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Above and Beyond

Page 7

by Riley Morgan

  “What,” she said. “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

  She shamelessly pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Ramon averted his eyes, but before he did, he caught a fleeting glimpse of her bare chest. He felt a twinge between his legs as the image of her naked body burned into his eyes.

  “Ok, it’s all safe now big guy,” he said, giggling at his modesty.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he scooped her up and carried her through the bedroom door, down the stairs, and out back. He started towards the lounge chairs on the far side, but as he walked past the deep end, he unceremoniously tossed Lena into the pool, catching her completely off guard.

  The initial surprise wore off as she hit the surface and sank into the warm water. Completely submerged, she felt like a new woman. The pain of the last few days had washed away in a moment, and she burst up through the surface and took a revitalizing breath of fresh air for the first time in days.

  “You bastard!” she shouted, but she was not angry. Ramon stood at the side of the pool, laughing hysterically.

  “If I could walk I swear to God I’d come up there and show you what’s what!”

  The image made Ramon laugh even harder. Maybe Lena couldn’t push Ramon around, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have other ways of getting him in the pool. She had grown up in the water, and was as at home there as she was on dry land. But Ramon didn’t know that. So while she treaded water, talking to him, she began to feign shortness of breath. As they continued talking, she’d wince now and again, not too much, but enough that Ramon took notice.

  Then, in the middle of a story about a time that a bird had flown into the house and Tia and Michaela spent all afternoon chasing it around with a broom, she started to gasp, cry out, and sank beneath the water. Lena could hold her breath for over a minute. It only took fifteen seconds for Ramon to dive into the pool and pull her up to ‘safety’.

  As soon as they were back above water, Lena started laughing. Ramon knew that he’d been tricked right away, and his cheeks turned bright red. Lena kept laughing as he pulled himself up onto the side of the pool, his suit soaking wet and clinging to his body, his hair dripping down in front of his face.

  “I suppose I deserved that,” he said, wiping water out of his eyes and wringing it out of his sleeves. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, looked at it, and frowned.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

  Ramon didn’t mind. It was cheap and the only thing on it of any value were three phone numbers which he had committed to memory. Still, he’d need to get a new one. A cell phone is perhaps the most important tool a bodyguard can have. A fact that most bodyguards overlooked. Some men are just too macho to know when they’re in over their heads and need help.

  Lena swam for nearly an hour while Ramon sat in a chair drying himself out. It was a beautiful afternoon.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Lena said as she swam past him with his arms behind his head and his legs propped up on the lounge chair.

  “I am working,” Ramon said. “And your stepfather took all his goons out on urgent business, so I can’t take care of any of the improvements.”

  “So we have the house to ourselves?” Lena said with a look that started Ramon. Her bodyguard did not know how to respond. Lena swam over to the shallow end of the pool and pushed herself gently onto the steps. All the time in the water had opened her wounds and made them significantly more tender than they’d been that morning.

  “I need help getting out,” she said.

  Suspicious of another ploy, Ramon was slow to approach. But Lena allowed him to pick her up and he carried her back to her room. She kept her arms wrapped tight around his neck and she watched his face as he carried her through the house. His eyes were so sad and so serious, and his thin lips always seemed flat against his face. She yearned to see the corners curl up in a smile.

  Ramon laid her down in bed, but she did not release her grip on his neck.

  “Wait,” she said. “I want to give you something.”

  “Okay,” Ramon said. “What is it?”

  Lena pulled herself up and gave him a kiss.


  Ramon wasn’t quite sure what had just happened. Did she just kiss him? He started to open his mouth to speak, but Lena pulled herself back up and kissed him again. No mistake about it.

  “Ramon, what do you say when someone gives you something.”

  His mind was swirling with a thousand thoughts and one very strong feeling.

  “Uh, wow.”

  Lena laughed.

  “You should really get out of those wet clothes” she said. “You can’t take care of me if you have a cold.”

  She didn’t give him time to resist. Her hands went from his shoulders to his buttons and in a few seconds, she peeled his white button-up shirt off of his shoulders and it feel to the ground with a wet thud.

  “Take that off too,” she said, and Ramon pulled his translucent undershirt off. He felt Lena’s hands go to his waist and took half a step back, startled.

  “Lena, I can’t.”

  “Why not?” she said, as she undid the button, then the clasp, then the zipper.

  Ramon grabbed the waistband of his trousers and pulled them up.

  “Zeus will literally kill me if he finds out.”

  “Then he better not find out,” Lena said as she defiantly pulled Ramon’s pants to the floor.

  “Lena,” Ramon started to say in protest. But her hand went to his cock as she started to kiss his bare stomach, and when her name came out it was sweet and pleading. “Oh Lena.”

  “Ramon, you should know that I get what I want, and right now, I want you.”

  She kissed every muscle on his stomach and chest, nibbled playfully on his neck, and rubbed her cheek against his, filling his head with her scent.. Her lips found his again and he kissed her without the hesitation of before.

  “I want you too,” he said. “I want you so fucking bad.”

