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Love in the Heartland

Page 43

by Diana Currie

  Emma pressed the letter against her chest and looked at Maddie. “Isn’t she the cutest thing?” Maddie nodded and Emma continued reading. “But I want to try because I want to learn more about Caleb and my mom says the book is always better than the movie! I hope you make more movies. I promise to watch all of them. What is your favorite subject in school? What do you like to do for fun? Do you have a girlfriend? Thank you for reading my letter, Nathan. Please write back. Love, Brittany Cerano.”

  “Wow,” Maddie said. “It’s amazing how much you can touch someone’s life without even knowing it. If it were me, I’d feel like it was my responsibility to reply to that little girl and all these others too.”

  “They always try at first. It just becomes too burdensome and they give up. I know some celebrities that let their assistant’s write reply letters in their names. Katie never did that; she wanted every response to be genuine. She asked me to read them for her and then show her the most important letters. Like the ones from kids with diseases, anyone who seemed lonely or depressed, and any that made simple enough requests that she could grant.”

  “What kinds of things do people ask for?” Maddie wondered.

  Emma shrugged. “All kinds of stuff; autographs for grand kids, movie tickets, advice in relationships or acting careers. I remember one man asked Katie to help him get Nathan’s autograph for his wife so that she would forgive him for sleeping with her sister. I’ll never forget that letter.”

  “Did Katie do it?”

  “Oh yeah. She got Nathan and the entire cast to sign a promotional photo for the guy. I remember his wife’s name was April. Katie signed the photo and below her name she wrote, ‘You deserve so much better than a cheating husband, April. Abigail would agree!”

  “Oh my gosh,” Maddie gasped. “Katie has a lot of nerve, doesn’t she?”

  Emma laughed. “Yeah, well that happened just a few weeks after she broke up with Connor. She was in a really bad place emotionally. And it lasted a long time.”

  “Did you know Nathan used to have a crush on her?”

  Emma smiled and nodded. “Yeah, and Katie knew it too. She went on and on about him for a long time after Connor.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I was with her through all that drama last fall. She told me she was done throwing herself at Nathan. She couldn’t understand why he was turning her down after having obvious feelings for her for so long. Now we both know that reason was you, Maddie. Katie just decided to give up. She wasn’t going to make a fool of herself any longer. And she’s over it now.”

  “I hope you’re right because Nathan still considers her a good friend and I don’t want to obstruct that since he has so few trustworthy friends here. But I think he’s worried about how she makes me feel, especially when I’m back in Texas and he’s here.”

  “You’re intimidated by her?” Emma guessed.

  “Yes,” Maddie admitted. “She’s so beautiful. And talented, rich, and she fits in here. I’m like a fish out of water, like an ugly duckling or something.”

  “Maddie…” Emma chided. “Don’t say things like that. It’s not true.” She wanted to add that if Maddie would just agree to go to her salon then she could prove it, but thought better of pushing her. Later, she decided.

  “Thank you, but I still don’t understand how in a competition with Katie Owens I somehow came out the winner. You can’t understand what it feels like standing next to Nathan. You’re one of them… the beautiful people. You were an actress for a while too. I’m a babysitter and research laboratory assistant.”

  “I think I need to show you something.” Emma pulled her iPhone out of her pocket and opened up the web browser.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Googling myself.”


  “So you can see the way the media views me. Come here.” Maddie moved to sit on the arm of the chair and looked at Emma’s phone. “Here’s me out jogging with Katie. Both of us with sports bras and pony tails, sweating like pigs. And this was me lifting a package of water bottles off the ground at the grocery store. A very flattering angle. Ugh, here’s me scratching my nose outside the studio at Universal. Fabulous.”

  Maddie couldn’t help laughing. “Why are you showing me these?”

  “To make you realize that the beautiful people, as you call them, do not look that way rolling out of bed. It takes a lot of effort. Even I occasionally leave the house without makeup on.”

