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Bayou Baby

Page 10

by Miller, Renee

  Justine paled and nodded. “I’ll make sure.”

  “Then, if you can, I need you to find out who will be in this room with us. If it is to be Rosaline, I think we can overpower her. If not, we must know where she’ll be. I won’t leave this house while she still breathes.”

  “But if we can leave without—”

  “She must die. I will not allow that slut to live a moment longer. You cannot imagine what she has done to me.”

  “Okay, if you think so.” Justine bit her lip.

  “Justine, I know you think murder is unnecessary, but Rosaline and Lucien are pure evil. It’s the only way to truly be free. Think about what they’ve done to you. What happened while they tried to break you in? What about your parents? You don’t even know if they still live. We both know Lucien wouldn’t leave loose ends.”

  “I would know if they were dead.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you, but you must face reality; there may not be a place for you to go. You need to prepare yourself for that. He would look there first anyway.”

  “Yes, he would.”

  “So, Rosaline must die. You have to believe that or this will never work. You’ve seen what she’s done. Every woman here deserves freedom, and it won’t happen as long as Rosaline is alive.”

  Justine’s eyes grew moist. Her nature was too soft for this kind of thing. Rowan felt sorry for the girl, but she had to face the facts. Taking a deep breath, Justine finally lifted her gaze. They stared at each other for a long moment before she spoke.

  “You’re right. She should pay for what she’s done.” Her voice caught but she didn’t look away.

  “Good, now go find out what we need to know and try to get back here before tonight. I need to think about this plan a little more. You and I will be free by morning or we will die trying.”

  Rowan lay down on the bed, pulling the thin sheet over her body. Justine’s footsteps sounded on the floor and Rowan heard the door close softly behind her. Staring at the wall Rowan’s heart slowed, her mind drifting to her mother.

  Jolene sat in their tired old shack, safe and secure, content in the knowledge that she’d provided a future for her daughter. Rowan frowned. Her mother had secured her fate all right. Either she’d die a horrible, miserable death at the hands of the father she’d never known, or she’d be a murderer. Rowan blinked away the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes. If she made it out of this wretched room, she’d pay her mother one last visit as well.


  Justine came back the same afternoon with lunch for Rowan. She snuck in one of her gowns by hiding it in some bedding.

  “Time to change the sheets,” she said in a merry voice. Rowan suppressed a smile. The girl was such a child, despite what they’d done to her. How she missed that feeling. “Here, you should help me.”

  Justine handed her the gown and made a production of tearing the soiled sheets from the bed. She lifted the mattress and Rowan slipped the gown under it. Justine’s mouth dropped at the other goodies stashed away under there.

  “I couldn’t count on finding someone to help me.”

  Justine curled her nose. “You’ve got food in there. That will start smelling later.”

  “We won’t be here later.”

  “Right. Now, I only have sheets, you know how they feel about covering you with too much.”

  “No they don’t want me to tie everything together and escape out the window. Wouldn’t that be a sight? My bottom hanging out for the entire street to see.”

  They laughed as they put on the clean sheets. Rowan marveled that she could still do so, and it felt good to share something funny with another person, rather than being the butt of the joke. Justine bundled up the soiled sheets, and stood. “Lucien is gone. I saw him leave early this morning. He’s not expected back until late tomorrow. Henri followed him and watched him board the boat, so we are sure he’s gone and Rosaline will not be joining us for long. She is bringing two gentlemen in. I overheard her speaking to one. Disgusting is all I can say to describe their plan. That means we have to overpower both the men and Rosaline. Oh Rowan, what if we fail?”

  “It’s not an option. We leave or we die. That’s it. I cannot bear another moment in this place.”

  “I don’t know how you’ve done it. The girls whispered about what they’ve done to you. It’s terrible.” Tears welled in her eyes and Rowan waved her away.

  “I don’t need your pity. When Rosaline leaves us, we’ll allow the men to think we’re submitting. That’s the key to this whole plan. You cannot fight them.”

