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Stranded Mage

Page 27

by D. W. Jackson

  Maria jumped to her feet. “There is no way all of this just happened to get noticed today, Maria nearly shouted. “Why wasn’t I informed of these situations as they came to light?”

  “My Queen, at first none of the information seemed urgent, but as they all came together we thought it best to let you know.”

  “Very well, you are dismissed,” Maria told the soldier as she began chewing on the corner of her hair.

  “How big of force do you think Rane can muster?” Reeve asked calculatingly.

  “Alone my numbers say about eight thousand. It was a much larger number a few years ago but recent events have reduced their numbers greatly,” Maria said slyly. “The problem is their request for aide. Rane is still a major economic power throughout the other Kingdoms and I am sure more than a few will jump at a chance for a few favorable concessions on trade agreements.”

  “Looks like we need an army,” Thad said.

  “Now we just need to find one. At most we can only field three thousand troops and most of those would be conscripts,” Maria said, still chewing on her hair.

  “Then all we can do is seek aid from other sources. Send letters to the elves, and dwarves,” Thad replied.

  “Do you think the dwarves will aid us?” Maria asked Crusher.

  “It’s hard to say but I will carry tha request ta them meself. I will also ask that they notify all tha other magical races of tha request fer aid.”

  “Other races, how many are there?” Maria asked curiously, her face lighting up slightly despite the dire situation.

  “Eight altogether,” Crusher replied, shrugging his shoulders. “The vathari and dragons are who we could really use but it’s hard to say what they will do, an odd lot they are.”

  “Master Crusher, if you would do me such a favor I would be eternally grateful. The same goes to you Master Reeve. I fear we will need every sword we can find.”

  “Aye, yer Queenship that ya will, and I hope me brethren see it tha same way I do. The time fer hiding is long past. I say it’s time we gave tha Brotherhood some of the pain they been so keen ta dish out.”

  “Well said my friend,” Reeve said, standing beside the dwarf.

  Maria quickly drafted letters to the leaders of the dwarves and elves and gave them to Crusher and Reeve. The two wasted no time and rushed out of the palace each headed in a different direction. The only question now was whether they would aid Farlan, and if so, would they make it in time.




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