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The Virtual Realm

Page 18

by Daniel Perusko

  Stacy was straining herself beyond her arcane limits, throwing powerful heals on Frost in a terrified frenzy, and because of that... her mana gauge was beginning to approach empty.

  Dusk, Xyla, and Kevlar were gripped by a violent panic, forcing adrenaline into their muscles as they surpassed their own limits. In this fight or flight situation, they would fight for their lives until their last breath. As they were felling the smaller foes, they heard the unmistakable sound of Verthrax sucking in his breath. Without even a moment of uncertainty, the three damage dealers instantly rolled away, just barely avoiding being roasted by the great blast of flame that exploded out from the depths of the great dragon. The heat of the blast nearly burned them to a crisp. Dusk felt like his back had just been on a frying pan; his skin now tender to the touch.

  After a couple more close brushes with death, they managed to slay all nine dragon hatchlings. Frost was still standing, just barely. Stacy was completely bare of mana. Frost was out of defensive cool downs. A couple more hits would send his armored form tumbling to the ground, lost forever to the beyond. The combatant’s bodies were screaming at them to stop, but they carried on through sheer strength of will. Finally, Verthrax let out an almighty roar, falling over on its side.

  Dusk couldn’t believe it, his adrenaline was racing through his body too rapidly to contain. No longer having the strength to stand, he collapsed on his butt, unable to rise again. Looking around, Dusk could see the other members of his group were utterly drained. Everyone except for Kevlar, that is. Whereas everyone else was exhausted, Kevlar was standing tall, supposedly unaffected by what they just went through. Dusk’s mind swirled into a maelstrom of confusion. How was he able to stand like that? It seemed like none of his energy had left him. There wasn’t even a single rivulet of sweat to be seen on his brow. No matter how Dusk attempted to reconcile this discrepancy, he couldn’t do it. Wasn’t Kevlar struggling earlier with the rest of them? Or was it some kind of act? Just what was going on here? Dusk voiced his concerns, thinking it better to get to the crux of the matter. His plan would soon prove to be gravely mistaken.

  “Kevlar... why didn’t you help Stacy up when she was about to die? I understand Frost, he had to keep Verthrax in place, but you didn’t. Why didn’t you help out like Xyla did?”

  As if Dusk’s words had struck an epiphany, everyone else’s eyes lit up, wondering the same thing. Xyla slowly rose to her feet, practically dragging herself over to Kevlar. She stopped at his face, ready to explode like an atomic bomb.

  “Yeah, why don’t you tell us, Kevlar? Why did you leave Stacy like that? Did you not give a shit if she died?”

  Kevlar’s facial expression remained unchanged, obviously not fazed by Xyla’s attempted intimidation. He replied like a drone, cold and emotionless.

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  His voice had changed. The monotone voice had adopted a shred of regret.

  “I wish you would’ve all died in fact. Then I wouldn’t have had to do this.”

  The rage was swelling within Dusk, like a rising torrent ready to burst. He couldn’t contain his ill feelings and anger towards Kevlar any longer. He never liked the man to begin with—that condescending manner of speaking, his superiority complex—he couldn’t stand it. This was the final nail in the coffin. No more. No more bullshit. He was done playing nice with this asshole. He screamed in a flare of hatred that exploded on Kevlar's form.

  “Do what?! I don’t know why my friends wanted to group with you. You’re a condescending, cold-hearted prick! I don’t care what the others say; I won’t group with you anymore. I’ve had all I can take.”

  “Yeah, I agree, we won’t be grouping together again,” Kevlar responded flatly. He brought up the menu. Originally Dusk had thought it was to leave the group, but he did something that Dusk never would’ve predicted in his wildest dreams. Kevlar’s sword that he won from the PvP tournament had vanished, replaced with a blade of pure white; a single gold line was running down the center from the tip to the guard. The outside of the sword glowed with a blue aura. His dull gray armor was replaced with shiny sky blue colored plating. The frame seemed twice as durable. Dusk went to examine him, immediately wary of this development.

