Extreme Heat Warning: A Shallow End Gals Trilogy, Book Two
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William was stunned. Devon cracked up at the look on his face. “Oh get over it. You just saved one million dollars.”
William whispered, “Was this the plan all along?”
Devon smiled, “Of course you fool. Why keep them?”
The bartender brought William his scotch and took their food order. After a moment William asked, “What about your guy?” William noticed a brief look of annoyance on Devon’s face.
Devon answered, “I haven’t heard anything on that yet.”
After their food came William looked at Devon and said, “I have a small favor to ask of you.” Devon kept chewing and just raised an eyebrow. William continued, “It seems one of my little friends from a couple of months ago wants to negotiate a settlement. More his parents, I should think. I certainly don’t want a child molestation charge right now.” Devon just kept chewing. “I want this to go away.” William snapped his napkin open and laid it on his lap as he made his announcement.
Devon swallowed and asked. “Permanent go away? Or financial go away?” Then he took another bite of food as he looked at William’s face. Weakness, that’s what he saw, weakness. He knew William found killing distasteful, and he loved forcing him into it. As sick as it was, William was the closest thing Devon had to a friend, and he was still useful.
William sputtered, “Oh God No! Financial go away, of course. Jesus D….” he had almost said Devon’s last name. Rule #1. Don’t.
Devon asked, “How financial can this get?”
William thought a moment and said, “Well, you just said I saved a mil, make it a mil?”
Devon thought a moment and said, “Why don’t we give the kid half, and I keep half for a retainer. You need to get me five mil for that,” as he pointed to the TV.
“Five million dollars? Are you crazy?” William hissed. He was sick of Devon’s greed.
Devon wiped his chin and said, “The cost of freedom, you know?” He got up, patted William on the shoulder, and said, “Get that family’s contact info to me in the morning, and I’ll get this done. Wire the money to my account today. All of it.” And he left.
William started eating again. Devon wasn’t even gentleman enough to wait until they were both finished before he left. And he stiffed him for the whole tab. The TV anchor was still talking about the sniper and the belief Patterson and Devon had escaped seven months ago. They were running pictures of them. With Devon’s new face and William thirty pounds lighter with some facial hair, it didn’t even look like them. The bartender startled William when he asked, “Would you like another scotch Mr. J?” He was still getting used to people calling him by his alias, Bernard Jacobs. William watched the people out on the sidewalk. He also had an eye on a handsome young man who was sitting at the bar.
“Yes, I think that would be nice, Scotty. Get one for my new friend at the bar too.” William had noticed the nice looking young man looking his way and lifted his glass as a “Hello.”
We were on some hillside looking at shapes the clouds were making. Ellen had told us to entertain ourselves until she finished with some sniper thing. That didn’t sound good to me.
Ellen showed up and stretched out on the grass with us, “I have a dilemma.” We were all sitting up now looking at her. “Roger and Paul have prisoners at the FBI Center. These prisoners have thoughts that would help Roger figure out how this organization pulled off Devon and Patterson’s escapes. I don’t have mortal thoughts like you gals do. I am having trouble figuring out how we can get the information to Roger quickly enough. I think timing is becoming crucial. I could use a little mortal devious thinking here.” Everyone pointed to me! I knew I would come in handy.
I wanted to re-state the problem to make sure I understood it right. “Somehow Roger and Paul need to find out what is in these guys’ minds. Angel rules say Ellen can’t talk to Roger, and there isn’t any way to get Kim here fast.” I put my finger up in the air to signal I had an idea. “Mortals have these little baby phone thingy’s that someone can wear in their ear. What if you tell Kim everything these guys are thinking and she tells Roger, during the interrogations? Kind of like real- time- almost- mind-reading?”
Ellen sat up, “It is like letting Roger read their minds, but technically it is still going through Kim. Sneaky! I like it!” I was so proud I couldn’t quit smiling. “We need to get special permission from Granny to go that way.” Ellen stood and said “Be right back”. She was hardly gone a minute and then she was back. “It’s a go! What we need to do now is prep Kim and Roger. Well, do you feel ready for this?”
