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At Seventeen

Page 25

by Gerri Hill

  “Yeah, I’d rather have her all to myself and chase her naked through the living room if I wanted,” she said with a grin. “But that’s not an option right now. Mom can’t live with you. You’ve got a house full.”

  “We talked about moving her to an assisted living apartment or something,” he said.

  “I know, but I don’t think it’s time for that. Once she’s recovered from surgery, she may be just fine.” She glanced into the other room. “Besides, Madison already told me that wasn’t an option.”

  Jarod nodded. “I know Madison cares for her a lot.”

  “She’s closer to her than her own mother, yeah.”

  “So I take it you haven’t mentioned this to Mom yet?”

  “No. I thought we could discuss it today. As a family.”

  “Well, you know what she’s going to say.”

  “Yeah, that she’d be in the way and she doesn’t want to be a burden and that she’s perfectly capable of living alone,” she said.

  “And you know if she hadn’t had that fainting spell, I think she’d be okay living alone. We’re both here. We could check on her daily.”

  “But she did have that fainting spell,” Shannon reminded him. “And after her surgery, she’s going to need help. It’s already October. With me getting the inventory in and us both doing the hiring and the training, what are we going to do?” She shrugged. “We could hire someone, but why? Madison has offered her home to us. She’s offered to take care of her.”

  “I hate putting that burden on her.”

  “That’s just it. Madison doesn’t think of it as a burden.” Shannon raised her eyebrows as Joan joined them in the small kitchen.

  “What are you two whispering about in here?” she asked as she linked arms with Jarod. “Can I help with something?”

  “Just warming everything up,” Shannon said. “The kids getting hungry?”

  “Oh, they’re enjoying playing with your mom. She doesn’t look as tired today.”

  “Shannon’s got a proposal,” Jarod said quietly. “Or rather Madison does.”

  Joan smiled. “And I think it’s a good one.”

  “She told you?” Shannon asked.

  “Yes. It’ll allow the two of you to be together and, as I’m sure you know, Madison genuinely cares for Alice.”

  “So everyone’s on board? Well, I guess we just need to convince Mom then.”

  “I’ll set the table,” Joan offered. “We can discuss it over dinner.”

  * * *

  Through the small talk and idle conversation, Madison could tell Shannon was having a hard time trying to find an opening to propose their plan to Alice. Shannon was still convinced that Alice would balk at it. She, however, didn’t think so. Oh, Alice would most likely offer some feeble excuses as to why it wasn’t a good idea, but in the end, she would agree to it. Or at least she hoped she would.

  With the meal almost over—Kenny having snatched the last piece of garlic bread—Shannon finally broached the subject.

  “Mom, we’ve been talking about your living arrangements after the surgery,” she said.

  Her mother stared at her across the table. “Oh? We have?”

  Madison hid her smile as she recognized the amusement in Alice’s voice. Shannon apparently did not.

  “Well, me and Jarod,” she said. “And Madison and Joan,” she added with a quick glance her way.

  “And what did we decide?”

  Shannon looked at her helplessly, and Madison shook her head. Was Shannon actually afraid of what her mother would say? Well, there was no sense in beating around the bush.

  “Alice, I want you to come live with me,” she said. “You and Shannon both.”

  She wasn’t surprised by the warm acceptance she saw in Alice’s eyes. She suspected that part of Alice’s anxiety was fear that Shannon and Jarod would suggest the dreaded assisted living arrangement that they’d talked about earlier.

  “I appreciate that, Madison, but wouldn’t I get in the way? You and Shannon—”

  “Are grown women, not teenagers,” she said. “Besides, our bedrooms will be separated by half of the house. You won’t hear a thing.”

  Shannon covered her face and groaned. “Really? Do we have to talk about that?”

  They all laughed as Shannon blushed a bright red.

  “After your surgery, you’re going to need help, Mom,” Jarod said. “Shannon and I, well, we’ve got the store. We all think that this is the best option.”

  Alice turned, her eyes questioning. “Are you sure, Madison? I don’t want to be a burden, and I don’t want to jeopardize your and Shannon’s relationship.”

  “I’m sure. You’re as much my family as anyone else.” She smiled. “In fact, I would never extend this offer to my own mother.”

  Alice smiled too, then glanced quickly at Shannon. “And you’re okay with this?”

  Shannon nodded. “I’m okay with this.”

  Alice glanced around the table, looking at each of them, finally nodded. “Then I guess I’m okay with it too.”

  Shannon let out a relieved sigh as she nodded at Madison. “Great. Now I can enjoy this very chocolate, very decadent dessert I ordered.” She stood. “Who saved room?”

  The kids were the first to raise their hands and Jarod and Joan joined in.

  “Anything chocolate, I can find the room,” Joan said with a grin.

  “I’ll help,” Madison said, following Shannon into the kitchen.

  They were both smiling at each other and Madison moved closer, not really caring if anyone could see them. Right now, she needed this closeness with Shannon.

  “So? We’re good?”

