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Page 2

by Allyson Young

  Candace was smiling, and Reece recognized how strong her friendship was with Sinclair. He made a mental note of that fact. If he fucked up, and he probably would, Sinclair would be the person Candace would turn to in lieu of him. He never wanted her to feel alone and unsupported, although the idea of any discord between them grated, even if he was being realistic. He would likely be the worst offender when it came to slotting his woman into a stereotypical role, but he’d keep her safe, even from herself. Which was why her car was still off-limits, and wasn’t there some make-up sex after that showdown?

  “I don’t do that!” Craig attempted to extricate himself from suggesting a woman’s place might also be in the kitchen, reaching down to surreptitiously rub his shin.

  “You try. A lot.” It was Reece’s turn to smile behind his hand at the mulish look on Sinclair’s face. Ashton and Craig respected the hell out of their gal, but they’d be the boss of her, too. Never a dull moment. Although he’d heard from Candace that there had been some difficult discussions about the brothers’ anxiety regarding Sinclair tending to livestock that could conceivably damage her. Probably they should have thought about that when she went away to school, but he could sympathize. If Candace had chosen a profession that put her at risk every day…

  “And you like it when we take charge. At times.” Ash put his two cents in, and Sinclair’s face flamed scarlet. She set her lips and studiously avoided both Reece and Candace, applying herself to the vegetables on her plate. The brothers exchanged a look that heated the room with the promise of things to come, and Reece idly wondered what Candace personally thought of threesomes.

  She was looking pensive when he glanced her way, and he questioned if she was reading his mind—or thinking about ménage. A faint shiver of cold worked its way through his gut before he focused. They both had sexual pasts, and he figured he was enough for her. Lord knew she was enough for him.

  They adjourned for the game, the men clearing the table while the women stacked the dishwasher, all talk of roles aside. Sinclair squeezed in between the brothers on the couch, her head resting on Craig’s shoulder, her feet tucked up on Ash’s thigh. Reece took the big easy chair and settled Candace on his lap, his hand slipping up beneath the hem of her dress to cup her buttock, his possessive touch screened by the position of her body. She snuggled close and pressed her head beneath his chin.

  His team was doing well, a good thing, considering his inability to exhort them to victory, his attention drawn to the curvy bundle of woman on his lap. She smelled of carnations, something that now never failed to trigger his libido, and his fingers slipped to find their way beneath the scrap of material covering her sex. Hot, wet flesh greeted them, and she squirmed to give him easier access. Reece was transported back to high school when he and Candace stole similar moments, the forbidden, exciting sensations making him impossibly hard. He wondered how long their guests planned to stay.

  “Behave yourself,” she whispered, but he noted she arched into his questing hand.

  Withdrawing his fingers, he couldn’t restrain a smirk at her pout. He rearranged her on his lap, the better to ease the pressure on his erection, and winced as she shifted back. Yup, never a dull moment.

  Chapter Two

  Sinclair didn’t much care for sports, but she figured she could manage the occasional game, especially if she could sit between her guys. The man chairs at home had to go—maybe they could get one of those sectional things with the seats at either end that reclined. She’d get the middle seat, and do away with the insert to hold the remotes and drinks. She could hold anything that needed holding, and her risqué thought made her lips quirk. Candy was right to infer she was turning into someone obsessed with sex. But it was more than that, far more. She loved her men with every ounce of her being, and once again thanked the powers that be for them coming to their senses. Otherwise she’d be someplace else, functioning, but without purpose. It should be frightening to realize her happiness was directly dependent on Ashton and Craig, except it wasn’t. She trusted them wholeheartedly.

  Craig’s breath stirred her hair, and Ash traced lazy circles on her calf. Her entire being sparked like a static charge, and the air caught in her lungs with a delicious hitch. She was intensely warmed by the heat emanating from their big bodies, all muscled, honed from hard work on the ranch. Maybe they didn’t have to stay for the entire game, although the guys were focused in apparent rapt attention on the screen as several large men ran down a smaller man clutching the football, and jumped on him. The huffing and crunching sounds made her wince, but one by one the yellow jerseys peeled off the red one at the bottom of the pile. The announcer babbled in excitement, and Craig said something about turnover on downs. An imp of mischief overcame her.

