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Gypsy Kiss: Book 1: Micah (The Gypsy Kiss Series)

Page 31

by Heidi J Thomas

  That hand on my balls moved up, gripping the base of my engorged length, and she began a rhythmic pumping, her tongue constantly flicking the head.

  “Arrrghhh….” I hissed, sucking in air like I was drowning. I was going out of my mind with lust, arousal and sensation.

  She popped her head up from the covers, a look of concern etched on her face. “Am I doing it wrong?”

  I shook my head erratically. “Fuck no, baby. Oh God, it feels so good…”

  She grinned salaciously and disappeared back under, taking me in her mouth again, sucking a little harder, her hand firmly gripped around the base. I knew I was close, I could feel the familiar pulse steadily increasing as seemingly all the blood in my body rushed there, and when she grazed her teeth over the head I swear it was nearly my undoing.

  I had a moment of clarity then, fleeting but insistent.

  “Jewls, wait…” she looked up from the covers again expectantly, again looking worried she had somehow displeased me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m gonna cum, babe. I don’t wanna cum in your mouth.”

  “I don’t mind…” she replied, and I’m sure she didn’t, but I did. Not for her first time. I can’t explain it, but it just didn’t feel right.

  I was struggling to speak; she was back to pumping my cock and expertly keeping me right on the edge. It was incredible that this was her first time doing this.

  “Sit on me, baby.” I heard myself say, my voice hoarse and quiet.

  She crawled back up the bed a little and did precisely that, impaling herself on me in one thrust that was my undoing. I exploded in the most intense, most powerful orgasm of my entire life. I thought it was never going to end.

  I scrunched my eyes tight shut and when I opened them again she was looking down on me with the biggest smile on her face.

  “You enjoyed…?”

  I laughed a little and nodded. “Oh my God…Jewls…I dunno what to say, that was…incredible.” She sat back a little, a look of satisfaction and empowerment written all over her face and shifted a little, though making no attempt to move away. I could already feel myself trying to get hard again buried deep inside her warmth.

  And as she simply sat there, smiling down at me, her eyes alive with excitement and lust, all I could think was that I loved this girl with all my heart and I hoped and prayed there would never come a day when I would ever have to live without her love.

  I didn’t think I would survive.



  Jewls and I had a rare day off from the park together, so after a walk along the beach, holding hands, eating sandwiches for lunch on the sand, kissing her every chance I got, it was back to my place for a movie. And yeah, I hoped for a little more than a cuddle on the sofa...maybe persuade her to stay over, even though every few days she would pretty much insist that she ought to stay at her flat, since she was still paying rent on it, though why I still did not know.

  I'd picked a scary movie just so she'd want to be in my arms, I loved having her in my arms, smelling her hair, that faint coconut smell.

  Just as the film was getting interesting, and Jewls was practically on my lap hiding her face in my shirt, the door opened and then slammed, and she jumped nearly a foot in the air and squealed, moving away from me.

  Kris and Luca walked in, grinning at us

  Great, thought we'd have the place to ourselves…I couldn’t help thinking.

  “Hey bro, Jewls....know what this is about?” Kris was looking at us with a smirk, knowing he'd interrupted 'a moment' and Luca was no better, settling himself in a chair.

  “Do I know what what's about?” I said impatiently, “I thought you two were out tonight?”

  Luca nodded. “We were, but when we finished at Carousel Nic said to come straight home, had something to say.”

  Before I could respond the door slammed again.

  Can no one just open and shut a door properly in this place?

  Eli walked in with his customary unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, “Okay, what's going on? Nic said to come over for dinner; he’s ordered in, food should be here any minute. Where is he anyway? Hi Jewls, Micah - what you making her watch this crap for? Oh, don't answer.” He winked at me, with no discretion whatsoever and I rolled my eyes. Fucktard.

  “Hi Eli, I don't mind really, it's erm...” Jewls was answering, just as Mari burst in from the kitchen with Marco close behind.

