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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 16

by Brair Lake

  “What I’m going to do doesn’t matter.” I lick my lips. “Mia–You don’t go anywhere without taking someone with you. You don’t leave the riverboat without telling me.”


  I shake my head. “This isn’t up for negotiation. In this, you’ll do as I ask. If you do need to leave the riverboat. You’ll tell me where you’re going. If I can’t come with you. You’ll take whoever I assign.”

  I make a note to call Neat. He’s on the road somewhere, but one call from me, and he’ll return to Noir Valley. After the coup, Sink and Neat, the last officers of the old regime, stepped down as officers, turning nomad when the club changed direction.

  Chapter 24

  Mia: Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  The silence in the empty cabin is stifling, and as I stare at the ceiling, all I think about is running away. For two days Alex has kept me confined to Demon’s Lair and there was no fun in looking at the same walls constantly. Each time I asked to leave, Alex or Day listened to my reasons, then decided between themselves my arguments were unreasonable. Shit, Alex mentioned he was waiting on some guy called Neat to come back to Noir Valley due to the shortage of bodies now TJ and Tick are working and living in Noir Valley while Data and Pond continue to stay with Poppy. The ball I was throwing for the last half hour bounces against the far wall once more. Alex is off at one of his meeting. He and the rest of the River Demons locked away in one of the rooms, talking and whispering amongst themselves about Jono, Delaney and me. With one last hard throw of the ball, I let it drop onto the bed and swing my legs over the side and stand. I’m stir crazy. About to pick up my purse, I drop it back on to the bed, take my credit card from my wallet and slip it into my back-jean pocket. Instead of collecting my jacket, I pull out a hoodie from one of the drawers. When I step out of the cabin, the corridor is empty, and I turn towards the casino. This, too, is sparse of people and a smirk twists at my lips as I stroll towards the gangplank.

  “Mia.” Copper’s eyes glint as he watches me. His arm reaching over the gangplank as his body blocks the exit, stopping my progress. I smile at the biker. He’s the same age as me and as tall as I am, he, however, outweighs me by several pounds. His body bulkier than mine. If we had met in the street, I might have taken him physically on, but not on the boat. Not here, where anyone can rush out to see what the noise is.

  “It’s a beautiful day, Copper. I only plan to take a stroll along the riverbank.” I gaze over the compound and at the perimeter fence, I spot Dusty covering the gate. There are cameras all over the boat, but Day still insists on having someone at the main gates. “I can’t go far. Not with Dusty watching.”

  Copper glances over to Dusty. Then nods, “behave Mia.”

  I smile as I stroll down the gangplank. “I always do.” When my feet touch terra firma, a deep sigh escapes me, and I wander over to the river. The sun is warm, and I lift my gaze to the sky and watch the birds fly overhead. They know freedom. I glance at my watch. Two days of confinement and several earlier visits to the boat has given me the low down on the club’s routine. Although voices from the gangplank filter down to me, I don’t glance in the direction of the riverboat. Instead, I move slightly closer to the far fence. I’ve steadily been working my way towards it for the last twenty minutes. I give the compound a last sweeping glance. The coast is clear, Copper and Dusty are talking, their gaze on the bike. and with no gators in the river, I slip my jeans and boots off. With them in hand, I tread into the water, wading the river until the water reaches mid-thigh. Because the fence finishes short of the riverbank, there is a boundary maker and I slip past it. I could have snuck past the end fence post, but hanging too close to the fence is bound to draw unwanted attention. My sigh is deep as I paddle out of the water, and once on dry land, I slip back into my jeans and text Poppy. As I lean against one of the thick trunks, I listen for Alex. For the raising of the alarm warning I am missing. After holding my breath for what appears an eternity and as the silence continues, I jog to another tree and lean against it, listing for any clues that someone is looking for me. All is quiet and I continue to dash between the trees. My time with each tree growing shorter and shorter. Twenty minutes will see me on the main road where Poppy should be waiting for me at our rendezvous point. As I run between the trees, glancing behind me, occasionally a bird would scatter from their branches. Their screeching loud, echoing in my ears. My heart pounds. I’m unsure if it’s from the run or from the adrenaline of making my great escape. Shit, I’m twenty-three, and I haven’t skulked around like a teenager in five years. The last time I sneaked anywhere, was the night I spent with Alex. A chuckle rumbles in my throat. I want to laugh. My head is light, and my body is jittery as I make another escape from the biker. As I lean against a tree, drawing in a deep breath, I glance behind me. There is no sound or sight of anyone. Hopefully, Copper will think I’ve returned to Alex’s cabin. The pounding in my ears ease, and my run turns into a slight jog, then as the copse remains silent, my jog turns into a steady walk. The sun has never felt so good and I take a deep breath. Laughter claws at my throat. I check behind me, no one’s watching. I was still on my own. In front of me, I can see the outer perimeter of the bayou where it meets the road and I whistle. I can taste freedom on my tongue. At the boundary of the woods, I don’t make straight for the road. Instead, I keep within the trees until I spot Poppy’s Trans AM. Then my walk turns in to a jog. For the last five minutes, no traffic has passed, and the tension within me, flees. With one last glance in the direction of the Mississippi, I step through the trees and onto the road and spot Poppy leaning against the car and I wave at her as I run up to her.

