Book Read Free

Love in the Heartland

Page 14

by Diana Currie

  “Is that Maddie?” Garrett asked.

  Nathan checked his phone. “Nah, it’s Katie Owens. She’s changing the location of her New Year’s Eve party tomorrow night because TMZ found out where we were planning to go. Ever since the studio announced the Love Spelled Backwards sequel the paparazzi have been all over me and Katie again.”

  “So, where’d she move it to?”

  “We were supposed to go to this new club in Palm Springs. She booked a private room for forty people. Now she says it’s going to be at her parents’ vacation home in Newport.”

  “Still sounds like fun to me,” Garrett said.

  Nathan smiled at his brother. “Why don’t you ask Jacqueline about coming to visit me in April? I have the whole month off in between movies. I might have a few meetings and rehearsals but there’d definitely be time to show you guys around.”

  “Yeah, man. That would be awesome. Thanks.”

  “I better get some sleep. My flight leaves at 9 o’clock tomorrow and I still have to call Stanley and let him know about the change of venue for tomorrow night.”

  “Sure thing, little bro. And hey, maybe by April things will have worked out for you and Maddie. You could fly her out to L.A. too. I’d love to meet her.”

  Nathan scratched the back of his neck and smiled. “Yeah, man. I don’t know. We’ll see how things go in February.”

  At the same time Nathan was speaking about Maddie with his brother, Maddie was doing the same about him with her mother. Sandy Sherratt had caught the end of her daughter’s conversation with the faceless new friend that had put a spring in her step the past few months. She’d noticed a real change in her daughter recently and was convinced this boy in California had something to do with it.

  “Madeline, since when do you play violent video games and flirt with boys over the internet?” she asked that night after Maddie turned off the Xbox console and sank happily into the sofa cushions.

  “What?” Maddie replied, surprised to find her mother behind her with a knowing grin on her face. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.”

  Sandy stirred sugar into the cup of tea she’d just made herself and leaned against the kitchen island that faced the living room. “I was being quiet so I wouldn’t disturb you. Who were you talking’ to there?”

  “Oh, um, Nate. My friend from California,” Maddie answered, blushing as she walked over to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools at the island.

  Sandy had already known that before she asked the question, but it was good to know Maddie was being honest with her. “It seems to me that you might like this young man, am I right?”

  Maddie smiled. “Can I have a cup of tea too?”

  Sandy nodded and busied herself preparing another mug. Sometimes Maddie shied away from talking to her mother about boys and she didn’t know why. She worried though, that Maddie didn’t value her advice because of some choices she’d made in her life where men were concerned.

  “I like him a lot, but we’ve agreed to just be friends. It would be too hard to have a long-distance relationship.”

  “That’s not necessarily true. Circumstances can change,” Sandy argued.

  “Maybe, but I’ve never even met him in person so I can’t really trust what I’m feeling. All we’ve ever done is talk on the phone.”

  “Your grandparents fell in love through the letters they wrote each other while PopPop was in the service. I’d say the telephone is a step up from snail mail, don’t you think?”

  Maddie smiled, remembering how much her grandparents loved each other, right up until her grandmother passed away. “Love like theirs is rare, I think. Nate and I have very different lives. Even if we did fall in love somehow, he couldn’t move here. And I don’t want to move away. So, friendship is all we can offer each other.”

  “It’s been a while since you’ve felt like this about a boy, Maddie. Don’t be so dismissive of it,” Sandy said taking a sip of her tea.

  Maddie sighed. “We haven’t talked about how we feel about each other. We’re becoming very close, but that doesn’t mean he has romantic feelings for me.”

  “Does he know you have a date tomorrow night?”

  “No, I didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell him. It’s not really even a date, Mom. We’re just tagging along with Holly and Max on their date.”

  “It’s New Year’s Eve, Sweetie. I’m thinking this boy will try to kiss you at midnight.”

  Maddie scrunched up her nose involuntarily. She hadn’t considered that possibility. Damn Holly and her constant peer pressure!