  “But I can’t just—”

  “You have more power than you realize. Just give them a little of what they like and they’ll be putty in your hands.”

  “You mean I have to let them do things?” Justine curled her nose, her face flushed.

  “Yes, it’s the only way. When they’re caught up in the moment, we strike. Don’t hesitate. Kill them. Do you understand?”

  “I do, but I’m not sure I can go through with it. I mean taking a life will send us straight to Hell. You know that.” Justine bit her lip, and glanced at the door.

  “How much worse could it be than this place? I would sacrifice anything to get out of here. If you can’t do it, then you’re out. I’m not going to worry about you.”

  Justine nodded. “I know we have to, and I won’t disappoint you. I’m just scared.”

  “So am I, but I’m desperate. That makes it easier.”

  “Okay, so when we get out, then what?”

  “You join Henri—”

  Justine opened her mouth, but Rowan put a hand up to stop her from arguing. “I’ll take care of Rosaline and catch up with you. Tell Henri to go to Mama Gator’s. He’ll know where it is. I’ll follow you.”

  “Oh please just come with us. Forget about Rosaline.”

  “No, I won’t leave another girl to suffer at her hands. Just do what I say.”

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Justine snatched up the bedding and went to the door. She winked before leaving the room, locking the door behind her.

  Rowan glanced around the room. She’d need a weapon, something to restrain the men, but what? Suddenly she found herself staring at the wardrobe, full of all sorts of tools. Whips, handcuffs, and so many other possibilities. Time was short. She stepped over and eyed the lock. It was sturdy, and large. How was she going pry that off? Then she remembered the fork.

  Rowan grabbed a few items from her hoard under the mattress and went to work. The men who came to violate her tonight would get much more than they paid for… if she could get the damn lock open.


  Rowans fingers were blistered and raw, her nails chipped, when the lock finally opened. She’d barely stowed her tools back under the mattress when the door opened. The room had grown dark, not that the servant that entered would’ve noticed her anyway. He never looked at her once, and he didn’t speak. They never did. He moved about the room, lighting the lamps. His face held no expression, his mouth pressed to a thin line as he went about his chores. Rowan stared, knowing he wouldn’t look at her. He left the room soon after.

  Rowan scrambled off the bed to the wardrobe and grabbed the lock. Her hands trembled as she removed it and opened the door. Just looking at what the wardrobe contained made her stomach churn.

  She sifted through its contents, leather costumes, whips, chains and strange balls that thankfully she had no idea how to use, but nothing to kill a man. You couldn’t whip someone to death—well, she couldn’t anyway. The rest of it was useless for taking a life.

  Scanning the contents, a sense of desperation making her tremble, her gaze paused on the glint of light on a length of chain. Rowan smiled. But how would she keep the other man still while strangling the first? This was getting too complicated. Too much could go wrong.

  A small pain started in her temple. She took one last inventory of the wardrobe and finally spotted the handcuffs. She grabbed them and closed the wardro
be. After fumbling with the lock for a long time, Rowan was almost dizzy with relief when she heard the soft click. She jumped when a key turned in the door.

  She dashed to the bed, pulled the thin sheet up to her chin, and waited. It wasn’t difficult to look afraid, Rowan was terrified. Scared it wouldn’t work, scared that it would.

  Rosaline entered first with Justine trailing behind her. Dressed in a gown of crushed velvet the color of wine, Rosaline dominated the room. Rowan doubted the woman could go anywhere without catching the eye of every person she passed. She didn’t need the clothing to create the effect, although it certainly enhanced it. Justine looked at the floor, her hands fidgeting with the silk tie of her thin robe.

  “Good evening, Rowan. I trust you’ve gotten some rest.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Tonight you’ll show Justine how things work here.” Rosaline’s smile was feline, and cold. “She seems to have forgotten her lessons.”

  “I don’t understand.” Rowan feigned confusion, looking at Justine and frowning, then back to Rosaline.

