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Billionaire Rides: The Complete Series (MC Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 52

by Claire Adams

  When she was again able to speak again, she looked at me and shook her head eyes wide with awe and amazement. Then, she croaked, "Thank you."

  "Oh, it was all my pleasure," I said as I looked up from between her legs and smiled.

  "My turn," she said as she sat up and pushed me back on the bed. I gave her a questioning look, but she was quicker than I realized and soon had me propped up against the headboard as she positioned herself between my legs, running her fingers up and down the insides of my thighs while she leaned forward and lightly kissed my lips.

  I was soon hard and she wrapped one hand around my shaft and began slowly stroking as she kissed her way down my chest and abdomen. When she reached the origin of my pleasure, she smiled up at me before she dipped her head and began running her tongue up and down the entire length coating it with her warm slick saliva.

  "Oh, Em," I gasped as she stopped at the tip and teased it with her tongue before wrapping her lips around the head and gently sucking as she traced a pattern that had me gasping for air. She worked her magic as she moved lower, taking more and more of me into the back of her throat until all that was left was a small bit at the base, which she wrapped her thumb and forefinger around so she could squeeze as she sucked.

  The sensations were coming from all directions and as Emily moved up and down sucking and licking, I felt myself moving closer and closer to the edge where I'd lose control. She pulled up and teased the tip of my shaft again before rapidly slamming down and forcing me all the way to the back of her throat. It only took two or three strokes before I groaned and released my warm sticky seed in her mouth. She sucked it as it sprayed from the tip and when I was spent, my hips only slightly jerking, she looked up with a big smile on her lips and swallowed.

  "Oh God, Em," I groaned as I reached out and pulled her up to me cradling her in my arms. "That was amazing. You are amazing."

  "You're not so bad yourself." She grinned as she snuggled into my arms and rested her hand on my chest.

  "I love you, you know," I said.

  "I know," she nodded, then looked up and held my gaze as she said, "And I love you, too."

  I hugged her tighter as we both drifted off to sleep.


  Chapter Seventy


  "Awww, that was high, ump!" Austin yelled. I put my hand on his arm and smiled when he turned and looked at me. He grumbled with a half smile,” Okay, fine, I'll try and keep it down."

  "No, I'm just saying that when you get worked up, you stand up," I explained with an amused smile. "And then I can't see whether it's high or low. Just saying, honey."

  "Oh no you don't," he laughed. "I'm not going to argue the ump's call with you!"

  "Why? Because I'm a woman?" I asked as I spread my hands out and looked at him expectantly. "You don't think I know baseball because I'm a woman?"

  "I never said that," he protested as the two guys next to us shook their heads as the third guy drew his finger across his neck and gestured at Austin to stop while he was ahead. "All I said was..." he trailed off.

  "Yeah, that's what I thought," I smiled smugly as I leaned over the kissed his cheek.

  "Whatever," he said in a faux grumpy tone and turned his attention back to the game. "Have you texted your mom to find out how things are going?"

  "I did it five minutes ago," I sighed. "I'm sure things are just fine! Would you please just relax and enjoy the game?"

  "I would if I didn't have the peanut gallery picking at my strike zone calls," he grinned as he signaled the hot dog vendor to bring a few our way. "You want one?"

  "Yeah, sure," I said. "Just mustard on mine, please."

  "Hey, Bax? Anna? You want a hot dog?" Austin asked as he turned to the seats on the other side of him.

  "Yeah, I'll take one with the works," Bax called.

  "Oh please, do I look like a woman who eats hot dogs?" Anna asked in an exasperated tone. Bax looked at her for a moment and she dissolved into giggles. "Don't answer that!"

  Austin flagged the vendor down and got us all what we asked for before he turned his attention back to the game. It had been an exciting one and now the Yankees were within one hit of pushing into the lead. Bax and Austin tensely discussed the ways in which the next batter could force the play so that the runner on third could slide in and score. I looked over their bowed heads at Anna and shrugged. She threw her head back and laughed loudly.

  "It's what we signed up for, Emily!" she called as Austin reached out and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

  "I know," I smiled. "I'm certainly glad we did!"

  To celebrate the Yankees’ winning run, Austin suggested we have a late dinner at Balthazar, and when I protested that we were going to be late getting home, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've got it all worked out."

  "Okay," I said eyeing him warily. "If you say so."

  We hopped into the waiting limo and were swiftly driven through the streets of Manhattan arriving at the front door of the restaurant in less time than it usually took to exit the packed stadium. We were quickly seated and our server had drinks on the table before we knew what we even wanted to eat.

  I loved this part of being married to Austin. Everything flowed smoothly and life seemed to just work. It had been a long hard climb to get to this point, but as I looked at my husband and our friends, I thought about how different my life had been two years before, and marveled at how much had changed since I said yes.

  I reached out under the table and grabbed Austin's hand and squeezed it as I looked up at my handsome husband and smiled.