  Lena slid her hand into his boxers and saw that he was telling the truth. She pulled them to the floor and leaned back in bed, taking in his whole body, biting her lip in splendid anticipation of what was coming next.


  Ramon was so beautiful that it almost hurt. Lena had been waiting for day to see how he looked in the flesh, and she was not disappointed. The cold of his wet clothes and the labor of carrying her up here had caused his muscles to swell. She could trace powerful lines across his entire physique, and every time he moved he exuded animal grace.

  She couldn’t tell exactly when her feelings had changed for him, but they had. She had no intention of torturing or humiliating him now, all she wanted was him. And she wanted him bad.

  She pulled her top over her head and watched in approval as Ramon’s eyes finally went to her body instead of away. He drank in her every curve, his eyes lingering, searching. She slid her hands down her sides, ever so slowly to the straps of her bikini bottoms and smiled as Ramon’s body responded to hers. She tossed them at him, and they struck him in the chest. He didn’t move or react, just stood there staring at her.

  “Why don’t you come over here and let me warm you up?” she said.

  His nervousness gone, Ramon climbed into bed beside her, leaned over her, kissed her as he held her cheeks. His hands were still shy. Lena grabbed his cock and began to stroke it, hoping that he’d follow the boldness of her lead. She closed her eyes and let out a wonderful sigh as his hand slid down her neck, past her breast, along the curves of her waist and pushed apart her thighs.

  She held her breath as he traced a long and winding path up the inside of her leg, moving slowly but surely towards her lips, already wet and swollen in anticipation of his touch. He did not stop kissing her as he curled a finger inside her. She held onto his back with her good hand and pushed her body against his hand, forcing him deeper inside her.

  With a firm hand, he pushed her down onto the
bed, their lips parting. He took a step backwards and moved between her legs with burning eyes. Lena watched on with eager curiosity as he put a hand on each of her thighs and lowered his lips to hers.


  Ramon could feel Lena’s legs tremble. As eager as she may have been, she was also nervous. He rubbed her thighs softly, trying to coax some comfort into her. Her muscles clenched and tightened under his touch, her body so sensitive that every stroke of his fingers was like an electric shock.

  When she began to settle down, Ramon went down between her legs and tasted her. She was ready for him, and her scent had drawn him in since she kissed him. Ramon’s tongue was soft as it explored her. It traced every crease and fold and dipped into her warm wetness before pushing slowly up to her clit. When he touched her there, he felt Lena’s entire body go rigid, her hips snapped back and presented her to him. Her back arched and thrust her chest up, and her head tilted back forcing her jaw open so that soft moans could spill out into the room.

  He devoured her. With the same soft touch as he’d had all along, with the addition of primal hunger, he worked her body from supple flesh until he felt it wind tight, just short of release. His tongue teased her, gave her pleasure, and edged her closer and closer. Her body only seemed to touch the bed at her shoulders and feet and she pushed herself into his mouth, grinding against his lips and tongue.

  There was a subtle change in Lena’s body. She went still and silent, just for a second. Ramon felt a low rumble in her legs that spread to her stomach, and she began to shake faster until she was trembling violently in her arms. He did not let up as she began to cry out, her thighs squeezed together around his ears and her hands grasped at his short, dark hair. Her cries became gasps and her body collapsed to the bed in a quivering heap.


  Nobody had ever gone down on Lena before. Reports from her girlfriends at school varied widely, with the staunchest supporters declaring it as the greatest thing that a man could do for a woman, and it’s detractors saying that they’d never let their boyfriends to it to them again.

  She was nervous when she saw Ramon move down there and lean into her, but as soon as his tongue touched her, she knew that she was going to be among the vocal fans of oral sex.

  Nothing Damien had ever done ever felt this good. She lost herself to Ramon, surrendering her mind for the sake of her body. There was a brief moment where she was acutely aware of something happening. Her body felt like a rubber band about to snap. She took a deep breath and held it and wondered what was going to happen next.

  And then she came.

  Not like the little orgasms she’d given herself in the shower when she was younger. Like nothing she’d ever experienced before. It was as though every ounce of her body was crying out in wonderful ecstasy. She wondered briefly why anybody ever left their lovers and their beds. And then it was over and she was laying on her back with Ramon grinning between her legs and the entire world pulsing around her like waves lapping on a beach. Her skin was flushed and she felt everything with a fullness that was unknown to her before.

  Ramon glided up her body, kissing her everywhere before finally meeting her lips. She held him tight and savored the feeling of his skin against hers. The heat of him seemed to melt away years of fear and anxiety, and she was certain that she’d never been this happy in her whole life.

  And then a car door slammed. Ramon bolted up, slid out of bed, and went to her balcony. He cursed and grabbed his soaked clothes, stopping only to return to Lena for a second.

  He kissed her, apologized, and ran out into the hall, still stark naked.