  It was a simple matter to pretend to stretch and rub her ankle over the front of Ashton’s jeans in a long, slow stroke, and “accidentally” drift her hand over Craig’s groin. She was rewarded instantly by a stir of flesh and hid another smirk. No doubt she’d pay for teasing later, in a totally pleasant way, so she risked another contact.

  Ash caught her ankle in one big hand, his fingers curling right around it, unobtrusively pulling it away from his crotch—and separating her legs as he did so. The seam of her jeans was suddenly chafing against her pussy in an extremely interesting fashion, and when Craig dropped his arm to place it around her ribcage, his thumb and forefinger caging the nipple of her right breast, Sinclair dampened her panties.

  She cast a quick glance at Candy and Reece. Her friend appeared to be dozing against Reece’s chest, likely as bored with football as she was, and Reece was staring at the screen. Which was a good thing, because Ash’s free hand twitched into the space between Sinclair’s thighs to cup her pussy, right when Craig pinched her beading nub. She barely swallowed a gasp of arousal, and couldn’t contain a shiver. Ash kneaded her heating apex, and raised one brow in a wickedly suggestive manner, his clever fingers driving her toward orgasm, Craig sensuously tormenting her breast. Lord.

  Sinclair took in little hits of air through her nose, trying to manage her breathing and not pant too obviously. Okay, she’d started this, and in their inimitable style, her guys were finishing it, but she hadn’t thought it through. She didn’t want to come in the presence of others. Or did she? She had to admit to an illicit thrill of being pleasured in the same room with her best friend and her man, but she also felt safe—not judged. Ash pressed just so, and the burgeoning sensations crested. Sinclair went over with a shudder and a whimpering moan, masked by another outburst of the sports announcer. When she opened her eyes, Craig was staring down at her with love and tenderness, his cock an unmistakable solid presence against her hip. She knew Ashton was as aroused, but she wasn’t looking in his direction, the now sated imp of mischief suggesting she ignore him.

  “Want another beer?” Reece’s deep voice drew her from her post orgasmic languor, and Sinclair noted the flush of color on Candy’s cheeks as she squirmed into an upright position.

  “There are snacks in the fridge,” her friend added.

  Ash coaxed Sinclair’s feet over the edge of the couch as Craig eased her upward to sit, perched on the edge. She wondered if she looked as flustered as Candy, and as if on cue, their eyes locked and laughter spilled over. After the past years of being away at school, away from her men and her best friend, it felt darn good to laugh. Especially when she had doubted her place with Ashton and Craig.

  Pervert, she mouthed, and Candy winked.

  All three men stared, splitting their attention between her and her friend.


  Craig cuddled her close. “You’re happy.”

  How could he doubt it? “I am.”

  “Well, it’s halftime. Let’s grab a drink and something to eat before the game starts.” Reece stood with Candy in his arms, letting her slide down the front of him until she gained her feet.

  “Actually, Sinclair’s pretty tired.” Ash gave her a proprietary look.

bsp; “No, I’m good. Really. Got my second wind.” She’d definitely gotten something, and this time around they could tout the benefits of delayed gratification. She pretended not to see the intent stares leveled in her direction and definitely ignored the rising tension. “C’mon, Candy, I’ll give you a hand.”


  Ash looked at his brother, who was watching their little minx scamper to the kitchen, lust and longing etching his features. He was pretty sure he appeared the same, and, unbidden, a smile erupted. He knew exactly what Sinclair was doing. She, who never played games, who hadn’t any sexual experience before giving herself to him and his brother, was trying to turn the tables. He and Craig loved to sexually torment her, bringing her up, over and over again, but not allowing her release until she begged. Her orgasms were spectacular and worth waiting for, but they’d given her a little taste tonight, goofing off like teenagers, and now she was making them wait.

  Reece stepped closer and shook his head. “Shitty game.”

