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Slap Shot

Page 12

by Rhonda Laurel

  “She had a way about her that my mom didn’t,” Charisma said, struggling to keep her voice steady. “I would pretend I wanted to play with you, but I really wanted to come over and get some attention from her. She just listened and loved.”

  “So you hung around us, but you really wanted to spend time with my mom?” Morgan asked.

  Charisma closed her eyes. “Yes.”

  “I can live with that.” Morgan gave her a thoughtful look. “If we’d known that when we were kids, we could have saved ourselves a lifetime of fighting and mistrust.”

  “I love my mom, but she’s a fixer, always has been. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all her. She may have been responsible for some of the things that took place in my youth, but it would be a cop out if I blamed her for my actions as an adult. I just needed to reset my compass and figure out what feels right for me. Living with Grandma has taught me to respect people’s feelings again and to be OK if I didn’t get what I wanted all the time.”

  “Aunt Elizabeth would be proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions.” Isabelle teared up.

  Charisma turned to Morgan. “I hope you know when I did all those crazy things to you, in my mind I’d designated you as the antithesis of me, and I hated you for that. I hope Seth can forgive me too. I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable around me.”

  “He’s over it,” Morgan replied. “He’s just happy that you came to your senses about Lamont. You’re family and you’re putting in the effort.”

  “He’s a good man. And I’ll never forget how he stuck up for me that night.”

  “Derek is a good man too and he’s hot. Sizzling hot.” Isabelle waggled her eyebrows. “Too bad Lamont didn’t take Derek up on his offer to meet him at the stadium to duke it out.”

  “That would have been something.” Charisma laughed. “One more wacky entry in the Charisma files.”

  “How about we take a photo together and send it to Grandma?” Morgan suggested. “She’s getting pretty good at checking her messages on her smart phone.”

  Charisma snapped the picture of the three of them and sent it off. Ten minutes later, their grandmother sent a text reply.

  Charisma read the text. “‘Grandma loves her girls.’”

  “And now let’s post it on the family’s page,” Isabelle said.

  Charisma went online and posted the pic with the caption: Having a great time in Texas with my cousins. Getting reacquainted as adults. #ReedGirlsRock

  Later that night when she returned to Morgan’s guesthouse, she checked the timeline of her social media page. There were plenty of comments from family members. A few minutes later she saw that Derek had liked the photo too and commented. What do you know? I’m in Texas too. That sent the family into a tizzy with another wave of comments.

  Charisma crawled into bed, ready for a good night’s sleep when the phone rang. She looked at the screen and it was an unknown caller. Against her better judgment, she sat up and grabbed the phone, hoping it wasn’t someone with bad news. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby.”

  Charisma nearly dropped the phone. Her heart was pounding so hard her hands were shaking. “Lamont, what the hell do you want?”

  “Why are you in Texas with Popovich?” His speech sounded slurred, as if he’d been drinking too much. She remembered those days.

  “Who I see is none of your business.”

  “It is my business. You belong to me. If it wasn’t for Blake and your family, we’d still be together.”

  “You still don’t get it. Seth isn’t your enemy. And my family supported my decision when I finally mustered up the courage to leave you.”

  “If you come back to me, I’ll give you back your stuff. The condo is still empty, and your jewelry and clothes are still there. I’ll even give you an allowance. As much as you like. I could send you the key tomorrow.”

  “There was a time when that would have been music to my ears. But you can’t buy me. My worth isn’t tied up with the ostentatious bullshit you bought me during our time together. And I feel ashamed I ever thought it made me a better person.”

  “Now all of a sudden you have these high morals? Don’t expect no happily ever after. Popovich gets a new girlfriend every three months. It’s only a matter of time before he recycles you.”

  Charisma’s jaw ticked. “I think your plea would be more convincing if I didn’t hear some woman in the background.”

  “That’s a friend.”

  “I know. You had many ‘friends’ when you had away games. You’re drunk and your ego is bruised, and I’ve had enough. It must piss you off that I survived you. The idea that someone like Derek could want me after all your efforts to shame me and make me feel like some worthless thing must make you sick to your stomach.”

  “You think you’re better than me?”

  Now was the time to play her card. She wished she didn’t have to use it, but here went nothing. “Lamont, remember that night we were clubbing and you got high off that stuff your friend gave you? And then you wanted to go home and get super kinky and videotape it? I still have that video. If you don’t leave me alone, everyone on the planet is going to know about your bedroom proclivities. No more smart-ass comments on social media. No more attacks on Derek or anyone else I care about. And that’s for your safety. I don’t think you want to tussle with a man that has fighting in his unofficial job description. You barely survived when Seth kicked your ass.”

  “I told you to get rid of that video.”

  “You also told me to go to hell, but I’ve already met the devil,” she quipped.

  “All right. You’re going to regret this.”

  “The only thing I regret is not coming to my senses sooner. Good-bye, Lamont.” Charisma ended the call and scrolled through the app to block the number.

