Deadly Obsession
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“Leave me alone Dexter. Did you honestly think that I would be okay with this? Did you?”
“No, I know you can’t ignore what I’ve done, just please don’t leave me. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll do whatever you want me to. I love you, Carmen.”
“I need some time to think about things. I’m not sure how I feel right now. I need some space to work this out in my own way. Can you understand that?” she said walking away.
Dexter was unrelieved. Carmen’s leaving him seemed a realistic outcome of his momentary lapse in judgement. He was sickened by the thought of losing her but understood her decision at this moment. She was absolutely deserving of her space as she tried to sort this out.
The next two weeks were nothing but misery for Dexter. He hadn’t heard a word from Carmen. He longed to hear the sound of her voice. The time spent without her was further proof of his unending love for her. He wanted to spend every waking moment of his life with her. He refused to give up; they were meant to be together. She would come around eventually. The loneliness he felt waiting for Carmen to make up her mind was simply Dexter’s punishment.
“Please don’t hang up on me. I need to hear your voice. I love you and I’m absolutely miserable without you. Will you just talk to me?” Dexter pleaded.
“What do you want me to say Dexter? I’m very hurt by what you did and of all people you could have chosen, why her? You know how I feel about her. How could you be with her, knowing that?” Carmen wanted to know.
“I know what I did was stupid Carmen. It was probably the most stupid thing I’ve ever done in my entire life but you know how much I love you. I’ve learned my lesson. I will never do anything to hurt you again. You have to believe me.”
“I never expected you would ever cheat on me but you did. So how can I believe you now? How can I be sure that you won’t do it again; maybe after we’re married and have children? Then what, how do I explain something like this to our children?”
“I’m sorry Carmen. I wish I could change what’s happened but I can’t. I can only prove to you that I’ll never do it again. I love you more than you realize. I love you more than even I realized. I know how much you mean to me now; I don’t want to be with anyone else. I will love you forever. Please don’t turn me away. Give me one more chance; that’s all I’m asking.”
There was nothing but silence between them. Carmen’s heart was hurting deeply but she didn’t want Dexter to think he’d committed infidelity without consequence. She had to be certain it would never happen again.
“I need a few more days Dexter. I’ll call you this weekend.” She said hanging up.
Dexter understood Carmen’s distrust.
He knew he would never cheat on her again but how could she be sure? She had no way to see inside his heart and mind. She could only take his word for it and he’d already lied to her once. He could only hope their love was strong enough to get them through this.
Carmen was on an errand for her mother when she unexpectedly bumped into Carol Avery. Instantaneous rage rose up inside her. She wanted to rip her head from her body.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Carmen Haines. I had fun with Dexter out at the lake. Did he tell you about that night?” Carol teased.
“Yeah, I heard about it. I’m warning you Carol. I don’t want to talk to you about this or anything else for that matter. It’s no secret how we feel about each other so do me a favor and walk on.”
“Sure, I can do that, but not before I let you in on a secret. Dexter was amazing when we made love. He made me feel like a real woman. I won’t go away. May the best woman win; good luck.” She said smugly walking away.
“You’ve got some nerve Carol. We’ll see how this goes. Dexter doesn’t love you; he loves me. He already told you that. You’ll never win him over. He’s mine now and will be forever. I’ll be the mother of his children. You don’t have a chance. You hear me, Carol! He’ll never love you. You’re nothing more than a one night stand.” Carmen shouted loudly.
Carol Avery isn’t a woman to be lightly reckoned with. She usually gets what she wants. She will stop at nothing to make Dexter hers. One day he would look at her the way he does Carmen. In Carol’s eyes, Carmen is nothing more than an obstacle standing between her and the man she loves; an obstacle she plans to remove.
