Book Read Free

Love in the Heartland

Page 40

by Diana Currie

  “Hello? Nathan?” she answered preparing herself for the worst.

  An unfamiliar feminine voice responded. “Maddie. I hope you don’t mind my calling you but this is quite important. It’s Melissa, Nathan agent.”

  “Oh, hi there,” she replied stunned. Maddie had never spoken to or met Nathan’s agent. She knew that if Melissa was taking time out of her day to personally call then she was in even more trouble than she initially thought.

  “We need to talk about your interview.”

  Maddie cringed. “Yeah… I’m so sorry about that. The reporter approached me at school and I thought it was for our tiny little campus TV station. I wasn’t thinking and-”

  “Let me interrupt you there,” Melissa bristled. “I was shocked at first to hear you’d granted your first interview. I would have liked it to have taken place in a more controlled environment, and to have been informed before it took place would have been nice, but it’s too late for that. Besides, despite the disaster that was your official debut, I’m excited that’s it’s finally happened.”

  “You are?”

  “The press has been desperately following Nathan around in hopes of catching him out with you again or any other woman for that matter. Let’s face it; he’s been like a hermit since he met you! And he’s been filming so much that people are forgetting all about him.”

  “I think Nathan has preferred the slowdown of attention,” Maddie said knowing it was the truth.

  Melissa ignored her comment. “I’ve been telling Nathan for weeks that he needs to go out in public with you again. Your interview was severely flawed but I still think we can make this situation work for us. I like the whole love triangle story line and we should run with it. I’ll tell Nathan to take Katie Owens out to lunch publicly this week and then you’ll be coming to town on Saturday. The paparazzi will Eat. It. Up!”

  “Isn’t that bad?” Maddie asked confused.

  Melissa laughed out loud. “No! I’ve been trying to make him understand that media speculation can only help his career. Tomorrow and Forever doesn’t hit theaters for months so we need to keep him relevant in the meantime. Let the media conspire and argue over who he’s really dating, Katie or Madeline. It will be classic! Of course, for that to seem plausible we’ll have to get you into a five-star salon ASAP. You’ll need a cut and color, eye brow waxing, and makeup tutorials for sure.”

  “Hold on a second. I don’t want you to send me to some Hollywood salon,” Maddie replied horrified at the thought. “Wait, you don’t want me to dye my hair blond, do you?”

  “Highlights, Maddie. I’m only thinking highlights. Trust me; to fit in around here you need a little updating. So, obviously the salon is a must-do. And I’ll have a selection of clothing sent to Nathan’s house pronto. What size are you, a 4?”

  “Um, an 8.”

  Maddie could hear the sharp intake of breath through the phone. Her head was spinning. Everything Melissa was saying sounded awful. She didn’t want people thinking that Nathan was dating anyone else, least of all Katie Owens! And a beauty makeover sounded like pure Hell; not to mention how offended she was by Melissa’s insinuation that she needed one in the first place. Maddie wondered if she could refuse the whole thing. She couldn’t argue the fact that there was a striking difference between her and most of the women she’d seen during her short visit in the spring, but still wanted no part of Melissa’s plans to transform her appearance into some mediocre version of Hollywood’s style.

  She didn’t want to look like a bag lady the next time she was photographed either, and now she was beginning to second guess herself. Maybe they could compromise. “What if I said I’d take myself to a salon here in town instead? I have a nice hairdresser here and I’ll let her do all that stuff you mentioned. I would feel a lot more comfortable that way.”


  “Why not?” Maddie asked.

  “Where would you go?”

  “Regis Hair Salon, Westgate Mall.”

  “That’s why not,” Melissa said firmly.

  Maddie opened her mouth to argue but Melissa quickly filled the silence. “Okay. I’ll also ask if Nathan’s personal trainer can help you out. Let me see here,” Melissa said as she thought out loud. “Hair, makeup, eyebrows, nails, wardrobe, fitness trainer. What am I forgetting? Oh, tanning salon. No UV exposure though, I think we’ll go for the standard airbrush. You look like you’re a freckler.”

