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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 23

by Brair Lake


  “I know, Mia.” His finger teases at it presses against my pussy walls and I thrust against his hand. Then I am empty, and I moan in distress. “Shush, Mia. It’s going to be fine.”

  Fine. I ache. My body pulses with unreleased tension. I push my feet into the mattress as I thrust against Alex. Then his cock is there. Teasing my opening. He thrust but doesn’t enter me. He thrusts again. I want to scream as he teases me. “Alex.”

  “Now, Mia. Take me now.”

  Alex’s hand is at my thighs, holding them apart as he thrusts deep into me and I accept every inch of him. My body tightening as I hold on to the hot throbbing shaft.

  “Hands on the wall, Mia.”

  I blink, but I press my palms against the wall as Alex thrust and plunges into me. The easy loving of moments ago, gone.

  “Shit, Alex. I need to come.”

  Alex’s breath is labored as he continues to thrust harder and faster. “You will, Mia.” I thrust against Alex as he surges into me. I lose the battle to keep my eyes open and they close as my neck arches and my body quivers violently, leaving me gasping for air as I stare at the ceiling. Alex’s groan follows mine and my body tightens around his shaft as he finds his release.

  As the tension eases from him, Alex’s breathing slows, and he kisses my neck. “Thank you.”

  I turn my head slightly and find his eyes on me and smile. “It was all my pleasure.”

  Alex chuckles as he caresses my side, bringing me back to the light. “I don’t think so.”

  Chapter 34

  Alex: The Apartment Noir Valley

  I glance out of the window. It’s a week since Mia’s disappearance and as much as I miss the bustle of Demon’s Lai and As quiet as the streets below are, I’m ready to return to the riverboat. Now I have dealt with Delaney, there’s no reason to keep Mia close. The bathroom door opens, and I look up and watch the woman who is on my mind night and day, stroll into the lounge. After a lot of fuss from her, I finally managed to talk her into visiting Doc Holden to have her wound checked. Who gave us the all clear as he informed us it was just superficial and no lasting damaged had been incurred. She smiles at me as she wanders over to the kitchen and my cock twitches in response.

  “I’m making coffee. Want one,” Mia asks.

  I shake my head, turning my gaze back to the street. “Do you like the apartment?”

  “It could do with some sprucing. But it’s a nice place.”

  I nod as I glance around the room. It’s spacious and although there is only one bedroom. There’s plenty of space for a desk. “It’s going to be awhile before Bastion’s house is livable in. You can stay here if you want.” Her shoulders slump as she pours boiling water into the percolator and watches the water drip through the funnel to the glass carafe.


  The blond nods. “I could do with the space. Your cabin can be cramped.”

  “Cramped. I can barely move in it.”

  “You want your cabin back?”

  “I just want a little space when I need to crash. Anyway. What do you think?”

  Mia glances around. “Sure. If you don’t mind having me as a tenant.”

  “If I minded. I wouldn’t have asked.” I watch Mia. Her gaze hidden from me as she sips her coffee. “We’ll move your stuff tomorrow.” She nods and I suck on my bottom lip. A habit I broke once I left home. “Mia.”

  She looks up. Her gaze guarded and my stomach dips. “Yeah.”

  “I’m not saying it’s over.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  I shake my head. “Why don’t we go for a ride.”

  “You’re letting me out.”

  I nod. “We could both do with some air.”

  I ride several miles out of Noir Valley before I pull the bike to a stop and as Mia dismounts, I slip the stand down. While she ruffles her hair, I pull my rucksack out of the bike’s trunk and join her.

  “What’s in the bag?”

  I leer at her as I guide her to the path which will lead us further into the bayou. “Not your favorite toy.”

  “Your favorite toy.” Mia giggles as her fingers clench mine and I soak up their warmth. The morning sun is warm, but it’s Mia’s heat I embrace, soaking in and remembering. We walk for some time before we come across the cabin. Ten years ago, the windows had glass in them. The door was solid, and the paintwork was fresh. In the middle of the bayou is a magnolia bush, which, against all odds, has survived.

  “You brought me here to have your wicked way.”

