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The Shanxi Virus: An epidemic survival story

Page 16

by John Winchester

  She had begun to smile at his description of the night sky, but grew fearful again.

  "Fireflies! These woods are full of fireflies. They blink all night long. It's almost like watching slow motion fireworks. That doesn't sound so bad, now does it?" Mike asked.

  Kelly shook her head from side to side, smiling. She handed the cattail to him. A gift.

  "Thanks Kelly. I bet we'll find more of these tomorrow too."

  Jen mouthed a silent thank you.

  His stomach growling, he stood up and went to go get some food. As he shoveled the bland unheated can of pork and beans into his mouth, he looked around camp, watching the other's work. It was strange. A few months ago, he never could have imagined sitting here with any these people, the sheeple. They were something more now. Not family, but not strangers anymore. Almost friends. Maybe.

  He had to give them credit for one thing. These people had surprised him with their resilience and will to live. He had misjudged them on that account. Jen had taken control of the situation and crashed the truck, then shot Rich. Hardcore. She was a lot tougher than he would have given her credit for.

  He was sad about the loss of the cabin and all his keepsakes. He'd lost nearly everything. The photos, home movies, all of the memories the cabin held. He was sure that his parents would be proud of him for sacrificing the cabin in order to help the neighbors to escape the soldiers. Remembering the photo thrown clear of the cabin explosion, he reached into his pocket and removed the picture, running his finger along the singed edges.

  It was true that the neighbors hadn't been prepared for the Shanxi flu. Or the aftermath. They were a huge liability, and might still be a danger to him with their inexperience, but whatever happened Mike was resolved to see them through it. In his own weird way, he cared for them.

  He finished the last of the cold pork and beans, and then tossed the can into a trash bag. He was half asleep before he even finished unrolled his sleeping bag and laid down underneath the stars. He closed his eyes to the wonders of the night sky. He needed his rest. They were safe for now, and he could rest easy, but it paid to be prepared. You never knew what tomorrow would bring.

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