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Slap Shot

Page 14

by Rhonda Laurel

  “I didn’t know. I didn’t think—”

  “Well, now you do.”

  “We all know the drill around here. Playing a professional sport attracts groupies and opportunists. We’re just looking out for you. The last thing you need is some woman using you, then getting all of your money in a divorce.”

  “There are plenty of us in here who made horrible decisions about women. I knew a few of you should never have married the person you chose. But I kept my mouth shut before because it was none of my business, as long as you were happy. So I appreciate your concern but back off.”

  “I didn’t know.” Andrew shook his head. “Derek Popovich never gets sprung over a woman.”

  “Well, things change. I’m growing up, finally.” He reached for his bag. “I’m out of here.”

  “You’re not going to the Slap Shot tonight?” someone yelled after him.

  “No, but my staff knows you’re coming.”

  He dodged the media the best he could and drove off. He was done with letting the media and his friends dictate his love life. There had to be a way he could convince Charisma that they had a chance if they just talked to each other.

  Unfortunately, she was avoiding him like the plague.

  * * *

  Charisma didn’t want to admit that, although she’d made the right decision to distance herself from Derek, she hadn’t felt the same since she’d returned from Texas. The decision to remove herself from the Slap Shot’s renovation completion had been hard. She’d marched into Jared’s office and explained how she could still see the job through, but she didn’t want to work onsite any longer. There was no point in the bar suffering when everything was in place to bring the final product together. But as far as Derek was concerned, she was off the assignment. She’d thought for sure Jared would say she had to follow through as part of her training, but he said he understood. Telling her boss she was avoiding a client was far easier than explaining to her grandmother that she wouldn’t be seeing Derek anymore. Grandma Reed tried to talk her out of it, saying there was no honor in sacrificing her happiness with self-imposed penance.

  Instead, Charisma focused on positive things like the classes she’d started and organizing her grandmother’s birthday party. She rounded up her cousins and her aunt Sydney to help in the planning, but she was extremely surprised when her mother asked if she could be of assistance.

  Speaking of parties, there was one she was still trying to avoid. Finally, after the workaround with the new changes Derek wanted, the renovation on the Slap Shot was complete and it was time to celebrate. Derek had invited everyone involved in the project, including Charisma, to the party.

  She’d decided it was a bad idea to attend and was happy that Jared didn’t give her too much grief about not going. He said he was impressed with her supervision and design input and that it was official: she would be taking classes with the goal of taking over the design division of the architectural firm. She hugged her cousin for the longest time, thanking him for having faith in her.

  There were tons of nights of being comforted by her grandma. They ate ice cream together and watched television. She’d even tried to watch one of Derek’s games, but she ended up turning it off. Seeing him hurt too much. Her aunt Sydney tried to cheer her up by keeping her busy with volunteer work for Reading Builds Bridges. It did help some, but it didn’t stop her from crying herself to sleep at night.

  When Sydney called with an invite to lunch, she accepted. They ate and talked about her grandmother’s party. When she returned to the office from lunch, she heard familiar laughter coming from the break room. She went to see what had everyone in such a jovial mood.

  “Are we having a party and I wasn’t invited? I thought I put all the events on the schedule?” she yelled out as she approached.

  She got the shock of her life when she entered the room and saw her grandmother. What on earth was Grandma doing at Reed Designs?

  “Hi, baby.” Her grandmother smiled at her.

  “Grandma, what are you doing here? Is everything all right?” Charisma began to panic. She’d never seen her grandmother this far away from the house. Nightmarish scenarios flashed through her mind about what would make her travel so far when she could have easily called.

  “Calm down.” Grandma Reed caressed her cheek. “Everything is fine. I have a surprise for you and I didn’t want to wait until you came home.”

  She let out a big sigh of relief. “It must be one heck of a surprise for you to come into the city.”

  “I’d say it is.” Jared beamed.

  “What is it? You know I have no patience.” She looked around the room. She didn’t see anything with a bow on it.

  “Come on out. The suspense is killing her.” Jared yelled.

  Charisma’s heart stopped when she saw her brother Trevor turn the corner. Her little brother had changed a lot since she last saw him. She’d missed his trademark dimples and mischievous smile.

  “Trevor!” She jumped into his arms and held on for dear life as he swung her around.

  “Hey, Sis. It’s good to see you too.”

  “Where have you been? You just dropped off the face of the earth.” She sniffed.

  “Everywhere. Nowhere.” He grinned. “Why don’t I tell you all about it over dinner? I’m going to go fix you and Grandma a meal that will knock your socks off.”

  “There’s a gourmet market down the street that’s liable to have everything you need,” Jared replied.

  “Good. I can pop on over and shop, then come back and get Grandma.”

  She grabbed his shirt. “Oh, no you don’t! I am not letting you out of my sight. You’ll leave again. I’m going with you.”

  “OK.” He turned and looked at Jared and their grandmother. “I just have one request. If news spreads that I’m in town, the entire family will swoop down on me. Can we keep this between the four of us until tomorrow?”