  I glance around the clearing and the old cabin and shake my head. Some places are not for Mia and me, and this is one of them. “No. I brought you here to have that talk we never had.”

  “I hope you’re not blaming me.”

  As she turns to the cabin, I take her hand and guide her to the magnolia bush. It’s in full bloom and as I look around me. Memories I had pushed back, surface. I smile as these are untarnished memories. Never touched by another soul, and they never will be. “Not today, Mia.” I kneel, opening the rucksack, and pulled out an old box. When I look at Mia, I find her staring down at me. Her eyebrow raised. “This is where Jo-Leigh and I first made love.”

  Mia’s smile falters as she steps back. “Is that why you won’t make love to me here?”

  I nod. “This is the place, I asked Jo-Leigh to marry me and after turning me down several times, she finally said yes.” I turn my gaze to the cabin. “We spent a summer here sprucing the place up.” I watch Mia appraise the cabin. Her hands slip into her jeans’ pockets and her gaze is thoughtful. I ache to reach over and hold her. But now is not the time. “We spent our honeymoon here. Locked in the cabin. Away from her family and mine.”

  “Why are you telling me this, Alex?”

  I lick my lips and hold out the box. The box I have had locked in my drawer for too long. “Jo-Leigh’s been dead for a while and I never said goodbye to her.” Mia takes a step towards me and I shake my head as I step back. “She was happy here. That summer we both were.” My fingers stroke the box and for the last time, I remember Jo-Leigh’s soft flesh. Her light laughter fills the air for the last time, and I close my eyes. After I inhale deeply, I look at Mia. “It’s time for me to say goodbye and I wanted you to be here with me.”

  Mia steps closer. Her hand slipping into mine as she squeezes it. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I nod. “With me.”

  I brush a stray hair away from her face and smile. “Yes. I need you here as I tell Jo-Leigh about my new life.” I look at Mia. My heart pounds. I haven’t felt this nervous since the day I lost my virginity, and that was a long time ago. “About my new love.”

  Mia blinks, then her lips brush over mine. “You love me.”

  I nod.

  “Since when.”

  “For too long and far too sooner than I should have.”

  “I’m glad you want to tell her.”

  Mia stands by my side as I open the box. As the ashes swirl in the breeze and settles over the magnolia bush, I tell Jo-Leigh I loved her. That there will always be a place for her in my heart. I tell her about Mia. How she crept into my heart and stole it. That I fought it for a long time.

  “This is the last time I’ll visit, Jo-Leigh. I love you, but it’s time I let you go.” I smile as I squeeze Mia’s hand. “It’s crazy. I lost the woman I loved.” I blink. “Then I lost my best friend to a petty feud. Hopefully it’ll be over one day. And in all this mess, I gained myself a new best friend. A new lover and a new partner.” Mia stays silent as I tell Jo-Leigh my story. “Justice has been served, Jo-Leigh. The only way it can be. Delaney will never cause trouble for another woman again.”

  The apartment is quiet as we enter, and Mia switches on the lamp as I fetch a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge. When I return to the lounge, she is sitting on the couch and I sit beside her, and she turns her gaze to me. “How was justice served, Alex?”


  “What do you mean Co
le? He was with me while you dealt with Delaney.”

  I pass Mia her beer and took a large swallow of my own. “Cole’s gone, Mia. He was from another MC. The Alchemy Druids. They live in the deserts.”

  “Why did he come to Noir Valley?”

  “He was Jo-Leigh’s cousin. He heard Delaney was coming and wanted to make sure Delaney got what he deserved.”

  “What about the other man?”

  “Mark Gates. Cole dealt with him.” I take another drink. “I never asked what he did.” I look at Mia, taking her hand in mine. “And I never will.” Her skin is warm, and I pull her closer. “He didn’t want me to have any more blood on my hands.” I lick me lips. “I know Delaney’s end is sweet and I still have his blood on me. But I can live with that.” I watch Mia. “Can you? Knowing what you think you know about Cole.”

  Mia nods. “He would have killed me, Alex. It wasn’t me he hated. But to get at you, he would have killed me.” Mia smiles then takes a drink of her own beer. Her lips soft as they brush against my throat. “Do you love me?”

