Book Read Free

Slap Shot

Page 5

by Rhonda Laurel

  Alex was coming down the stairs just as Derek was disconnecting from voicemail. “Sorry about the wait. It’s always hard getting those two to bed when you’re here.”

  He chuckled. “It’s too much fun keeping them awake. That’s why I stayed downstairs.”

  “Did you get ahold of Theo?”

  “Bad connection. I did manage to get a ‘Hey bro, all is well.’ I guess that’s enough to put Mom and Dad at ease.”

  “Probably not. They still demand that Sienna calls them daily.” Alex went over to the liquor cabinet and poured them both a drink. “So what else is going on in the world of my little brother?”

  “I’m having some work done on the bar. My decorator is the one in the photo that was fighting with Phoebe.” Derek went on his phone’s browser and pulled up the picture.

  Alex whistled. “She’s very pretty. Poor woman got caught in one of your lover’s quarrels.”

  “She’s no stranger to controversy. She used to date Brayer. She has a thing for football players.”

  “But not hockey?”

  “It never came up.”

  “But you want to know if you can make her a hockey fan?” Alex grinned.

  “No! By all accounts I should be running as fast as I can from this woman. Trouble follows her. We’ve known each other for a week, and my whole world has been turned upside down.”

  “Maybe, but I know that look. The last time you had it, the Pirates won the Stanley Cup.”

  “There’s something about her…” Sure, he was definitely attracted to her beauty. Any red-blooded man would have been, but that was only part of it. The energy between them had been palpable. He could feel it when they’d been sitting together in the kitchen.

  “And you’d like to put your finger on it?”

  “She’s apparently immune. I did some shameless flirting right after I put Phoebe in a cab. Not my best moment, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  “You couldn’t?” Alex laughed. “You’re getting worse as you get older. You need to settle down quick.”

  “Well, we don’t all get to meet the love of our lives in college and have a wonderful life and beautiful children. That’s a rarity.”

  “I did have it all for a minute.” Alex sighed.

  Derek rubbed the back of his neck. “What I said before. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get you to forget about Rachel, because I know it’s not possible. She was a great woman. I loved her too. She was beautiful, intelligent, and a hell of a mother.”

  “I know what you meant.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  “I was thinking of taking the kids to see Mom and Dad. It’s been a while. So I thought it would be nice if we make a family reunion out of it. Sienna said she can clear her schedule, and I think Theo will try to make it if he’s not doing something that’s liable to get him killed. We could do it before the season starts.”

  “Sounds like a great idea,” Derek said.

  “What are you going to do about your interior designer dilemma?”

  Derek took a big gulp of his scotch. “Well, since I’ve been told by every person I know, including my publicist, that I shouldn’t go anywhere near her…”

  Alex stared at the ice swirling around in his glass for a moment. “So when are you going to ask her out?”

  “As soon as I get back to Philadelphia.”

  “That’s my boy.”

  They clinked glasses.

  * * *

  Charisma entered Reed Bradley Books armed with a comprehensive list of all the books on design, architecture, and business ethics Jared felt would be helpful in her training. She hadn’t been to the bookstore since Morgan moved to Texas, but as soon she opened the door, she could feel her cousin’s essence in the place. It was bustling with customers, the café was packed with people reading while sipping on their beverages, and there was some kind of workshop going on in the lecture room. She moved between the aisles, looking for Michelle. She was certain she could find the books on her own, but Jared claimed Michelle was some sort of bloodhound with books.

  She hoped Jared was right about Michelle being willing to help her. Charisma was on the road to repairing her relationship with her cousin, but she wasn’t so sure Morgan’s best friend was ready to forgive so easily. The last time they’d seen each other was at a party at her grandmother’s house. Michelle was cordial, but Charisma could tell she still had reservations.

  As she neared the backroom, the schedule of upcoming lectures on the chalkboard caught her eye. History of the Alamo lectured by Derek Popovich. Derek? That had to be a misprint. The hunky hockey player was also an amateur historian? She kept staring in disbelief until Michelle came up behind her and startled her.

  “Michelle.” She put her hand to her throat.

  “Charisma.” Michelle’s eyes widened. “If you’re coming to get a copy that newspaper that had your Fight Club pic in it, I’m afraid Morgan and I banned those from the store a long time ago.”

  Charisma handed her the list. “No, I’m not here for that. Jared recommended some books he thought I’d find useful. He’s grooming me for interior design.”

  “Oh. Sure.” Michelle scanned the piece of paper. “I think Jared owns every book we’ve ever sold on architecture and design. There’s a new one that just came in I thought he might like. You should probably get that one too.”


  Charisma followed Michelle around the store while she compiled the books, not knowing what to say. Finally she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

  “So, have you heard from Morgan?” She knew it sounded idiotic. Of course Michelle talked to Morgan.

  “I just got off the phone with her. She was putting Mackenzie down for a nap before the boys got home.” Michelle hesitated, then glanced at her. “So you’re going to be learning the ropes from Jared?”