  Rosaline pulled Justine further into the room. “Oh that’s right. You’re out of the loop. Lucien and I have been discussing loose ends. It seems Justine here has escaped notice for far too long. I can’t have a girl here who doesn’t earn her keep. Cleaning and roaming the house is not productive, and it makes no revenue for me. Of course, I could be merciful, but the other girls might think I’ve taken leave of my senses. Then they’ll talk, and when girls gossip, trouble starts. I loathe trouble.”

  Rowan stared at Justine, whose gaze remained on her bare feet. “I’d make a terrible tutor.”

  “It’s true, you’ve failed to live up to my expectations, but I think teaching Justine might inspire you to try harder. Besides, if I let both of you continue to do nothing for this establishment, the rest will think they can do the same. Isn’t that right Justine?”

  Justine said nothing.

  Rosaline grabbed her hair and yanked it hard. “I asked you a question.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Justine whimpered.

  Rosaline tossed her away, causing the girl to stumble. “It’s Mistress, not ma’am. I’m not some doddering fool.”

  “Sorry, Mistress.”

  “That’s better. Now there are two gentlemen, brothers I believe, who would like to be entertained together. They have agreed to help me teach the two of you a few much-needed lessons.”

  “I’m so excited,” Rowan muttered.

  Rosaline walked to the wardrobe. Rowan held her breath for an instant while Rosaline took out her key, unlocked it, and then walked away. “I’m sure you are. I will be up in the morning to find out how things went. If you two have learned anything, I won’t need to punish you. If you haven’t, I’m afraid I won’t be keeping both of you. We’ll discuss which one will have to go when Lucien returns.”

  “Where is he?” Rowan bit her lip as soon as she asked the question.

  Rosaline raised a thin brow and smiled. “Do you miss him? He’ll be touched to know that. I’m sure he’ll make up for his absence, but it’s none of your concern where he has gone.”

  A knock at the door brought all eyes to the two men entering the room. They were older than Lucien, possibly old enough to be his father. The taller one grinned when he eyed Justine before turning his gaze to Rowan.

  “Mais oui, she is a pretty one. You did not lie about that,” he said.

  “Of course I didn’t.” Rosaline said. “I never lie. She is rare, this one.” They stared at Rowan a moment and she slunk further under the sheet. The cold steel of the chain brushed her leg.

  He smiled, exposing a mouth full of rotted teeth. The brownish green mess made Rowan’s stomach lurch. “Do not be afraid, cherie. Your eyes remind me of violets in the springtime and your hair is like flaming silk… I could only cherish such a beautiful creature.”

  She didn’t know whether to laugh or vomit at his ridiculous words. Didn’t he know she was a whore? You don’t have to woo a whore; the money pretty much seals the deal.

  The second man, shorter and stout, walked past Rosaline and reached out to touch Justine’s cheek. The girl flinched. Rosaline slapped her face.

  He stepped forward. “Non, Mademoiselle. Do not punish her for being frightened. She is so delicate; I fear you may mar her beautiful skin.”

  “She is performing, Peter, nothing more. This one is no innocent, though she has learned nothing. I worry that you won’t be pleased with her. Allow me to bring another girl for you.”

  No! Rowan panicked.

  “Mais non, I like her as she is. I don’t mind inexperience at all. It is refreshing.” Peter lifted Justine from the floor and raised her hand to his mouth.

  Rosaline rolled her eyes and sighed. “Very well then, carry on. I will see you all tomorrow. I can trust you to leave by sunrise?”

  Jean smiled. “We know the rules. Now, let us get acquainted with our young ladies.”

  Rosaline shot Rowan a glare. It told her what would happen should she fail to please these old fools. Rowan turned away. She wanted to grin, to show she wasn’t afraid of the woman in the least. That would ruin everything, though, and she wasn’t about to mess things up when she was so close to freedom.

  Rosaline left, closing the door but not turning the lock. Once they finished with these two, she wouldn’t have to figure out how to get out of a locked room, which was a relief. Her fingers still stung from the wardrobe.