  Chapter Seventy-One


  After dinner, we said goodbye to Bax and Anna and headed home to our condo at 530 Park Avenue. I'd bought the place just after Emily had accepted my proposal, thinking that we'd need something better than a string of hotel rooms to settle down in. I wanted to provide her with everything she ever wanted, but she said all she wanted was me.

  I looked at my wife as we rode the elevator up to the top floor. She was beautiful in every way imaginable and the day that she'd walked down the aisle and said yes to me was still the best day of my life. Despite my protests, Emily had continued to fly for Marks Air after we were married. It drove me crazy that she was working, but she insisted that she needed something to do, otherwise she'd go stir crazy. I'd hired a security firm to fly on every one of her hops, and while it had cost more than what she made, it made me feel more confident knowing that she was always safe. I had never told her about it, though.

  We'd introduced our mothers as soon as we'd returned from the island. Emily's mother took a bit longer to come around because she was worried about what Tommy was going to do now that she knew the extent he would go. I assured her that it was all taken care of and that Emily would never have to worry about him again. I'd sent Tommy off to work with Buck in Sydney and the change had actually done him good. He'd quit drinking and with his gambling debts paid off and a generous nest egg buffering his shift in careers, he'd done very nicely for himself down under.

  "Austin? I'm asking you a question," Emily said as she tugged on my sleeve. "Did you call your mother?"

  "I did not," I said as I checked my phone and found several text messages from Bax. "Do you want me to?"

  "No silly," she laughed. "We're almost home, so it won't matter now!"

  "Sorry, Em," I said sheepishly scanning the messages.

  "You're such an absent-minded professor, sometimes," she teased as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. I let the messages go and wrapped one arm around her before dipping her slow and low right there in the elevator. She let out a shriek of glee and faux terror as I held her parallel to the floor before kissing her deeply.

  "You are crazy, Mr. Morning!" she laughed as she swatted me after I'd set her back on her feet. "You shouldn't do such dangerous things in an elevator!"

  "Oh, so I should do safer things?" I said as I slid one hand up her thigh and under her skirt. "Like this?"

/>   "Be careful," she said with a knowing grin. "That's what got us into this mess in the first place."

  "Mmmmm," I murmured as I bent to nuzzle her neck my insistent hand inching up just a little further. "I like the mess we're in just fine."

  "Yeah, but you're not the one who has to pay the price, now are you?" she laughed as she pressed her pelvis against my hand before the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

  "No, I am certainly not," I agreed. We held hands as we walked down the hall and when we turned the key, I heard my mother's footsteps crossing the foyer. "We're home!" I called.

  "Well, now that was quick!" my mother said as she hugged both of us.

  "Everything go alright?" Emily asked as she set her purse down and headed to the back bedroom.

  "Oh it was just fine," my mother called. "Slept like an angel and didn't make a sound!"

  I kissed my mother and asked, "You want me to ride home with you?"

  "Don't be foolish," she told me as she hugged me again. "Silas is downstairs waiting for me. He'll make sure I get home safe and sound."

  "Alright, well, if you say so," I said eyeing her. "Thank you, Mom."

  "Oh, it's entirely my pleasure!" she said as she gathered her purse and headed of the door. "I've always dreamed of being able to do this, I just didn't know it would be like this!" she said as she waved around at the apartment.

  "Well, no matter how it is, we're so grateful that you can," I said. "To the moon and back."

  "To the moon and back, baby," she called as she stepped out into the hallway and headed for home.

  I set my phone down and unloaded my pocket before I joined Emily in the back bedroom. When I entered, I saw her sitting in the rocking chair in the corner near the window that looked out over the city singing a lullaby to our tiny daughter.

  "You two make such a beautiful picture," I said.

  "Well, it's easy when you have a baby who takes after her father," Emily smiled then cooed, "Isn't it, little Sydney? Do you want to hold her?"

  "I will in a minute, I need to take care of some business first," I said as I looked at my wife and my daughter and felt my heart swell with love.


  "Hey Bax, what's up?" I said as my friend picked up the phone.

  "Austin, we need to talk about this Barcelona deal," Bax said in a tired voice. "It's not going smoothly and I'm not sure I can fix the problems from here."

  "So, go there," I said matter-of-factly.

  "I can't," he reminded me. "Anna is due in the next couple of weeks and if I leave, she'll kill me. Plus, there's rebellion afoot in the IT pool, and I need to deal with that. Unless you want to manage that little skirmish?"

  "Oh hell, no," I said. "You know how I hate having to deal with those code-breakers and their nerditry."

  "That's what I thought," he laughed. "So, what do you want to do? Go over there?"

  "Let me check with Em and see what her flight schedule looks like," I said. "I'll let you know when I can get there."

  "Austin, have you ever considered selling the business to someone bigger and letting them deal with these skirmishes?" Bax asked in a very tired voice. He had been run ragged by the Paris-Berlin projects and although we'd gotten rid of Daniel Wentworth by letting him know we were on to his Camorra, the work that had to be done landed squarely on Bax's shoulders.

