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Logan's Reaper

Page 6

by J. D. Lowrance

  “You are my beautiful girl and nothing would change that,” I whispered in her ear, “Ok?” She answered with a head nod. We stayed like that for while just breathing each other in and enjoying the feel of one another. “I can ask the guys where their old ladies go to get pills, ok?” Another head nod.

  I pulled back to look her and said, “I see you were in the midst of starting breakfast,” effectively changing the subject.

  “I was, I’m starving.”

  “Why don’t you go and sit at the island while I make us breakfast?”

  “Sounds wonderful,” she said as I placed a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, and finally on her lips.

  We reluctantly separated. I walked over and picked up my shirt when I heard a gasp. “What is it beautiful?” I questioned looking back at her.

  “Your back,” she said, coming over to me and turning me around. “It’s huge,” commented Logan and she ran her fingers along the outline of my Soul Reaper tattoo. “It matches your cut.”

  “All the brothers get them once they are patched in.” I let her explore, loving the feel of her fingers against me.

  “I thought the cut was intimidating but this is crazy scary. A winged reaper on your back,” she said tracing the wings, “with a scythe. The skeleton hands kind of freak me out, I’m not gonna lie.” She traced the S-O-U-L R-E-A-P-E-R-S across the top and the C-A-M-D-E-N C-I-T-Y across the bottom.

  “You hate it?” I asked afraid she would say yes but needing to know.

  “It’s a big part of who you are, isn’t it?” Her answering question scared me.

  “All of me.” I waited anxiously for whatever happened next. I knew she could not literally run away at that moment because she was naked but if she eventually did I would go after her. After what seemed like forever she said, “Then I love it,” laying a kiss on the center of my back. A breath I did not even know I was holding rushed out of me with relief. I am falling in love with you.

  My head was all over the place as I spun around, my lips seeking hers. I started slow and built up the kiss until she moaned against me. She pulled away slightly as she said, “I also love the lyrics on your arm. I saw them this morning.”

  “They are a great band. I like a lot of their songs.” I added.

  “Yeah, the leader singer went to one of the high schools I attended.”

  “Really,” I said, “that’s pretty cool.”

  “He had already left by the time I was there but Caged In was just starting to make it then so everyone was obsessed.”

  “So you said one of your high schools. You attended more than one?” I must have touched on a sensitive subject because she stepped out of my arms and asked, “Coffee?”

  “Yes, just black.” As she poured the cups I threw on my boxers and grabbed my shirt for her to put on. “You need to get dressed before Tank wanders over from your house.” She laughed as she put on the shirt.

  “So?” I asked growing impatient with her lack of response.

  “So, yeah, I attended six high schools in four years.” She was looking anywhere but at me as she handed me a cup of coffee.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Well, my dad was into all kinds of stuff so we moved around a lot.” That was vague.

  “What about your mom?” I asked as I stepped in front of her forcing her gaze to mine.

  “She died when I was ten from cancer. Once she was gone my dad moved us around a lot. He got random jobs for different people but mostly he sold stuff. He was always vague about what he did.”

  “Imagine that,” I teased, “someone in your family being vague.” She laughed.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about Mister,” she teased back. “So not to totally change the subject,” she said, which she totally did, “but we need to go and get my car today.”

  “Already taken care of beautiful,” I responded letting her change the subject. Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “I grabbed your keys out of your purse after you fell asleep and had the prospects drive it back so you would have it today.”

  “Thanks Colt, that was really sweet of you.” She gave me a quick peck on the check.

  “Soooooo,” she started, leaning against the counter, “you said Tank might wander over. Did he spend the night at my place?”

  “Yeah, after you fell asleep last night I moved my bike to the back and saw his. I knew he wasn’t in the house so I went to get my phone. There was a text from him saying he heard me pull up and saw you, so he crashed at your place so Cam would not be alone.” I turned the bacon and asked, “How do you want your eggs?”

  “Scrambled is fine.” I dumped the eggs in the heated skillet and turned to her. I could tell she wanted to ask me something from the look she was giving me over her mug.


  “Does Tank like like my sister?”


  “You know.” She paused, thinking. “I know that he likes her, but does he like like her?”

  I took a step towards her encircling my arms around her waist pulling her to me. “Do you like like me?” I tried going for indifferent but I knew she could see right through me.

  “That depends,” she said standing up on her tiptoes to plant a wet smack of her lips on mine.

  “On what?” I asked laughing against her mouth.

  “If you like like me,” she replied, pulling away slightly.

  “I definitely, whole heartedly, without-a-doubt, unequivocally like like you,” I responded, never dropping her gaze. Her beaming smile rivaled that of the sun. “I want you like people in hell want ice water.” I placed a kiss on her forehead. “I just need you beautiful.” I kissed her nose. “I did not know peace until you fell asleep in my arms.” I kissed her lips and then buried my nose in her neck squeezing her to me.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “Just wow, Colt.”

  “So do I have to ask?” I questioned standing up straight.

  “All that stuff you said,” she said with a look of her face that was so damn cute, “plus the fact that you make me wetter than a whore sweating in church.” She tried to maintain her composure but the expression on her face had me cracking up laughing. She then bowled over in hysterics. I tickled her earning me a squeal as she ran to the other side of the island.

