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Love in the Heartland

Page 26

by Diana Currie

  “No, we’re just about caught up now. I was off today so Tyler Curran and I hit up the Boomtown Casino.”

  “The casino? Did you get lucky?”

  “I won four thousand dollars,” he said happily.

  “You did?”

  “And then I lost fifteen thousand,” Nathan shrugged.

  “You spent fifteen thousand dollars in a single day?”

  “The high rollers got all you can eat lobster tails,” Nathan rationalized.

  “You mean you paid fifteen thousand dollars for a meal you could have gotten at Red Lobster for forty bucks,” she stated flatly.

  “I’ve never seen lobster likes these at a chain restaurant.”

  “So, will I get to see you next weekend?” Maddie asked trying to change the subject off the fact that Nathan gambled away a semester’s worth of tuition just to get Holy Roller status at a casino.

  Nathan could see the idea of dropping that much cash without blinking an eye disturbed Maddie. He didn’t want her worrying about him reverting to his old ways but he wasn’t going to lie to her either. Their long-distance relationship made it far too easy for him to paint himself in any light he chose. Nathan never wanted to intentionally deceive her; they had promised never to lie to one another and so far, he had kept his word.

  “I’ll try my best. But if it doesn’t work out, I’ll make sure to stop over on the way back to Los Angeles at the end of the month. I promise, Maddie. I won’t go back to California until I’ve seen you again.”

  Maddie smiled. “I believe you.”

  “Then why do you look so sad?” Nathan pressed.

  “I just miss you is all.”

  “I miss you too. More than you can imagine.”

  “It’s always going to be like this, isn’t it?”

  Nathan shook his head. “No, not always. Whenever I’m filming a movie, yes. But you’ve seen how much down time I have in between projects. I promise you some months I’ll be hanging around so much that you’ll get sick of me.”

  “How long can you stay before heading back to L.A.?” Maddie wondered.

  “A few days. Do you work on Mondays?”

  “No. Tuesday and Thursday, but I do have class Monday afternoon.”

  “Then I can fly in Friday night as soon as we wrap and stay until you leave for class on Monday if that’s alright.”

  Maddie smiled happily. “Three days with you? I can’t wait.”

  “Me either. Will your parents mind? Maybe I should get a hotel.”

  “No way, Slugger. I want you under the same roof. They won’t mind.”

  “Even your dad? I’m sure he carries a pretty big gun…”

  Maddie laughed. “Are you referring to his Smith & Wesson, the Glock, or the pistol issued to him by the city of Amarillo?”

  “Oh, God.”

  “Don’t look so green, Nathan,” Maddie chuckled. “I’m twenty-five years old. It’s not like I’m in high school anymore or even a virgin so all the rage you’re imagining was already unleashed on Tommy Branson.”


  “My date to the senior prom.”

  “You weren’t one of those girls, were you Maddie?” Nathan teased.

  “What girls?” she asked confused.

  “The ones who finally ‘did it’ on prom night?”

  “No, actually I waited until college. But Tommy Branson was the first boy I brought home to meet my parents.”

  “College?” Nathan replied and then whistled long and slow. “You have willpower.”

  Maddie lifted one eyebrow and smirked. “No, I have common sense. I was too young to be having sex. And besides, I didn’t love Tommy.”

  “I did love my high school girlfriend. I told you about her, right?” Nathan asked.

  “A little bit; just that you went your separate ways after graduation.”

  “She didn’t believe in me. In my talent,” Nathan replied with air quotes. “She went to Kent in Ohio and thought I was wasting my time moving to Hollywood. I don’t really hold it against her though; most of the people back home had the same opinion.”

  “Your mom?” Maddie guessed.

  Nathan smiled fondly. “No, surprisingly my mom was the one who encouraged me the most. She went to every production our high school drama club put on. She was so proud of me. Even though I talked about L.A. all the time I think she was in denial until the day I actually left Wisconsin. And she’s been terrified for me ever since.”

  “I think it’s just a mother’s job to worry. And I’ll bet she’s prouder of you now than ever.”