  Maddie didn’t know what to say. She was flabbergasted by Melissa’s lack of tact. By the time their conversation was over her palms were sweating and she found herself agreeing to everything. Somehow Melissa managed to get her to agree to all kinds of physical alterations so she would “fit in” better in LA. She felt nauseous, but was hoping Nathan could get her out of the whole thing.

  She still wanted to know how Nathan reacted to the interview; Melissa hadn’t mentioned telling him about it. Maddie hoped that he wasn’t mad about it, but also hoped that he wouldn’t agree with his agent’s plans to use it to tease the paparazzi. With shaking, clammy hands she dialed Nathan’s number.

  “Hey, Maddie! Good timing, I just stepped into my dressing room. What’s up?” he answered happily. It was definitely not the greeting she expected.

  “Hi. You’re still on set?” she asked checking the clock. It was 8pm Central time.

  “Yes, for another hour or so. I think they’re done with me for today but I have to hang around just in case.”

  “Oh. So, I guess you’ve heard about the interview I did, right?” she asked biting her lip furiously.

  “Yes I did,” he replied cryptically.

  “I’m so sorry, Nathan! I know we planned that when we come clean about our relationship it was going to be you announcing it! And for good reason! I was never trained how to interview properly, and the only things I could think to say were honest answers to her questions. They blindsided me on campus and I was completely unprepared.”

  “Maddie, slow down. Do you think I’m mad at you or something?”

  “You’re not mad?” Maddie whimpered. She was quietly crying; overwhelmed by everything that had happened.

  “No, Angel. I was surprised to hear you granted that woman an interview, but I’m not mad. I know how persistent journalists can be. It often seems easier to just do what they want; hoping they will leave you alone afterwards.”

  “I had no idea she worked for the real media, Nathan. I swear. I thought she was a RTF student at the college!”

  Nathan couldn’t stand hearing her fall apart on the other end of the phone. He wished he was there to comfort her. Media attacks were hard to get used to and she shouldn’t have to go through her first one alone. Nathan sat down on the sofa in his dressing room and fired up the laptop that sat on the coffee table.

  “Please don’t get upset, Maddie. I watched it for myself this morning and it’s really not that bad.”

  “Oh really? Then why did your agent call me?” she sniffled.

  “Melissa called you? When?”

  “Just a few minutes ago. She wanted to prepare me for my return next week. Oh, Nathan. It’s terrible what she has planned. She wants to primp and prod me like a contestant in a beauty pageant. I’m not Miss America! I’m Sandra Bullock!”

  Nathan sighed and rubbed his forehead. He knew what Melissa was trying to do; the camera could be very cruel if you weren’t prepared for it. While he was sure his agent had good intentions as far as Maddie was concerned, it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that she might go overboard with all the girly kind of stuff Maddie wasn’t used to doing. He quickly typed an email to Stanley and logged into the US Airways website.

  “I’ll talk to her before you get here. I’m sure she’ll relax after the shock of the interview wears off. You should have heard what she said to me when she called to let me know about it. She said, ‘We have to do something about that loose lipped southern belle of yours, Nathan. I haven’t seen an interview that brazenly honest since Al Roker told the w
orld he pooped his pants at the White House!’” Nathan quoted doing his best Melissa impression.

  Maddie groaned and buried her face in her hands.

  “Angel, don’t be upset. You know what I thought after watching it?”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “Maddie… listen to me,” Nathan admonished. “I was so proud of you for standing up for yourself. That bitch reporter was trying to embarrass you and instead you put her in her place. Yes, you were more honest than you probably wanted to be, but that’s part of your charm. I love knowing that when I ask you a question you’ll give me a straightforward answer. We’ll work on your deflection techniques when you get here. You’ll do much better next time.”

  “Next time?” Maddie croaked.

  “You have to know that you’ll be approached again, Angel. Once we make our relationship official there will be more calls for interviews. Obviously, we’ll decline them all, but it’s better that you be prepared in case you’re put on the spot again.”