As Carol drove by Jack’s Mechanics, Carmen’s car was parked out front. She was outraged. Why is she here, Carol wondered? She couldn’t visit with Dexter as long as Carmen was here, he would never allow it. Carmen was quickly becoming a thorn in her side. Carol pulled her car into the back alley. She took a cap from her glove box and put it on along with some dark sunglasses. No one would know her disguised like this. Making sure the coast was clear, she then approached Carmen’s car.
With keys tightly between her fingers, Carol relieved some frustration. She dug the keys into the paint job on the driver’s side, leaving a deep scratch from bumper to bumper. Though she had maliciously damaged Carmen’s car she wasn’t bothered at all; in fact she’d worn a smile on her face the entire time. She quickly dropped the evidence in her pocket and discreetly left the premises. Carol would give anything to see the look on Carmen’s face but knew she couldn’t afford to stick around.
“You’ll never believe who I saw at the drug store.” Carmen told Dexter.
“Who?” he asked.
“Carol of course; she was eager to tell me about your night at the lake and her future plan to win you over. She doesn’t care how much you love me. She wants you and swears she’ll have you eventually.”
“She’s badly mistaken; I love you. I don’t want anything more to do with her. She needs to go on and leave us alone. That’s what she needs to do.”
Bending down on one knee, Dexter took Carmen’s hands. He gazed into her eyes, smiling sweetly as he admired her beauty. On the tip of her left finger, Dexter placed a beautiful diamond ring, topped with a gorgeous one carat stone. Carmen had never seen something so precious. Tears began to fill her eyes. She couldn’t believe it. She’d waited for this moment so long and now it was happening.
“Carmen Haines, I love you with everything inside me. Without you I’m nothing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” he proposed.
She stood there silently, tears flowing from her eyes, too emotional at the moment to speak. She could feel the sincerity in the words that Dexter had so kindly spoken to her. She was greatly moved by his heart-felt proposal. The love she was feeling heavily outweighed her doubt in Dexter’s trustworthiness.
“Yes, I’ll marry you Dexter, I love you. I’ve never loved anyone but you. I can’t imagine my life without you.” She put her arms around his neck and hugged him.
Dexter stood to his feet, taking Carmen in his arms. Initially unsure of her answer he was now beside himself with joy. It was official; they were engaged. The excitement abruptly subsided as Carmen discovered the damage to her car.
“What happened to my car? I know who did this. It had to be Carol; no one else would do something like this.” Carmen shouted angrily.
“Do you really think it was her? Would she really be this spiteful?”
“She wants to be with you and I’m the only thing standing in her way. She’s crazy. Call the police.”
Dexter did as Carmen requested and called 911; moments later an officer was arriving.
“Evening, I’m Officer Glass, what seems to be the problem here?”
“This is the problem officer.” Carmen said pointing at the driver’s side of her car.
“Did anyone see who did this?”
“I didn’t see her but I know who did this. It was Carol Avery. She has an obsession with my boyfriend. She hates me. I saw her earlier, we had an argument.”
“Ma’am, unless you saw her there’s nothing I can do unless she’s willing to admit to it and that’s highly unlikely.”
The officer told them that the report would be ready in two days if they needed a copy of it. Carmen
and Dexter thanked him for his assistance. Dexter refused to stand by and do nothing at all.
“Hey Carol, it’s me, Dexter.”
“What do you want Dexter, have you come to your senses?”
“If you thought damaging Carmen’s car would change my mind, you’re wrong. I love Carmen and we’re going to be married. I told you to leave us alone and that’s what you need to do. This is ridiculous Carol.”
“The most ridiculous thing in this situation is the way you led me on while expecting no repercussion. It doesn’t happen that way in real life Dexter. Did you really think it would be that easy?”
“Just leave us alone Carol. I don’t want to be with you. I’ll never leave Carmen no matter what you do. Don’t bother us again.” he warned as he hung up.
“What did she say?” Carmen asked.
“She’s crazy; absolutely insane.”
“I told you. There’s no telling what she’s capable of. We’re not kids anymore.”