  “She tapes every TV appearance with her VCR. That’s right… I said VCR. And she buys every magazine that interviews me; even if it’s just a little blurb.”

  Maddie’s face brightened as if she remembered something important. “Speaking of which… how did the interview go with that journalist the other night?”

  “Very well. She kept asking about Tomorrow and Forever though. I hate answering questions about current projects because I can never remember what information I’m allowed to divulge and what’s supposed to be kept under wraps.”

  “Have you told me anything I’m not supposed to know?” Maddie wondered.

  “Yeah, but that’s different, you’re not the press you’re my girlfriend.”

  Maddie hummed. “Say that again, Slugger. It sounds nice.”

  “You’re my girlfriend,” Nathan said softly. “I wish I could have told the journalist about you. Not your name, but that you exist.”

  “I don’t need the world to know you’re taken; just make sure Katie Owens knows it,” Maddie replied with mock seriousness.

  Nathan smiled. “I made it crystal clear, believe me. Would it make you feel better to meet her? I was planning to ask you about your spring break. Are you working at the lab or would you maybe be able to spend it with me in L.A.?”

  “Me come to Hollywood?” Maddie squeaked.

  “I know the idea frightens you, but I’d protect you, Angel. You can meet the cast, stay at my house, and we’ll go whatever you want to go.”

  “My boss probably assumes I’m picking up hours that week but I can get out of it. I’m off the week after Easter; will that work with your schedule?”

  “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Okay then I’ll come. There’s no fear great enough to keep me from spending a whole week with you.”

  “I’ll make all the arrangements, you don’t have to worry about a thing,” Nathan said happily.

  “Okay. So, I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be on set all day, but I’ll call before your class.”

  Maddie smiled and replied, “And if I miss it, I’ll call you at night when I get home.”

  “Goodnight, Angel.”

  “Goodnight, Slugger.”

  Before Nathan shut down the computer he checked his email. Melissa had sent his March and April schedules as promised. The days he’d just invited Maddie to spend with him were still open but the rest of the months were going to be hectic. There was filming back in L.A. and a DVD press junket for Zero Gravity squeezed in the middle. After Easter he would be off for two weeks and then had to be available in case he got called in for reshoots on Tomorrow and Forever. There was also a meeting with the guys who were going to produce his next film. He was really excited to start that project.

  Nathan saw there was also an email from Garrett in his inbox. His brother wanted to know if he was coming home for Easter. That would be a definite no. He hadn’t seen his parents since the last week of December but was going to be so busy the next two months. He didn’t want to try to squeeze in a trip home right before Maddie arrived. He would make it up to them soon. Mother’s Day he told himself. Then, Nathan thought about something Maddie had told him a while back about making up with his older brother. Their relationship seemed better after talking over Christmas break, but Nathan knew what would really smooth things over with Garrett. Inspiration hit as he quickly typed a reply email.

  Not going to have time to come home for Easter. I’ll call mom to explain; she’ll understand. It would be great to see you though, so do you think you and Jackie would have the opportunity to come to L.A. the weekend after Easter? Maddie will be here. I’m sure she’d love to meet you. Let me know in the next few weeks and I’ll make travel arrangements.

  Love ya bro,


  Nathan closed his laptop and smiled to himself as he gazed around the empty, quiet hotel suite. He was more eager than ever to get the heck out of Louisiana and head back to the West Coast. Not only would he be making a stopover in Amarillo to see Maddie, but by Easter his usually too large mansion in the Hollywood Hills would have two of the people he cared for most filling the empty spaces in the house and in his heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Maddie woke early the Saturday morning Nathan was flying into Amarillo to visit her. She tried falling back asleep but it was no use; her mind was buzzing with the excitement she felt about seeing Nathan again. It was hard for her to imagine after everything they’d been through together that this day would be only the second time they would meet in person. The first time, the day he showed up on her doorstep, was almost a month ago. When Maddie thought back on the last four weeks it seemed as though each day that passed was long and tormented, but in hindsight the time had gone so fast. February had been a busy month and she was looking forward to spending the weekend just hanging outwith her boyfriend.