  “You should tell Nate about your date, Maddie, trust me. Sometimes a boy needs to feel a little jealousy to make him realize how much he actually cares about you.”

  “Well, he did say he wants to come visit me in February, but I told him I had to think about it,” Maddie admitted.

  “You won’t let him come visit you? Why in Heaven’s name not?”

  “What difference is three or four days going to make, Mom? Nate lives in California. He needs to be there and I need to be here. I don’t see the point in putting ourselves through emotional hell when the logistics just don’t work.”

  “Logistics my ass. Geography didn’t keep me from your father. We’d only known each other a few days and that was all I needed. After that littletime, I knew I would do whatever it took to be with that man.”

  Maddie glared at her mother with an expression Sandy recognized very well. “Don’t you even think about calling me flighty, Madeline Sherratt,” her mother teased wagging her index finger at her daughter. “Why does this entire family think I am such a spaz?” Sandy huffed. “All I’m saying is that you can go to college anywhere. I’d hate to see you go, but if you had to, you could live in California for a little while, finish your degree out there. It’s not as impossible as you’re making it sound.”

  Maddie smiled at her mother and drank her tea. If only Sandy knew what she was trying to push Maddie into doing! Dating a famous movie star? She didn’t see any possible way for that to work. Cameras flashing in her face? Red carpets? Los Angeles? Maddie shook her head. No, even if Nathan did feel the same way about her as she was beginning to feel for him, that was not the life for her.

  Chapter Eight

  On the night of New Year’s Eve Nathan found himself somewhere he hadn’t been in months. At a party. He was standing against the wall in the spacious living room soaking in the crowd. Katie had invited even more people after being forced to change the location to her parents’ house which was closer to Hollywood than the Palm Springs club. Nathan arrived around nine o’clock and soon found himself surrounded by dozens of recognizable faces and lots of very pretty girls. A few of them batted their fake eye lashes at him but he pretended not to notice. Pete Walker and Tyler Curran were there, which made him feel more comfortable. They were actor friends he costarred with in EVOL and both had small roles in Forever.

  Nathan stuck close by them for the first hour or so of the party. Pete was drinking Cognac and offered a glass to him. He took it but hesitated before taking a sip.

  “What’s wrong?” Pete asked him, “you don’t like brandy?”

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever had it, to be honest. Maybe a little taste from my grandpop’s glass as a kid.”

  Tyler chuckled. “Give me some, Walker. I like me some Cognac.”

  Nathan stared down into the glass and thought about where he was. He considered Katie’s a safe place. If he wanted to enjoy a little liquor on New Year’s Eve he shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Besides, he was in a much healthier state of mind than months earlier when he swore off the stuff. Still, he wanted to run it by Maddie first. And maybe part of his reason to contact her was really to find out what, if any, plans she had that evening.

  He pulled his phone from his jeans pocket and sent her a text message.

  Nathan: Hey. U approve of me drinking a little tonight? I’m with EVOL people and it is NYE…

  Maddie: You have a ride hom

  Nathan: Stanley’s got that covered.

  Maddie: Then go for it slugger. I’m actually drinking right now too.

  Nathan: What?! U are? Where are you?

  Maddie: Don’t act so surprised! Holly took me out with two of her friends. fireworks at midnight.

  Nathan: Girl friends? or guys?

  Maddie: Guys… just met them tonight.

  Maddie: Is that weird? Are you with anyone?

  Nathan: Standing next to two dudes and a decanter of brandy.

  Maddie: Fun times. Don’t forget the cigars and smoking jackets.

  Nathan: Ur funny. Are you on a date?

  “Cheers,” Tyler said and clinked glasses with Pete. Nathan glanced up from his phone and clinked glasses with his friends. Then he took a big swig of brandy and it burned his throat. He winced and looked back down to his cell phone.

  Maddie: Technically, it’s a double date. Does that bother you?

  Nathan: Do you want it to bother me?

  Maddie: That’s not an answer. You’re the one who told me to go to that Halloween dance, remember?

