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Page 4

by Allyson Young

  Craig felt the clench all around his fingers, and Ashton groaned. “Fuck’s sake. Can we…”

  Carefully pulling free, Craig grabbed the wipes and cleaned his hand, quickly, before Sinclair’s body had a chance to close up. Separating the ripe cheek with a hand, he pressed the head of his cock against her anus in a steady, determined motion.

  Ashton urged Sinclair to breathe, his hands rubbing over her upper arms, up to her shoulders and back down, and Craig popped through the remaining stricture of taut flesh.

  Sinclair bucked, inadvertently driving him deeper and pulling back from Ash, who immediately held her steady. They all froze in place, the room full of Sinclair’s frenzied panting and his and Ash’s deeper breaths.

  “Jeez. Holy cow. You guys…”

  “Let us have you, darlin’. Let us take care of you.”


  Craig somehow held his position, although the sweat beaded along his hairline and along his upper lip. His hips had a mind of their own, wanting to surge forward and plant him right to the fucking hilt in a narrow well of heat he could barely resist. He felt his brother’s cock twitch as if in response.

  “Relax. Trust us.”

  And she went boneless, melting across Ashton’s chest, sliding back down on his cock, to Ash’s heartfelt groan. Craig choked in the face of it. Trust, the magical word. He pressed deep into Sinclair’s body until his pelvis bumped her ass, his sac against her wetness, and she accepted him. Glorious.


  “Yes. Really full. Please. Something...” She didn’t know what she was asking for—but he did.

  “You hang on, now.” Craig took hold of her hips.

  Catching Ashton’s eye, he withdrew a little before surging back in, his brother pulling partway out to match his thrusts. The sweat dripped from his brow onto Sinclair’s right shoulder, and he traced his tongue over the droplets, the result of her own exertions mingling and bursting on his tongue. He and Ash caught the rhythm and worked in and out of Sinclair. Whatever blood wasn’t fueling his cock hammered in Craig’s temples as he felt their woman’s body dew further, her skin heating, and he vaguely heard her stuttering breaths and incoherent moans and cries of pleasure.

  When she began to shake uncontrollably, her hands clawing at Ash, Craig slowed his movement, and he and his brother plunged deep together, a wide wedge of cock that drew a scream from Sinclair as she shattered, her channels clamping to compress and constrict their straining flesh. Craig echoed his brother’s shout of release and shuddered against the strength of it. His body didn’t wish to obey him, and it took a major effort of will to pull out in one smooth glide and manage to deal with the condom, before dropping to his side.

  “Gonna clean you up in a sec,” he promised. If he could force himself to move.

  Sinclair might have said something articulate, but he couldn’t be sure. Ash lifted her slack form and set her between them, reaching for a wad of tissues. He gave some of them to Craig, along with a wry look. Craig lacked the energy to force a smile, but figured his brother could read his joy anyhow. For sure he read it in Ash.


  All she wanted was to sleep. After that … experience was too simple a word to describe what they’d just shared. Sinclair had no modesty or self consciousness left when it came to her men. They’d told her they would learn her body as she’d learn theirs, and weren’t kidding. But she didn’t want to wash up—or be washed up. She wanted to doze and enjoy what had just taken place. She wanted to drift on something so huge it defied description.

  Oh, her bottom would likely remind her that something bigger than her doctor’s finger had been up there, and for an extended period of time at that, fighting for space against the other big cock sheathed in her pussy, but she’d already decided it was worth it. Any minute doubts she’d harbored about ménage and not being able to meet Craig and Ashton’s needs had been dispelled tonight, and she could admit there had been the occasional niggle about falling short. Especially when she saw Melinda Roberts sashay into the feed store as Sinclair pulled up to pick up Ashton’s order. She hadn’t been able to go inside, instead driving home and telling Ash she forgot the errand. He’d smack her ass if he knew she fibbed—over Melinda. Especially over Melinda.