  “And stay there you little vixen,” I said as I turned my attention back to the food.

  “You never did answer my question,” she said as she sat down.

  “Yes. I think Tank like likes your sister.” I added, “But he won’t do a thing about it until she turns 18.”



  Will this night ever end? I cannot believe I let Logan talk me into staying a whole night away from her. I woke up this morning to her pink lips wrapped around my dick. I exploded in her mouth within minutes to find myself hard again when I touched that hot, tight spot between her legs discovering it was wet and ready for me. I would never get enough of this girl. She was like an itch I could not scratch. A thirst I just could not quench. Afterwards we fell back asleep with her hot body pressed up against mine.

  When we finally made it out of bed she showered as I cooked breakfast. I wanted to give her body a chance to rest as I had been pounding it at least twice a day every day for the last two weeks. If I knew I would be sitting here now without her in my arms tonight, I would have disrupted her shower. The image of her gorgeous body all wet from the water cascading down from the tip of her auburn hair between her breasts to that vee between her legs had me hardening against my jeans. I would lather my hands with soap and start with her shoulders, go across her chest and massage her breasts until her nipples were taut. Then I would travel down her flat stomach to her hips and around her waist ending at that round ass of hers. I would trail my fingers between those sweet cheeks until I reached her core from behind. When she opened her legs begging for more I would slowly, so slowly, enter her with one finger then two, stretching her until she moaned my name. I would get down on m
y knees and . . . Fuck! I adjusted my rock hard cock. I needed a distraction.

  “Colton,” my pop called me from his office.

  “Coming Pop,” I hollered back. All around me sweet butts swirled vying for attention from various brothers. As I stood at least three turned in my direction giving me the classic bedroom, fuck-me eyes. A month ago I would not have hesitated to grab two, maybe all three of them for a little show-me-yours-I’ll-show-you-mine action, or maybe just head from the hot bottled blonde while I drank a beer at the bar shooting shit with Tank.

  But now? My dick did not even react. It was hard for only one woman. Hell, my fantasies of her were hotter than any other real pussy staring me in the face. The blonde even had similar blue eyes but they lacked the gem-like quality of Logan’s and none of them had hair like her. Shit. I was ruined. Logan Marie Jones ruined every other woman for me. What the hell did I do about it now? Besides kicking my own ass; I solider through until I can sink my rock hard cock into Logan’s tight, hot pussy, branding it once again as mine.

  As I entered Pop’s office, I saw Whistler standing in the corner with a tumbler full of amber liquid. I nodded my greeting to the aging enforcer.

  “Colton,” Pop said. “How have you been?”

  “Doing good, Pop. Glad to have you back though. Running shit is for the birds.” We both smiled and I heard a chuckle from Whistler.

  “Want some?” he asked holding up his own tumbler.

  “Nah, I’m good,” I responded as I sat in a leather arm chair in front of his desk.

  “I called you in here for two things. One I need you, Tank, and Knox to go on a run next week to the Hellhounds to drop some stuff off.” He paused allowing me a chance to accept the errand.

  “Sure Pop,” I answered his unasked question, “whatever you need. What are we delivering?”

  “I owe Crazy Z something and I want you to handle it as my VP to ensure it is delivered on time,” he explained. “Plus it shows a sign of respect to send someone so high in the club.”

  “Alright then,” I said. “When do we leave?”

  “Monday morning first thing you should set out. It would put you back here sometime mid-day Thursday if you rushed or sometime Friday if you took your time, but I have a feeling you are going to rush back, aren’t you?”

  “I will definitely rush back,” I replied, not able to hide the shit-eating grin on my face.

  “Well that brings me to the second thing I wanted to talk to you about – this girl. Tell me about her.”

  “Her name is Logan Jones and she just moved here almost a month ago. You were gone the first few times I brought her around but she is beautiful. She moved into the club’s rental next door to me with her sister. She works at Kilroy’s and does some babysitting for Tru and Emma.” I paused giving him a chance to ask questions, but he did not.

  “Colton,” he started, “you are only 25. From what I hear you sound pretty serious about this girl and I don’t think that is a step you are ready to take yet.”

  “What?” I asked confused about the sudden lecture.

  “I am sure she is a sweet girl. But is she made for this? Will she accept all of you as you are today or will she want you to change to better fit her life, her needs?” Pop stood up and came to sit in the arm chair next to mine. “This is a hard life for a woman to accept. Much is demanded from our old ladies. Not everyone is cut out for it.”

  “We haven’t talked about any of this,” I stutter. “It’s too soon. We just met. I mean she is amazing and I don’t want to scare her away with talk of old ladies and clubhouse rules.

  “Either she gets it or she doesn’t,” Whistler grunts from the corner.

  “Look son,” my pop said drawing my attention back to him. “For tonight, don’t think about it. Just go out there, pick a lady friend for the night and see how you feel in the morning. If you are still dying to race back to her then you know you need to start easing her into this life. If you don’t, then you cut all ties.”

  “Is that what you did with mom to see if she was the one?” Everyone knew not to ask Pop about my mother.