  Maddie glared at her is disbelief.

  “I said occasionally. Do you feel better now?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Emma. You’re a good friend to have.”

  “Remember that this afternoon when Pierre is waxing your eyebrows,” she smirked happily.

  “What? I thought we were clothes shopping?”

  Emma jumped up and pulled a tape measure out of thin air and began wrapping it around Maddie’s hips, waist, thigh, chest, and shoulders. “Emma?” Maddie asked worried. “Shopping?”

  “I changed my mind. I’m going to do the shopping for you. A 34C bust, Maddie? Lucky girl.”

  Maddie blushed. “So, you’re saying that I don’t have to risk being seen on Rodeo Drive?”

  “No, I’ll save you that horror,” Emma lamented. “But in exchange you have to come see Pierre. He will make you feel so good about your body without changing what makes you Maddie Sherratt. Just trust me.”

  “Alright, fine. There’s less chance of being noticed there than in a store, right?”

  “Would you feel better if I asked Stanley to escort us in the limo?”

  “Yes, that’s actually a great idea,” Maddie replied with relief. The limo had very nice tinted windows.

  “They’re going to find out you’re here sooner or later. But I’ll call Stanley after I confirm our appointments at the salon. And I need to call my closet guy too.”

  “You have a closet guy? Wait, what kind of changes are you making?”

  “Adding some sweater shelves, slanted shoe shelves, and changing the whole layout in Nathan’s closet so I can add a sitting bench and island drawers. The fun part will be your closet!”

  “What do you mean, my closet? I don’t have a closet because I’m only visiting, remember?”

  “Oh, but you will, my sweet Maddie,” Emma chirped.

  “Emma what are you plotting?” Maddie asked afraid to hear the answer.

  “That charming little bedroom next to the master will make the perfect dressing room for you! Save your snarky comments please, because Nathan already approved the renovations!”

  Maddie put her hand to her forehead and groaned. “You two are unbelievable. Is he forgetting that I’m leaving here at the end of August?”

  “I think he plans to leave the clothes in there for future visits,” Emma smiled.

  Maddie couldn’t help but admit that she was looking forward to visiting Nathan again too. She already suspected he might be planning to invite her in November when Tomorrow and Forever hits theaters. She knew it would be a chaotic and important time for him, and she was thrilled just thinking about the opportunity to witness the media hype that would surround the movie’s release. Her only concern was that Nathan might invite her to the movie’s L.A. premier since he wanted their relationship to be out in the open. If he really did ask her to walk the red carpet with him, Maddie knew she would wear anything Emma told her to and do whatever else she recommended to look like she belonged next to Nathan. Her palms were starting to sweat just thinking about making a public appearance as Nathan Foster’s girlfriend.

  “Siri, call Lucas at Closets by Design,” Emma said since Maddie seemed to have spaced out. She didn’t even think Maddie heard her say Stanley would be arriving in twenty minutes to take them to the salon. She headed down to the kitchen to find her sketchbook so she could jot down some design features as she discussed Maddie’s closet with Lucas.

  When Maddie realized Emma had left the room she was embarrassed. The pres
sure and fear of her first red carpet event would have to wait for another day. She went back to Nathan’s bedroom to find her phone so she could send him a text message. She wondered how his day was going. Only a few hours had passed since she last saw him but she already missed him like crazy. There was a message waiting for her and she smiled when she read what Nathan wrote.

  Filming a crazy bar fight scene right now. Worried that I might get popped for real – N

  Be careful there, slugger! I’ll put a bag of frozen peas on standby in case you do. ;-) – M

  Nathan didn’t respond so Maddie figured he’d been called back to the set. He’d been working so hard the past few weeks and it reminded her that she wanted to somehow make Nathan’s birthday special. It was the reason, after all, that she left her job five days early in order to arrive in Los Angeles in time to celebrate with him. Maddie pondered what she could do to make Nathan’s birthday really special as she walked downstairs to find Emma. It would be great to have Garrett fly in but Maddie knew he was busy with work. And she wouldn’t be able to get him there without asking Nathan to pay for the airline tickets so that would ruin any element of surprise.