  “So…we're all here, good. Food’s here too. Nic will be here soon, he's just...”

  And then the door opened, again, and closed quietly

  at least one of us doesn't need to slam it.

  and Nic walked into the lounge, holding a woman by the hand. A petite blonde with stunning green eyes. We all just looked at each other then, trying to process what our eyes were seeing, and then all eyes were on Nic as he introduced the blonde.

  “Glad you could all make it. I’d like you all to meet Jenna, Jenna meet my brothers, Eli, Micah and Marco, Kris, Luca and our sister Mari whom you’ve already met. And this lovely lady is Jewls, Micah's girlfriend.”

  We all just gaped, eyes going from Nick to Jenna, to each other, until Mari broke the silence.

  “Jenna, lovely to see you again, welcome to our home.”

  Mari knew her, met her before?! How?!

  Eli was the next to speak and took her hand and kissed the back. God we were a smooth bunch. We all said hello in turn but Marco, the fuckwit had to go over the top, holding her hand a little too long and smirking. In our defence, none of us had ever seen Nic with a woman before; he'd had no time for women raising all of us. Of course, as probably the best looking of all of us, we didn't think he was celibate but he was always discreet. At that I instantly realised this must be serious, or we wouldn’t be meeting this woman at all.

  “Where did you meet, how long?” I asked without thinking. I was as curious as the rest of them.

  “I met Nicoli at the restaurant,” Jenna said with a smile, looking up at him with what I could only describe as awe. “I was lunching there with my boss and we got to talking....and…”

  “Nicoli..?” Marco interrupted with a snort. No one ever, ever called him that.

  “Marco, show some respect, Jenna is a guest!” Nic snapped impatiently.

  “Sorry bro...” Marco said, holding his hands up. “So Jenna, what do you do?”

  “I work as an assistant editor for Edwards Publishing.” she said. It figured she was in some high powered professional job. She was smart, neat and tidy and brimming with confidence.

  I had a sudden flash of inspiration, and opened my mouth without even thinking about it.

  “Hey, Jewls writes.”

  Jewls’ eyes darted to mine and she shook her head. “No I don't!”

  “Yes you do, Jewls.”

  “No Micah, I don't.” she said, a little firmer and still I didn’t get the message.

  “Yes you do, you know...”

  Jewls gave me a dig in the ribs, which obviously meant 'shut the fuck up! I had no idea what I had done wrong, but boy that elbow really hurt. Enough to shut me up, that was for sure.

  “Okay everyone, let's eat.” Mari said, as ever taking charge, rummaging in the bags of takeout trying to sort them. “Jenna, come sit here next to Nic, Jewls, give me a hand?”

  As everyone sat at the table I noticed the glances between Nic and Jenna, and it seemed to me, my eldest brother had finally fallen head over heels in love. The thought made me smile, because if anyone deserved it, it was him.

  Our family were growing and evolving and it was good times for all. Nothing on earth could have spoiled that for us.

  At least, that was what we thought.

  Chapter Twenty




  The summer was soon over, the park growing quiet and with it my hours gradually diminished to part time, and then to a point where I
was genuinely beginning to worry about how I was going to support myself. Still Micah insisted there was a job for me at the restaurant and eventually I conceded, taking twelve hours a week. I wasn’t confident enough to work front of house, but I was more than happy to work in the kitchen, loading dishes into the dishwasher and helping either Mari or Eli doing basic stuff like salads and the like. I actually really enjoyed it. Mari and I were very close, like best friends, and the more time I spent with Eli, the fonder I grew of him. He was introverted, but he was a good man. a family man and in that way he was like my father. I respected him deeply and would like to think that respect was mutual.