  This wasn't a problem until Anna had pegged him as her Mr. Right and convinced him of this fact. It was truly a match made in some kind of alternate universe – prom queen marries the AV nerd – but for some reason, it worked. Now, they were expecting their own bundle of joy and Anna was in charge of everything. Bax loved it, but it was putting a strain on our ability to do business.

  "I have not," I said. "Why, do you think I should?"

  "I think it's worth exploring," he said. "I've got someone in mind. Someone who will let us run the company, but who will pick up the slack so we can actually live our lives, you know?"

  "Yeah, I do know," I sighed. "Okay, put me in touch with him and I'll see what I can do about a deal."

  "I knew you'd see things my way, boss," Bax said. I could hear him smiling into the phone.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said. "Not a word of this to the wives, you hear me?"

  "Aye aye, captain," Bax said.

  Three nights later, I was sitting across the table from Reginald Harrison Beaufort laughing as his wife, the beautiful Honey, poured us a couple of whiskeys and then told us to take ourselves out on the balcony if we intended to smoke the disgusting cigars Reggie had tucked in his pocket. He gave her a sheepish grin and then ushered me outside.

  "I never know how she knows as much as she does about what I intend to do," he drawled. "But I'll tell you one thing, son, it's kept me an honest man for the past thirty years!"

  "Oh, how's that, sir?" I asked.

  "I knew that with that sense of smell and her woman's intuition," he said as he cut the ends off of both cigars and handed one to me. "If I ever cheated, she'd know immediately and with her upbringing, I'd be castrated faster than a loose thread in a garment factory!"

  I burst out laughing. I'd only known Reggie for a few hours, but already I liked him immensely.

  "Son, here's the deal," he said getting serious for a moment. "I'm not going to beat around the bush about this. I want to buy your company, but I want you to keep running it. You'll have free reign to do what you do best, you'll just have my pockets and my muscle to back you up. What do you say?"

  "I say we have a deal, sir," I said as I held out my hand and shook his firmly.

  "Son, stop with the sir bullshit," he said as he lit the end of his cigar and then offered me the lighter. "It makes me feel older than I am. Just call me Reggie and we'll be fine."

  "Yes, si-Reggie!" I said as I flicked the Zippo and lit my cigar. The end burned brightly as I looked out over Central Park and smiled.

  "Now, about this mess in Barcelona," he said. "Can you go out there for a few weeks and smooth it over? Hell, take your wife and call it a second honeymoon, for all I care. Just get them to stop threatening to strike!"

  "I think I can take care of that for you, Reggie," I said.

  "Excellent, that's what I like to hear," he said as he raised his glass and declared, "Here's to productive new partners and the barrels of cash they bring with them!"

  "To new partners," I echoed as I clinked my glass against his.

  "And cash!" he laughed. "Don't forget about the cash, son!"

  Chapter Seventy-Two


  We settled into the cabin of Marks Air's private jet and smiled at each other. I had wanted to take a commercial flight, but Austin had pointed out that if we were traveling with Sydney, we'd be smarter to utilize the privacy of the jet. I couldn't disagree with him, so I'd packed our bags and gotten us ready for the trip to Barcelona.

  Austin had told me about the plan to sell Marks Enterprises to Reggie Beaufort, and once I'd met him and Honey, I'd agreed wholeheartedly with the plan. I'd also seen the look of relief on Bax's face and had realized that the pressures of running the entire show while Austin put out fires around the globe had really taken its toll on him. Anna would be glad to have him home at night for dinner and in town when the baby arrived.

  As Austin secured Sydney's carrier in the seat closest to him, I smiled and felt incredibly grateful that fate had thrown us together and that we'd decided to give in and let it do it's magic.

  "Are you ready, Mrs. Marks?" he smiled.

  "I'm ready, Mr. Marks," I smiled back. "With you, I'm always ready."

  The End

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  By Alexa Davis

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and
are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Alexa Davis




  Never in my twenty-seven years on this earth have I met anyone so infuriating. I was standing in the alcove of the ballroom at the annual Thanksgiving ball the partners of my firm put on and wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I’d let Adam drag me here when I should have known better. I had no idea why we had to hide our relationship. We didn’t start seeing each other until his wife had already moved out. I don’t understand why she still has so much control over his life. He and I had begun to fight about it almost constantly.

  “What is wrong with you?” Adam asked me, mirroring my very thought, “You were rubbing yourself all over Nico on the dance floor. You made a spectacle out of yourself. Is this what you meant last night when you said you refused to play the other woman?”

  His green eyes were cold and unforgiving. It’s hard sometimes to believe they are the very same eyes that I had melted into the first time I looked into them. I found it funny how Adam had the ability to morph in the blink of an eye from a sweet, handsome, charming man that I could barely resist into this arrogant, condescending person standing in front of me now. What I really couldn’t understand was why I was unable to just walk away. Instead, I reduced myself to playing stupid games like dancing with Nico and even letting him kiss me when I knew for sure Adam was looking. Of course, there was no “rubbing.” I was raised by a Lord and a Lady in the U.K. and taught how to be a lady from the age of two on up. “Rubbing,” as Adam had implied, was not even in my public repertoire.


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