  In the kitchen Emma was pacing back and forth talking at her iPhone. Maddie realized quickly that Emma was using Face Time to discuss closets with her designer. She had used the app a few times with Nathan since he so generously bought her the new phone and it gave her an idea. But she would need Garrett’s help.

  While Maddie waited patiently for Emma to finish her conversation, she mentally planned out what she would need to give Nathan a really fabulous birthday surprise. She sent text messages to Garrett and Jacqueline to make sure her plan was going to work. She would also have to coordinate with Lupe on what she planned to make for dinner that night. Maybe if they worked together she’d be able to make an impressive meal. Nathan always seemed to get excited when Maddie cooked for him.

  “Are you ready to go?” Emma asked. “Pierre is waiting to pluck, primp, and polish you!”

  Maddie blinked a couple times, not sure how to answer. “I think so?”

  “Don’t look so excited, Maddie!” Emma teased. “You’re in good hands.”

  Smirking, she replied, “Alright, All State, let’s go.”

  Emma cocked her head to one side but then smiled. “You’re an unusual person, Maddie. But I like you. Come on, Stanley is here.”

  The waiting limousine quickly whisked them away into the heart of Hollywood to a salon with a French name and a very fancy storefront. Pierre turned out to be a short curly haired French man who came to Los Angeles six years earlier. Emma clearly loved his unique French style and told Maddie how they met four years ago while working for the same actress. They appeared to have a borderline creepy relationship in her opinion. While one of the other stylists was applying Maddie’s face mask, Pierre took Emma into a back room for a Brazilian wax. Maddie didn’t think she would enjoy that job as much as Pierre seemed to. As long asMaddie was allowed to stay in the main room with her clothes on she wasn’t going to complain. But she couldn’t help but wonder if Rhett knew about Pierre.

  The other treatments Emma had lined up for them were manicures, pedicures, a skin exfoliation, and a full body massage. The ordeal seemed to take all afternoon and by the time they were headed home Maddie was exhausted.

  “It’s not exhaustion, you’re just finally in a relaxed state,” Emma corrected as she sat down in the limo.

  “Is that what it is? I thought maybe you slipped a roofie into that champagne flute.”

  “Tell me the truth, was it as uncomfortable as you expected?”

  “I was nervous at first but everyone was as nice as you said they’d be. And you were right, I do feel really good. Do you think Nathan will notice a difference?” Maddie asked, inspecting her newly manicured finger nails.

  “Probably not, but only because men never notice unless you do something drastic. And you refused the haircut and color I wanted,” she smirked.

  “Sorry I spoiled your fun. I promised Nathan I wouldn’t change my hair.”

  “He likes long brunette hair?” Emma assumed.

  Maddie grinned. “I don’t know about that, but I told him about my extreme makeover fears. He said not to give in to any pressure to change myself because he likes me the way I am.”

  “You two are disgustingly adorable together. You’ve changed him, you know that right? Even Katie noticed a difference in him since he met you.”

  “I feel like I’ve changed so much since meeting him too. It scares me how much I depend on him; how important he’s become to me in such a short period of time.”

  “You love him, right?”

  “Yes,” Maddie answered blushing.

  “Don’t worry, I can see he loves you too. I get that I don’t know you very well yet, Maddie, but it’s obvious that you’re good for him. Really good.”

  “Thank you. You know his birthday is Wednesday? I have something planned to surprise him but I need your help to pull it off.”

  “Anything,” Emma replied willingly.

  “Could you live without your iPad for a few hours?”

  Emma looked confused, wondering what Maddie could possibly need it for, but reached into her bag to hand it over.

  “Not right now,” Maddie corrected. “I need it Wednesday night. And can you help me find a nice dress and do my hair?”

