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The Virtual Realm

Page 22

by Daniel Perusko

  “Indeed, that is true. Tsuki, since you brought Dusk into this guild, it will be your responsibility to train him and make sure that he fulfills his that okay with you?”

  “That’s what I intended from the start.”

  “Good, then it is time for us to do what we had originally intended to do before the Black Death was brought here.”

  Dusk was intrigued. He had interrupted their plans?

  “What were you guys going to do?”

  “We’re going to do a dungeon, Jaderock Keep to be precise.”

  Upon hearing these words, the blood drained from Dusk’s body as his skin turned to ice. The last time he had done a dungeon, everyone died. Stacy died in front of his eyes. He couldn’t erase that moment from his memory. His best friend's horrified face as she slowly vanished from existence was still etched deep into his eyes — so deep that it invaded his dreams.

  Tsuki could see the abrupt change in Dusk’s expression and became concerned for his wellbeing. To her, he now looked like a walking ghost.

  “Is something the matter, Dusk? You look like someone just died.”

  Little did she know she wasn’t too far off the mark. “No, I’m okay,” he lied.

  “Surely we’re not going to let him raid with us are we?” Reaper asked flatly.

  Scarlet nodded in agreement with Reaper, being of the same opinion. Last thing they needed was for his incapable ass to slow them down.

  “That’s right. He’d just hold us back if we had to worry about saving his weakling ass. Look at him; he got scared when you mentioned the dungeon.”

  Dusk’s heart swelled with rage. All of these comments from Reaper and Scarlet were sending his inferiority complex into overdrive. He was sick of being treated like he was weak. He had won every arena tournament that had been organized thus far. He out leveled everyone except for this guild and the hacking bastards responsible for this game's imprisonment. It frustrated him even more that he couldn’t prove Scarlet and Reaper wrong. His quiet voice became toxic as he hissed at them.

  “You little... it’s not like I’m useless you know. I can fight too.”

  Omni rebuffed Dusk. “No... You won’t be fighting with us this time. You will be in the dungeon with us, but you’ll be a spectator. I won’t let you fight.”

  Dusk was outraged. “But why? Aside from you all I’m the strongest player there is. I can help you. Dungeons are a five man job, without me fighting you’re a man down, and you have a higher chance of dying.”

  “No, for us that’s not quite true. We have taken on many dungeons with the four of us, and emerged victorious from every one of them. I have taken the level fog feature off, Dusk. Examine me and check my level.”

  The irritated dual wielder did as Omni asked and couldn’t believe what he saw. More surprises from this guild. He didn’t want to believe it but he couldn’t refute the facts that were in front of him. His level said 50. That is the max level of War of the Elements; but how had he achieved that? Kevlar and Raven were 50, but they had circumvented the normal mechanics to achieve that result. It did not seem that Phoenix did any such thing. As enraging as they were, they seemed like good people; not the type who would be associated with Raven or Kevlar.

  So then how? Dusk may have taken a bit of time away from leveling to do PvP tournaments, but he was still five levels higher than anyone else he knew of, until now. Yet here Omni was ten levels above what he was.

  He wanted to believe that was the reason he had lost those duels to Tsuki, yet he knew from personal experience that during duels it dropped the higher level player down to the same level as their opponent, that each duel might be a even playing field. It sure didn't feel even when he fought her.

  Omni proceeded with his explanation, snapping him out of his stupor.

  “We are all level 50. So you see now, the dungeon we will be doing is a level 50 dungeon. It would be very dangerous for you to fight. There is even a possibility that certain bosses may one shot you. If you value your life you will stay back.”

  Dusk grit his teeth at his own helplessness. He felt like a child amongst adults.

  “How did you all get level 50 this fast? I’ve been grinding almost nonstop and I’m only level 40, and that’s still five levels above anyone else I know. So how?”

  Scarlet chuckled at Dusk’s cluelessness.