Teresa said, “We’re ready!” A sniper dude? I am so not ready.
Idea. I offered to go see Kim and make sure she was available and explain what we wanted to do. Ellen said, “Look at the underside of your watch.” We all flipped our watches to peek at the undersides. “Do you see that thing that looks like a clasp bar?” We were all nodding. If you slide that to the left, you automatically record mortal thoughts. Everything Kim is hearing will be recorded. Thoughts are going to come at her fast, and we want to actually ‘catch’ them. This will work for all of you.”
Ellen looked at Mary and Linda, “I need you guys to go to the cell where they are holding Daniel Warren. He was the Devon imposter. Record his thoughts.” Note to self, much rather visit Kim than go to a prison cell. “When you get there, slide that bar on your watches, and we won’t have to worry about missing anything. Teresa, why don’t you get a head start with the sniper. Use the bar on your watch, and I will join you when I’m done with Roger.”
Teresa said, “Okay,” but she looked at us like Yikes. I don’t think Teresa realizes it yet, but she is definitely our Ninja Angel. Ellen didn’t pick her by mistake to be the one listening to the sniper.
Kim was putting on makeup and had her nose about six inches away from her makeup mirror. I wanted to try something, but I had to wait until she finished putting on her eyeliner. As soon as she started with her lipstick I got inside her mirror and said, “Hi!” Kim screamed and her top row of teeth were now colored ‘baby pink’. Oops! That didn’t go as planned.
Kim screamed, “Get out of there! What’s wrong with you?” I hear that question often enough I should know the answer.
I hopped over to the edge of her bed, and petted her cat Johnny while she finished at her dressing table. Kim looked at me, “I could have poked an eye out!”
I showed the appropriate amount of shock on my face and said, “I waited until you started your lipstick on purpose, so that wouldn’t happen.”
She was frowning at me, “When did you learn to do that kind of stuff? Just show up inside of things?”
I thought about it, “I don’t know. This was the first time I tried it. Pretty cool, huh?”
Kim was shaking her head, “I suppose now I am going to have to look at everything I touch.”
I had a funny thought, “Yeah, you better look at that Twinkie before you take a bite!”
Kim turned around fast and pointed her finger at me, “Stay out of the food!” Then we both started laughing.
I told her what we were trying to do with Roger. Kim looked thoughtful, “I think I better call work and tell them I might be a little late. It’s too bad you have to go through me and can’t just let Roger listen to their thoughts directly. I don’t mind helping, I just hope I don’t translate something wrong.” I agreed that would be easier, and I showed her the slide bar on the watch that would catch the thoughts too.
Kim and I made her bed up with fresh sheets and fed the cats while we waited for Ellen to contact us. Kim said, “I can’t imagine how hard this would be if I couldn’t still see and hear you.”
I looked at her and said, “I think that all of the time. It has been a long time since my last visit. How are you adjusting?”
Kim looked at me, her chin quivering. “Some days not so good Mom, but it is getting a little better.” I gave her a big hug, and we turned on the TV to some comedy show. My answer to everything was humor.
> Ellen was at the FBI Center and had transformed herself back into a black cat. She was sitting in the middle of the wide marble floored hall refusing to budge. People walked around her, and she knew eventually the word would get to Roger that his cat was looking for him. Some people stopped, patted her head, and said, “Nice kitty.” She hated that.
Paul and Roger turned a corner when they saw Ellen. Paul asked, “Does this bring back memories or what? Look who wants you,” and pointed.
“I might need you there too.” They got near Ellen, and she turned and walked them into Roger’s office.
Paul whispered, “I feel like I am being led to the principal’s office.” Ellen looked back at him.
When they were inside, Roger closed the door and Ellen jumped onto his desk and put her paw on his phone. “You want me to call Kim?” Roger asked, and Ellen winked at him.