  Ash jerked his head toward the Sheriff. What? Then he figured out Reece was referring to football. The game wasn’t actually bad … ah. “Uh huh.”

  Craig coughed. “We should probably get going. Sinclair really is—”

  “Tired.” Ash and Reece spoke as one, and they all laughed. Ash checked over his shoulder and caught Sinclair watching them.

  He lowered his voice. “I’ll get her. If you’re good with it, Reece, packing it in early…”

  Reece shifted his stance and grimaced. Ashton felt his pain—he was feeling something similar, his jeans too tight over his erection. “I’m good with it.”

  “And Candy?”

  “Candace will be fine with it. I’ll make it worth her while to shorten up the evening.” The Sheriff spoke with the certainty of a man in charge, and damned if Ash didn’t feel a deeper affinity. They’d gone to school together and hung out when they weren’t working, but hadn’t renewed their friendship since Reece came home after his discharge. Ash regretted that and made a decision to remedy that lapse.

  “If you’re both done with the innuendo? I’d just as soon get our girl home.” Craig was patting his pockets, and fished out a set of keys. “I’ll bring the truck around.”

  Exchanging another look with Reece, Ash spoke to his brother. “We’ll be out right away.”

  Reece preceded him toward the kitchen. Candy had pulled a couple of platters out from the fridge and set them on the island, and Sinclair was peeling the plastic wrap off.

  “Sinclair? We’re heading out. Get your purse, honey.”

  Her sweet face lifted his way, and her sunburst smile warmed him. There was a glint in her eyes. “But isn’t there another half to the game?”

  “You taking an interest in football now?”

  “Well, the first half wasn’t actually a hardship.”

  He was aware Candy was smirking behind her hand, and decided to step up his own game. Pushing into Sinclair’s space, enjoying the way her silvery blue eyes widened and the pulse at the base of her throat quickened, he leaned down. Speaking for her ears only, he said, “We have some unfinished … business, honey.”

  Swallowing, she blinked, and then grinned. “I’m finished.”

  He loved this teasing, fun loving side of her, totally pleased she was becoming comfortable enough in their ménage to act that way, but his aching cock wasn’t as impressed. “We haven’t even started.”

  Sinclair’s breath caught in her throat—he heard it, a faint hiccup of sound, and her pupils dilated with pure arousal. Could she be any more perfect?

  “Candy? I’d better go. Okay?” Her voice was husky, and his balls drew up in response to her need—and acquiescence. Their Sinclair was a bright, educated woman who’d soon be carving herself a niche in the animal husbandry trade in the area, but she looked to him and his brother when it came to her pleasure. Ash had the absurd urge to pound his chest and sling her over his shoulder like the prize she was. It served to help him forget that every day she went toe-to-toe with animals that could crush her in a heartbeat. But now wasn’t the time to revisit that argument.

  In a tone laced with amusement, Candy assured Sinclair it was fine, and Ashton thanked her and Reece for the meal, all the while urging Sinclair to the door, pausing only to grab the little knapsack she used as a purse.

  Craig had the truck right outside, and without hesitation, Ash yanked the door open and handed Sinclair in, following her. He latched her into the middle of the bench seat and put his own seat belt on—her far smaller figure fit perfectly between him and Craig where she would always fit if they had their way.

  Craig shifted into drive and cruised away from the house, the atmosphere inside the cab rife with sexual tension. His brother drove with one hand on the wheel and set the other on Sinclair’s thigh. Ash mirrored his touch and felt her twitch. They couldn’t keep their hands off her, and he wondered if she sometimes needed space, although she always leaned into their physical contact with loving acceptance.

  “I’m thinking our girl has a few things to make up to us tonight, Craig.”

  Sinclair tensed, first looking up and him then swiveling to check out his brother.

  “I agree. We missed the latter half of the game because of her shenanigans.”

  “Hey! We could have stayed and watched it.”

  Ash stroked his hand up her slender thigh and squeezed gently in warning. “And have you tease us for the next couple of hours?”