  The orgasm had been spectacular, her vision narrowing into a long dark tunnel before exploding into a myriad of lights as her body sang and spiraled. But it was the closeness that left its mark. She’d given her trust and had been claimed, absorbed between the loves of her life, imprinted.

  Craig tenderly cared for her, cleaning and soothing her affronted flesh. Ah, she’d be as good as new in a day or so. And then you’ll be up for round two. Suppressing a giggle, she was glad she hadn’t said that out loud. Probably longer than a day or two, and her guys didn’t need any more encouragement, those loving pervs, who’d won her heart.

  She snuggled into her place between them and drifted off, still high on endorphins. Two sets of lips kissed her goodnight, and two pairs of hands smoothed the sheet over her.

  Chapter Five


  Candy nodded and gave Reece her best smile. Truth to be told, she felt very little anxiety about meeting with her father. She couldn’t imagine anything he could do that would change anything or make any further negative impact on her life. She and Reece had talked about her trust fund and while he wasn’t inclined to let her spend the money on him, or in any way detract from his ability to take care of her, he wasn’t unreasonable either. The money would be there for their children, if that time came. It was too soon to think of Reece’s babies—they’d only just found one another again. But she did think about a little boy who’d toddle after his daddy, and a sweet little girl who’d worship him.

  Exiting the vehicle, his own SUV, Reece came around and held her door. She loved those gentlemanly touches, almost as much as she loved his caveman persona. It was fascinating how he effortlessly assumed the roles when the situation called for it. She climbed out and took his hand as he drew her toward her daddy’s home. She idly wondered what would be done with her suite now she was gone, but aside from retrieving some personal things, didn’t really care. They traveled up the walk, the flowerbeds framing the slate tiles beginning to wilt in the face of the coming fall season.

  The imposing front door opened, and Roslyn stood framed in the entrance. Her stepmother hadn’t aged much over the years, in part due to a strict beauty regime, but also because of good genetics. Candy had met Roslyn’s mother over the years, and their bone structure held against time. The other woman’s red hair was maintained at the hair dresser, but otherwise, she looked similar to when she’d married Candy’s father. Roslyn smiled at them, a surprisingly sincere smile that reached her eyes.


  “Hi, Roslyn.”

  “I’m glad you came.” Roslyn sounded sincere, too, and Candy smiled politely. She really had no quarrel with her stepmother. She supposed she could have met the other woman halfway in the past, accepted her overtures as a parent, but she’d been an uncertain, reserved child, compliments of her father’s rejection. Ah, she knew what to label it now, and the reasoning behind it didn’t excuse him. Nor Roslyn, who hadn’t tried very hard.

  “Where’s Emerson?”

  Roslyn’s eyes flickered in response to Candy’s deliberate omission of a paternal label. “In his study.”

  “I’ll head to my suite and pack up my stuff before we meet.”

  “Oh, well. I suppose that makes sense.”

  Reece interrupted any comment Candy thought to make about none of this making sense, by taking her elbow. He seemed to know her thoughts before she did.

  “I’ll give you a hand.”

  She led him back outside and around the main house, taking the path to the addition that housed her private quarters. It had always given her a sense of privacy, this winding walk away from the place she grew up in. Reece whistled as they went inside.

/>   “It was home.” She emphasized was, and he dropped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. It was a bright and airy space, and she’d furnished it accordingly, but her shop was more to her taste.

  She dragged a case from one of the closets, and he opened it up on the bed. Candy tossed in a variety of clothing items, shoes, and after sealing toiletries in a plastic bag, she dropped it on top. “There.”

  “No pictures? Keepsakes?”

  She sat on the bed abruptly, and Reece got on one knee, taking her hand and staring up into her face. “Candace?”

  “It takes my breath away to realize how little I actually have.”

  His handsome face softened, the anxiety easing. “Stuff means very little.”

  “I know. That’s why I packed the one case. It’s the reminder I have nothing of my mom’s. That’s a killer.”

  Her Reece didn’t try to fix it with words. He held her hand and waited, his presence soothing her angst.