  My grin is broad as we hug, “shit, Poppy. I told you I could make it.”

  Poppy wiggles against me, her gaze shifting over my shoulder, then she giggles. When she releases me, her eyes roll, “look behind you.”

  My stomach dips as I slowly turn. The groan which escapes me comes deep from within my gut. Wearing a stupid ass grin. His eyes laughing, Alex strolls from behind a tree. I glance down the road. Then I see it. He’s parked his bike close to a bend.


  He stands in front of me. I want to scream, but a chuckle escapes me instead. “Alex.”

  The biker turns to Poppy, “you can go.”

  Poppy glances at me and at her arched eyebrow, I roll my shoulder. “It was worth a try.” Poppy’s chuckle continues to echo around me as I watch the Trans Am fade from sight in a blaze of road dust. Now the Trans Am is no longer in view, I have no excuse to avoid Alex, and turn to him.


  Alex shakes his head, “don’t Alex me.”

  The laughter in his eyes betrays the gruffness of his voice, and I stroll over to him, hooking my finger into the waistband of his jeans. “A woman’s gotta try.”

  Alex’s smile reaches out to the pulse in my clit and as I play with the button on his jeans, his hand wraps around mine. “And a woman could get herself killed. Stop that. If you think you can get around me by being nice to my dick.” Alex taps me on the nose. “You can think again.” He glances down the road as he strides towards his bike. If my stride hadn’t matched his, I would have found myself stumbling at a half running pace. “Now let’s get out of here.”

  “You know, Alex. You need to find out what it’s like to be treated as a prisoner. Shit, I didn’t take this crap from Pa.” Alex hands me my helmet along with a glare, and I slam it on, slipping the strap into place.

  The laughter fades from Alex and a shadow lurks in his blue eyes. “I lost Jo-Leigh because I thought I was doing the right thing. I’m not going to lose you over your idea of independence.” Alex runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck, Mia. It’s a temporary thing. Once we deal with Delaney, you’ll have your freedom back. Then if you want, you can run naked through Noir Valley.”

  I mount the bike, watching Alex from beneath lowered lashes as he climbs in front of me. My fingers itched to reach out to him, and I give into temptati
on. “I think that’s more your fantasy than mine.”

  Alex’s chuckle warms me as I slip my hands into his waistbands. His flesh warm against my fingers.

  As we ride into Noir Valley, as busy as the main street is with tourist and shoppers, I spot several businessmen on the sidewalk, and wonder if one of them is Delaney. I am still people watching as Alex parks his bike in front of the local café.

  “Are you going to sit there all day?”

  I turn to Alex; who has dismounted from the bike and is removing his helmet. As he runs his fingers through his hair, my fingers clench as I wish it was me teasing his hair.

  “Nope.” When my feet touch terra firma, I stretch my body, easing the kink out of it, then turn to Alex. His blue eyes are on me and I give into my yearning and reach out to him. His hair is as soft as silk in my fingers and I reach up to his lips. His kiss is long and sweet. Devouring me, asking for more.

