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Stranded Mage

Page 25

by D. W. Jackson

  Thad slumped forward in the saddle as black spots danced across his vision but he was able to keep his wits. Though he couldn’t see clearly, Thad felt his horse swing around and jolt back the way they had come. He could also clearly hear the tortured screams of the soldiers who had either been impaled or struck by the energy of his last spell.

  Thad wanted to laugh but he didn’t even have the energy left for that luxury. The last spell had been harsh on him and he knew that it would be hours if not days before he could recover from it.

  The spell had been a masterpiece, one that had come to him as he drew in the magical forces. Thad could tell that the area was highly charged and that it had an excess of pent up energy that needed release, so he had simply gave it an outlet. He wasn’t sure how long it would last but he was sure that not even the white swords of the Brotherhood would save them from the wrath of mother earth.

  Shortly before the caravan came into sight Thad was once again able to grip the reins of the horse. His body still ached and his back hurt from being thrown around as he had slumped forward during the bulk of the ride.

  When the horse reached the back of the caravan it slowed and Thad could hear its frantic panting. “You have outdone yourself,” Thad complemented the beast admiringly.

  “I always outdo myself,” the horse replied without a hint of sarcasm.

  Thad tried to pull himself up in the saddle but he had little strength left to him. The attempt alone nearly cost him his consciousness. Thad glanced up and noticed that the sun was nearly through its arc in the sky so he nudged the horse trying to get it to quicken its pace so that he could report to the elders before nightfall.

  As Thad rode he let his eyes close just for the briefest of moments then found himself being shaken awake by a very worried looking Roger. “Thad are you ok?”

  Thad opened his eyes to find that he was no longer mounted on the horse but lying down on solid ground. “Why have we stopped?” Thad asked frantically. “If we don’t keep moving they’re going to catch us long before we reach the border.”

  “The older folks can’t march all night. We only plan to stop for a short rest then get back on the path. Most people are sleeping in shifts in the back of the wagons. There is little else we can do except leave the weaker ones behind,” Roger explained.

  “I delayed them the best I could but I doubt it has bought us more than a few hours,” Thad said trying to sit up but finding he still had little strength in his body.

  “It will be enough my friend,” Roger replied smiling. “Every mage with any skills has been helping us place traps behind us since your return. I doubt that anyone will be able to move very fast with what we have left for them.”

  Thad felt the tension leave his body. If every mage was adding to the traps and spells then it would be nearly impossible for the brotherhood to match even their slow pace. Thad tried to speak but now with the tension gone his weariness hit him with its full force and his eyes grew heavy. Unable to fight against it Thad found himself in sleeps dark embrace within the span of a heartbeat.

  That night as Thad dreamed he was not haunted by the dead face of his slain lover, nor did Hern stand above him menacingly holding his hammer. Thad found himself once again in the grove of the elven god.

  “I didn’t expect to find myself here again,” Thad said, lying down amongst the flowers.

  “Had you not been so foolish you would not have. While you command the powers of gods, your body is still that of a mortal man. If you continue to attempt to control such large amounts of power your body will break,” The god said admonishingly. “Did you forget that you were not the only mage in your band of friends? I know you have spent a great deal of time relying on your magic but if you can’t learn to call on others when it is needed then you will never win the coming battle.”

  Thad looked at the god and felt thoroughly abashed. “I will try and remember that,” Thad replied solemnly. “I know how important it is to you and your kind that we stand strong against the Brotherhood. Do not worry, we shall not lose.”

  “The Brotherhood are a blight on the world, this much it true but they are not the true enemy you will face. There are far greater evils in the endless universe than mortal men.”

  “Humanius?” Thad asked, his heart beating fast.

  “Yes, he is one threat the world will have to face. When that time comes man will not face it alone. I along with all my brothers and our kin shall stand beside those who fight.”

  “How long do we have?”

  “That is hard to say,” The elven god replied stoically. “His prison is weakening, that much is true but, it could be another thousand years before he breaks free. Human mages live long lives. Some have even been known to reach up to their three hundredth birthday. I have said enough. I did not bring you here for talks of what might be but what is. You have pushed yourself too far thus I have brought you to my grove so that what would take weeks to heal might happen in hours. I fear that you and all your companions will need every ounce of strength you have very soon.”

  “Why not bring all of them here to rest then?”

  “We are limited in our interaction with the mortal realm. I believe I have told you this much. None of the others have visited me so I have no connection with them and thus cannot bring them unto me. So I am left with you, a skilled yet often stubborn champion,” the god said half-jokingly.


  When Thad’s eyes opened again it was already midday. Sitting, he found that his body felt light and rejuvenated. Even after spending the night in the god’s grove Thad had expected the sore sluggish feeling of his body to remain, but he felt as if he had slept for an eternity.

  Sitting up in the back of one of the wagons Thad looked around to see panicked faces. Jumping from the cart Thad looked around for anyone he knew. Spotting Monique and Jayden in the distance Thad stopped and waited for the two to catch up to him.

