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Oathbound v(vah-1

Page 13

by Mercedes Lackey

  An idea occurred to her; she backtracked to the bushes, and got a handful of the trampled leaves and rubbed them on the back of her hand. She waited for some sort of reaction; rash, burning, itching -- nothing happened. Satisfied that the vegetation at least wasn't harmful, she rubbed it into the mare's shaggy hide. It turned her a rather odd shade of gray-green, but the flies wouldn't even land on her.

  Very pleased with herself, Tarma watered Ironheart and repeated the process on her. By the time she'd finished, the sun was well up, and she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She was going to have to get some rest, at least.

  But that was another advantage of having battlesteeds.

  She loosed Hellsbane and took her to the entrance of the circle. "Guard," she said, shortly. The mare immediately went into sentry-mode -- and it would take a determined attacker indeed to get past those iron-shod hooves and wicked teeth. Now all she needed to keep alert for was attack from above.

  She propped herself up with their packs and saddles, and allowed herself to fall into a half-doze. It wasn't as restful as real sleep, but it would do.

  When hunger finally made further rest impossible, it was getting on to sunset -- and Kethry was showing signs of breaking out of trance.

  She'd carefully briefed Tarma on what she'd need to do; Tarma shook herself into full alertness, and rummaged in Kethry's pack for high-energy rations. Taking those and her waterskin, she sat on her heels just outside of the inscribed circle, and waited.

  She didn't have to wait long; Kethry's eyes opened almost immediately, and she sagged forward with exhaustion, scarcely able to make the little dismissing motion that broke the magic shield about her. Tarma was across the circle the instant she'd done so, and supported her with one arm while she drank. Kethry looked totally exhausted; mentally as well as physically. She was pale as new milk, and scarcely had the energy to drink, much less speak. Tarma helped her to her feet, then half-carried her to the tiny campsite and her bedroll.

  Kethry had no more than touched her head to her blankets than she was asleep. She slept for several hours, well past moonrise, then awoke again with the first appearance of the lights and noises that had so disturbed Tarma the night before.

  "They seem to be harmless," Tarma began.

  "They are. That's not what woke me," Kethry croaked from a raw throat. "It's coming -- what I called -- "

  "What did you call, anyway?"

  After a swallow or two of water, Kethry was better able to speak. "A kyree -- they're a little like wolves, only bigger; they also have some of the physical characteristics of the big grass-cats, retractile claws, that sort of thing. They're also like Gervase's folk; they're human-smart and have some gift for magic. They'd probably do quite well for themselves if they had hands instead of paws -- well, that's one reason why some of them are willing to become mage-familiars. Another is gender. Or lack of."


  "Kyree throw three kinds of cubs -- male, female, and neuter. The neuters really don't have much to do in pack-life, so they're more inclined to wander off and see the world."

  Kethry broke off, staring over Tarma's shoulder. Tarma turned.

  In the opening of the tree-circle where the road turned into the paved "court" was -- something. It looked lupine -- it had a wolf-type head, anyway. But it was so damn big!

  Kethry pulled herself to her feet and half-stumbled to the entrance. "If you come in the Name of the Powers of Light, enter freely," she croaked, "If not, be you gone."

  The thing bowed its head gravely, and padded into the circle. There it stood, looking first at Kethry, then at Tarma; deliberately, measuringly.

  :I bond to you:, said a deep voice in the back of Tarma's head.

  Once again she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  "Li'sa'eer!" she choked, backing a few paces away from the thing. "What?"

  :I bond to you, warrior. We are alike, we two; both warriors for the Light, both -- celibate --: - The voice in her head had a feeling of amusement about the choice of the last word. :It is fit we be soul-bonded. Besides, Lady of Power --: he turned to look at Kethry, :-- you do not need me. You have the spirit-sword. But you --: he turned his huge eyes back to Tarma, :-- YOU need me.:

  "She'enedra," Tarma said tightly, keeping a firm grip on her nerves, "What in hell am I supposed to do? He says he wants me!"

  "Oh, my Lady Bright -- what a bloody mess! It could only happen to me! Give in," Kethry staggered to her bedroll and half-collapsed into it, laughing weakly. "A day and a night of spell-casting, and what happens? My familiar decides he'd rather bond to my partner! Lady Bright -- if it weren't so damned funny I think I'd kill you both!"

  "But what am I supposed to do?"

  :You could try talking to me.:

  Tarma gulped, and approached the beast cautiously. It sat at its ease, tongue lolling out in a kind of grin. She could sense his amusement at her apprehension in the back of her mind. Curiously, that seemed to make her fear vanish.

  "Well," she said at last, after several long moments of trying to think of something appropriate. "I'm Tarma."

  :And I -- am Warrl.: The creature lay down on the pavement, and cocked its head to one side. Its -- no, his; it might have been a "neuter" but there was a distinctly masculine feeling to him -- his eyes caught the moonlight and reflected greenishly.