  Still Micah pushed for me to move in with him; still I avoided the subject as much as possible. The idea of living in that house with Micah and all those boys, of giving up my own space, my means of escape terrified me. What if he didn’t like living with me? What if he woke up one day and finally realised that actually, I was plain, ordinary and not the girl he wanted to settle down with for life? What if he finally decided that he actually wanted someone more…someone who would fit in with this family better than I could? We had only been together for what, five months? It really wasn’t long in the grand scheme of things.

  I think he understood, although it frustrated him. If I am honest I was frustrated with myself, because I just could not find the courage to take that final leap, I had come a long way, but as far as self-confidence and bravery went…I still had a long way to go.

  As it happened, my courage was about to be tested to the limit. Did I have any when it came to the crunch? I suppose so.

  But it wasn’t enough.



  It was a foolish and fatal error, I know that now. Of course, at the time I barely gave it much thought and I suppose I didn’t rate his intelligence that highly. I was tired of living a life in hiding, of being afraid. I had moved on, gained a little confidence and I couldn’t see why I should have to completely hide away.

  And so…I made myself a Facebook profile. Thinking myself pretty clever, I called myself Janet Smith, a boring, unassuming name drawing no attention to myself. I was feeling brave, but not wanting to take too many chances. I added mum, a way of keeping in touch with her without having to ring her all the time, but aside from mum the only other people on my profile were the rest of the Machvaya clan, and Alex from the park.

  Modern technology is a great thing; I think but can also be a curse. It’s fun to share, it’s social, and having a Facebook profile was a normal thing for a normal person to do. But at the same time, it leaves you wide open for unwelcome attention shall we say. One slip up. That was all it took.

  Alex took a selfie of us all on the waltzer. An innocent group shot, me and Micah in the middle, kissing tenderly. He tagged me in it, and I in turn tagged mum.

  And that was where he saw it.

  Guess it didn’t take much detective work from that to deduce where I was, and make his move.



  The summer was over far too quickly for my liking. I have always been a summer kind of guy, mostly because owing to the nature of my job at the park, I am happier in myself when I am outside. And I absolutely hate being cold.

  Before long, November rolled around and with it, Jewls’ birthday on the fifth. I had already pre-arranged for her to be working a few hours in the evening, she was led to believe – by me and my wonderful at acting brothers – that it was a mistake to be working on her birthday, but that they really needed her, and I led her to believe that was not happy about it, nor about being rostered on myself earlier the same afternoon. Jewls being Jewls, never wanting to let anyone down, told me it was fine and that we would celebrate when she finished her shift, snuggled up with a glass of wine.

  I in fact, didn’t have a shift that afternoon at all. I was up to mischief, planning something that had every chance of spectacularly blowing up in my face.

  It was a day that held so much promise. November fifth, 2014. My girlfriend was supposed to have the best birthday of her life, surrounded by my family, now her family. The day I got down on one knee in front of them all and asked her to be my wife. It was soon in the grand scheme of things, I knew that. I also knew that having had her in my life, I never wanted to be without her.

  None of us could have ever imagined in our wildest dreams – or nightmares – what would happen. Or that when it did happen, it would be so fast, so brutal, so utterly devastating.



  Before I knew it, bonfire night rolled around, and as well as being firework night, it was also my twenty-sixth birthday. I was rostered on to work a shift at the restaurant, much to Micah’s annoyance.

  It was another typical evening at Carousel – busy, bustling and fast paced. There was plenty for me to do in the kitchens, helping Eli as the orders came in thick and fast. As usual, there was no time to think, so I didn’t really notice that I hadn’t seen or heard from Micah – usually when we were not together he would bombard me with texts, but I had heard nothing. It was unusual for him not to be popping in and out of the kitchen in between serving his tables. Had Eli not done such an exceptional job of keeping me occupied with random jobs, I might have noticed that things the other side of the kitchen doors had quietened down considerably in that last hour or so, but I was lost in my own thoughts, looking forward to a night of snuggles with my boyfriend.