  “You just need to learn some self control.” Her pout was belied by the humor in her voice, and he reached to take hold of her wealth of hair, weaving his fingers through the strands. With a tug, he lifted her face and studied it in the faint light from the dashboard.

  “I think we have ourselves a little challenge, Craig. You up for it?”

  “I’ve been up for it since darlin’ here started wiggling and teasing right there in Reece Murdoch’s living room.”

  “Uh huh. I’m thinking we introduce our girl to the full benefits of ménage tonight.”

  Craig’s chuckle filled the air, right alongside the scent of aroused woman. Ash loosed Sinclair’s hair and sat back to let her think on what was coming. Anticipation was a fine thing, and he and Craig were suffering enjoyably right along with her.

  Chapter Three

  “Alone at last.” Reece couldn’t remember what movie that line came from, but Candace looked as anticipatory as he felt, her mouth softening and her eyelids appearing heavy. The little dress needed to come off. Now.

  She rewrapped the trays and shoved them back in the fridge, her movements quick and sure. “You wanna lock up? Turn off the TV?”

  “I’ll take care of it. I want to find you naked, kneeling on the bed, chest to the mattress when I get there.”

  “Yes, Sheriff.” With a sultry look, Candace glided past him on those damn shoes.

  “Leave the footwear on.”

  “Yessir.” Fuck. He didn’t need any formal titles in their play, but being called Sir did something for him, especially when it came from his woman’s sweet mouth.

  Taking his time, he went around the house, testing windows and locking the front door—the back door was rarely used, but he’d check it, too. It was his job to practice safety, but his most precious possession was in his home, in his bed, and he’d do anything to protect her. He flicked off the TV, giving the game only a cursory glance, and picked up the empty bottles from earlier, shoving them back into the carton.

  After turning off the lights, he made his way to the bedroom, using the ambient illumination spilling out from that room’s door. As he entered he stumbled to a halt. Despite knowing what would greet him there, he still wasn’t prepared. The two bedside lamps were on, spilling a warm glow over the bed, highlighting the flawless, dewy skin of his woman. Following his orders, her curvaceous form was in the center of the mattress, the long line of her back rising from her lowered shoulders to the roundness of her ass. His gaze narrowed for a moment on the fading welt his belt had le
ft—Candace loved her spankings, slipping away on the flood of endorphins the pleasure/pain released, her stress draining away. And Reece loved to provide the sensual touch.

  Golden curls obscured her face, but he had no doubt she was watching him through the curtain of hair. He didn’t school his features. He had no need to appear inscrutable. Candace Grant had his heart and the rest of him in the palm of her little hand and he didn’t care who knew it, most of all her.

  Her breasts were pressed into the mattress, pushed higher from where they rested on her knees; such was the length of her legs in comparison to her petite torso. He admired the side view of one of the full mounds, and his hands itched to be filled by them, his fingers longing to squeeze and mold that soft flesh. But that was for later.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, he strode to the dresser and retrieved the package he’d left there earlier. The plug wasn’t a beginner’s size and had some heft to it, made from beautifully polished steel, a jewel inset in the flanged base. Semiprecious, the guy behind the counter had called it. Not a sapphire, but a blue topaz—the color of Candace’s eyes. And semiprecious was such a misnomer.

  Impatiently tugging his shirt off, throwing it over a chair before he worked his jeans off, he studied his woman. “You thinking about anything in particular?”

  “Just waiting on you, Reece.” Lust colored her tone, made it thick.

  He thought about the three people who’d just left their place, a loving ménage, and cursed his hint of anxiety. He was enough for Candace. He had to be, because there’d be nobody else touching her.

  Cracking the plug out of its sterile packaging, he saw her tense and jerk her head to the side, one eye uncovered as her hair shifted. “Don’t break your position.”

  She stilled instantly, and he reveled in her obedience, his sexual dominance working for both of them. Cock aching with renewed, desperate need, he stepped into the attached bath and washed the plug. After drying it, he took it and a bottle of lube back to Candace, resting one knee beside her. She breathed evenly, and he ran one hand down her back, palm slipping over all the little vertebrae, relishing the way she lifted into his caress.


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