  “It’s simple. You’ve been a solo player this whole time, right? In a game like this, fighting with a group is more efficient than fighting solo. In other words people are stronger when they truly work together than when they compete against each other. Got that? We’ve also been grinding these hard dungeons while you’ve been grinding on mobs in the open world. Dungeons are riskier but give you more experience. Most people stay away from them because they’re afraid of dying, but we’re confident in our abilities and not afraid. That’s why we hit the level cap so much faster than you.”

  Dusk’s eyes wandered away as his mouth twitched in disgust. The way Scarlet talked really just grinded his gears. He couldn’t get used to it. He felt like each word was a small needle that pricked his patience. Still, she had a point. Especially in MMOs, there comes a point where you need the help of other players. You can only get so far by yourself. The closer you get to max level in MMOs, the more you need the help of others. It did make sense.

  “So why bring me to the dungeon then if I’m to just sit back and do nothing?”

  Tsuki smiled as she explained the answer.

  “It is to show you how we operate. How a real team operates. You are part of this guild now. You may be used to playing solo, but that won’t cut it if you want to get out of this game and back to the real world. You’re going to have to learn teamwork. What better way to learn teamwork than to watch us work together and see our fighting styles and how we communicate with one another?”

  Dusk couldn’t object any further. He had nothing more to say. That, and Tsuki’s voice always soothed him. Unlike Scarlet’s prickling needles, Tsuki’s words were like a relaxing balm that calmed him down.

  He was glad that it was her he was training with. He definitely knew that there was something about this mysterious woman that attracted him to her. It wasn’t just her looks, although she was obviously beautiful. It was something deeper than that. Something he couldn’t quite pinpoint yet. Either way, he couldn’t get too attached to her. After all, the last time he got too attached to someone, he regretted it. He couldn’t save Stacy, and he couldn’t forgive himself for that.

  Dusk was brought back to virtual reality by Omni’s voice.

  “Everyone ready? Let’s go, it’s five minutes to Jaderock Keep.”

  Dusk just couldn’t stop thinking. He actually wondered if his head might explode from thinking too much.

  Was he about to finally be part of a team again after spending the entirety of the last month as a solo player? Could he actually make friends again? Should he make friends with them? Everyone close to him in this game died. How could he become stronger than these guys? What were the extra abilities that they spoke of earlier? How could he learn those abilities for himself?

  After a few more minutes of dwelling within his turbulent consciousness, Dusk was jolted awake when he felt a hand on his left shoulder. He turned and saw Tsuki staring at him giving that same warm smile she usually gave.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Dusk. I promise if you stay with us things will get better, you’ll get stronger.”

  For once, Dusk managed a smile back. “Thanks, Tsuki, I definitely will get stronger, but I still have many questions.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll be here to help teach you and make you stronger not just physically, but mentally.”

  “That’s good, because I need to become stronger so that I can prove to all of you what I am capable of. I normally learn by myself, but it seems that might not be enough this time. Thank you, Tsuki.”

  Before she could reply to his gratitude, Omni’s voice drowned out everything else.

“We’re here.”

  When Dusk looked ahead what he saw towering over him was a massive structure—a castle that towered into the sea of clouds above, stretching around in a gigantic square. The entire castle was smothered in dark green stone, with a central keep that seemed to stretch upwards even further into the heavens. A wall wrapped around the castle for miles. Directly in front of him was a drawbridge—their only path forward into this fortress over the murky moat. The smell of wet earth lingered in the air like a musky cloud, and Dusk could swear he smelled a hint of something rotting mixed in. What could it possibly be?

  Omni called everyone to attention. “Let’s go.”

  Upon hearing this command Dusk followed the others across the bridge into the courtyard ahead. He looked around, noting several stone statues of gargoyles and knights dotting the landscape. The place had an eerie presence about it, one that caused a shiver to shoot up his spine—a shiver of deathly cold that turned his skin to ice. He never wanted to go into a dungeon again after what happened the last time, especially not a place like this.