  Nathan: That was two months ago…

  Maddie: Yes, and?

  Nathan: Just saying I know you a lot better now.

  Maddie: Not sure what you mean, but I have to go. Being rude to Marty.

  Nathan: His name is Marty?

  Maddie. Happy New Year Nathan. Behave yourself.

  Nathan: Happy New Year Maddie.

  “How are you guys doing?” Katie asked suddenly. Nathan hadn’t even noticed her approaching. She was wearing a silver sequined dress and her shiny blonde hair was set in big loose curls.

  “Great party!” Pete answered happily.

  “What’s with him?” she asked nodding in Nathan’s direction.

  “I don’t know,” Tyler said. “He must be sexting with someone or something. But at least he likes the brandy. His glass is already empty.”

  Nathan glanced around at the faces of his friends and furrowed his brows. He was surprised to see that Tyler was correct. Pete laughed and reached over to refill Nathan’s drink.

  Katie smirked at him, amused. “Make sure you all check out the buffet table before the servers take away the appetizers. Put something in your bellies besides alcohol, alright?”

  “Oh, we will! This is going to be a good night, fellas,” Pete declared. “Katie, who is that red head over by the pool table?”

  Katie looked in the direction Pete was pointing. “That’s Gavin’s niece. She’s nineteen.”

  “Sweet. She’s my target tonight. What about you, Nathan, did you pick a lady out yet?”

  “Give him time,” Tyler interjected, “it’s only ten o ‘clock.”

  Nathan checked the time on his phone to see if his friend was correct. 9:58pm. He stared at it for two long minutes until the time changed to 10:00pm.

  “What’s wrong with you, Nathan? You feeling okay?” Katie asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m fine. It’s midnight in Texas. Central Standard Time.”

  Katie gave him an odd look but then smiled. “Yes, I suppose it is. Hey… would you mind meeting me in the back bedroom in a little while? I have to make sure everyone has food and drinks but I’d really like to talk to you about the first couple scenes we’ll be shooting next week. Would that be alright?”

  Nathan didn’t understand why Katie cared about work in the middle of her party but he agreed to catch up with her around 11 o’clock. “Sure. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Great. It’s the room with pink walls. I’m going to make the rounds. Have fun boys!” She squeezed Nathan’s shoulder and then walked away to greet other party guests.

  Nathan couldn’t help but wonder if Maddie was kissing her date at that very moment under a fireworks display in the Amarillo desert. If she was really out on a date with another man, and willing to tell Nathan about it with no remorse, then she must really be taking the boundaries of their friendship seriously. Why was she so determined to pretend they hadn’t become more? He was still hoping she would allow him to visit her when his schedule brought him out to Louisiana in February. If there was going to be a guy in her life by then Nathan wasn’t sure how he felt about meeting her.

  Tyler clinked his glass again, rousing him from his reverie. The middle of a party was not the place to sulk and contemplate his complicated relationship with the beautiful girl from Texas. Nathan swallowed the liquor and handed his glass back to Pete for more. He wanted to focus on the party and have a good time with his friends.

  An hour before midnight Nathan was decidedly drunk. He finished the bottle of cognac with Pete and Tyler and then stumbled his way to the restroom. He washed his face and hands and remembered promising Katie to talk to her about the Forever script. He made his way through the maze of the house and found the quiet bedroom Katie had described to him. Nathan got there first and decided to lie down on the large soft bedding just to rest his eyes.

  A few minutes later the mattress dipped beside him. He opened his eyes to see Katie, her glossy pink lips spread in a wide smile. She giggled at him.

  “What?” Nathan said in a hoarse voice.

  “You fell asleep. I saw you walk back here not ten minutes ago. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”

  “Sorry,” Nathan apologized. He pulled himself up to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes. “I haven’t drunk like this in a while.”

  “Are you just letting off steam tonight, then? You seemed a little upset about something earlier.”

  “Um, girl trouble I guess,” Nathan confessed.

