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Page 18

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Of course I am. I’m just going to teach you here, now,” she answered.

  Seth looked around the deck, seeing only three chairs at the very small table. Carolena followed his eyes, “We are going to have our lessons inside at the kitchen table. And my husband will make us benches, so we can have our lessons out here when the weather is nice,” she explained.

  “Inside? Really? We get to go inside?” Serena excitedly asked, already running full speed for the front door. She burst inside the house with Carolena and Seth on her heels. Carolena paused at the door, “Simon, won’t you please come in? Come see where your kids will be so that you’ll know they are safe while in my care.”

  “Thank you, Miss Carolena. Well, Mrs., I guess it is now,” he said respectfully.

  After the kids, Simon, and Carolena went inside, Enthrall and Destroy were left on the deck with Carnage. Destroy looked at Carnage, “Husband?”

  Carnage smiled back proudly, all his teeth on full display, his eyes sparkling with happiness. He pointed his thumb at himself, “Hsshbnn.” Then he pointed at the door that Carolena and her guests had disappeared through, “Miiinnne.”

  Destroy thought about further irritating his fellow Goyle, but decided that Carolena was having such a nice morning, obviously very happy showing off her home, and very calmly referring to Carnage as her husband, that he would not ruin her day. She was truly his friend. And regardless of what anybody else thought of him he would not hurt her, or upset her. So instead he just said, “I am aware.” He walked over to the door, pulling it open and calling inside, “May I enter, Carolena?”

  To which she responded, “Of course, come on in!”

  Enthrall looked at Carnage and rubbing his chin said, “You know, while irritating, he is not completely wrong. We could install a bell at the gate, with a rope at the bottom of the stairs that will ring the bell up top to announce someone’s arrival. We could also alter the stairs. Install a pulley system at the middle landing, that would allow the bottom half to be raised off the ground and lowered as desired. If we put a wheel at the top with a counter weight, it could be easily raised and lowered by Carolena, herself, if she so desired.”

  Carnage thought about what Enthrall said and after a few moments of consideration agreed. “‘Es,” he said, nodding his head and walking through the gate to look at the landing and decide the best way to make the changes. He stopped at the gate, patting the post the gate was mounted to, and looking to Enthrall, his eyebrow raised in question.

  “Yes, that’s a good place for the bell. Let’s figure out all we’ll need, and what we don’t have here, I’ll make a trip into town for later in the week.”

  Chapter 20

  Abraham boarded the train headed south; his extremely poor temper apparent to all he encountered. He’d fired the private investigator he’d hired, and true to his word, was on his way to find his only daughter himself. He’d repeatedly found during the course of his life, if he wanted something done, and he wanted it done right, he had to do it himself. Very few held themselves to the standards that he did, and their results were usually just barely passable at best. He sat back in his seat, irritation suffusing his face again. His daughter was again causing him an inconvenience. He’d hired her caregivers and tutors in her youth to provide her with the best of everything, just as he’d promised. And he’d hired women for these positions since her mother was gone, thinking the female influence something she’d need. But perhaps he should have stayed a little more abreast of what she was taught. She had her head filled with fantasies, legends, false impressions of what a woman should be, could do. A good woman knew her place, and all thoughts of adventure were left where they belonged — with the men of the world. When he found her, and make no mistake, he would find her, he was bringing her back and marrying her off to the first capable man he found. He was done. His responsibility to his dear dead wife finished. The girl was grown. He no longer needed to see to her welfare, keep her in line. Let her husband, whoever the man happened to be, see to that. He wanted nothing further to do with her, his duty finished once he rescued her from whatever trouble she’d managed to submerge herself into this time.

  He sat back, looking out of the window, waiting for departure. There was a nagging little voice at the back of his head. Wondering why the men he’d hired to keep an eye on her had not responded to his attempts to contact them. He’d paid them handsomely. He’d expected them to keep an eye on her. Protect her while she “oversaw” his investments. He knew full well that this trip was her attempt to prove that she was capable of making her own decisions, making her own way. He sneered, obviously she was wrong, because here he was disrupting his life to find her and force her to begin her own as any respectable woman should — as the quiet, demure, serving wife of the man her father chose for her.