  Tsuki was analyzing Dusk all this time to see what his reaction would be. Though he tried to hide it, he was trembling. She couldn’t quite figure out why he seemed to be so apprehensive about dungeons. These compacted arenas of death weren’t actually that dangerous, at least with their group. Perhaps he had bad memories associated with these places. She vowed herself to rid him of this irrational emotion called fear, which served to do nothing but cripple him. She whispered softly into his ear.

  “Don’t worry, we’ve done this dungeon several times before, there is nothing to worry about.”

  Damn it. Stop seeing through me woman, I hate that. “Worried, who’s worried? I’m fine.”

  She knew he was lying. He didn’t look fine at all. She would just have to show him there was nothing to be afraid of.

  They arrived at the front doors of the castle. Omni turned, his soul piercing eyes staring at the frightened Phantom.

  “Remember, Dusk, under no circumstance are you to fight, is that clear?”

  Scarlet chimed in, “Yeah, I don’t wanna have to save your ass.”

  Dusk ignored the unwelcome taunt and nodded. “Yes, Omni, I understand.”

  “Okay then everyone; you know the drill, let’s begin.”

  Omni pushed open the double doors to the gothic castle, disturbing a crypt that should’ve remained sealed.

  The inside of Jaderock Keep served as a massive contrast to the outside. The outside was beautiful, even if in a disturbing sort of way. The inside of this place though, was just plain creepy. A necropolis. A place where ghosts dwelled. The land of the dead.

  The castle looked as though it had been abandoned for centuries. Dust dwelled on the surface of the various tables and chairs, concealing a beauty years deep. The cobwebs were scattered about in every nook and cranny. A collection of human bones were littered haphazardly about the place. Amidst the dimly lit room, the lifeless eyes of zombies stared dully at the intruders, merely waiting for the party to engage them in battle. They were in their territory now.

  Scarlet seemed to be itching to fight something. She had sat around waiting for Tsuki for too long. She had too much pent up energy.

  “It’s showtime, boys!”

  Omni nodded.” Indeed.”

  This was his singular declaration before he charged straight into the group of zombies. Slashing his blade in a circle, he minced their rotting bodies in a deadly whirlwind. The tornado was joined by a rain of bullets from Scarlet’s machinegun, as well as a great sweeping arc of death from Reaper’s scythe.

  The guild called Phoenix had quickly cleared the bottom two wings as well as the top two wings without breaking a sweat. Rotting undead filled these festering corridors: zombies, skeletons, and ghosts. The group ascended into their final destination, the throne room; the seat of darkness. Who knew what unholy abomination awaited them there?

  As Dusk followed Phoenix up the spiral staircase and into the chamber of unholy royalty, he saw it. A towering demon submerged in armor. Armor manufactured from the remains of human skeletons. A breastplate crafted out of a ribcage and sternum, ending with the pelvis at the very bottom. A black mesh lay beneath the ghastly bones. The monster’s face was a pure void of darkness. His eyes were crafted with blood. His protruding horns matched the keen edge of the most honed blades. Grasped within his wicked hands rested a scythe that was glowing with an unholy aura. It seemed to yearn for blood.

  This was it. This was where Dusk would see the culmination of what Phoenix was capable of. The final boss in a dungeon is much more difficult than the others. The final boss of a dungeon is what gave his friends so much trouble—what almost killed them. Would Phoenix suffer the same fate? Or would they prove stronger than his previous group? Seeing how competent the players of Phoenix were, he was pretty certain they would emerge victorious. Even so, he needed to watch every moment of this, record it in his mind. One glance away, one blink, and he could miss everything.

  The group easily felled the creature. In a mere five minutes and thirty-four seconds, the ice cold undead king had been slain. Dusk stood motionless and slack jawed unable to believe his eyes. Was he still in virtual reality, or was he in a dream world? Phoenix’s communication was flawless, but none of them even spoke a word to each other. It was as if they had been fighting together for years, but this game hadn’t been out that long. How was this even possible?