  Katie was surprised to hear him say his troubles involved a woman. She figured the attention from the media was already getting under his skin or maybe he’d had more problems with his brother over Christmas. “I wasn’t aware you were seeing someone. Are you two serious?”

  “No,” Nathan huffed. “We’re not even together.”

  “I think I might know how you feel. Nights like this, you know, not having anyone to kiss at midnight. It sucks. I really missed Connor over Christmas even though I still hate his guts.”

  Nathan wanted to say that his trouble with Maddie was nothing like Katie’s issue with her cheating ex-boyfriend, but in that instance, he realized he did feel a little betrayed. After everything Maddie had said about not wanting to date, hating blind dates, and not being able to find anyone she thought was interesting… in Texas that is… now she suddenly had a date for New Year’s?

  “What are you thinking about?” Katie asked him.

  Nathan looked at her face and forced his mouth into a small smile. “It’s not easy finding the right person when you’re famous.”

  Katie laughed and Nathan caught himself staring into her blue eyes as she spoke. “Tell me about it! One of the many downsides to stardom that you never imagine will be as bad as people say when you’re outside the bubble. Then you finally get in and find out that it’s worse.”

  He nodded and tried to look away but his eyes were drawn to the sequins on her gown and led his gaze to her chest. Her breasts were so full and sweet looking. It had been so long since Nathan had nuzzled his face in cleavage that sweet. He hadn’t even kissed a woman since sometime in September. He shook his head violently. The brandy was having a stronger effect on him than he’d thought.

  “So, um… what did you need me for? You wanna run through your lines or something? I don’t think I’m really in the right frame of mind to practice our scenes, Katie.”

  “No, I was concerned more about Abigail’s motivation. I’ve talked to Gavin and Eli about it and I just don’t understand why she’s angry with Caleb after the party scene.”

  Nathan wiped his hand over his face trying to remember that part of the script. “Well, I think she’s mad because Caleb spent the whole time talking to his friends. She’s jealous that he didn’t pay her more attention.”

  “So, you think she feels vulnerable? Because they had such a connection leading up to that night and then he br
ushes her off?” Katie asked softly. She leaned in closer to Nathan, close enough to smell his cologne and the brandy on his breath. She inhaled discreetly.

  “Yeah, I think that’s what Eli was going for. Abigail feels vulnerable because she’s trusting Caleb with her heart and body.”

  Nathan felt Katie’s hand touch his knee and slowly slide up his thigh, creeping closer and closer to his groin. It was very unexpected, but he couldn’t deny that it felt nice. A year ago, Nathan would have been thrilled for Katie to be coming on to him, but she never gave him any indication that she was attracted to him back then.

  Katie hummed. “Then maybe Gavin should add a kiss at the end of the scene? You know, Caleb reassuring her that everything he felt for her was real?”

  “Um, yeah. You could suggest that to Gavin. I’ve heard he’s good about taking suggestions about scenes from the actors,” Nathan said trying to keep a clear head. He cleared his throat.

  “Maybe we should try it? See how it feels?” Her hand reached its destination and squeezed his inner thigh gently.

  “Katie? Are you trying to seduce me by pretending to run lines? You know that’s the oldest trick in the actor book, right?”

  “Is it working?” she whispered and squeezed his thigh again; her fingers lightly brushing the inseam of his pants.

  Nathan’s mind was still cloudy from the Cognac which made it difficult for him to concentrate. Random images began flitting through his mind as Katie’s glossy lips parted invitingly. Katie dressed like Abigail during the filming of Love Spelled Backwards. Stacey throwing herself at Nathan after he made his first magazine cover. Katie practically naked and so beautiful beneath him as they filmed the love scene for Love Spelled Backwards. Maddie’s yellow fan letter. The little white pill being flushed down the toilet. Katie happy to see him when they reunited at Universal. Maddie’s Tweety Bird tank top. Katie, looking amazing, as she opened the door when he arrived at the party earlier that evening. Maddie kissing some guy named Marty under a fireworks display.

  “Yeah, it might be working a little,” Nathan whispered, leaning his head forward to close the small space between their lips.


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