  I nod. “You’re a pain, Mia Girl. Shit, when I found out about your blog and what you were up to, I could have killed you. Then you started dating Cole. Riding his bike. That wasn’t good for my soul.”

  “I love you, Alex.” She brushes the hair away from my face and I tremble beneath her touch. “I loved you as a teenager and never thought we would have a chance.” She licks her lips. “I should hate Jono for what he did to me. To us. But I don’t.” She chuckles. “Okay maybe I do a bit. But I was about to give up on you and move on when he made his play.”

  “Jono and I will never be friends. You understand don’t you.”

  Mia nods. “You’ve still got Hank to deal with. I’m not sure how he’ll behave when he finds out you love me.”

  I push Mia on to her back, placing our beers on the floor. “I can handle Hank.”

  “Yeah. But can you handle me?”

  My lips touching Mia’s keeps her quiet for a long time.


  Mallory Hanover

  Calm. That is how I like life. When Mississippi informed me, he had arranged for me to work for Day at Demon’s Lair, I nearly refused to go. But he promised me that all was quiet. That there would be no excitement. That I would be left for most of the time, on my own. Mississippi owes me. He lied to me. He has thrown me into a viper’s nest where women are kidnapped and the men. As for the men, they have a strut which would put a peacock to shame and between Theo-James ‘TJ’ Smythe and Joshua ‘Oyster’ Keys, I’m not sure which one would be voted slut of the year. Shit, it was bad enough TJ flaunted his women. The whores from Demon’s Lair at the office when we are supposed to be working. Shit, if Oyster hasn’t got it into his own head to play dirty on Demon’s liar on the two days I work there, going through the accounts with Firebird. I glance over Firebird’s shoulder, and yes, there he is. All smiles and pearly whites with his hand up some whore’s skirt. Shit, if his tongue was any further down her throat, the tip would pop out her ass.


  I blink as I switch my gaze to Firebird. Her amber eyes gleam as she arches an eyebrow at me. “Sorry. What did you say?”

  “That it’s hot in here.”

  I scowl at my boss. Actually, Firebird is one of my bosses. The other is TJ, and I know which one I prefer. “Hot.” I glance over her shoulder once more. “Yeah, it is. Maybe we should switch the air conditioning on. Or switch the hose on.”

  Firebird’s gaze flicks over her shoulder, then returns to me. “I don’t think Day would be happy if we flooded the casino.”

  “He might not. But I would. Shit, Firebird. He could take her to his cabin.”

  “Don’t spoil my fun, Mal.”

  I glance at Firebird. With her flaming red hair and ready smile, she is a beautiful woman. “How come you ended up with Leon?”

  “Because I got in first and got the pick of the litter.”

  “I think you did.” I glance over to Oyster and when I find his gaze on me, I turn my gaze back to Firebird. “Yeah. And it looks as though Eve and Mia left the rats behind.”

  Firebird giggles. “Oyster’s not bad. And TJ just needs to grow up.”

  “What about Day and Kit?”

  “Kit’s a loner. I don’t think he’ll settle down.”

  “And Day.”

  Firebird frowns, “Day’s fighting his own demons.”

  I reach up and touch the puckered flesh of my skin. A cold reminder of the life I left behind in Baton Rouge “You ever have any trouble with the whores and your man?”

  Firebird’s gaze is on my fingers. After three years I’m used to people looking at me, then swiftly glancing away. No one asks how I got the scars. Shit, no one even mentions them. If it was a tattoo, they would be fawning over it. But the scars leave them self-conscious. “You can ask if you want.”

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have stared.”

  “I wish people would. Then they would get over their embarrassment.”

  “You’re still a beautiful woman, Mal. I’m getting a drink. Want one?”

  I nod and as I watch Firebird saunters over to the bar, a shadow falls over me, and I look up to find Oyster standing beside me. “I thought today was your day at Sugar and Spice.”

  I lick my suddenly dry lips. This is what the man does to me. He turns me into a useless mess who forgets how to think. “Obviously not.” Oyster sits in the seat Firebird just vacated, and I glance over his shoulder. The whore who had been on his knees five minutes ago is missing. “I thought you would have left with your friend.”