  A few minutes later they exited the dungeon, nary a bead of sweat to be seen among them from the battle they just fought. The dungeon apparently presented no challenge to them. The cup in Dusk’s mind was overflowing with interest at the display he had just witnessed. He could only gaze upon his new guild mates in wonder, attempting to compile an explanation of how they could be so in synch with one another. Were they all one being? No, his eyes did not deceive him—four bodies stood before him. A gentle feminine voice called out from what seemed to be another realm.


  She called for her pupil, but his mind dwelled elsewhere.

  “Hey, Dusk, are you here?”

  He promptly snapped out of his daze to notice the person addressing him, the one who had introduced them to this group of people: The one who called herself Tsuki.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “Lost in thought were we?” Tsuki teased.

  You people are the reason I was 'lost in thought'. “Yeah, sorry about that, I tend to daydream sometimes.”

  “So I noticed. I want to train with you right away. Is that okay with you?”

  Dusk wondered just what this training would entail. Ten laps around Boreal in the freezing snow? Fifty pushups with Tsuki sitting on his back, yelling at him like a drill instructor? Nah, that wasn't her style. That sounded more like something Scarlet would do. Still, he was curious. Only one way to find out what this training involved.

  “Yeah.” He replied, ready to start the regiment.

  Tsuki turned towards the other members of the group, as if seeking approval.

  “By all means,” Omni smiled warmly.

  “I don’t care.” Reaper remained indifferent.

  “I still think this is a waste of time,” Scarlet scowled.

  Tsuki simply closed her eyes and smiled. Despite what anyone else thought, she would show everyone the potential that resided within this young man. She loved teaching people, and she sensed something special about this one: an untapped vein of the richest ore.

  “Well then, I’ll take my leave.” She turned towards her new pupil, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  “Where to?”

  “You’ll see.” Tsuki began chanting a teleport spell to herself.


  With that, Tsuki and Dusk vanished, leaving not a trace behind. Just as quickly as they had dematerialized, they reappeared in yet another zone entirely. Dusk once again found himself in the familiar snow covered area of Boreal. The boundless floor of glitter
sparkled brightly into his eyes, forcing a squint.

  “I love snow. It’s so pure, untainted by the world,” Tsuki expressed, her eyes fixated upon the white ground, which danced in the sun.

  “Yeah, I always loved snow too; I just don’t like shoveling it.”

  Tsuki giggled at the comment. He is so clueless. It’s kind of cute actually. It matters not, he will understand in time.

  “So, what did you think of seeing us fight together?” Tsuki inquired.

  “It was impressive; I kept wondering to myself how you all knew what the other was going to do without anyone saying anything.”

  “We have known one another for many years, and we have all played many MMOs as well, with the exception of Scarlet.”

  Good to know I was right. Dusk sneered, mentally patting himself on the back. “So that’s why...”

  “That’s not the entire reason.”

  “What is the entire reason then?”

  “I wonder,” Tsuki retorted playfully. “You’ll have to figure that out for yourself.”

  Dusk had not expected such a coy answer from her. It was as if he were a mouse with her dangling a piece of cheese in front of him. Why not simply explain things plainly?

  “What? Don’t you want me to know more about Phoenix if I’m going to be a member?”

  Tsuki giggled at Dusk’s startled reaction. It was more amusing to test his deduction and observation skills rather than giving the answer away for free.

  “Some things I do want you to know, but what fun is it if I tell you everything you want to know? Some things you need to figure out by yourself.”

  “So that’s how it is, huh? You want me to play detective?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. Let’s see how smart you are, Mr. Detective!”

  “Very funny. Well, I’ll tell you the answer I’ve come up with tomorrow after I’ve thought about it and reviewed all the clues like the great detective that I am.”

  Dusk pretended like he was holding a magnifying glass in his hand, giving his best impression of a sleuth.

  “You look so stupid right now!” Tsuki laughed.


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