  Shannon pulled her closer. “We’re good,” she murmured, her lips moving from her ear across her face to her mouth.

  They kissed slowly as Madison’s hands moved across Shannon’s shoulders and around her neck.

  “I love you,” Madison whispered.

  Shannon pulled back enough to look into her eyes and Madison saw a host of emotions there. Gratitude, love and affection, and, yes…desire. And now, finally, they were free to express those things to each other…and to others. There would be no more hiding.

  “I love you. Now, always,” Shannon whispered back.

  One more kiss and she pulled out of her arms. She turned, finding Alice standing at the edge of the kitchen, watching them. She was about to apologize for such a public display of affection when Alice smiled at them.

  “Your love for each other just radiates off of you,” she said. “It always has, even when you were both denying it.” Alice looked from Shannon back to her and smiled. “And I don’t mind you stealing kisses in my kitchen.”

  Madison hugged her quickly. “We’re so used to…hiding our feelings,” she said.

  “You’ll tell your mother?” she asked.

  Madison nodded. “Yes.” She glanced at Shannon. “Yes, we’re going to tell my mother.”

  Shannon opened the fridge, taking out a huge chocolate pie. “We?”

  Madison laughed. “Yes, we.”

  “Are you still afraid of her?” Alice asked.

  Shannon raised her eyebrows. “What makes you think I’m afraid of her?”

  “Oh, Shannon, you were always terrified of Madison’s mother.” She laughed quietly. “Of course, now I know why. You were afraid she’d catch you in Madison’s room.”

  Shannon’s face turned a lovely red, and Madison wondered if she would always blush when her mother teased her.

  “How about dessert?” Shannon said, giving a subtle wink to Madison.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Shannon held her hand over the gas grill, determining that it was hot enough. She had an assortment of veggie burgers and frankfurters, and she brushed each with olive oil to prevent them from sticking.

  She turned as a huge splash in the pool elicited laughter all around. It was one of those glorious early summer days—blue, cloudless skies, little to no breeze and the temperature just pe
rfect to be enjoying the patio and pool.

  She glanced across the backyard, taking pride in the fact that—unlike all the neighbors—she and Madison maintained their own lawn. She had been a little surprised at Madison’s exuberance, especially when it came to mowing, but Madison found it was something she enjoyed. Shannon couldn’t, however, take credit for the flowers. That was all Madison’s and her mother’s doing.

  She looked at them now, with Jarod and Joan, lounging by the pool as Kenny and Crissy and two of their friends splashed like the kids they were. Her mother had a contented smile on her face as she listened to the conversation between Joan and Madison. Shannon had to admit that moving her mother here was the best decision they could have ever made. Her mother had thrived after her surgery and seemed years younger.

  Shannon went back to the task of flipping the burgers and frankfurters, smiling as she listened to the laughter of the kids. She’d been back in Brook Hill over a year now and she found it hard to imagine living anywhere else. She and Jarod were as close as they’d ever been, and there were rarely any disagreements over their business practices. All four of their stores were prosperous and they couldn’t be more pleased.

  Her relationship with Charlotte and Tracy, on the other hand, was nearly dissolved. As time passed, they spoke less and less. Ally had a steady girlfriend now, and the last time they talked, the four of them were planning a cruise together. She would like to say that she missed their friendship, but she really didn’t. As she’d told Madison, she never really quite fit in with them. She’d pretended to be the person they wanted her to be and it had been easy to fit that mold. But being back in Brook Hill, she realized how empty it all was…how empty she was.

  “Hey. You daydreaming again?”

  She smiled as Madison stood close to her, their shoulders brushing. “Yeah. Daydreaming.”

  Madison tilted her head. “Are you happy? You’re getting to cook.”

  Shannon laughed. “Not sure you can really call this cooking,” she said as she flipped the burgers one more time. “Are you happy?”

  Madison leaned closer. “I’m so very happy,” she said. “I love having your family over.”

  “Our family,” she corrected. “All we need is Ashton to make it complete.” She closed the lid on the grill and turned the fire off. “And you’ll get to see him in about three weeks.”

  “And he’ll be here for a whole month,” Madison said, smiling. “I’m anxious for you and him to spend some time together.”

  “Me too.” She took Madison’s hand and tugged her inside, pausing to glance over her shoulder, finding Jarod watching them. He smiled and shook his head. She grinned back at him.

  Once inside, she pulled Madison into her arms. “God, I love you,” she whispered, kissing her lightly, slowly.

  Madison’s arms tightened around her. “I love you. Always.”

  Their eyes held and Shannon saw everything she needed in life, right there in Madison’s eyes. It was a look she’d first seen when…

  “I was ten,” she whispered.

  Madison frowned at her words but Shannon simply smiled and kissed her once again.

  “Nothing…just…I love you.”

  Bella Books, Inc.

  Women. Books. Even Better Together.

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  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Other Bella Books by Gerri Hill

  About the Author

  Part One: Love is Ageless

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Part Two: Love is Timeless

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Bella Books




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