  Jared nodded. “Not a problem.”

  “It’s good to be home.” Trevor hugged her again.

  Jared held out his arm for his grandmother. “I can give Grandma the grand tour of the office.”

  Charisma linked arms with her brother. It was so good to have him back.

  * * *

  Charisma cleared the table while her grandmother continued to fawn over Trevor. He wasn’t forthcoming with where he’d been. So far he’d mentioned a few places, but he didn’t seem like he’d lived in any one place for too long.

  “I’m going to turn in early,” Grandma finally announced after a long evening of conversation.

  “Grandma, you didn’t eat a second slice of cake.”

  “You two need some alone time to catch up.” She kissed them both on the cheek. “Trevor Elijah Reed, I will never forgive you if you disappear again.”

  “You have me for a few days, Grandma. I promise to say a proper good-bye before I leave.”

  “You better.” She pinched his cheek. “I made up the room next to your sister’s.”

  “OK. Thanks.” He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

  Charisma and Trevor watched her until she made it up the stairs. Then Charisma went back to clearing, and Trevor helped, following her around like he had in the old days. Once they were finished, they hunkered down on the couch.

  “I guess Mom and Dad didn’t know you were visiting or they wouldn’t have taken that vacation they won to Atlantic City.” She sipped her port.

  He shrugged. “Funny how coincidences work out that way.”

  “Yes.” She glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mom sent me an e-mail and said you needed me. She was sincere and honest. For once it didn’t sound like some kind of ploy to lure me home.”

  “She did?”


  “Debra does have her moments.” She sighed. She knew it must have taken a lot for her to reach out to Trevor and not ask for anything in return. Maybe there was hope of having a relationship with her mother in the fu

  “Dad still working all the time?”

  “Avoidance is his strong suit. When he’s not traveling for work, he’s laid up with a bad back.”

  “How’s work?” he asked. “Jared says he loves working with you.”

  “Work is great. I’ve been saving money since living with Grandma, and I’m taking classes on business and interior design.”

  “Great to hear. So how’s your love life? Grandma couldn’t stop going on about that hockey player Derek Popovich during our drive to the office. What happened with him?”

  She hesitated. “He’s a nice guy, but he’s out of my league.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. You are beautiful and smart. Any man would be lucky to have you. Did he hurt you in some way when you spent time with him in Texas?”

  “No.” She bit her lip. “Derek was a perfect gentleman. He was the first person in a long time to look beneath the surface and see the real me. He didn’t take the things he’d heard about me at face value.”

  “OK, he’s not a jerk. But is he good enough for you?”

  “I think you have that backward.”

  “No, I don’t. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.”

  “Things just didn’t work out. We’re too different. He’s a high-profile, rich athlete, and I don’t fit into that world. I never did, no matter how hard I tried.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been around. Especially to help you through that crap with Brayer. I’m just glad our family is looking out for you.”

  “They really came through for me and supported me.”

  “The Reeds look out for each other. No matter what.” He leaned toward her, fixing her with an intense stare. “Back to Derek. The most important thing is how you feel about each other. How do you feel about him?”

  “Like he was the one.” She sniffed and placed her head on her brother’s shoulder.

  “It sounds like you’re chickening out. My sister never backed down from a challenge. Even if she were dead wrong, she still went full throttle and did it her way. You’ve lost your edge.”

  “I had to lose it. Too many people got cut on my edge.”

  “I know that fire is still somewhere inside you. You just need the courage and wisdom to use it wisely this time around.” He nudged her. “I love you, Sis, and you are never alone. Don’t ever forget that. No matter where I am in the world, I am somewhere loving you.”

  “I love you too.” Tears streamed down Charisma’s cheeks as she hugged her brother. This was getting downright mushy. Her brother being home was a happy occasion. A time to celebrate.

  Trevor looked her in the eyes. “So how about you stop feeling sorry for yourself and go to that party Jared mentioned? Despite how you feel about Derek, it’s an accomplishment for you.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Charisma Reed never turns down good parties or accolades.” He grinned.

  “You know what? You’re right. I worked my butt off on that project. Would you like to be my date? I don’t want to go alone. I’m sure he’ll be there with someone.”

  “Maybe he won’t. Maybe he’s been missing you just as much.”

  She shook her head. “Derek isn’t one to let moss grow under his feet. He’s moved on. I saw a tabloid report that he’d hooked up with some model.”

  “It could be a total lie. But either way, I would love to be your date.”

  “Now that my interrogation is over, I have a few questions for you.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Is there anyone special in your life?”

  “I’m way too busy for that.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second, given your track record with the ladies in the past. I bet there’s a trail of lovelorn women all over the globe.”

  “I’m in a place in my life right now where a relationship would be a huge complication, and it wouldn’t be fair to initiate something and not have the proper time and emotional range to invest in it.”

  “That’s unflinchingly honest, and I respect that. But I will be secretly hoping for a phone call or text that you’ve met someone great,” she said.

  “If I do, you’ll be the first person I reach out to with the news.”