  "I'm not quite sure what I should do about you," she confessed. "I mean I'm no mage -- what's the next move?"

  :You might start by offering me something to eat,: Warrl said, :I've come a long way, and I'm hungry. Do I smell meat-bars?: There was something in his mental sending that was so like a child begging for a sweet that Tarma had to laugh.

  "You do, my friend," she replied, rising to get one for him. "And if you like them as much as I dislike them, I have the feeling we're going to suit each other very well indeed!"


  They were fortunate; almost as soon as they emerged from the Pelagirs, they were able to find a short-term job as escorts. A scrawny, middleaged man sought them at their inn within hours of when they had posted themselves at the Mercenaries' Guild and paid their fees.

  "You'll be providing protection for my new bride," their employer, an hereditary knight who didn't look capable of lifting his ancestral blade, much less using it, told Tarma. "I will be remaining here for a month or more to consolidate my interests with Darthela's father, but I wish her to make the journey to Fromish now, before winter weather sets in."

  "Are we to be the only guards?" Tarma asked, a little doubtfully. She shifted on the wooden bench uncomfortably, and wished Kethry was here instead of visiting the tiny White Winds enclave she'd ferreted out. She could have used the sorceress' quick wits right now.

  "I'm afraid so," he replied with a sheepish smile. "To be brutally frank, Swordlady, my house is in rather impoverished condition at the moment. I couldn't afford to take any of my servants away from the harvesting to serve as guards for her, and I can't afford to hire more than the two of you. And before you ask, my bride's retinue is confined to one handmaiden. Her dower is to be in things less tangible, but ultimately more profitable, than immediate cash."

  Tarma decided that she liked him. The smile had been genuine, and his frankness with a pair of hirelings rather touching.

  Of course, she thought wryly, that could just be to convince us that the fair Darthela won't have much with her worth stealing.

  "I'll tell you what we can do to narrow the odds against us a bit," Tarma offered. "I can arrange to set out a little later than you asked us, so that we're about half a day behind that spice-trader. Anybody looking for booty is likely to go for him and miss us."

  "But what about wild beasts?" he asked, looking concerned. "Won't they have been attracted to the campsites by the trader's leavings?"

  Tarma's estimation of him rose a notch. She had been picturing him as so likely to have his nose in a book all the time that he had little notion of the realities of the road.

  "Wild beasts
are the one problem we won't have," she replied. "You're getting a bargain, you know -- you aren't actually getting two guards, you're getting three."

  At her unspoken call, Warrl inched out from under the bar where he'd been drowsing, stretched lazily, and opened enormous jaws in a yawn big enough to take in a whole melon. Sir Skolte regarded the kyree with astonishment and a little alarm.

  "Bright Lord of Hosts!" he exclaimed, inching away a little. "What is that?"

  "My partner calls him a kyree, and his name is Warrl."

  "A Pelagir Hills kyree? No wonder you aren't worried about beasts!" The knight rubbed a hand across his balding pate, and looked relieved. "I am favored by your acquaintance, Sirrah Warrl. And grateful for your services."

  Warrl nodded graciously and returned to his resting place beneath the bar. This close to the Hills, the innmaster and his help were fairly familiar with the kyree kind -- and when Warrl had helped to break up a bar-fight within moments of the trio's arrival, he had earned their gratitude and a place of honor. And no few spiced sausages while he rested there.

  Tarma was pleased with the knight's ready acceptance of her companion, and finalized the transaction with him then and there. By the time Kethry returned, she had already taken care of supplies for the next day.

  They appeared at the house of the bride's father precisely at noon the next day, ready to go. Sir Skolte met them at the gate -- which was something of a surprise to Kethry.

  "I -- rather expected you would send a servant to wait for us," Kethry told him, covering her confusion quickly, but not so quickly that Tarma didn't spot it.

  "Darthela has been insisting that I 'properly introduce' you," he replied, a rather wry smile on his thin lips. "That isn't the sort of thing one leaves to a servant. I confess that she has been most eager to meet you."

  Tarma caught her partner's quizzical glance and shrugged.

  The odd comment was explained when they finally met the fair young bride; she entered the room all flutters and coquettishness, which affectations she dropped as soon as she saw that her escorts were female. She made no effort to hide her disappointment, and left "to pack" within moments.

  "Now I see why you hired us instead of that pair of Barengians," Tarma couldn't help but say, stifling laughter.

  Sir Skolte shrugged eloquently. "I won't deny I'm a bit of a disappointment for her," he replied cynically. "But beggars can't be choosers. She's the sixth in a set of seven daughters, and her father was so pleased at being able to make trade bargains with me in lieu of dower that he almost threw her at me. Fortunately, my servants are all uglier than I am."

  The look in his eye told Tarma that Darthela was going to have to be a great deal cleverer than she appeared to be if she intended to cuckold this fellow.

  But then again...

  "Tell me, are folk around here acquainted with the tale of 'Bloody Carthar's Fourteen Wives?' Or 'Meralis and the Werebeast?' "

  He shook his head. "I would say I know most of the tales we hear in these parts by heart, and those don't sound familiar."