  “Thad are you sure you should be up and about?” Monique asked worriedly. “Roger told us you would down for days.”

  “I bounce back quickly,” Thad said, not knowing if she would believe the truth. “More importantly what has been going on since I have been out?”

  “The soldiers are catching up,” Monique said, with more than a little fear in her voice. “A few hours ago you could see the army off in the distance. Right now all the mages with any strength left are at the rear of the column using whatever magic they can think of to keep them from making any more ground on us. It has worked but I don’t know how much longer they will be able to last.”

  Thad’s hand went to the ring on his finger. “Tuck, do you have any reports about how close we might be to the border?”

  “Not too far, we can see you through the spyglass as long as you are not in one of the dips in the valley. My best guess would be around three miles away. We have moved the army right up to the border so that hopefully the army following you might have second thoughts. That is if you can stay out of their reach until you reach us.”

  “That is the big question,” Thad replied gravely.

  “I am going to meet with the rear of the column and see if I can offer any assistance,” Thad told Monique, darting off before she could complain.

  When he reached the end of the caravan Thad found Roger along with nearly forty other mages casting spells every few feet. Most of the mages faces looked ragged and tired and to Thad it was obvious that they were pushing themselves in hopes of delaying the brotherhood for even a moment longer.

  “Thad, I can’t believe you’re awake let alone walking,” Roger said as soon as he noticed Thad approaching.

  “I know, we can worry about me later,” Thad replied hastily. “What is the situation?

  “We are throwing everything we got at them but unless a miracle happens they will be on us inside of two hours,” Roger said, his voice betraying his lack of strength.

  “You might just get your miracle. We should be able to clearly see the Farlan force
in less than a half hour and should reach the border about an hour later. Even without more traps I think we can hold out that long.”

  “That’s good to know,” Roger said happily. “Honestly, I don’t know how much more we really had in us.”

  Thad and Roger convinced the remaining mages to save their strength should it be needed later. It wasn’t a hard task as most the mages were already close to dropping where they stood.

  Thad stayed at the rear of the caravan watching the army behind them slowly gain ground. Thad heard as the first round of cheers went up when the Farlan soldiers were spotted in the distance. The sight of a defending force gave the travelers hope, putting a little extra vigor in their steps.

  By time the front of the caravan crossed the border the Brotherhood had gotten close enough to fire a volley of arrows at the caravan. Thad as well as a few other mages put up shields knocking the bolts aside as the cries from the Farlan soldiers urged the caravan onward.

  Two more volleys were fired and each was knocked aside before the last of the caravan crossed into Farlan territory. A loud cry of victory rose up from the escaping people of Sanctuary when the last of their people were safe behind the line of Farlan soldiers. Thad added his voice to the cheers.

  The Farlan solders urged the tired travelers to continue on, telling them that tents and food had been prepared for them only a few miles down the road. The people of Sanctuary needed little urging to want to get as far away from the Brotherhood as possible, so tired and road weary, the caravan pushed on.

  Thad watched as the caravan departed with a broad smile on his face. His smile got even larger when he heard the rumbling growl coming from the distance shortly followed by the sound of rocks thumping against solid ground as Avalanche bound toward him. The rock hound wasn’t alone as Arianna, Crusher, Tuck, Reeve, and Parson followed closely behind.

  Avalanche ran into Thad bearing him to the ground like a puppy at play. Thad felt the blow down to his core and found himself gasping for breath as he tried to wiggle out from under the heavy animal. Even though he wasn’t concentrating Thad could hear Avalanche’s excited thoughts. “There you are, I found you.” Despite his aching body and sore feet Thad couldn’t help but to laugh.

  “Good ta see ya again lad,” Crusher said, reaching down his hand.

  “Same to you brother,” Thad replied as he was pulled to his feet.

  “You look bad. Are you tired? Your face looks funny. Where did you go? Who were all your friends?” Arianna spouted so fast Thad couldn’t keep up.

  “Doesn’t look like its over yet,” Reeve said, his eyes focused on the large army that was now forming up on the border between the two countries. “I think it is time you met with Captain Orben.”

  Reeve led Thad to the center of the Farlan forces where an older woman with light blond hair sat astride an intimidating palomino horse. The female soldier watched Reeve and Tad closely as they approached, her eyes cold and calculating. “Thaddeus Torin I would like to introduce you to Captain Orben.”

  “Captain,” Thad said, bowing his head slightly.

  “I take it you’re the mage who has had me out here waiting for the past ten-day,” Orben said tartly. “Let’s get you two horses. I am not going out to settle terms with them on my own.”

  Orben called for two horses. Neither was as grand as the horse the captain rode but they were suitable mounts. Once they were stalled the captain issued a few short orders to her men. “Shall we get this farce over with?” She asked Reeve before spurring her horse toward the enemy line.

  Orben stopped her horse less than a hundred yards from the enemy force and waited. Within a few moments four riders from then enemy’s side galloped out to where they waited.