  Having Trevor there would take the sting out of seeing Derek and his new girlfriend. It was no surprise he’d moved on to someone else. She wondered if he were still looking to play the field or if his brother’s tragedy had made him realize that life is short. He deserved to be happy.

  * * *

  Derek yanked the silk fabric from around his neck and fished for another one. He’d brought several ties with him tonight, but none of them seemed to pull the ensemble together. It was an important night for him and he wanted to look good. Deep down he knew he was going through all this trouble because Charisma would be there. Jared had called yesterday and left a voicemail confirming her RSVP.

  Something must have changed her mind. Jared had told Derek he wanted to make a special toast to Charisma during the evening. The Slap Shot was her accomplishment and it had started her on a new career path. Derek was happy that she’d found something in her life that she enjoyed doing. She seemed to be searching for so much at one time. Love. Redemption. Acceptance.

  There was a knock on his office door. It was Steve, one of his bartenders. “Erin said to tell you most of the people on the guest list have arrived and the kitchen is ready to go.”

  “Great. Thanks, Steve. Do you know if Charisma arrived?”

  “I haven’t seen her, but Jared and his girlfriend are here.” Steve turned to leave but stopped. “Oh, you may want to check out the sports channel. Looks like Brayer is his own worst enemy.”

  Derek turned on the flat screen in his office and tensed when a picture of Lamont appeared on the screen. It was no telling what he’d done this time.

  “Lamont Brayer, wide receiver for the Philadelphia Titans, was involved in a car accident early this morning on his way home from a night of partying with friends. The Cadillac Escalade was so mangled they had to use the Jaws of Life to extract him from the vehicle. An inside source who was in the nightclub says the football player was indeed intoxicated and he’d been spiraling after having a heated discussion with a man they’d never seen before. He continued to drink heavily and refused to give his keys to anyone. Brayer suffered a broken leg and arm. The passenger, believed to be one of his infamous ex-girlfriends, suffered injuries as well. There was no word on the extent of her injuries.”

  His heart thudded out of his chest. Had Charisma been out with Lamont? Derek raced down the corridor in search of Jared. Surely he would have information if she were in the crash. Derek waded through the crowd in search of his friend, but his fear quickly turned to relief and then annoyance when he saw Charisma walking through the door, arm-in-arm with some well-dressed guy with a phony smile. Not the basketball player the media had rumored her to be with, but someone he didn’t recognize. She looked beautiful, but he hadn’t figured she’d go for the pretty-boy type.

  He wanted to go over there and kick the guy’s ass. Yeah, he could try and be mature if she’d moved on but to hell with that. She belonged with him. The anger coursing through him was threatening to explode to the surface, but he didn’t want to draw attention to us. Derek dipped behind the bar and began chatting with his bartenders when he saw Charisma coming his way.

  “Derek, the place looks great!” she called out over the music.

  “Thanks to you. You look great.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “I’ll admit, this place came together nicely. I think you’ll find an uptick in business.”

  “Even if it doesn’t, the place looks good, and I retained its core purpose. This is my haven.”


  He pretended to mop up the bar with a towel. “Did you hear about Lamont?”

  “I got a news alert on my phone. Sounds like it was a terrible accident.”

  “You’re not going to the hospital to see him are you?” He fu
rrowed his eyebrows.

  “Heaven’s no.” She winced. “Why on earth would you think that?”

  “The report said infamous ex-girlfriend…” He shrugged.

  “And you just assumed I’d run back to Lamont? Besides, these days I am referred to as the woman briefly involved with Derek Popovich. I don’t know if that’s a step forward or backward.”

  “Considering that you dumped me, I’d say it was a step forward.”

  She put her hand on her hip. “I didn’t dump you.”

  Screw niceties, she’d brought another man with her. “No, you just made love to me and made all sorts of promises with your eyes and then decided it would be too much work to be with me.”

  “Lower your voice. You’re going to make a scene. The last thing we need is more pictures of us circulating.”

  “Isn’t it a little late to worry about decorum when the male model you brought with you is only a few feet away?”

  She looked back to her date who was waiting a respectful distance away, then back to him. “It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. I thought you’d at least like to be friends. You were friends with Michelle when it didn’t work out.”

  “That was different. My feelings for you are different. I—” He stopped when he saw Charisma’s date approaching and gestured toward him. “I think pretty boy is looking for you.”

  “You were saying something about how you felt?”

  “Forget it.” He threw the towel down. “Mark, get the lady anything she wants. I have some pressing things to take care of in the office.”

  “Don’t tell me,” she snapped. “You have one of your hockey bunnies in there waiting for you?”

  “And what if I did? You certainly didn’t waste any time finding someone new.”

  “Then you’d be an idiot.” She marched over and grabbed her date by the hand and came back with him. “Derek, I’d like you to meet someone very special to me. This is my brother, Trevor. I told you about him.”

  Derek felt like an ass. He extended his hand. “Nice to meet you Trevor.” Trevor had a firm grip.


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