  “So, you want to give me a crash course to celebrity life too?” she moaned. “Do you agree with Melissa that I should do all that stuff she wants?”

  “I don’t know everything she asked you to do, but don’t worry about any of it until you get here. Melissa might be a little pushy but she’s very good at her job. I know what she’s trying to do, but just remember she works for me. I still have control over what I do and don’t do. And the same goes for you.”

  “You keep saying we’ll deal with everything after I get to L.A. Are you trying to get me to block all of that out because you’re afraid I’ll change my mind?” she wondered.

  “I’m always afraid of that. I just want you to keep calm because I know being in the spotlight can be scary. Once we’re together we can figure it all out.”

  “Ok, well don’t worry because not your pushy agent, your screaming fans, or your paparazzi following are going to keep me away.”

  “Good, because I need you here with me.”

  “I know. And I need you too,” she replied smiling. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I’m glad you said that, because I just changed your flight from this coming Saturday to tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Nathan’s sneaker squeaked on the travertine tile in his home’s foyer as he turned sharply and paced back towards the door. He watched through the glass inlay for any sign of Stanley’s limousine. Maddie texted him two hours earlier to let him know her flight landed safely but that she was still on the tarmac. Nathan knew it would take her longer than usual to arrive from LAX because of the added security measures he insisted upon for this trip.

  He made specific arrangements for Maddie to be escorted off the plane and through the airport on a route that would have her exit among the international arrivals. Stanley would get her from the Air France terminal and then drive around to the US Airways baggage claim for her luggage. Nathan wanted to be certain to throw off the paparazzi if they happened to be waiting for her and it was a tactic that had worked for him in the past.

  “Will Miss Maddie be here soon?” Lupe asked when she noticed Nathan standing in the middle of the foyer staring at the front door.

  He looked up at her as she descended the stairs with a tray of dirty plates in her hands. “Yes, she’s due any minute.”

  “Good, because if you’re pacing there much longer you’re going to leave scuff marks all over my nice clean floors.”

  Nathan glanced down, lifting each foot looking for black streaks but saw none. He realized Lupe was teasing him.

  “Oh, Nathano. This woman drives you loco like no other, doesn’t she?”

  Nathan ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly. “Is it strange that I can literally feel her getting closer and closer each second? Stanley’s driving her from the airport right now and I feel like her body is a magnet pulling me towards the door. I literally can’t walk away from it.”

  “Yes, that’s weird,” Lupe replied trying not to smile. She glanced over Nathan’s shoulder as the front door opened behind him, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “Is it even weirder that I could swear I can smell her too?” Nathan asked. Lupe began laughing as he stared at her.

  “Is that a good smell or a bad smell?” Maddie demanded as she walked through the opened door.

  Nathan whirled around at the sound of her voice; surprised and relieved by her sudden appearance. He quickly scooped her up into his arms and buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. “Mmm,” he groaned quietly. “Definitely a good smell.”

  Maddie wiggled, trying to get down, but he ignored her. “Hola, Miss Maddie! Welcome back,” Lupe said from somewhere in the background.

  “Hi Lupe! It’s good to be back,” Maddie giggled, still squirming in his embrace. “Nathan, put me down! When did you get so freakishly strong?”

  Finally, Nathan set her down on her feet, his smile growing wider as he took in her flustered appearance. Maddie’s cheeks were flushed and she was adjusting her clothes while Stanley came in behind them and placed three bags of luggage beside the staircase.

  “Whoa, you did get stronger,” Maddie said as she noticed the changes in Nathan’s physique since the last time she’d seen him. Her fingers trailed up his arm and felt how the muscles were more defined. His face looked slimmer too. She wondered what else had changed.

  “Two hours a day in the gym will do that. I’m playing a US marine, remember?” Nathan smiled.

  “The haircut gave that away,” she teased knowing he hated the buzz cut. Maddie knew he felt insecure without his signature messy auburn hair on top of his head. She had to admit that he really did look different. Not bad, he could never look bad, just different.

  “Don’t mention the hair,” he whined and pulled her closer to him again. Nathan kissed her firmly on the lips and she swooned in his arms. Obviously, the lips hadn’t changed.