  Their weekend together would be anything but relaxing though; there was much to be nervous about with Nathan visiting. First, there was meeting the parents. Nathan occasionally played Xbox with Joe, but no online gaming session could compare to meeting the celebrity and new boyfriend in person. Then there was also the insurmountable task of breaking the news to Holly, who Maddie and Nathan had agreed the night before needed to be told the truth. Maddie couldn’t stand lying to her best friend any longer and having Nathan be there to meet her seemed like the best way to break the news. After Holly screamed and threatened to faint, Maddie could tell her that he was in town if she wanted to meet him. After crushing her dreams of being the one to date the illustrious Nathan Foster, it would only be fair to at least organize a meet and greet.

  Maddie took an extra-long time in the shower that morning, thoroughly cleaned her room, and then flitted around the house tidying up while she waited for Nathan to arrive. He’d chartered a small plane early that morning out of Shreveport and was due to land in Amarillo by eleven am. Sandy and Joe were both going to be home and were eagerly anticipating their house guest. Maddie sent several texts to Holly that morning setting up a fake study session in order to get her over to the house later that afternoon.

  Her heart nearly burst out of her chest when Maddie glanced out the front window and saw a familiar black Lincoln Town Car pulling into the driveway. For a split second she wondered what Stanley was going to be doing for the next two and a half days while his boss visited his girlfriend, but that thought quickly left her mind when the back door of the car opened and Nathan stepped out. Suddenly there he was, six feet of cool in his plain gray t-shirt, fitted dark jeans, and black sunglasses. Maddie threw open the front door and sprinted down the porch steps to meet him.

  Nathan laughed at her enthusiasm but tore off his sunglasses and opened his arms open to catch her, swinging her around several times. He set her down gently and kissed her cheek; so relieved that the time they spent a part had evidently made her heart grow fonder. Maddie turned her face towards him and kissed his lips, despite her peeping tom parents watching from the living room window. Nathan kissed her back passionately, pouring the last month of longing into it.

  He didn’t stop until Maddie’s giggling distracted him. “What’s so funny?” he wondered.

  “You’re making quite the first impression on my dad, Slugger.”

  “Huh?” Nathan replied pulling back and looking around the yard. No one was there but Stanley holding his suitcase and averting his eyes.

  “In the window,” Maddie whispered and then kissed him once more to show Nathan she wasn’t worried about their audience. “Come on inside. I want you to meet my family.”

  Nathan took his bags from Stanley and patted his driver on the shoulder. “Thanks, buddy. See you on Monday. Enjoy Amarillo.”

  “You need anything just call me,” Stanley replied with a smile. He waved to Maddie as he got back inside the rental car.

  Maddie waved back before leading Nathan up to the house. “What’s Stanley going to do for the next two days?”

  “I got him a suite at the Residence Inn. I know he wants to see the city so if you have any suggestions I’ll tell him.”

  “Hmm, I haven’t really thought about it since I knew we couldn’t leave the house. Maybe the Botanical Gardens or the Drive-In movie theater? He could check out the mile-long section of Route 66 that’s been preserved, or the Midnight Rodeo.”

  “I wish you could show me those places, Maddie. I’m sorry we have to lay low all weekend,” Nathan said wistfully.

  Maddie could sense the disappointment in his voice, but this was part of the price he paid for being famous. “I don’t mind staying in, Nathan. Except maybe the drive-in… that could have been fun,” she replied with a wink.

  “How so?” Nathan teased placing both his hands on her hips and pulling her closer.

  “I’ll show you later, I promise. Right now, my parents are waiting inside to embarrass me.”

  Nathan smiled and reluctantly removed his hands from her waist. “Lead the way.”

  Waiting inside the house, Sandy was sitting on her hands to keep them from shaking. She knew she shouldn’t be nervous to meet her daughter’s boyfriend, but she’d never met a movie star before. Sandy wasn’t particularly fond of Nathan’s work the way Maddie was, but he was still from Hollywood. Maybe he knew George Clooney!