  “Was that for me or for Delaney,” I said

  Alex’s gaze flickered across the street. “You.” Then he turned to me. “I’ll not let Delaney hurt you. But you’re right. I’m not going to let Delaney make prisoners of us.”

  “Does that mean I can go out on my own?”

  Alex shakes his head. “No. But if you want out. You can go out as long as someone is with you.”

  “And if no-ones available.”

  Alex glances at his watch, “there’ll always be someone.”

  I’ll take every little le-way I can from Alex, and as I follow him into the café, a hum slips from me. “Is that why we came to Noir Valley instead of returning to Demon’s Lair?”

  “Sit.” I glance at the table Alex points at and slip onto the bench. As I look out of the window, I notice we have an unrestricted view of a man entering his office.

  “Or are we here to spy?”

  Alex orders two coffees, and a sandwich for himself. “You made it clear you wanted off the riverboat. I’m free this afternoon.” Alex leers, “we could have spent it in bed.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “When we get back, you can thank me, and make it up to me. For not hauling your ass straight back to the riverboat.”

  “How did you know?”

  Alex’s eyebrow arches. “Know.”

  “That I wasn’t on Demon’s Lair.”

  Alex chuckles as leans against the back of his bench. “Mia, you are rarely out of my sight. I had just come onto the deck to talk to Copper and noticed you at the river’s edge.”


  Alex chuckles.

  I glower at the biker. “You set me up. Giving me a false sense of freedom.”

  Chapter 25

  Alex: Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  “Come on, Lazy bones. Time to rise.” With a slap to Mia’s neat rear, I stand and scratch my ass. Her groan and moan muffled under a pillow as she buries herself further into the bed. “Mia. It’s a beautiful day. I thought we would go for a bike ride.”

  “Don’t you have work or something.”

  “Neat arrived last night. After your escapade the other day. I’ve cleared today for you and me.” Picking up Mia’s top, which we discarded as soon as we walked into the cabin, I toss it at her, and it lands on her face.

  “Shit, Alex. I’ve only just got to sleep.” The sheet drops as she sits up and I watch her tits jitter. The little nubs hardening. Then they disappear as Mia hides them behind her tee-shirt. “If I’m not allowed to sleep in. You’re not getting a peek at my boobs.”

  “And here, I thought, you would be jumping with glee to leave the riverboat.”

  Mia’s eyes roll as she scrambles out of the bed. My dick twitching when she bares her legs as she leans over the side of the bed. The rise of her ass is too much, and I slap the delicate curve again. Mia squeals. Grabs the pillow I had thrown on the floor and belts it across my stomach.

  “I wish you would stop that, Alex.”

  “Mia.” Is the only warning I give as I grab and roll her onto her back. With the pillow now in my possession, I swipe her with it several times. Her giggles and slight gasps of breath tease my blood and as I fall on top of her, her laughter fades as she watches me steadily. Her flesh under my hand is smooth and a slight tremor runs through her body.

  “I thought we were going out,” she said.

  “After a morning kiss.”

  She smells of sex. Her smile is pure satisfaction, and as her eyes glitter, her body relaxes beneath mine. If I had the time, I would taste her from her toes to her forehead, then start again. The creamy glow of her flesh torments me, and the blood in my cock begs for release. I’ve always had a high libido, but with Mia, my body has a will of its own.

  “Are you going to kiss me or stare at me?”

  “Kiss you.” As Mia closes her eyes and purses her lips, I grab her hips, raise her ass and shuffle between her legs.


  Her chuckle fills the room and I smile as I lower my head. “I never said where I was going to kiss you.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  Mia releases a long, soft sigh when my breath brushes against her pussy lips. My tongue makes brief forays as it slips between the swollen flesh. Her body trembles under my touch as I swipe her morning dew. Of their own accord, my eyes close as I lose myself to Mia’s taste. The musky aroma of her body relaxing as she prepares herself to accept me torments me and I swirl my tongue against her tender flesh. Her body jerks as my tongue teases the tiny bud of her clit. Her thighs clenching against my head as her fingers grip my hair. Without looking at her, I know Mia’s arched her neck back and closed her eyes. That her cheeks are flushed a damask pink. Her tiny gasps labored as I continue with my teasing and sucking. Her hips thrust against my mouth and my tongue slips to her tiny hole.