  Much to the dismay of the mid-level Phantom, Kevlar’s character profile said “Level 50”. Level 50 was the absolute pinnacle of power one could achieve through levels alone. Once there, a player would not have to worry about gaining experience points any longer. But Dusk expected it to take at least two to three months before anyone hit level 50. So then how was Kevlar standing before him, already having reached the highest point of the leveling curve?

  “W-Wha?” Dusk managed to stutter weakly, in complete awe. Before he could manage to utter another word, Kevlar used his right hand to push Xyla to the ground without a second thought. He immediately followed up by grasping his great white sword in both hands as he stabbed her through the chest mercilessly. Blood splattered outwards from her body like a geyser as her health pool sunk into the dead zone.

  “What... the... fuck?” Xyla fought to speak through the thick clot of blood that clogged her throat. This hurt. It hurt so much. Far more than any abuse at the Hand of Blood. Just as quickly as it had come, the unbelievable pain had passed, and all she was left with was a complete numbness. Everything became a blur—a giant, blood red blur.

  Everyone else was too shocked to even speak a single word. They had just witnessed an event which was beyond their comprehension. Someone they journeyed with for weeks. Someone they fought together with. Someone they had formed a bond with, laughed with. Someone they considered a friend was just dealt a deathblow by one of their comrades without a hint of remorse.

  Frost got up slowly, tears flooding down his face as he exclaimed one thing over and over, his voice thoroughly shaken by despair.

  “How could you? How could you...? How could you!”

  Frost charged blindly at Kevlar with all the strength he had left. Kevlar simply turned to him with those lifeless eyes—eyes which had the same gaze as if they were crushing a bug. Kevlar ran his giant blade straight through Frost’s shield as if he was cutting through paper. The blade kept moving, unimpeded, until it cut directly through Frost’s heart. Kevlar withdrew the blade savagely, letting Frost fall to the floor at his feet.

  Dusk and Stacy, having been distressed onlookers to this display, were absolutely mortified beyond words.

  Xyla was peering straight at Frost. Stealing a last look at her closest friend before her journey ended. She smiled weakly at the dying Knight who was dragging himself along the ground towards her, trying to grab her open hand for a final time so that he could feel her warmth.

  Mike... I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed Kevlar’s true colors sooner. I cherished every moment that we had together. I’ll see you on the other side...

  Frost could almost feel the warmth he desperately sought as he inched forward. He crawled like a worm along the ground to get to her. He was so close. So close. Just as he reached out to grasp his friend’s tender hand, she vanished... Frost lowered his head in defeat as his joy disappeared from existence. The tears flowed uncontrollably in buckets. This was it...

  I’m sorry, Dusk. I couldn’t save everyone. I couldn’t be the hero. It’s up to you now... You have to save everyone. Beat Kevlar, save everyone, please...

  He used all his effort to raise his head one last time, staring despondently in the direction where Xyla’s body was, all but moments ago.

  I thought I had changed. I thought I could save my friends, but in the end, I’m still the same as before. Xyla, Renee, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t save you...

  Dusk and Stacy were trembling. They couldn’t come to terms with what was happening before them, it was too much. Just an hour ago, Xyla and Frost were smiling, laughing. Now they were gone. The terrified duo sat there, unmoving, paralyzed by the cold hands of horror.

  Suddenly, an abyssal portal appeared from behind Kevlar. A shrouded
figure emerged from the other side. They were draped in a blood red cloak that covered their features behind a concealing darkness. Kevlar turned his head towards the newcomer for a moment before his neck spun back to look at his cornered prey.

  “So it’s you, Shark.”

  Shark, Dusk had heard that name before. Where was it though... he couldn’t remember right now. He couldn’t think. He could only gaze at what was before him, mindlessly.

  Shark turned their head from side to side, surveying the room.

  “Hey! You little shit; you were supposed to leave the blue haired one alive. I was going to play with him. He was mine!”

  Judging from the voice Dusk was hearing, Shark appeared to be female. How could they talk of Frost like he was some kind of toy to be played with? A mere ant they had crushed. They just killed him. Did they think nothing of human life? Much like this dungeon, Dusk’s fury was boiling and would soon erupt. Kevlar and Shark paid this no mind as they continued their conversation as if Dusk were simply a gnat.