  Carolena sat on the bench her husband built for her, her feet up on the railing as she sipped her tea and enjoyed the early morning birds chirping around her. She smiled, her husband, her Carnage. She loved her Goyle, loved her home, loved her life. She had good friends, she had love. She was happy. In the weeks since they’d moved into their new home, she’d been approached by two other families asking if she would teach their children, too. Of course, she’d said yes. So now, she had a job that enabled her to contribute to her new community as well. Carnage had built her several benches on the front deck, and it was there that she taught her kids. Seth, Serena, and now Deaumanique' and Anton. She wasn’t sure what Deaumanique' was. She was a pretty little girl, delicate looking with dark hair and black eyes fringed with long thick lashes. Unless she was angry or particularly challenged, then those black pupils would turn blood red in their centers, and her skin would flush with a reddish hue.

  The other child, Anton, was very laid back. He was a very self-assured little boy with a great sense of humor. He was always smiling, joking, and found humor in almost everything. He was not the slightest bit put out by Seth, Serena or Deaumanique'. She would almost have thought him human, except for the way he was not at all intimidated by the others. The only clue she had to his nature was that when his father dropped him off on his first day, he told him firmly in the thick Cajun accent they both spoke in, “Anton, we don’t be bitin’, no! You understand Papa’?”

  Anton had dutifully nodded his head, “Ya, Papa’. I understand. No bitin’.”

  “If you do,” Anton’s Papa had gone on to say, “you won’t be coming back. And Mrs. Carolena’s husband, he’s gonna hurt you bad, yeah.”

  Anton had looked from his papa to Carnage, who raised an eyebrow at him, and back again to his papa. “I won’t be bitin’ here, Papa’. Promise,” he’d declared as he raised his little hand to cross his heart.

  Assured that his son wouldn’t bite anyone, “Okay, ‘den, enjoy your schooling, boy. I’ll be back ‘dis afternoon to collect you. Don’t you come on your own, no.”

  Anton was already running to join the other kids as he called over his shoulder, “I won’t, Papa’.”

  She still wondered at his origins; what could he be that his father felt the need to warn him not to bite?

  Carnage came out onto the deck to join her on her bench. He sat quietly behind her, nuzzling her neck just behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

  “I love when you do that,” she said to him.

  He hummed at her and did it again. They’d had a late night of lovemaking and were both well and truly sated. Still enjoying the afterglow of their passionate loving this morning. Since their first night in their new home, they’d spent each night and every available moment wrapped in each other’s arms. They were both very happy, exactly where they wanted to be. Their lives had taken on an easy predictability that suited them both just fine. Each evening after dinner, it was only a matter of time until Destroy showed up, ringing the bell they’d installed to announce company down below incessantly, until finally Carnage could take it no more and stomped over to the side of the deck wher
e the stairs were located to snarl down, “Coooommmmmmme!” Destroy would flap his leathery wings and bring himself aloft to drop heavily down on their deck. “Carolena! I am here,” he’d call out, “let the reading commence.”

  And she would, she’d settle wherever she felt like that evening, with Carnage next to her at her feet looking up at her lovingly, and Destroy sitting near enough to make Carnage uncomfortable, but not near enough to actually set him off. Occasionally Enthrall would join them, but sometimes not.

  It was the same book, ‘La Belle et la Bete.’ She’d read the entire story twice. But yet, all three males seemed to never tire of it. She believed that it was because they saw themselves in the role of the beast, unworthy of love, yet craving it, needing it so, the only thing that would set them free. She honestly believed that Enthrall and Destroy both craved a “beauty” of their own. Carnage had made his opinion of the book perfectly clear. The first time she’d finished it, saying the end. He’d taken it reverently from her hands, running his huge fingers over the gilt cover. He’d pointed to the girl on the cover and then to Carolena. Then pointed to the beast embossed there and then himself.