  “Yes. I’m also looking to take some college courses as well. Jared says my apprenticeship can move at a pace I’m comfortable with while I help out with his projects. I’m helping him with the Slap Shot job.”

  “There’s nothing like on-the-job training. Especially when there’s a hot hockey player involved.” Michelle raised an eyebrow. “Will there be more misconstrued photos of you and Derek in the future?”

  “That was a horrible misunderstanding. I was there on business, and his girlfriend was there throwing a temper tantrum because he’d dumped her.”

  “He brought her by the store once. What a diva. She pranced around here with her nose in the air, being really loud so people would know the great aspiring actress Phoebe Palentz was in the store. I told her that unless she was auditioning for the part of bookseller, she needed to pipe down. Derek hustled her out of here quick. I don’t know what he saw in her.” Michelle laughed.

  Charisma couldn’t help but laugh too. “Well, she phoned in an even greater performance as the jilted lover. It was an awful wake-up to the way I used to behave.”

  “You were way worse. But I did like that time you poured the chocolate syrup all over Lamont’s Cadillac Escalade. He looked like he wanted to cry.”

  “He was a real button-pusher for me. I fell right into his trap with the fight the other day.”

  Michelle shrugged. “I’ve been prone to fits of immaturity on social media too. Women say raunchy things about Tyler all the time. I can take a lot, but I don’t let those cheating posts slide. There’s something in my DNA that compels me to respond.”

  “That’s the way I felt about Lamont’s remark to Derek. He referred to me like I was used Kleenex or something.”

  “No one ever accused Brayer of being a class act. Derek shut him up good.”

  “It shouldn’t have gone that far.” She sighed, and her gaze trailed over to the chalkboard again. She pointed at the lecture announcement. “What’s this about?”

  “Derek is my resident history buff. Buff being the operative word. He loves Texas history, particularly the Battle of the Alamo, and he hosts
discussions every now and again. Most of the attendees come for all the wrong reasons, but they buy anything Derek’s selling. He also is one of the contributors to our reader suggestion wall.”

  “He’s full of surprises,” she murmured.

  “As a matter of fact…” Michelle went over to a table and retrieved a book. “This is the latest book I got for him about the Alamo. You should check it out and come to the discussion.”

  “I think it’s best if we’re not seen in public together.”

  “I guess you’re right. Who wants to be connected to a gorgeous athlete with smoldering bedroom eyes, killer body, and a devilish smile?” Michelle quipped, her tone full of thorns. “That has to be a total burden.”

  “Thanks for the help with the books.” She headed toward the counter to pay for them.

  “Jared said to put them on his tab.”

  “Wow, that was nice of him.”

  “Most Reeds are.”

  She stopped in her tracks. “I have to admit it doesn’t come natural to me. For instance, there was a time when I would have responded in totally different way to that remark, but I understand you’re Morgan’s friend and you’ve witnessed some of my treachery firsthand.”

  “I don’t want to see anyone I care about hurt if you’re not sincere about turning over a new leaf. I have more of a reserved faith about your change of attitude.”

  Charisma glared at her. “How many leaves do I have to turn over?”

  “Let’s see. You’ve pulled a lot of crap in the past.” Michelle looked like she was calculating it in her mind. “Four. Four leaves.”

  She glanced over to the mythology section. “Why not the twelve labors of Hercules? Or maybe solving the global warming problem would do the trick?” Charisma bit back. Michelle wasn’t going to make this easy, but she knew she didn’t deserve an easy go of it.

  “Nah. You’d want to stop and moisturize and reapply your makeup while fighting off mythological creatures and would fail miserably,” Michelle replied.

  Charisma laughed. “Thank goodness. But I’m not as pampered as I used to be. I’m on a strict budget. I go to the beauty parlor once a month these days, and I’ve even had to buy some things off the rack.”

  “Wow, that’s torture for a fashionista like you. OK, you’re down to two leaves.” Michelle nodded, satisfied with her recalculation. “Are you using Derek for some kind of publicity? Because he’s a friend, and I’d hate to see him get hurt.”

  “No. I’m through with that life. I only want to decorate the Slap Shot so Jared can see how useful I can be to Reed Designs in the future. Don’t get me wrong, Derek’s a nice guy and—”

  “Hot. I could see him as a Hercules type.”

  “He thinks he is.” Charisma chuckled.

  Michelle paused, watching her closely. Then she seemed to make up her mind and said, “You should come to Derek’s lecture.”

  “I don’t know.” She bit her lip.

  “If you do, I’ll reduce my eye rolls by thirty percent and I’ll throw in an upbeat ‘Hey Charisma’ when you come into the bookstore.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Charisma went to the counter and the cashier bagged her books. That might have been the longest conversation she’d ever had with Michelle, even if it had been a little tense.

  “The discussion starts at two!” Michelle came out of the store and yelled after her.

  Charisma waved in acknowledgement but kept up her manic walk down the street. There was no way she would be stupid enough to be interested in yet another athlete. She had stopped at the corner, waiting for the crosswalk signal to flash go, when she looked up and saw a billboard of the Pirates with a picture of Derek on it. He was larger-than-life and stunning. She shook her head; the universe was mocking her.