  “My bad, Sorry,” Kevlar replied with insincerity.

  “My ass you’re sorry!” Shark whined. “I swear if it weren’t for Raven, I’d kill you myself.” She pointed her large black energy blade inches away from Kevlar’s face as if to emphasize this point.

  “I guess I’m lucky,” Kevlar scoffed. “Why don’t you kill the girl instead?”

  Dusk gasped in terror as his stomach twisted into a tight knot. There is no way I’m going to let this happen. This can’t go on any longer. They can’t kill Stacy. Not Stacy. Not Stacy! I won’t let you...

  “Fuck both of you!” Dusk finally erupted at his uncaring opponents. “Talking of people’s lives as if they’re nothing. I’ll kill you!”

  Dusk stormed straight at the duo in an uncontrollable hatred, desiring nothing more than their blood. Shark dealt a heart-stopping blow into the Phantom’s gut, causing him to collapse on the ground immediately. He felt like he had just taken a direct hit from a mortar shell as every bit of air left his body. He barely hung on to consciousness.

  Strong... I’ve never felt something so painful. Is this what level 50 is like?

  “Oh?” Shark seemed intrigued. “I have no interest in playing with girls, Kevlar, but this man is interesting. Can I take him back and play with him?”

  “You know what Raven said,” Kevlar rebuked her. “He’s the one person we leave alive. You are not to touch him.”

  Shark pouted like a little kid that just had a toy taken away. “Tch, fine; I’ll be waiting for you, hurry up and get this over with.”


  Shortly thereafter, Shark vanished back through the portal from whence she came, as if she were never there in the first place.

  Dusk was clutching his stomach, still trying to recover from the force of the blow. As he weakly raised his head he noticed Kevlar walking slowly towards Stacy, a lion walking towards a wounded antelope. He strolled casually, knowing his prey had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Stacy had her finger in front of her lip. A fragile coping mechanism that proved fruitless as she shivered uncontrollably. She wanted to run, but there was nowhere to run. She wanted to be somewhere—anywhere but here.

  Dusk tried to will his mind to give him another dose of adrenaline. He would’ve accepted the complete destruction of his own fleshly shell if it meant he could save his dear friend. Having already received an overdose of energy to deal with Verthrax, his willpower was not enough to move his body the way he desired. He planted his arms on the stone, trying to force himself up, but his wobbly supports gave out as he collapsed back onto the ground.

  “No...” he cried out so feebly that no one else could hear him. Kevlar continued his murderous stroll towards Stacy.

  Dusk once again tried to get up, his arms shaking wildly under the strain. He managed to get to his knees.

  “Don't...” he said a little bit louder, his plea going ignored.

  Not her. Not her please. Leave her alone!

  Stacy rose to her feet, raising her wand and firing several bolts of light at her soon-to-be killer—every shot was deflected. She backed up slightly, feeling completely helpless like a cornered rat.

  Dusk finally managed to struggle to his feet in time to see Kevlar raise his sword above his head, nearly ready to enact his death sentence upon the Phantom’s best friend. If she died... it was all over. He couldn’t live without her. He wouldn’t live without her.

  “Stop!” Dusk staggered towards Kevlar as fast as his worn muscles would allow, but it was too late. Kevlar’s blade made a sickening squelch as it sliced her all the way from her right shoulder to her left hip, causing the very fluid which sustained her to spray out violently in all directions. Stacy fell backwards from the force of the great blade, hitting the unyielding ground.

  Dusk froze in place for a moment, his lips quivering, his mind destroyed. He was in hell. He had to be.

  “Noooooooooooooooo!” he shrieked, before shouting out in a demonic howl as he charged straight at Kevlar like a rabid dog. Kevlar simply sidestepped him without much effort on his part, causing the traumatized Phantom to fall over next to Stacy.

  “Instead of focusing on me, you should be focusing your energy on her.” Kevlar gazed unapologetically at Stacy. “She doesn’t have long left in this world.”