  “Shit, Alex.” Mia coats my tongue as she moans into the room as she shimmers against me. Still trembling from my morning kiss, I pull back and look at her. Her fingers clench the bed sheets as she fights to bring her breathing under control. Her body flushed, as she stares at the ceiling.

  Sensing my gaze on her, Mia’s eyes sweep over me as she smiles. “Let’s stay in bed.”

  As agreeable as Mia’s tempting offer is, I slap her thigh as I reach for her jeans. “I’ve plans. Meet me outside.”

  Mia points at my dick. “What about you?”

  The heat of her gaze fails to ease my own raging hard-on. But I want off the boat. With a swift kiss to her cheek, I stand. “You owe me one.” I wink. “No matter where we are. When I call the favor in. You deliver.

  “You’ve brought me to New Orleans for waffles,” said Mia.

  “Not just any waffles. The best waffles this side of the Mississippi.”

  “Shit, Alex. I make the best waffles in the whole of the Mississippi.”

  My stomach protests at Mia’s claim. “I don’t know who told you that particular lie.”

  Mia chuckles as she walks into the small family run café, finding an empty table near the rear which overlooks the street. I order the house special to share and coffee. Mia shakes her head as she glances out of the window. Her laughter reaching out to me. It’s a long time since I felt this free. Mia brings the inner child out in me and I want to play. I also want to keep her safe from the world. But I have realized, keeping Mia isolated on the riverboat isn’t the way. She enjoys her freedom, and she enjoys life.

  “No one. Hank’s always asking for more,” Mia said.

  “I think he just says that to please you. Or to shut you up.”

  Mia turns to me and my cock twitches. Her eyes sparkle and my stomach dips. She is my one weakness and I don’t want her life touched by the likes of Delaney. “Hank would never lie to me. He’s an officer of the law. Remember.”

  “I’m not likely to forget.” Mia’s hands rests on the table and I reach out, slipping my fingers around it. Her flesh is warm, and I kiss the palm. “Especially as he keeps stopping me to do a bike check.”

  “Your bike looks fine to me.”

  “It is. He’s just keep
ing an eye on me, that’s all.”

  Under the table, Mia has managed to slip off a boot, and her foot slides up the back of my calf. Thick denim is my only protection from her touch. “Why?”

  Shit, how can the woman look innocent when she’s seducing me in public. I cough to clear my thoughts.

  “To make sure Jono and I don’t cause trouble.”

  “Are you sure that’s the reason?” The waitress approaches our table, setting the waffles and coffee down. Mia’s foot reaches closer to the top of my thigh. Her toes glide over my wakening shaft and I grab her foot. As my thumbs strokes the arch of her foot, she trembles beneath my touch.

  “Be careful, Mia.” I glance around the small waffle house. The other diners are busy with their own lives and gossip. “Remember you owe me.”

  “I’m not the one who was insistent on leaving the cabin.”

  “There’s a motel not far.”

  “And there’s a perfectly good bed back at the riverboat.”

  “Eat your waffle.”

  Mia’s chuckle is easy to listen to and I glance at my watch to check what free time we have. It’s a two-hour road ride back to Noir Valley. The trip to New Orleans is an indulgence I couldn’t resist taking. However, The River Demons and Cole have a race to ride tonight and it wouldn’t do to be late. Especially as I’m the one racing Cole. But before we return to life on the riverboat, there’s one more place I want to visit with Mia.

  “Do you miss it?”

  I turn to Mia. Her gaze steady, her eyes full of questions.

  “Miss it.”

  She turns to look around her. The streets are busy. It’s tourist season. In a few weeks, the carnival will hit the city and there won’t be standing room. The first time I watched the carnival, Jo-Leigh had been with me. It was the first time I asked her to marry me. Shit, it had taken several proposals before she caved in and said yes. “No.” It was an honest answer. “I like to come for a visit. But I’m always eager to return to Noir Valley.”


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