  “Let’s go see my daddy.”

  Reece put her stuff in the SUV while she stood in the shadow of an American beech, its leaves drifting in the light wind, and escorted her back to the house. Roslyn reappeared quickly, and Candy thought she must have been hovering. There was no sign of her father, and she made a decision. “Tell Emerson I’m here, please. We’ll just wait in the living room.”

  “He’s in his study.” Her stepmother shifted from one foot to the other and clasped her hands.

  “And I’m not going to take one of those chairs and have him lean back in his big old chair while he pontificates, Roslyn. I’m done with that. If he has anything to say to me, he can come out of his den.”

  With a shrug, Roslyn gestured to the formal living area and then turned on her heel toward the study. Candy saw Reece hide a smile behind one big hand that rubbed across his face, as he accompanied her. They sat together on a stiff couch, a new addition to the room if memory served, and waited.

  “Two minutes.” If Emerson didn’t make an appearance she was leaving.

  “Sure, honey.”

  Movement caught her eye, and she looked to see her father stalking in, trailed by Roslyn. His features were schooled as always, but Candy knew he was shaken. She’d sorted out the cues over the years, a certain slant to his eyes and the way he held his mouth. He dropped into a wing chair, and her stepmother perched on another beside him. Reece had risen in respect, and Candy was glad when he sat again, this time closer. She wished she could be so gracious and mannerly, then dismissed the idea.

  “I suppose I should be grateful you deigned to visit.” And that was why she wouldn’t acknowledge her daddy.

  Silence reigned, then was broken by Roslyn. “I asked her to come, Emerson.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ve stood by all these years while you pined for another woman and ignored her child except when it suited you to exercise your authority. I’m amazed Candy grew up as well as she did. I certainly didn’t help.”

  Emerson scoffed. “She barely finished high school and hasn’t made a good match.”

  “What did you want for me then, Daddy?” Candy couldn’t contain the question. “Aside from marrying me off like chattel.”

  Her father opened his mouth, then shut it. Roslyn again interjected.

  “He won’t allow himself to consider it, Candy. You’ve survived benign neglect, and I’m ashamed to have been part of it.”


  “Because I remind him of my mother.” She cut her father off.

  “I’m not listening to this … psychobabble.” Her father shoved to his feet.

  “You might want to sit back down, Grant, and take a moment.” Reece spoke quietly but with authority.

  Her father paled before Candy’s eyes and sank into the chair. He finally met her eyes. “Roslyn’s right. I’ve been a terrible father, and there’s no excuse. I saw her every time I looked at you. We’d argued before you and I went out that day.”

  Candy held her breath, afraid he wouldn’t continue, terrified he would.

  “Your mother wanted me to take her home. Here. She missed Barrister, and her parents came to support her, offering me a position in the business with a view to taking over. I didn’t want that, didn’t want the nepotism and leaving the city for such a rural existence. I thought she would leave me and take you with her, actually. It was a mess. And then you and I went home to the … carnage.”

  Roslyn grasped his arm and squeezed it. “Your father honored your mother’s last wishes, Candy. Moved here and took over your grandparents’ business, and raised you here.”

  It felt like too little, too late, and she became aware of Reece leaning into her as she pressed his way. He gave her strength. “More like housed me and left me to my own devices until he had to step on me when I stepped out of line. A line that changed frequently.”

  “I can understand you’re bitter. I have no excuse.”

  She couldn’t soften toward the man who had never given anything of himself to her for so many years. Or count the times she vied for his attention over her stepbrothers. Oh, she had no quarrel with them, for they’d treated her okay, like a pesky little sister, but she couldn’t deny the jealousy.

  “You’re still his child,” Roslyn said softly.

  Probably her stepmother thought they had something in common, both reduced to taking the scraps from a man who’d never recovered from the loss of the love of his life, but Candy didn’t feel the camaraderie. Roslyn must care for her daddy a great deal, however, to want to ease the estrangement between Candy and Emerson.