  As I was putting the latest pile of washed plates away I felt a pair of hands settle on my hips, followed by soft lips and rough stubble on my neck, in that spot just below my ear.

  “Hey birthday girl…” Micah purred and then spun me around, pinning me with an arm either side of me to the counter. “Time for you to finish up.”

  I frowned, looking over my shoulder. “Where’s Eli?”

  He took my hand in his, beginning to pull me towards the door to the restaurant. “Follow me, I want to show you something.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked, immediately suspicious.

  He rolled his eyes at me, still grinning. “For once in your life, trust me and do as you’re told. Come.”

  I allowed myself to be led to the door and he turned to me a final time. “Close your eyes.”

  “Micah…” I started.

  “Jewls just fucking do it, humour me.”

  I did as he asked and heard the door open.

  “Okay, you can open your eyes now babe.” He said, and I sensed the excitement in his tone. I opened one eye cautiously, then the other and was met with the entire Machvaya family all seated around one of the long tables. They all turned to me and let out a cheer, clapping and whistling and shouting ‘happy birthday!’

  I turned back to Micah to find him grinning at me, obviously very pleased with himself.

  “What’s this?” I said, realising almost immediately it was a pretty stupid question.

  “This is your birthday meal with your family. So have a seat and enjoy.”

  Mari pulled out the chair beside her and patted the seat. “Sit here, Jewls.”

  I sat beside her, looking at the table, mesmerised by the sheer effort they had made, and all for me. There was so much food on the table, it got me thinking.

  “How did Eli manage to prepare all this food without me realising?” I asked.

  Eli grinned and winked, obviously proud of the part he had played in this whole thing. “We closed up two hours ago, Jewls. I played the part of an under pressure chef well, huh? You didn’t suspect a thing, right?”

  I shook my head, marvelling at his ability to pull that off and my complete lack of observational skills to not even notice this was happening just a few metres from me in the kitchen utterly oblivious to the whole thing. “Not a thing.” I said with a smile. “Well played, Eli.”

  Eli high-fived Micah as he sat beside me, and Nic stood up. “Well…if you would all like to raise your glasses, a toast to our Jewls. Wishing you a very h
appy birthday, and here’s to many more as a part of our family. We love you very much, not least because you have made our brother so happy. So…to Jewls!”

  I felt tears welling in my eyes and only just managed to hold them in. Coming from Nic especially, that really moved me.

  “Speech!” Marco said with a smirk, knowing full well that was the very last thing I would want to do.

  I took a deep breath and stood up. “Erm…just…thank you. I love this family – even you, Marco – and I can’t think of anywhere in the world I would rather be. Thank you for…accepting me, it means such a lot to me. And um…let’s eat, huh?”

  I sat back down again quickly and Micah immediately took my hand in his, kissing my fingers.

  “Hell yes, you heard the lady!” Marco said, rubbing his hands together and turning to Micah. “See bro, told you she loves me really.” He glanced at me again. “There’s still time to switch twins, you know – if you feel you may have made a mistake. I’m still available.”

  Everyone laughed at that, including me and I rolled my eyes. “Tempting as that is…I think I’ll stick. Sorry Marco.”

  He stuck his bottom lip out and shrugged. “Wounded, that’s what I am. Still, I guess I can live with having you as a sister in law instead.”

  At that, Micah shoved him and sighed. “Shall we eat before it goes cold, or do you want to flirt with my girl some more?”

  Nic nodded his agreement. “Yeah, let’s tuck in everyone. And thanks Eli for doing all this.”

  Eli tossed a vague salute in his direction and we all began to eat.



  I watched her with my family and could not wipe the smile from my face. She fitted with us, she fitted perfectly. She belonged here with us, with me. I was sure of that and I knew she felt that too. She looked so happy and I was so relieved. I had worried she might have preferred it to be just the two of us, and it probably would have been, but of course I had my plans. And really I guess I just wanted my family there to see it.


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