Paul pushed his chin forward in his nervous twitch, leaned back in his chair, and said, “And here we go.”
Roger dialed Kim, and she picked up on the first ring. “Hi there! You are going to love this! Ellen has a plan.”
Roger looked at Ellen, “Ellen has a plan, huh?”
Kim said, “Yes, and I think Paul should hear too.” Roger told her to wait a minute, while he put the phone on speaker. He did, and Kim continued. “Ellen says she can read the minds of your imposter and your sniper and relay what they are thinking to me. Then through an earpiece, I can tell you what Ellen says they are thinking, while you are doing the interrogations. I guess it would be like tele-mind-reading.”
Roger looked at Paul, “You think we can actually do this? I would be hearing what they are thinking?”
Kim said, “Ellen says yes! Isn’t that cool? But I have been thinking, wouldn’t their thoughts change your questions? Wouldn’t other people listening wonder why you were asking certain questions? This could get tricky for you.”
Paul said to Roger, “You and I could go in the room together. I would be your witness to the interview, and we could do it in a secured room with no recording devises.”
Roger looked at Paul, “I think it would raise too many questions if we asked for a secure room. I almost got into trouble with Thor over this sniper thing already. I think we should just wing it normal, and pray I don’t mess up. I know Thor will want to listen in. If I do say something questionable, you’ll just have to cover me.” Paul nodded.
Kim said, “Ellen is transmitting the thoughts of these guys already to some watch Mom is wearing, and Mom says the sniper guy is planning on suicide by cop as one option. He thinks he’s dead now anyway.” Roger and Paul looked at each other. This was going to be really tricky.
Paul asked, “How do we get this special earpiece hooked up to you?” He no sooner said it than an earpiece appeared in front of Roger. “Okay, earpiece done.” Paul was shaking his head.
Kim said, “In addition to what you hear, somehow I am going to transmit every single word this guy thinks to you, according to Mom, so you will have it for a reference later. How should I get it to you?” Roger and Paul looked at each other and shrugged. Ellen was tapping the computer.
Roger said, “I guess Ellen plans on sending that to my computer. It sounds like I need to do the sniper interview pretty soon?”
Kim answered, “Yes, and Ellen is thinking the sniper knows a lot more than the other one. Can we test that earpiece before you hang up?”
Roger put the earpiece in and asked Kim if she could hear him. “Yes. Loud and clear. Can you hear me?”
Roger answered yes and looked at Ellen, “Should we do this now?” Ellen winked. Roger said, “I guess we’re going in Kim.”
Roger looked at Paul. “I think I am going to stop at Thor’s office first and tell him I am going to use a behavioral specialist for assistance during the interview, to explain this,” he was pointing to the earpiece.
Paul said, “Good idea. Should we go in without weapons?”
Roger said, “Why don’t you keep your gun and just sit at the far side of the room. We may need it.”
Ellen went to the interview to be with Teresa. The sniper in the interrogation room was handcuffed and had a vest on that was chained to a large metal ring on the wall. There was maybe five feet of chain from the wall to where he was sitting. He looked a little like Paul, kind of a young Robert Redford look to him. He was extremely muscular with a very intent look on his face and a military posture. Roger looked through the small window in the door. The agent inside the room guarding him was armed and only standing about four feet from him. Way too close. Roger didn’t want him to move closer to the sniper when they came in. Roger asked the guard outside the door, “Is there a speaker that goes to this room?”
The guard told him, “Yes.” It was in the adjacent room. Paul went into that room, activated the speaker, told the guard inside the room to move as far as possible from the suspect and then to leave. Roger saw the prisoner’s mouth twitch and a hint of disappointment on his face when the guard moved away. They had probably arrived just in time.
Roger and Paul went in, and Paul sat as far from the table as he could. He was armed, but Roger wasn’t. Even chained, they knew this guy was trouble. They had run his prints through the military data base and obtained a name of Mark Mills. Roger had a file on his lap, but left it unopened as he laid it on the table. Roger started, “So tell me Mark, how does a decorated marine end up an assassin?”