  Sandy looked over at Joe who was staring at the front door waiting for it to open. “Remember, don’t embarrass her,” she hissed under her breath.

  Joe chuckled lightly and glanced at his flushing wife who was visibly twitching. “Speak for yourself,” he teased folding his arms over his chest.

  When Maddie pushed the door open, both her parents stood up and walked towards the foyer. She held Nathan’s hand, towing him cautiously into the house. With any luck the introductions would be short and sweet with limited awkwardness. Maddie couldn’t wait to excuse themselves to her room or the basement where they could have some privacy.

  “Nathan, this is my mother, Sandy Sherratt,” Maddie announced.

  Nathan reached out his hand to shake and noted excitement in Sandy’s eyes; a common reaction to which he was well accustomed. He knew it wasn’t so much a response to him specifically as it was to meeting a recognizable face.

  “We’re so happy to have you here,” she said smiling wide.

  “Thank you. It’s great to meet you and I really appreciate your letting me stay in your home,” Nathan replied.

  Sandy’s face exposed her star struck state; she wasn’t even blinking. Maddie suppressed her amused grin and then turned toward her father. “And you’ve sort of met my dad, Joe.”

  “Hey there, WisconsinProud09,” Joe said referring to Nathan’s Xbox handle.

  Nathan smirked and replied, “Pleasure to finally meet you, JSCrimeBuster.”

  They shook hands and Joe laughed. “I never thought I’d use one of those time-sucking machines but actually found some of the games quite enjoyable. I understand now why my son spends so much time playing it.”

  “We should get him in our next game,” Nathan suggested.

  Joe nodded happily and Maddie relaxed a little since the boys seemed to be off to a good start. One never knew with Joe Sherratt. “Okay, well I’m sure Nathan needs to relax after his traveling so we’re going to go hang out in my room,” Maddie announced lightly.

  Sandy quickly snapped out of the fog from her celebrity sighting and remembered her
manners. “Nonsense, Maddie. I’m sure our guest could use a drink first. Or something to eat?” she offered.

  “Just a drink would be great, Mrs. Sherratt. Thank you.”

  Nathan was just as anxious to sneak away as Maddie, but he wanted to make a good first impression with her family. He accepted a lemonade and spent a few minutes talking to Sandy and Joe about his experiences in Shreveport and what it was like filming there. When he felt like he’d put in sufficient face time, Nathan winked at Maddie. She’d been bouncing her foot nervously on the tiled floor beneath the kitchen table since the four of them had sat down fifteen minutes earlier.

  “I’m going to show Nathan upstairs now. We want to have some time to mentally prepare before Holly arrives.”

  “All right, dear,” Sandy replied. “It’s almost lunchtime. I’ll make you kids some sandwiches.”

  “Your friend Holly? Does she know about him yet?“Joe asked hesitantly pointing to Nathan.

  “She will soon,” Maddie replied biting her lip.

  Joe rolled his eyes. “This might be a fine afternoon to spend at the gun range. I suddenly feel like getting out of the house.”

  Sandy giggled. “This is the first time I’ve ever felt like asking to join you, honey.”

  Maddie groaned. “You guys; please don’t scare Nathan. It won’t be that bad; I’m sure he’s used to meeting overly enthusiastic fans.”

  “She’s right, I am,” Nathan confirmed. Maddie took his hand and started dragging him out of the kitchen as he caught Joe mouthing “good luck” from the table.

  The atmosphere changed dramatically as soon as Maddie’s bedroom door was closed. Neither of them were worried about what her parents were thinking or how Holly would react anymore. The anticipation of this moment was so great that the only thing that mattered was each other. Nathan wasted no time pulling her towards him; wrapping his arms around her hips. He’d been imagining this reunion in his mind for weeks. Their lips found each other like magnets as they melted into one another. No words were spoken for countless minutes as the couple familiarized themselves with the feel and taste of the other. Maddie could hardly believe she’d survived the last month since their last kiss.


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