  Jean turned to Rowan, “I know they’ve had trouble with you. We shall get along, yes? You won’t resist me, you hear?” His voice wasn’t pleasant anymore; it had a hard edge that matched the light in his dark eyes.

  She looked down at the floor. “Of course not, Monsieur. I have learned from my mistakes. I will do as you wish me to.”

  “Tres bien.”

  Peter pulled Justine against him. She tried to cover her face but he pinned her arms to her sides. “And this one, we have been given a great responsibility with you, cherie. There will be no more tears unless we wish to see them.”

  Rowan waited. Her muscles tensed so that they ached, as Peter ripped the robe from Justine. The girl was skin and bones and she shivered under their gaze. She had to distract them, before Justine ruined everything.

  Rowan rose from the bed and they turned. “Do I just sit and watch while you play or am I allowed to participate?”

  It took great effort to sound eager; she wanted only to be rid of them. Justine looked confused, frowning at Rowan with wide fearful eyes. She wouldn’t be of much help when the time came to turn on them.

  “Mais oui, Mademoiselle,” Jean grinned as he devoured the sight of her naked body. Covered as it was in bruises and scars, it still turned him on. Rowan knew it in the way he licked his lips and the sudden deepening of his voice.

  “Of course you will join us. Perhaps you can help get your friend in the right mood.” He waved a hand at Justine.

  Rowan walked over to Justine, who cowered even from her. She leaned close to the girl’s ear, as though kissing her, and whispered. “Just follow me. It will be over soon. I promise.”

  Justine pulled away, her eyes searching Rowan’s. She gave a slight nod, moving her gaze to the floor once more.

  Rowan looked to Jean, who leaned on the bedpost, his arms crossed. “What would you like me to do, Monsieur?”

  “Kiss her,” Jean licked his lips and Rowan stifled the urge to groan. Men were so basic.

  “Like this?” Rowan tilted Justine’s face up and gave her a wink. The girl shook more than a leaf in a thunderstorm as Rowan lowered her lips and brushed them against hers. They were soft and moist, much nicer than the rough kisses she received from the men.

  “Non, that is not right. Like you would kiss a man. Deep. Use your tongue.”

  Justine gasped, shaking her head.

  Poor child. Rowan knew this was beyond her abilities but she had to get her to move closer to the bed, closer to the weapons. “Maybe you could refresh my memory, M

  Jean grinned and pushed away from the post. Rowan circled, backing away until she felt the bed against her legs. He reached out, taking her arm and pulled her against him, his breath smelled as rotten as his teeth looked and she stifled the urge to gag.

  He traced a finger over her jaw. “So you want to get right to the point? I am happy to oblige. Such plump, soft lips are meant to be kissed properly, non?”

  He lowered his face and Rowan squeezed her eyes shut. His mouth was rough and his mustache scratched her lips. He forced her mouth open and shoved his tongue inside. She tasted sausage and wine, a combination she would never taste again if she could help it. Rowan gagged but he took no notice.

  Justine sobbed. Jean pressed Rowan down on the bed. The chain dug into her back, reminding her of the urgency of the situation. Rowan searched around the sheet until she felt the cuffs beneath. Slipping her hand under, gripping the cool steel, she opened her eyes.

  “Perhaps I could show you some things I’ve learned. You can help me to get better at them.”

  He pulled his head back and stared down at her. “What do you suggest?”

  “You need to undress and turn around.” He looked doubtful; he should be suspicious, but Rowan smiled shyly. “I cannot show you what Lucien likes me to do if you have clothes on. You aren’t afraid of a girl are you?”

  Peter snickered from across the room and Jean’s face reddened. “Of course not, I could crush you without a thought.”

  He stood and removed his clothing. Rowan sat up on the bed, dragging the cuffs to the end with the sheets and the chain.

  “Lucien promised we would see what talent you had, cherie.”


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