  A minute or two later Stanley subtly cleared his throat. Nathan looked up having completely forgotten that he was there. “Will that be all, Sir?” he said with a big smirk.

  “Yes, Stanley. Thank you. Did you have any trouble at the airport?”

  “No cameras around. Going through International arrivals was definitely a smart move.”

  Maddie looked at Nathan and said, “Is that what we were doing? I was wondering why I was being walked all over the place. LAX is like a huge maze; I had no idea where I was headed.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t want you ambushed the second you stepped foot in L.A.,” Nathan explained.

  “But what happened to Melissa’s plans for my arrival to make the headlines? I thought she wanted me to be noticed.”

  Lupe and Stanley quietly left the room so the couple could talk in private. Nathan led Maddie over to the sofa and sat down beside her. He’d been worried about how she would react to Melissa’s list of demands and it was important to him to make sure Maddie knew that Melissa worked for him, not the other way around.

  “Don’t worry about any of that. I took care of it,” Nathan said hoping to calm her fears.

  “So, you’re not going out with Katie Owens this week to stir up gossip?” Maddie asked.

  “Maddie… of course not. I talked to Melissa this morning and told her that she was out of control. I’m not going along with any plot she has for me to be photographed with Katie, or Stacey, or any woman besides you. I told her that the next time I’m asked in an interview about my romantic interests I’m going to announce our relationship.”

  Maddie’s eyes popped open in shock. “What did she say about that?”

  “She flipped out and I was this close to firing her. This close,” he said holding up two fingers an inch apart. “She’s my agent, not my publicist. I told her she better stick to finding scripts for me and stop orchestrating opportunities for the paparazzi to get my picture.”

  Maddie could hardly contain her glee. She was so relieved and she really liked this new authoritative Nathan; he was crazy sexy.
“So, no love triangle?” she confirmed with one arched brow.

  “Fuck, no.”

  Maddie’s face lit up with her broad smile. “Thank God. What about all that makeover talk? I’ll admit I feel like a simpleton surrounded by all the beautiful women out here, but Melissa’s ideas were frightening me.”

  “Well, I had a few thoughts on that. I hope you’ll agree, but I was serious when I said that I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You like Emma, right?”

  “Emma? Oh, Katie’s assistant. Yeah, she’s great.”

  Nathan smiled. “She’s also available. Katie is spending the summer in the south of France and Emma isn’t going with her. I was thinking of hiring her as my assistant for the summer, what do you think? She could keep you company while I’m at the studio. And she mentioned that she was willing to escort you to the salon. Melissa will have no input whatsoever, you can go with Emma as friends and get whatever you want done even if it’s nothing more than a massage.”

  “You want me to hang out with Emma while you’re working?”

  Nervously Nathan replied, “Well, it’s not like I think you need a babysitter. Katie was just going to let Emma go since she didn’t want to travel to France for the whole summer. It seemed like a good idea because I could keep Emma employed and you wouldn’t have to be alone every day until I’m done with this movie.”

  “That’s really nice of you, Nathan. But why didn’t Emma want to go to France with Katie? It sounds like an amazing trip.”

  Nathan shrugged. “She didn’t want to leave Rhett all summer.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot she had a boyfriend. Ok then. Yes, I agree to chill with Emma all day while you work,” she said happily.

  “Good. Thank you.” Nathan pulled her close and kissed her.

  The filming schedule for Shock and Awe was just another two weeks but Nathan was worried there might be a few days of reshoots. As more and more of the film was being reviewed and edited some members of the production team were talking about possible changes. He knew Emma would be the right companion for Maddie while he finished his commitment to the movie. Nathan had taken a liking to Emma the first time they met and was very disappointed in Katie for the way she was willing to dump her so easily. He could think of lots of things for Emma to assist him with besides hanging out with Maddie so it only made sense to hire her for the summer. She knew her way around Hollywood better than anyone and was fun to be around. He hoped Emma would help Maddie find the brighter side of Los Angeles and make her feel comfortable.


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