  “Yes,” he said as he bowed his head. He brought his hand to the bridge of his nose squeezing it. “I did and when I woke up I did not have that urge to race back but when I went three days later to break things off she told me she was pregnant with you so I made her my old lady.” He looked back up at me. “I know what I am talking about when I say certain women can’t handle this life and they will want you to change. Your mother wanted that from me and I could not give it to her. It ended badly.”

  “I know Pop, I know.” I hated the look of devastation on his face whenever his seed carrying whore of a wife or my birth mother was brought up. “Sorry to bring it up,” I said as I squeezed his shoulder.

  “No. You need to hear it Colton.” He stood, effectively ending the conversation. “Now go and have some fun.”

  I walked out of his office and right to the bar where I grabbed my best bottled friend, Jack, hoping to gain some liquid courage to try and tackle the Pop’s sweet butt request. I grabbed a stool and sat down facing out as I tried to figure out if I could even do what he asked right as the bottle blonde from earlier stepped in between my legs.

  “Hey Colt,” she said trying to sound seductive. It did not work.

  “It’s Colton,” I replied as I pushed her out from between my legs. “Oh, I thought I heard some girl calling you that and thought you liked it.”

  “Not from you,” I deadpanned.

  “Don’t be like that, sugar.” Blondie bent over putting her hands on my knees attempting to persuade me with her huge, fake tits that were practically falling out of her top.

  “No really, I’m cool. Go try another brother,” I said dismissively. The bleach must have really seeped in because she just stared at me with a shocked expression on her face. “Aren’t you the VP?” She asked trying to recover as she ran her nails up and down my thighs. “I heard incredible stories about you in bed from all the chicks here. They say you fuck anything that walks. Well, hello, I walk.” She was strong for an anorexic as she tried to pry my legs apart.

  “Yeah, well, why don’t you just keep walking before you embarrass yourself,” I warned, crossing my arms across my chest.

  “You got an old lady?” This bitch would not give up. She must have taken my silence as a no because she reached up and grabbed my face holding it in place as she crashed her lips to mine.

  “You fucking bitch,” I yelled pushing her away. “You taste like shit.”

  “Actually she tastes like me,” Trigger bragged as he came up and put an arm around her shoulder. I hauled back and punched Trigger. I knew he could handle it plus I would never hit a woman no matter how much she pissed me off. The anger at Trigger for never keeping his fucking mouth shut, at Blondie for touching me, and at my pop for poisoning my mind with bullshit took over as I punched again and again until multiple arms were pulling me back.

  “Chill Colton,” Tank calmly said behind me, “just calm down.” The arms around my neck loosened as Knox came around the front of me. “What the fuck man?” Knox asked in my face. “You need a fucking minute,” he said as the two of them dragged me outside.

  Tank practically threw me out of his arms. I got my feet under me right before I fell over. “What was that about?” Tank asked crossed armed.

  “A misunderstanding,” I quipped. “His sloppy seconds was making a pass at me and I got pissed. I could not hit her so I hit him for running his damn mouth.”

  “Just get your shit together man. We can’t have brother on brother violence like that for no reason. You’re the fucking VP for Christ sake,” Knox ranted.

  “I know Knox, I know,” I placated. “Just got shit on my mind and I can’t seem to escape my own thoughts.”

  “Was it something your pop said?” Tank always knew the right thing to ask.

  “Yeah, but I just gotta let it go,” I answered. “Listen, Pop also told me about a run the three of
us need to make first thing Monday morning. So make sure you are here bright and early.”

  “Where we headed?”

  “Hellhounds compound,” I answered as I took off around the back of the clubhouse.


  The last two weeks have flown by as Colton and I got to know each other better. Since that first night together we have spent every night in each other’s arms. I found out that the Soul Reapers owned the duplex we were renting. I never thought of bikers being into real estate but Colton assured me that they have several investments outside of the shop.

  Falling asleep in his arms every night has made me the happiest I have ever been. I started babysitting twice a week, on top of my shifts at Kilroy’s, for one of the Soul Reapers, Tru and his wife, Emma. They have three-year old twins, Maxon and Mason, who were a handful. Emma was a nurse and wanted to go back a few days a week so Colton suggested that we meet. Emma was so nice from the moment I met her and we were instant friends.

  So here I was on a Saturday night at Cloud Nine, a bar one town over. Emma suggested a ladies’ night out as the MC was having a brother-only night at the clubhouse. So Emma, her twin sister Amber, their best friend Tricia, Campbell, and I were out on the town. Amber knew the guys at the door so they let Cam in even though she was not 18. Campbell sported two very large and very permanent X’s on her hands indicating her inability to drink.

  I was having fun but could not seem to get Colton off my mind. Emma and Amber were telling god-awful stories about late nights at the clubhouse and how sweet butts were brought in specifically for brother-only nights. Emma even told a story about how a sweet butt tried to break up her and Tru in the beginning. This worried me because Colton and I never discussed what we were to each other or if we were exclusive. I did not want to pressure him into anything and if I was being honest with myself I never felt like I needed an answer when we were together every night. But now? I was second guessing everything that had happened between us.


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