  She’d smiled and taken his face in her hands, kissing him gently. “You think we are beauty and the beast?”

  He’d smiled at her and nodded.

  “Well, then, I’m truly lucky. You are the most beautiful beast, my Carnage.” She’d kissed him then, whispering of loving him.

  Destroy stood, “Must you go on like this? It’s a perfectly good story, and you ruin the ending with all this emotion!” he grumbled as he stood, spreading his wings and taking to the air. Only a moment passed before his voice could be heard just above them, “I shall return tomorrow, that we may start again,” he said haughtily. Then in a more sincere voice, “Thank you, Carolena.”

  This morning, though, it was Enthrall who joined them unexpectedly. But instead of dropping in unannounced, he politely rang the bell and waited for an invitation to come up.

  Carolena started to rise to see who rang the bell, but Carnage tightened his arms and said, “Trraawl.”

  So she settled back against Carnage and called out, “Come up, Enthrall! Join us!”

  A moment later and he was standing in front of them, his hands holding new slate boards and chalk for the additional children that Carolena had taken on, his face troubled. “Good morn’, Carolena, Carnage.”

  “Morning, Enthrall,” she said, rising to her feet to take the boards from him, “Are you okay? You seem upset.”

  Enthrall ran his hand through his hair and looked from one to the other of them. “No. I’m not okay. I’ve just come from town. Carolena, you have to go.”

  Silence answered his declaration, but as soon as his words sank in, Carnage jumped to his feet, standing chest-to-chest with Enthrall.

  Enthrall gave him no time to posture; he stepped back and around Carnage. “There is word in town of a man, a human man, who says that if you do not make yourself known, he will burn the entire swamp to the ground to find you.”

  Carolena listened to Enthrall with her heart in her throat, her mind whirling, “Oh my God, my father. It must be. Why? Why would he even threaten that? Can anyone do that?” she asked, nearing panic.

  “It is said that he bought the rights to all the land from the town to the water. It’s thousands of acres, Carolena, but he bought it. Said that whoever was hiding his daughter would be the cause of the destruction. Return her to him now, or he’d forever change the land as we know it. And if that didn’t produce you, he’d systematically begin burning the town.”

  Carnage was in a fury, snarling, rumbling, his fangs on full display, his fists clenching and unclinching. “Nooooo, goooo,” he said.

  Carolena made the few steps to Carnage, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I’m not leaving you, Carnage. Calm, it’ll be okay.”

  She turned back to Enthrall, “Surely something can be done. I’ll go speak to him. I’ll take care of it — I don’t want to leave.” Her eyes filled with tears, and her voice hitched, “This is my home. I don’t want to go.”

  “Carolena, he’s not alone. He’s got another man with him. He’s claiming he’s your betrothed.”

  Carolena’s mouth fell open — she was stunned, “I don’t have a betrothed. I’m already given. I’m Carnage’s. And he’s mine.” She was clearly flustered.

  “I know, but short of killing them and everyone in town to keep them from looking for them, I don’t know what else to do. You’re going to have to go. You have to make them believe that you’ve survived on your own somehow. We can’t have them coming in here looking for you. We can’t have them destroy our home, Carolena. If it means you must go in order to save each of us, then you must go,” Enthrall told her, pain evident in his voice.

  Carnage darted forward, grabbed Enthrall, and threw him over the railing, roaring his rage non-stop.

  Carolena, in a daze, peered over the edge, seeing Enthrall safely standing on the ground, looking back up at her. “As soon as he arrived in town this morning, he told everyone in the store, and he’s posted it around for all to see. If you’re not found and brought to him before Wednesday, he’ll start burning the swamps. He’s even offered a cash reward for your return. There will be humans wandering the swamp looking for you.”