  “Soldiers of Rane, I am Captain Orben of the Farlan Army. We ask that you remove your forces from our borders,” Orben said as soon as the men were well within earshot.

  “Captain Orben, I am General Luddite and we would be more than happy to return to our homes but we have been chasing fugitives who attacked a city, killing hundreds of innocent civilians. If you would hand over these men and women we shall leave without causing you further trouble,” a large balding soldier declared as he pulled his horse to a stop a few short paces from them.

  “General, I know nothing about fugitives nor do I have any authority in that area. You should send diplomats to Her Majesty for such a request. All I have been instructed to do is to make sure you and your men do not step a single foot on Farlan soil.”

  “What do you mean you know nothing about the fugitives?” The general yelled his face turning red. “You just let them pass your men and have two of them in your presence as we speak. I demand you hand them over to us this instant.”

  “I don’t know what you mean General?” Orben replied coldly. “One of the men as you can clearly see by his marking is a personal slave of the queen. The other has been at my side long before the caravan pass through beyond your border.”

  “I can see I will get nowhere with you. If you do not hand the criminals over within the hour we shall take them by force of arms,” the general declared before turning and riding back to his troops.

  “That went about as well as I expected,” Orben said sighing. "Well, let’s head back to our own lines and prepare. As tired as that bunch seems we might even win.”

  Once they were back in camp Orben called her advisors and started going over their situation. “We have a little more than eight hundred troops, so we are outnumbered five to three at my best count. Fortunately they have been force marched over a length of days and looked as if they have faced other opposition as well. Among our forces we have slightly over a hundred archers who can thin their ranks but they have archers as well. We can’t fight a battle of attrition here so anyone have an idea that might keep us out of the funeral pyre?”

  When no one spoke Orben ran her fingers through her hair. “I didn’t think so. Our only real chance is to leave the archers back to fire as fast as they can while the rest of us charge their forces. It will be a bloody and long battle but we will not let another Rane soldier step foot upon our soil without a fight.”

  A chorus of cheers went up at the captain’s declaration. Thad had heard that Rane had kept a large force in Farlan while he was gone. He was still unsure of why and for how long the soldiers had been in Farlan but it seemed to sit badly in the mouths of the soldiers that they were once again trying to cross into their land.

  Reeve pulled Thad aside from the rest of the soldiers. “Can you do anything about the enemy archers?” he asked keeping his voice low.

  “I might be able to block some of the arrows but covering near to a thousand men is beyond my skill,” Thad replied.

  “How many men could you cover?” Reeve asked insistently.

  Thad stuck the tip of his stick in the ground and walked until he had made a nice sized circle. “However many can fit within.”

  “What if you stretched the shield to only cover them from the front and above. I doubt that an arrow will curve to hit someone from the rear.”

  Thad made another set of lines in the dirt this time it looked like an open box. “That’s a much as I can stretch it anymore and I would burn myself out,” Thad said, starting to understand what Reeve was getting at.

  Reeve called for Captain Orben to join them who reluctantly stomped over, her face clearly showing her displeasure. “What is it now? If you didn’t notice I am fairly busy at the moment.”

  Reeve started going through the plan. At best Thad could protect near to two hundred tightly packed soldiers. If they marched that number straight at the enemy line while the archers hung back then they could get inside their lines before taking causalities. Once the first group was engaged Thad could return and escort the next group down to the battlefield.

  “It would be better if he could march them all down at once but I understand the meaning of limitation. It’s not the best plan but it’s far better than what we had before. Thad after you escort t
he second group to the front I want you to focus on taking down their commanders and archers in the rear of their formation. Should we have to retreat we don’t want it to rain death from above.”

  “It shall be done Captain,” Thad replied hastily.

  The rest of the hour was spent in preparation now that the battle plan was decided. It was simple, the first group would march with Thad while the rest hung out behind, out of the archers range. Once the first group was delivered to the battle front Thad would return for the second group. Though it would be slightly more men than he could completely protect. Once the battle was fully engaged Thad would attempt to take out their archers while the rest of the troops cut through their lines. The whole time this was going on their archers would be steadily firing at any open target taking care not to strike their comrades.

  The Farlan soldiers had taken position up on a small hill so when the horns sounded and the Rane army began their march Thad ran down its slope at full speed with three hundred soldiers at his back.

  The first volley of arrows came when they had covered nearly half the ground between the two forces. Thad quickly put up the shield making sure that none of the soldiers were left uncovered. The arrows raced in hitting the invisible line that hung only inches over their heads and fell to the ground harmlessly. Thad heard the gasps from the soldiers behind him as the arrows neared and barely suppressed a laugh when more than a few shouted to raise shield.

  Three more volleys of arrows flew towards the group only to be turned aside harmlessly before they reached the front lines. Thad had feared they would send their cavalry but it seemed that the many traps had reduced their number to less than a dozen, making them useless as an attacking unit.


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