  * * *

  When Derek returned home from his Portland trip only to find that Charisma had left the gifts he’d sent her with the front desk of his luxury apartment building, he got back into his car and drove over to Jared’s firm. She was scheduled to be at the bar on Tuesday, but he wanted the matter settled now. He’d never had such a difficult time getting a woman to see his point of view and he had no intention of the stubborn Ms. Reed setting the precedent.

  Derek parked his car, grabbed the packages from his backseat, and headed into the building. He could barely eke out a greeting before the receptionist went berserk.

  “Oh my gosh! You’re Derek Popovich! It’s so nice to meet you.” The receptionist sprang out of her chair. “I’m a big hockey fan. You’re my all-time favorite goalie. Two-time Stanley Cup winner and Conn Smythe Trophy recipient. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Well, thank you.” He glanced at the desk for her nameplate as he set the presents down on it. “Itza.”

  “The Pirates were totally robbed by that bad call in the playoffs. I’m sure you’ll get that Stanley Cup back next year.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Mr. Reed is in his office.” She clumsily grabbed the phone. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  “Actually, I—”

  It was too late. Itza’s hands flew over the phone keypad and a few seconds later Jared joined him at the front desk.

  “Derek.” Jared greeted him with a hug. “How was the trip? How’s Alex and the kids?”

  “Noah and Chloe have grown so much since the last time I saw them. Alex is still on the mend.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I can’t imagine how he’s managed all these months. I thought divorce was rough, but losing the love of your life so unexpectedly…” Jared sighed.

  “I think he just needs some more time.”

  Jared nodded. “Well, since we’re on for poker at Tyler’s on Thursday, I’m going to take a wild guess and say you’re not here to see me.”

  “Is Charisma around?” Derek held up the packages.

  Jared smiled. “She went to Reed Bradley to pick up a few books, but she should be back soon.”

  “Mind if I stick around until she gets back?”

  “Sure. We can hang out in my office.” Jared turned to the receptionist. “Itza, tell Charisma to come to my office when she returns.”

  Derek smiled at her. “Itza, would you mind placing these in Ms. Reed’s office?”

  “Sure thing!”

  Derek followed Jared to his office. “Have any tips on persuading your cousin to see my point of view?”

  “I wouldn’t try taking up the challenge of changing a Reed woman’s mind.”

  Derek grinned at Jared. Challenge accepted.

  * * *

  Charisma walked into the firm to find Itza more bubbly and excitable than usual. Whatever she was keyed up over must have been big, because everyone was gathered at the reception area listening to her like she was retelling some epic story.

  “What’s going on?” Charisma put her bag down.

  Itza beamed. “Derek Popovich is here!”

  Ah. That explained why all the women in the office had congregated for a group swoon. She hadn’t expected him to be back in town so quickly. It must have been a short reconciliation with Phoebe. She just knew pictures of them making out on a beach would conveniently surface on a gossip Web site in a few days. But here he was, back in Philadelphia, and for some reason he’d felt compelled to come to Reed Designs. She had better things to do than hang around to catch a glimpse of him. She picked up her bag and headed for her office.

  “Jared said he needed to see you in his office when you came back,” Itza yelled after her.

  Great. Now she had no choice but to see Derek. She put her things away, went to the restroom, and then headed to the break room and got a drink of water. Finally, she took the fateful walk down the hall and tapped on the open door of Jared’s office.

  Jared glanced over and smiled. “Charisma, you’re just in time. Derek was just singing your praises.”

  “About what? We haven’t really done anything yet.”

  Derek locked eyes with h
er. “I thought we tossed around some really good ideas at our last meeting.”

  “The only thing that got tossed around was me, like a rag doll, when you had pulled your psychotic girlfriend off me.” She glared at him—well, as much as she dared to scowl at one of her boss’s clients. “So what brings you by? I thought we had an appointment for next Tuesday?”

  “You returned my gifts. I want to know why.” He folded his arms over his chest.

  “I told you why I couldn’t accept anything from you. Don’t get me wrong. It’s totally your fault a ten thousand dollar purse got ruined, but I’ve moved on.”

  “So we’re at a stalemate on this.” He raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t surprise me. Jared tells me stubbornness is a trait with the women in your family.”

  Charisma plastered on a tight smile as she glanced at Jared. “I’ll be sure to tell Grandma what you said.”

  “You don’t have to mention that to her,” Jared said quickly.

  “I think I do.”

  “You do know you’re proving his point?” Derek bit back a smile when she put her hand on her hip. “Can we talk? Perhaps in your office?”

  She hesitated, then motioned for Derek to follow her down the hall to her office. Once there, she ushered him inside and closed the door. The gifts had returned and sat piled on her desk. Derek was at it again. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. She offered him a seat, but he opted to sit on the edge of her desk instead, so she stood. The man was maddening.

  “How’s Phoebe?” she asked sweetly. “Did she take you back?”

  “I wasn’t with Phoebe.” He gave her a quizzical look. “I went to Portland to visit my brother and his kids.”


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