  Oyster shrugs and I wiggle on my seat as his gaze lingers at the vee of my tee-shirt. My fingers itch to reach up and pull at the material. To cover the rest of my scars. Yet the look he gives me is not repulsion, but one that has my pussy on fire as my clit pulses. I haven’t been sexually attracted to a man since my attack and I hate it that Oyster Keys is the man who sets my blood on fire. “She’s working later. Anyway, it was you I wanted to speak to.”

  My stomach twists and I grip my pen. “About what?”

  “TJ tells me you’re looking for a new apartment.”

  “TJ talks too much.”

  Oyster chuckles as he scratches his chest, dragging my attention to his throat. It is a strong sturdy throat and I have this urge to know what his skin tastes of. My tongue swipes over my lips, which I pull back in at the sudden flame in the biker’s gaze.

  “How come you’re looking for a new place?”

  Again, my fingers go to the scars on my face. Oyster scowls as he reaches over and brushes my hand away. My flesh burns from his touch. There are two kinds of men. Men who think I’m easy and thankful for any attention I receive because of my disfigurement and expect me to fall into bed with them. The others. They don’t look at me and if they do, it is with repulsion. My landlord’s son is one of the men from the first group. Each time I leave my apartment or return to it, he is there at the bottom of the stairs waiting. “My lease is due for renewal and the landlord plans to increase my rent.”

  “Want me to talk to him?”

  I shake my head, “I’m sure it’ll be easier to find somewhere else to live.”

  Oyster chuckles and I glance over my shoulder, searching for Firebird. Wondering how long it takes to fetch a couple of beers, but when I check the bar, she has disappeared.

  “Day called her out.”

  I turn back to Oyster. “he did?”

  Oyster nods, “it can’t be that easy to find somewhere to live if you mentioned it to TJ.”

  I shrug. “I needed time off to view a couple of apartments. That’s how he found out. Otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it to him.”

  “And how did that go?”

  “They weren’t suitable.”

  “There’s a spare room at Ma Keys you can rent.”

  My heart skids against my ribcage as I draw in a large deep breath. “Your mother’s.” Oyster nods. Shit, it’s bad enough running into him ei
ther here or at Sugar and Spice. But at his mother’s. “I’m looking for something more private.”

  “Ma won’t bother you. It’s on the top floor. Has its own bathroom. Besides, she could do with the money. We can take a ride over if you want. Check it out.”

  My head pounds, and the air whistles through my ears as my hands turn clammy. It was one thing to daydream about Oyster, but to be up close to him as I ride pillion on his bike, has me wetting my panties. “Shouldn’t you ask her first?”

  Oyster rises from his seat, pulling out his bike keys from his jean pocket. His smile turns my knees to water as I remain in my seat. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Oyster turns and strolls towards the door. I glance at the books on the table and scan the room. Firebird is nowhere to be seen. With one last look at Oyster’s retreating back, I pick up my cell from the table and text Firebird.

  The ride to Ma Key’s is as tempestuous as I thought it would be. Refusing to hold on to Oyster’s waist, I gripped the bar under the seat, keeping my gaze on his back. He’s a River Demon. I already have enough demons I’m hiding from, and I don’t plan to add any more to the bundle.

  “Well. What to do you think?”

  I blink as Oyster’s voice brings me out of my dreams and glance around the room. Shit. I run an escort agency with TJ. I’ve met a few of his clients. But as I stand in Ma Key’s attic, I have never been more aware of a man than I am of Oyster and the raw sexual appeal as I am now. I draw my gaze away from the biker, and the gleam in his eyes as I scan the attic. The room, as he calls it, is the full length of the house. There is plenty of light. The walls are painted a pale yellow. At the top of the stairs, there is a door which closes the attic off from the rest of the house. There is a large flat screen television hanging on the wall and a sofa with a green crochet comforter thrown over the back. The bed is further down the room and I lick my lips as an image of Oyster and me on the bed. Our bodies twisting as we pant. Sweat drips down my spine, taunts me, and when Oyster chuckles, I pull my gaze away from the bed.


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