.”

  As I sip my water, the disgruntle roar of a car engine in need of a service, vibrates on to the riverboat and
my fingers clench around my bottle as I will my feet to remain where they are. Kit’s snigger earns him a dirty look.

  “This thing with you and Mia. Its pretty serious.”

  “I don’t know.” I study Kit. The air is silent, even the birds have fallen quiet. “After Jo-Leigh, I promised myself I wasn’t going to take on another life partner.” I glance towards the window, watching as a blonde head passes by. “Shit. I was relieved when she went away to college. Then she came back and screwed up my life.”

  Kit’s gaze is thoughtful. “I’ll stay for the rally. Then I’m hitting the road again. Poodle’s up for release and I promised his sister I’ll find somewhere for him to live.”

  “Is that long enough for you to hook Cole?” I don’t remember feeling this skepticism towards a rival before. Not with Jo-Leigh, but that might be because she came to me without history or baggage.

  Kit nods as he finishes his own water and with a slap to his back, I leave the casino. There is somewhere I need to be.

  I find Mia in the saloon standing by the coffee pot, watching the water as it drips through the funnel to the glass carafe. Her body ramrod straight while her right foot taps away. At one point she rubs the back of her neck but doesn’t turn to look in my direction. As I reach her, I reach for another mug, placing it next to hers.

  “Meeting go okay.” Mia nods without looking at me and my stomach dips at the lackluster welcome and no hello kiss. “Are you sure?” I reach out to touch her, and when she shivers beneath my touch and steps away, I frown. “Have I pissed you off.” Mia shakes her head and I watch her pour the brown frothy coffee into the two mugs. “Are we going to talk about it?”

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Mia’s lips pinch and I wince.

  “If it’s not Cole. It’s Jono.” I accept the coffee she offers me. “Is it? Have you had another run in with him?”

  “And if I have.”

  “I’ll sort it out.”

  Mia smiles and my cock twitches. “I’m no delicate princess, Alex.” Mia reaches over, her lips brushing against my cheek and the air trapped in my throat, deflates my lungs and I find I can breathe with ease once more. “I’ve been handling Hank and Jono for a long time.”


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