  "Then we'll see if we can't incline Darthela's mind a bit more in an appropriate direction," Kethry said, taking her cue from the two stories Tarma had mentioned. "We'll be a week in traveling, and stories around the campfire are always welcome, no?"

  "What -- oh, I see!" Sir Skolte began to laugh heartily. "Now, more than ever, I am very glad to have met you! Ladies, if you are ever looking for work again, I shall give you the highest recommendations -- especially to aging men with pretty young wives!"

  That took them from Lythecare to Fromish, on the eastbound roads. In Fromish they ran into old friends -- Ikan and Justin.

  "Hey-la! Look who we have here!" Tarma would have known that voice in a mob; in the half-empty tavern it was as welcome as a word from the tents.

  She leapt up from her seat to catch Justin's forearm in a welcoming clasp. And not more than a pace behind him came Ikan.

  They got themselves sorted out, and the two newcomers gave their orders to the serving boy before settling at Tarma's table.

  "Well, what brings you ladies to these benighted parts?" Ikan asked, shaking hair out of his guileless eyes. "Last we saw, you were headed south."

  "Looking for work," Tarma replied shortly. "We did get home but... well, we decided, what with one thing and another, to go professional. Even got our Guild tags." She pulled the thong holding the little copper medal out of her tunic to display it for them.

  "I thought you two didn't work in winter," Kethry said in puzzlement.

  "It isn't winter yet, at least not according to our employers. Last caravan of the season. Say -- we might be able to do each other a favor, though." Justin eyed the two women with speculation. "You say you're Guild members now? Lord and Lady, the Luck is with us, for certain!"


  "We've got two guards down with flux -- and it does not look good. We want out of here before the snows close in, but we daren't go shorthanded and I don't trust the scum that's been turning up, hoping to get hired on in their places. But you two -- "

  "Three," Tarma corrected, as Warrl shambled out of the kitchen where he'd been enjoying meat scraps and the antics of the innkeeper's two children.

  "Hey-la! A kyree!" Ikan exclaimed in delight. "Even better!"

  "Shieldbrother," Justin lounged back in his chair with an air of complete satisfaction, "I will never doubt your conjuring of the Luck again. And tonight the drink's on me!"

  * * *

  The nervous jewel merchants were only too pleased to find replacements that could be vouched for by their most trusted guard-chiefs. They were even happier when they learned that one of the two was Shin'a'in and the other a mage. Kethry more than earned her pay on that trip, preventing a thiefmage from substituting bespelled glass for the rubies and sapphires they had just traded for.

  They left the merchants before they returned to Mornedealth, Kethry not particularly wanting to revisit quite yet. Ikan and Justin did their best to persuade them otherwise, but to no avail.

  "You could stay at the Broken Sword. Tarma could keep drilling us like she did last year," Justin coaxed. "And Cat would dearly love to see you. She's set herself up as a weapons merchant."

  "No... I want things to cool down a little more," Kethry said. "And frankly, we need to earn ourselves a reputation and a pretty good stake, and we won't do that sitting around in Mornedealth all winter."

  "You," Ikan put in, a speculative gleam in his eyes, "have got more in mind than earning the kind of cozy docket we have. Am I right, or no?"

  "You're right," Tarma admitted.

  "So? What've you got in mind?"

  "Schools -- or rather a school, with both of us teaching what we're best at."

  "You'll need more than a good stake and a rep -- you'll need property. Some kind of big building, stables, maybe a real indoor training area -- and a good library, warded research areas, and neighbors who aren't too fussy about what you conjure."

  "Gods, I hadn't thought that far, but you're right," Tarma said with chagrin. "Sounds as if what we want is on the order of a manor house."

  "Which means you'd better start thinking in terms of working for a noble with property to grant once you get that rep. A crowned head would be best." Justin looked at both of them soberly. "That's not as unlikely as you might think; a combination like you two is rare even among men; sword and magic in concert are worth any ten straight swordsmen, however good. Add to it that you're female -- think about it. Say you've got a monarch needing bodyguards; who'd check out his doxy and her servant? There's a lot of ways you could parlay yourself into becoming landed, and Keth's already ennobled."

  "But for now..." Kethry said.

  "For now you've got to earn that rep. Just bear in mind that what you're going after is far from impossible."

  "Can we -- ask you for advice now and again?" Kethry asked. "Justin, you sound to me as if you've figured some of this out for yourselves."

  "He did," his partne
r grinned. "Or rather, we did. But we decided that it was too big a field for the two of us to hope to plow. So we settled for making ourselves indispensable to the Jewel Merchant's Guild. Fact is, we've also been keeping our eyes out for somebody like you two. We aren't going to be young forever, and we figured on talking somebody into taking us on at their new school as instructors before we got so old our bones creaked every time we lunged." He winked at Kethry.

  Tarma stared. "You really think we have a chance of pulling this off?"


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