  She hated that he was right about one thing, though. Derek didn’t have a track record for staying in a relationship. She liked him, liked him a lot in fact, but it was delusional to think he’d commit to her when he’d never done it before. Charisma snuggled into the bed for the second time that night, but she knew wouldn’t be getting any sleep.


  The next day, Charisma checked her dining app for the best restaurant in the area. Jasmine was a chic five-star restaurant that boasted a unique mixture of Asian fusion with sophisticated Southern cuisine. It was no surprise to her that Derek knew the owner, celebrity chef Grady Sheffield. They didn’t have to wait for a reservation and were immediately shown to a table.

  “I thought things were dying down, but we made the news again,” Derek said as he perused his menu.

  “What now?”

  “Someone snapped our photo at one of the missions.”

  “I feel so good tonight I won’t ask if I was having a good hair day in the photo.”

  “You looked beautiful, as usual.”


  She tensed when Derek got an alert on his phone. Did he have a new woman in his life?

  He passed her the phone. “This is my brother Alex and his kids, Noah and Chloe.”

  “They’re so cute. Look at Chloe’s freckles.” She scrunched her nose.

  “I need your help. Chloe asked me to send her a purple sweater. Noah wants these new sneakers that are all the rage.” He held up his hands. “I have no idea where to start.”

  “I’d be happy to help.”

  He showed her another photo. “Here’s a picture of the whole family. Those are my parents, and that’s my sister, Sienna, and my brothers, Alex and Theo.”

  “Good looks run in the family. Are you the oldest?”

  “No, Alex is the oldest. Then me. Sienna is next, and Theo is the baby.”

  The waitress came to the table to take their order.

  “How about we start with a bottle of wine,” Derek suggested. “Do you have a preference?”

  “I’m a zinfandel girl.”

  He nodded and turned to the waitress. “Two bottles of your finest
zinfandel, and we’ll start with the sushi sampler appetizer.”

  The waitress scribbled on her order pad. “By the way, Mr. Popovich, Mr. Sheffield is here tonight. He said he’d swing by your table when he’s able to get away from the kitchen.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a tight smile.

  Charisma looked around the huge dining room. “This place is nice.”

  “Nicer than the Slap Shot?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She laughed. “Apples and oranges. Your place isn’t open to turn a profit. It’s more of a private club for the professional sports elite that serves good food. This place is obviously trying to make money.”

  “You know, I’ve been thinking of ways to increase profits at the Slap. My business manager is furious that I keep the place open, but I love it too much. It’s like a home away from home.”

  “Then you should keep it open as is. You’ve managed to give high profile people a safe haven to relax. Which makes your place even more special. I remember the first time I went, I was in awe of the place and the celebrity faces.”

  “Was your first time there with Lamont?”

  “No. A frenemy of mine was dating the center for the Philly Magic and wanted to show off. So I went because I was curious. You were there that night.”

  “I was?”

  “You were dating that socialite Bethany Sinclair at the time.”

  “Ah. Bethany and I were hot and heavy for about three months. She dated anyone who she thought would piss her father off.” He laughed. “She took me to this fancy party at their family’s compound one night and her father pulls me into the study for the talk. He tells me that no man prancing around on skates for a living was going to infiltrate his family and dilute their gene pool.”

  “Wow.” She sipped her wine. “And I thought I had some crazy things spewed at me. What did you do?”

  He leaned forward. “I did what any self-respecting man would do. I told him I was planning to propose to Bethany that weekend and there was nothing he could do to stop our undying love. Bethany and I pushed his buttons for weeks before we finally broke up.”

  “Well, I thought you two made a good-looking couple. She seemed so sophisticated and eloquent when they interviewed her at your games. I’d kill to know exactly what to say all the time as the paparazzi snaps the picture-perfect photo of me.”

  “Is image important to you?”

  “It has always been a bone of contention for me, but it magnified when I got together with Lamont. He had that manic celebrity lifestyle, and I wanted to be a part of it. Morgan tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen. Sometimes I feel like I still can’t get past some of the stunts I pulled. People don’t want to forget.”

  Derek reached across the table and caressed her hand. “When I look at you, I see the future, not the past.”

  “Thank you.”

  The waitress returned with their bottles of wine and sushi appetizer. She noticed Derek had that tight smile again. Someone was approaching the table.

  Derek stood and held out his hand for a shake instead of the hug the man was offering. “Grady, good to see you.”

  “Derek, so happy you could drop by my place,” Grady said.

  Charisma noticed Grady held on a bit longer.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Charisma. She’s a special friend.”

  “So nice to meet you.” Grady kissed her on both cheeks while giving her a sly onceover before returning his attention to Derek. “Why are you drinking zinfandel? I thought you were a scotch man. I have your favorite brand in stock.”

  “It was the lady’s choice. I like the selection.”

  “I can’t believe I finally have you in my culinary clutches. I thought I’d never see you again after that wild party in Belize.”

  Derek shrugged. “Charisma was hungry and heard so many good things about your place, I couldn’t deny her.”

  “How long are you in Texas?”

  “Just a few days.”