  “No!” she almost begged, “They can’t come here! They’ll find us. They’ll find out about us.”

  “Exactly,” Enthrall answered.

  “But, won’t they be afraid? Won’t your glammour keep them away?” she asked.

  “Most, hopefully. But it will do nothing against the fire he threatens,” Enthrall said sadly.

  The constant roar and rage of Carnage as he stomped back and forth across their deck drew Enthrall’s attention. He hated this. He hated hurting Carolena and Carnage. But he couldn’t think of anything else to do. He’d have just killed the man and been done with it, but it was too late. He’d involved the entire town, offered rewards if she was found, and threats to burn their town to the ground if his daughter wasn’t delivered to him. If he was killed now, too many would look for him. The only thing he could think of was to return Carolena to her father. He explained just this to Carolena, having to raise his voice louder and louder to be heard over Carnage’s fury. Finally, there was nothing left to say.

  “Talk to Carnage, Carolena. Make him understand,” Enthrall told her.

  When Carolena said nothing, just continued peering down at him, he said, “Think about it; make a decision. Let me know what you decide. I’ll let the children know there will be no school for a while.” Enthrall turned to walk away, but stopped, looking back at her. “I’m sorry, Carolena. I’m so sorry. I don’t want you to leave, either. But I’ve got to put my people first. There are far too many of us to relocate quickly. If he makes good on his threats, many would be left exposed. Humans would make sport of killing those that are unable to protect themselves properly. I’d kill as many aggressors as I could, as would most of our warrior class males, but we would lose innocent lives. And when the news spread of what the humans found living just outside of their town, swamps and forests all over the world would be burned, supernaturals the world over sought out and murdered, or at the very least, hunted without end. We cannot allow that, Carolena.”

  Carolena said nothing, just watched as he turned and walked away, but she knew in her bones he was absolutely right. She would have to give up her happiness, her life, her new family, in order to ensure the safety of the same.

  Chapter 21

  The next day found Carolena standing in front of Enthrall’s home. Carnage was with her, and she was flanked by the families of the children she’d become teacher, friend and mentor to.

  She’d spent the night before and most of the morning trying to make Carnage understand that she had to go in order to protect him, Enthrall and all their people. Enthrall had been right — no human should have ever been allowed here. At least not one with ties still in the human world. She honestly
didn’t believe that her father would care if she went missing or not. He’d never been interested in her or anything she did as long as she left him alone. Yet here he was, threatening to destroy all she loved and held dear if she didn’t come back to him. She couldn’t let that happen. She looked around at the innocent beings surrounding her. Thought of those in other places, that she’d never meet, who had no idea that her decision today may hold sway over their very future existence. So she had to go. Carnage had his arms around her, his front plastered to her back. She’d given him strict instructions that he was to behave himself. He could not destroy anything or hurt anyone, and he was to keep their home nice and neat, because she’d be back. One way or another, she’d find a way back to him that would leave no one looking for her or threatening her people or their community again. He was nearly uncontrollable, but when she told him that if he broke his promise, she’d never come back, he sobered immediately, and begrudgingly nodded his agreement.

  So now they stood, everyone but her, quiet, listening to her words as she told Enthrall that she’d go to her father. That she’d walk away from those she loved in order to save them. Carolena stepped away from Carnage to move closer to the porch where Enthrall stood at the base of his steps. Destroy stood nearby, his face a growing mask of anger, watching it all develop. He stalked over to Carnage, snarling at him. “You’re just letting her leave?”

  Carnage yanked his eyes from his woman and glared at Destroy, giving his own head one sharp shake to indicate no.

  “Well, I don’t see you doing a damn thing to stop her! You’re just letting her leave us! What kind of male are you?!” he shouted at Carnage.

  Enthrall, hearing Destroy’s outburst, and seeing Carnage struggling not to lose control as per the instruction of his Carolena, got between them, fast, leaving Carolena standing some feet away nearer his home.


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