  “Do you have a picture of my mother?”

  Emerson flinched and stared. He cast a glance at Roslyn, who nodded and got to her feet, moving swiftly from the room. They sat in awkward silence until the other woman returned, handing a small frame to her husband. He took it with a visibly shaking hand and stood, finally approaching Candy.

  “I’ll see that you get a copy,” he offered, giving it to her.

  A veritable image of herself gazed up out of the oval frame, and Candy’s heart seized. Take away the earrings and dated hairstyle…

  “She’s as beautiful as her daughter.” Reece’s deep voice pulled from her thoughts and into the present.

  Her father loomed over her, and she could feel his anguish. Handing the frame back with reluctance, she nodded. “I want a copy.”

  He retreated to his chair. Abruptly, he spoke. “I wanted a future for you, Candy. One that gave you everything I couldn’t. I didn’t believe Murdoch could provide it. Not even when he joined the military.”

  “Especially then, Emerson.” Roslyn’s tone was sharp. “You thought she’d follow him wherever he was stationed and you’d lose touch with her.”

  “You did that to yourself by ignoring me, Daddy.” Candy pushed up from her seat on the couch. “You lost me a long time ago. And Reece is the best thing that ever happened to me despite your interference.”

  She made her way past her father and stepmother, knowing Reece was right behind her.

  “Candy…” For once, her daddy seemed bereft of words.

  She turned to speak, but didn’t look at him. “I don’t know that I can forgive you, or even if you want to be forgiven. I don’t know if I need a family—or whatever this is.” Lord, she was being cruel. And rude. She swallowed the rest of her imprecations. “I need some time.” Time to process what she’d figured out a while ago and time to consider if her parent had truly done what he thought was best—or acted with his usual disregard for his daughter’s feelings.

  “I’ll call you.” Well, that was a first. Her daddy had his secretary summon her, or have Roslyn call if it was a family thing. Candy hesitated at the door.

  “You do that.” It was the best she could offer and wasn’t a promise for anything.

  She had no memory of the walk across to the SUV or climbing inside, but her seatbelt was latched and they were driving at a decorous speed toward Reece’s place when he spoke. “You okay, honey? As mu
ch as you can be?”

  “I think so.” She hitched in the seat to watch his profile. “It’s good to find out something I suspected for a bit now, but it doesn’t take the sting away.”

  “I never knew my dad, Candace, but it doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes think on what my mom told me about him.”

  “I don’t know much about my mom at all.” Although she could take Mrs. L, Patricia, up on her offer. Her daddy could go hang. And he might open up a little if you met him halfway, too.

  “You think your dad will share?” Reece had read her once again.

  “Who knows? I’m going to take one day at a time. Roslyn cares about him, and seems to want us to work things out. Maybe she thinks he’ll … oh hell, I don’t know. I’ll see. But I’ll do it on my terms.”

  Reece set a hand on her knee and squeezed. “Whatever you need, Candace.”

  She shifted back to lean into the seat, covering Reece’s hand with her own. He’d have her back no matter which way things went, and that fact calmed her agitation. She felt she could do most anything with Reece beside her.


  He felt Candace relax and let out a deep breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding. He figured she’d connect with her old man, and maybe even develop some kind of familial relationship with him now the truth was out and Emerson Grant was no longer challenging her choices. Reece would walk the path with her, but he wouldn’t let her father screw her over again, nor interfere with the relationship he and Candy were building. It was gonna be okay. They’d be victorious in this, too.

  Chapter Six

  Sinclair washed the last of the afterbirth from her forearm where the glove hadn’t reached, and glanced over at the sweet little foal snuffling against its momma’s teat. The little creature had been coming breech, and turning its body wasn’t easy, but she’d done it. And then the mare had expelled most everything in her big old uterus, with Sinclair unable to get out of the way. Grimacing at the mess on her overalls, she used her gloves to strip them off and balled the fabric up, slipping it into a plastic bag, drawn from the side pocket on her satchel.


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