  “That’s just like you, Derek. You like to slide in and out before anyone can catch you.”

  Charisma took a big gulp of her wine and looked at the wall. One of Grady’s friends, Elliot, came over because he recognized Derek. He asked if they could all take a photo together. Charisma got up and offered to snap the picture. Grady immediately scooted next to Derek, but Derek insisted she be in it and pulled her into his lap so Grady had no choice but to make room for her. Grady waved the hostess over to take the pic. Elliot said he was posting it to social media and that he would tag them. He also informed them that a new nightclub, The Runway, was open and invited them to come. Before Derek could object, Elliot was gone.

  “Elliot is such a dear,” Grady said. “A friend of his is part owner and feels the need to wrangle celebrities to patronize the place. A bunch of us are going, do you want to go?”

  “Thanks, but Charisma and I plan to have a quiet night.” Derek caressed her hand.

  “If you change your mind, we’ll be there around midnight,” Grady said but then leaned over and whispered something in Derek’s ear and left without saying good-bye to her.

  “Well.” Charisma put her glass down. “That Grady’s something else.”

  He rolled his eyes. “That’s one way of putting it.”

  “I smell a story.” She clasped her hands together and rested her chin on them.

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Yeah, we’re not going to get through dinner unless you tell me something.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “OK. It involves a nude beach. Let’s just say ever since he caught a glimpse of my penis he’s been a fan ever since.”

  “Alrighty then.” She dipped a California roll in soy sauce and took a bite. “I’ve heard people talking about The Runway in Philadelphia. It’s supposed to be a hot, anything-goes kind of club. Only the super famous are getting in these days.”

  “Do you want to go?”

  She did like to dance and loved the energy of a club when the music was good, but she only said, “No, that’s OK.”

  “I don’t mind going.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m positive. Tonight is about making you feel good.” His eyes sparkled.

  “Well, I do like to dance.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Lamont was wrong about Derek. She knew it. There was a connection between them, and it was getting deeper every moment they spent together.

  * * *

  They arrived at the club and were delighted to find that Elliot had indeed put them on the guest list. The bouncer gave them a purple hand stamp to get access to the VIP tables. There were photographers near the door, and one of them recognized Derek.

  “Derek, can we get a pic of you and your date before you go in?”

  “Sure, her name is Charisma Reed,” Derek yelled as he pulled her close to him for the shot, then continued inside the club.

  The place was packed with people. Derek kept a firm grasp on her hand as he glided through the crowds toward the VIP section. She was surprised at the number of people he knew in Dallas. He’d stop every few feet to scream hello at someone and give them a hug. They were escorted to a table behind a velvet rope and a hostess appeared immediately to take their drink orders. The music was blaring, and people were glammed up and ready to have a good time.

  “I’m going to go the bathroom before we dance,” she said.

  “Dance?” He gave her a quizzical look.

  “Yes. You didn’t bring me here to sit on your duff. I’ll be back in five.”

  The ladies room was a huge open space with sinks on either side of a central wall in the middle of the room. Charisma went into a stall and quickly did her business, anxious to get back outside. But she broke her golden rule and tuned into the bathroom chatter when she heard Derek’s name mentioned.

  “Was that really Derek Popovich? He’s even more gorgeous in person.”

  “Do you think we should go over there and ask for an autograph?” a second woman s
aid. “He looks like he’s on a date.”

  “So what? She probably works for him.”

  “I don’t think so. She looked familiar, so I did a search. She’s in that picture of him breaking up with that actress Phoebe. That’s her.”

  “Damn, I thought he was single. I hear he’s worth a hundred million or something,” another woman chimed in.

  The woman must have showed her friend the picture because the friend responded as if she had. “That is her. I see she’s on a tour of the professional sports. Derek won’t stay with her. I’m sure he knows what she’s all about. And I want to be right there when he comes to his senses. I’m going to go over and ask for a fan photo with him, but I’m going to slip him one of my business cards.”

  Charisma froze, not sure what to do. What she’d heard wasn’t anything new. Hell, she used to be one of the plotters. How was it that they were being rude, and she was the one afraid to leave? Morgan was right. She was losing her edge. It was time to start a new tradition when dealing with catty strangers who knew nothing about her.

  Eyes widened, jaws dropped, and the conversation stopped dead when she came out of the stall. The ladies parted like the Red Sea when she approached the counter to wash her hands.

  “Ladies, if you go anywhere near him, we’re going to have a problem. And if you think I’m kidding, do an Internet search on my legendary club brawls.”

  Charisma dried her hands and calmly left the bathroom. She knew those glammed-up wannabe models weren’t going to fight over him, but she wanted to put the information out there. For once some damaging information about her in cyberspace would be a useful, cautionary tale about messing with her. From a distance, she could see their VIP table was getting crowded. Grady had arrived, earlier than he said he would, and was sitting right next to Derek. When he spotted her approaching, Derek quickly jumped up so she could sit, but she grabbed his hand instead. Poor Grady was crushing hard on Derek. It was time to rescue him.


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