  “Now you have my attention!” Emma clapped happily. “What do you have planned?”

  “I’ll tell you Wednesday. I want to it be a surprise.”

  Emma pretended to look offended. “What, you think I can’t keep a secret?”

  “That depends, does Rhett know about Pierre waxing your special place?” Maddie asked smirking.

  “Hell, honey, Rhett’s a regular customer too!”Maddie blushed a deep red as that image popped into her head and then the women burst into a fit of giggles.

  Maddie was eager to see Nathan when the limousine pulled up in front of the house. She needed a few hours of normal, and it seemed in this crazy town Nathan was the closest thing to normal she was going to find. She wanted to hear all about his day at the studio, tell him how she survived the trip to Emma’s salon, and ask him about the crazy plans she had for closet renovations.

  She followed Emma into the house and went to the kitchen first. He wasn’t there.“Nathan?” she called, walking back through the dining room and foyer.

  Next, Maddie tried the living room and found him stretched out on the sofa, sleeping peacefully. Nathan was wearing gray sweatpants and a white cotton t-shirt. The television was on with a low volume and Maddie thought he’d probably been waiting for her when he fell asleep.

  “He looks so cute, doesn’t he?” Maddie whispered as Emma approached on tiptoes.

  “He’s a sweetheart. I wonder how long he’s been here?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to wake him up. Are you headed out for the day?” Maddie asked.

  “Yep, but I’ll see you tomorrow. I have a new closet to fill!”

  Maddie rolled her eyes but grinned widely. “I’ll be sure to have the coffee ready bright and early.”

  “Now we’re talking! See ya,” Emma said before turning on her heel and skipping out the front door.

  The sound of the door closing roused Nathan slightly but he didn’t open his eyes. Maddie whispered his name but got no response. He looked so normal in this vulnerable state, just like any other boy, and that thought relaxed her. She smiled to herself as she thought of the perfect way to wake him up.

  Carefully she eased down on the sofa cushion beside him and placed her hand on his thigh. She stroked his leg up and down lightly, hoping to arouse him in his sleep. Her hand crept closer to his groin and Nathan let out an unconscious moan of pleasure. Maddie wondered if her caresses were working their way into his dreams.

  After a minute she could feel him hardening beneath the cotton pants and it was turning her on too. Maddie knew Lupe wasn’t in the house and Stanley had said go
od night when he dropped her off earlier. With a confidence she didn’t know she possessed, Maddie tossed off her shirt and quietly slipped off her shoes. She stood to remove her jeans and then gently straddled Nathan’s prostrate body. He gasped in his sleep and his eyes briefly fluttered open.

  Maddie bit her lip seductively and pulled the sweatpants down to expose his erection to the cool air. “No boxers, Slugger?” Maddie whispered approvingly. She leaned down and kissed his cheek just as her hand wrapped around his solid length. “Nathan…”

  Nathan opened his eyes sleepily and realized Maddie was there. He moaned happily and turned his face towards the sound of her voice, but her head disappeared before his eyes could find her. He felt her hot mouth surround him in a very unexpected place and his eyes shut tightly again.

  “Oh, Maddie,” he moaned as his hips bucked forward. She responded by humming and taking him into her mouth further.

  “I missed you Angel,” he said and reached down to put his hand on her head.

  Nathan was fully awake now and pried his eyes open to get a glimpse of his beautiful girlfriend going down on him. He realized that she must have come home from her outing with Emma to find him asleep on the couch. He was amazed to see her in her underwear and hoped that he wasn’t still dreaming. This was very unlike Maddie, but it was a side of her he was willing to embrace completely.

  He reached for her breasts and fondled them gently. Suddenly Maddie released him from her mouth and sat up. She put her hands behind her back and removed the bra. Yep, he was definitely awake. He had never dreamed of boobs that delectable in his life. He reached for them again, eager to pinch those pink nipples, but Maddie pushed his arms away.

  “Lay back,” she instructed.


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