  Dusk’s fists were closed into blood soaked balls of intense loathing. His eyes spoke of a bottomless pit of hatred and murderous intent. He turned his head towards Stacy, grunting in burning outrage. He looked down to see his best friend fighting to remain in this world, the grievous cut splattered across her torso. He put one arm under her head, propping her up gently. He wanted to look into those eyes one last time. Those eyes which had looked after him, protected him, and loved him...

  When he looked into her soul, it seemed like she had accepted her fate. He couldn’t lose Stacy, not now...

  “Drake, do you remember a while ago when you promised to do me a favor?”

  Dusk could only nod fervently as he bawled like a baby. Stacy smiled lovingly at him. She was glad he felt this strongly about her, but she wished he wouldn’t cry when she was gone.

  “Well, it’s time for you to fulfill your promise, Drake. Listen carefully; this is the favor I’m asking of you.”

  Stacy paused for a moment before she said one simple word—one potent word that would carry the weight of the world behind it.


  These words caused Dusk to choke up, the enormous well of sadness drowning him. Stacy continued,

  “You need to live on... for me and for yourself. There are a lot of fun things in this world just waiting for you to experience them. This world has joy and happiness everywhere if you know where to look. So please, Drake. Live and be happy.”

  Stacy reached her hand up with all the paltry strength she had left, gently stroking her fingers along her companion’s tear soaked face as she herself joined him in tears, knowing this would be the last time she ever saw him. It had been a wild ride.

  “I had so much fun these last six years.”

  “Stacy, I...”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Stacy vanished—gone from the world forever.

  “I’m so sorry.” He wailed these words only to himself; Stacy was no more.

  Dusk was now simply staring at his own arms which held what was most precious to him all but seconds ago. Before he could grieve any further, Kevlar started walking towards him in that same cold, methodical manner.

  Dusk, now an automation of vengeance and hatred, stood up to meet Kevlar’s challenge without hesitation. The rage. Oh God, the rage. This... how could this happen? Stacy gone... and the one responsible was right in front of his face. He would pay. He would pay dearly. He would suffer in his own blood, suffer and writhe in agony until Dusk decided to end his wretched life.

  “What, you wanna go? Bring it on. I’m just itching to kill you right now.”

  Kevlar looked away for a moment and sighed into the hot wind.
br />   “That would be pointless; you have no chance of defeating me.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Kill me right now like you killed everyone else in cold blood, you monster.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  Dusk lunged forward in a straight line, thinking only of spilling Kevlar’s blood all over this stone platform. Kevlar grabbed Dusk’s sword and threw it away as if it were a toothpick, taking little to no damage in the process. This only made Dusk’s eruption of fury even fiercer. He stared with absolute disdain at the object of his hatred—the duplicitous Berserker who stood there staring him down with pitiless eyes.

  “Why...” Dusk cried. “Why did you kill everyone else but not me? Why leave me alive?”

  “It wasn’t a personal preference of mine. I’m simply following Raven’s orders.”

  “Raven? Who is that?”

  “You don’t need to know. Anyways, if you want to kill me... you need to live. Cling to your pathetic shell of a life, get stronger. Use your hatred as fuel to become more powerful. Then maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll see you again, and end your miserable life.”

  Kevlar turned away from Dusk and walked towards the dark portal that Shark had summoned earlier. Just as he was about to go through the portal, Dusk bellowed out to him.



  “Why did you need to do all this? Why are you following this Raven person’s orders? Why did you kill my friends in cold blood?”

  Kevlar took a moment to exhale deeply, relaxing himself. The next sentence that came out of his mouth was the first time Dusk had heard true emotion from the man.

  “To see her again...” he muttered passionately before walking through the portal and vanishing, leaving Dusk completely alone.

  The grief stricken Phantom fell to his knees immediately, no longer having the strength or the will to go on. He just wanted to die. Multiple somber seeds had been planted in his mind, growing ever more depressing by the second.

  He thought of his various memories with Xyla and Frost and the month they had spent adventuring together, the obstacles they had overcome.


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