Although Dexter didn’t think Carol would take her frustration to the point of actually harming him and Carmen, he couldn’t be absolute. He decided it best to follow Carmen home to be sure she made it safely.
Chapter Three
Several days had passed since Carmen’s car was vandalized and not a word from Carol Avery; neither good nor bad. Dexter and Carmen weren’t sure what that meant but hoped they wouldn’t be bothered by her again. Maybe she had finally gotten the message after all.
The couple was working hard to rise above Dexter’s infidelity, though it was difficult for Carmen despite her deep love for him. She tried exceptionally hard to suppress the image in her head of Dexter and Carol making love but was finding it utterly impossible. She was unsure she could ever erase the painful feeling she experienced each time she imagined the two of them together. She simply didn’t know how to handle the distrust she now felt for Dexter. She often rode to his place of work to be sure he was there and to make sure that Carol Avery wasn’t. She would never understand how he could put their happiness in such jeopardy.
Business was booming at Jack’s
Mechanics; Dexter could hardly keep up with the extra work orders. He’d been working non-stop since he arrived this morning. He hadn’t even stopped for a break. Lunch was just around the corner and he was definitely looking forward to it. Carmen was meeting him at the park for a picnic.
Dexter went to the front desk to get the work order next in line. An unsuspecting glance out the window caused him to become agitated. Carol Avery was circling the front lot. This could only mean trouble, he thought. He went outside to confront her.
“What are you doing here Carol? If you continue to harass me, I’ll be forced to swear out a restraining order against you. Do you really want to push me to that?”
“I’m not harassing you; I simply need my breaks fixed. I didn’t come here to see you at all.” She insisted.
Dexter wasn’t falling for it. Carol was here only to get under his skin. He tried to reason with her.
“There’s another shop two blocks down. Why don’t you take your car there? I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring it here.”
“I don’t care what you think Dexter. You don’t own this shop; you can’t turn me away. I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Whatever.” he said turning to walk away.
Twelve o’clock finally arrived and Dexter wasted no time clocking out. He was ready for a little R and R with Carmen. He rushed out the door and headed for his truck. His pace slowed to a near halt as he realized Carol was waiting for him.
“What do you want? I thought you were here to get your breaks repaired. Why are you leaning against my truck?”
“I need to tell you something. I’m pregnant; it’s yours. We’re having a baby. Aren’t you happy?” she asked as if she expected a joyful response.
“No, I’m not happy and I don’t believe
you. That isn’t funny. You’ll stop at nothing will you?”
“It’s true Dexter; I’m having your baby. What do you intend to do about it? You’re going to be a father. I’m carrying your baby inside me.”
“I don’t have time for this. I have to go. Get off my truck.” he said revving the motor.
Carol wouldn’t be put off that easily. She jumped in her car and followed after him. Dexter spotted her in his rear view mirror. Carmen was waiting for him at the park. The news of Carol’s pregnancy was sure to be upsetting. What had he gotten himself into? This woman was an absolute nut case; one that wouldn’t go away.
The screeching of tires grabbed Carmen’s attention; it was Dexter. What was wrong with him? She quickly realized why he was in such a hurry. Carol Avery slid into the parking lot behind him.
“I need to talk to you. Come with me,
hurry.” Dexter said taking Carmen by the arm.
“What’s going on Dexter? What’s Carol doing here?”
“She followed me here; she won’t leave me alone.”
Quickly gaining on them was Carol.
“Dexter Crane, I need to talk to you. I want to know what you intend to do about this!” Carol shouted loudly.
Carmen was confused.
“What’s she talking about Dexter? What are you going to do about what?”
“Oh I guess he hasn’t told you; he’s going to be a father. I’m pregnant.” Carol blurted out.
Carmen jerked away from Dexter. She couldn’t believe her ears. The affair was one thing but pregnant? How could she deal with that? This was more than she could handle. She loved Dexter immensely but didn’t know if their relationship could survive this.