Mark Mills looked Roger over and thought, It’s the money stupid, but he said, “I want an attorney.”
Roger said “You’re not getting an attorney. You were pointing a rifle at federal agents. This is probably linked to terrorists. I think you may be the next visitor at GITMO. What do you think, Paul?” Paul was nodding his head.
Mills: No attorney…doesn’t matter…I’m dead now no matter what.
Roger said, “Not necessarily.”
Mills looked at him, “What?”
Roger said, “You’re not necessarily dead now anyway. If you give us information, we can protect you.”
Mills: It will take more than the FBI to protect me from Mathew.
Roger decided to let that go. “We know you did the assassination on Patterson’s double, and we also know the communications of the FBI was compromised.”
Mills was laughing on the inside. Damn right FBI communications were compromised. Jason has the whole system compromised. You assholes will never catch Jason. He is too good! His computer programs can bring down the Pentagon if he wants to. Mills said, “I don’t know anything about that.”
Roger looked at him, “How do you see this ending Mark? We just send you to some prison where you are killed by your friends? Or you escape, and try to hide from your friends?”
Mark Mills looked at Roger, I know how it ends for me. There isn’t a damn thing anyone can do.
Roger said, looking at Paul, “Don’t we have some information about Mathew and Jason in here?”
Mills looked like he had been shot with a stun gun! How do they know about Mathew and Jason? If they really know, the whole thing could come down. Maybe I can get out of this. That explains how they knew I would be here. Mark Mills laughed, “You’ll never get Mathew. He’s too smart, and you’re bluffing.”
Roger leaned toward Mark, “Am I?” Paul was busy taking notes of the conversation and outlining the phrases he thought they would have to “Explain”. This was a big one, who the hell were Mathew and Jason?
Roger said, “I have you. I’m guessing that you should have called Mathew by now to tell him the job was done or had to be compromised. Correct?” Mills didn’t say anything. Roger continued, “I can have it all over the news that Daniel Webber in there was killed by a sniper. Take a minute to think about it Mark. You can help us finish up Mathew and Jason and the rest of them. And you live. Your call.” Roger signaled to Paul, and they left the room.
Thor was waiting in the observation room. He met Roger and Paul in the hall. Roger quickly excused himself to make a phone call from his off
ice, and Paul stayed to talk to Thor. Roger thought he would get more information from Mark Mill’s thoughts by leaving the room for a while.
Thor asked, “Did you guys get some Intel I didn’t get? Who the hell are Jason and Mathew?”
Paul was expecting Thor to have that question, “I know Roger has been getting calls all morning, you know, this new designation of his. A lot of people are contacting him that I don’t know. I guess he will catch us up when he gets a minute.”
Paul shrugged and Thor said, “Sounds like he hit a ball though. That guy is thinkin’ about turning. I bet you.” Paul laughed to himself. Any lie would make more sense than the truth of how they got the names Jason and Mathew.
Roger was in his office, and Kim was still sending him Mark Mill’s thoughts. Roger was taking notes. So far he had learned Jason was in Virginia somewhere, and Jason had once worked for the CIA. Mathew’s last name was Core, and he was the leader. Mark was afraid of him and his teammates. Mathew was very careful, and Mark didn’t think they could catch him. Mark knew a phone number to reach Jason and had a burn cell for Mathew. The number would expire later today. Jason was also in charge of moving the money, somehow. Mark was trying to think of a story for Mathew that might work. He was considering flipping to the FBI.
Roger was wildly writing down everything Kim was telling him. He needed this information now, and he didn’t want to wait for it to appear on his computer. Kim said Ellen got a visual of where Mathew might be from Mark Mill’s memories and was going to check it out. Roger shook his head, this is amazing. Kim told Roger she was exhausted from talking so fast. He told her he was exhausted from listening and taking notes. Kim took a breath and mentioned that surely they could plan better dates in the future. Roger laughed as he hurriedly kept writing.