“Are you kidding me? Is that the truth Dexter; is she pregnant?” Carmen demanded to know.
“I don’t know, I think she’s lying. I think it’s probably just another one of her schemes to break us up. Don’t listen to her Carmen, that’s what she wants. She’s trying to destroy us, don’t let her do it; don’t give her the satisfaction.” Dexter told her.
“I’m telling you the truth; I have my results in the car. I saw a doctor this morning, I’m three weeks along. It’s Dexter’s baby.” Carol swore.
“I want to see the paper. I don’t believe you, you’re lying! Show me the paper, now!” Dexter shouted.
Seconds later Carol returned holding a piece of paper in her hand. She handed it to Dexter. He stared at it silently. She was positively pregnant. This had to be a nightmare. He didn’t want to have a baby with Carol, he didn’t love her.
“What have I done? It can’t be; I don’t
love you, I love Carmen. I’ll never love you. You were a mistake and so is this baby!”
“Oh Dexter, how could you do this. I can’t deal with this right now. I have to go.” Carmen cried as she ran away.
Tears were flowing uncontrollably. Carmen could barely see where she was going. In an instant her life had been turned completely upside down. Happiness was no longer in sight. Her heart felt unamendable.
“You may think you’ve won but you haven’t. I will find a way to make this up to Carmen. I don’t want you or your baby. This doesn’t change anything between us. If the baby is mine I’ll do what I have to financially but I don’t want to be a father, not to your child. Maybe you should consider an abortion?” Dexter told Carol.
“You should be ashamed of yourself Dexter Crane. How could you say such hateful things about your own child? He didn’t do anything to you; don’t take your hatred for me out on him. He needs a father and a mother. You know what it’s like to grow up without a father. Do you honestly want that for your child? I won’t have an abortion, I won’t.”
“You do whatever you want but don’t expect me to participate. The courts can make me pay child support but they can’t make me love him.”
He got into his truck and sped away leaving Carol standing alone with her test results. She began to cry. Her heart ached. Dexter’s reaction was totally unexpected. Maybe she had misjudged him. He wasn’t the man she thought him to be all along.
He’d managed to keep his true self camouflaged. How could he be so cold and calloused towards their child; an innocent child, his child, she wondered? His attitude wouldn’t go unpunished.
Dexter had made countless attempts to reach Carmen by phone but she wasn’t accepting his calls. He knew her heart was broken in two. He was furious with himself for the inconsideration he’d shown her in sleeping with Carol. He should have gone home that night. If he had this wouldn’t be happening. Things between him and Carmen would be okay right now.
Carmen remained on Dexter’s mind as he finished out his shift at work. He feared the end result of his mistake. They could have likely worked through his unfaithfulness had it not produced a child. How would Carmen ever accept that? He was having problems with it himself and it was his fault; he could only imagine how badly she must be feeling.
Despite several failed attempts to reach Carmen by phone, Dexter couldn’t leave it alone; he had to talk to her. He pulled into her drive. She must be home as her car was there. He knocked on the door.
“What do you want Dexter? I have nothing to say to you. It’s over. I can’t handle this.” She screamed.
“Please Carmen, I love you. Can’t we talk about it? We can work it out, I know we can.” He said, pushing the door back with his hand.
“I don’t think so Dexter, not this time. I
was already having difficulty with the affair but another woman pregnant with your child? How do you expect me to get over that? I don’t think I can do it. Could you?”
“I don’t know Carmen. I would hope that I could. Just let me come inside and we can talk about it; please?” he begged.
She reluctantly stepped away from the door allowing his entrance. When inside he took her in his arms and held her tightly. She burst into tears. His heart ached for her as he could feel the deep pain he’d caused her. He longed to ease her pain.
“How could you be so careless Dexter? How could you get her pregnant? I thought I would be the one to have your children; the only one.” She cried.