  Ramon stood at the sliding glass door to Lena’s balcony with his heart racing. It was Zeus and the brothers and their henchman. They were back early, and they looked pissed. He turned around and tried to take stock of the situation. Lena was still in bed, glowing, but looking more worried by the second. His clothes were scattered around and soaking wet. He’d never be able to get them on, and even if he did, it would be a tense conversation trying to explain how they got that way. There was a fresh change of clothes upstairs, and there was only one way to get there, get into them, and get back to his post before Zeus saw enough to make him suspicious.

  He darted around the room, collected his things, stopping only to kiss Lena goodbye before sprinting into the hallway in this birthday suit. If he ran to the far end of the hall, he could make it up the stairs before anyone got this far inside, and then into his room with time to get dressed. He cleared the hallway in half a dozen steps and bounded up the stairs four at a time, nearly slipping on account of his wet, bare feet.

  He tossed his wet clothes into the hamper in his bathroom and ran to the closet to get a new change of clothes. His skin was still slightly wet and tacky and stuck to the inside of his undershirt and boxers as he put them on, but he managed to get himself dressed in record time, ran to the bathroom, checked himself in the mirror, and went back out to his bedroom. He put on a new pair of socks and slipped on his shoes, grateful that he’d had the foresight to kick them off before jumping in the pool.

  Stopping at the door, he took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and stepped back out in the hallway, just in time to see Tia come up the steps with a mop. He saw wet footprints disappear as she pushed the mob towards him down the hall. As she passed him, she handed him one wet black sock, and held her finger up to her lips, winking conspiratorially.


  Lena had a small problem. In his rush to leave, Ramon had not thought to bring her earlier clothes back to her. They now sat on the other side of the room. She sat up in bed and put her feet on the floor. Jolts of pain shot up her legs and spoiled what was left of the wonderful glow that Ramon had given her. She gritted her teeth and stalked across the room to her fresh clothes, just as she heard footsteps coming up the hallway. Standing naked at the door, she did the only thing she could think of and locked it.

  Someone knocked.

  “Just a minute,” she sang as she redressed herself.

  “Lena, open up right now, I need to talk to you.”

  “Coming,” she said as she stepped into her shorts and pulled them up to her waist.

  She opened the door to her step-father, steaming mad and huffing aloud.

  “Why was this door locked?” he accused.

  “I was just changing. I decided to go for a swim earlier.” Lena gestured to her wet hair and bathing suit, still crumpled on the floor.

  “Well come downstairs, I need to speak with you.”

  Lena obliged her father and followed him down the steps. Her feet were killing her. She spotted Ramon waiting patiently in the dining room. The brothers joined them a moment later. They all sat down and waited for Zeus to speak.

  “I have very important news,” he started.

  According to Zeus, he had been working closely with a business associate at creating connecting some new foreign exporters with clients on the US mainlands. Things had been tense from the beginning. The plan involved compromise and sacrifice from both parties, but the other family was proud to the point of arrogance. They saw each sacrifice as a humiliation, rather than the cost of a grander opportunity. Zeus was holding the deal together with his two giant hands.

  That morning, they had gone to finalize the arrangements of the deal.

  Things had not gone well. Zeus and the boys barely managed to escape with their lives, tensions had got so high. The threat against them had been credible, but primarily for the sake of argument, and Zeus had managed to renegotiate the terms of the deal in a way that saved face for the cooperating family.

  “I don’t understand what this has to do with us.” Lena said.

  Zeus looked at her with simmering rage.

  “I don’t suspect that you would,” he said. “You seldom seem to understand much of anything, like the consequences of assaulting the son of one of my business associates.”

  “That jackass deserved it!” Lena said.

You will not raise your voice to your father!” Zeus shouted. He settled back down in his chair and collected himself. “Deserve has nothing to do with it, girl. Even if it did, your foolish actions have spoiled a year of hard work, destroyed the plans that would keep our family strong for years to come. You fucked this up. You are going to be the one to make it right.”

  Lena glared at her step-father. Somehow Damien’s shitty excuse for humanity had become her problem. The whole thing was so unfair that it made her head spin. Not that her stepfather had ever cared much for fair.

  “And what do you expect me to do, father.”

  “You are going to marry Damien Acala.”


  Ramon had to grab Lena by the shoulders to keep her from scrambling over the table and attacking a man that was three times her size. He did not doubt for a moment that she could have killed him with her bare hands in that one moment of rage.

  Her screams were of a primal nature. Even if they were intelligible as English, they were so loud as to render Ramon uncomprehending on account of deafness.

  It took all his strength to restrain the tiny woman as she clawed at the table and the air in front of her, struggling to reach her step-father’s throat. Zeus remained impassive, looking down his nose at Lena and shaking his head with contempt.

  “You will do right by your family and you will marry him next week in Cuba,” he said, and walked out of the room and the boys followed. Lena screamed after him, but he did not respond.

  Things were already bad, and Ramon got the impression that if drastic action was not taken soon, they would get worse before they got better. He hauled Lena over his shoulder and carried her to her room kicking and screaming.

  “Listen to me,” he said, setting her gently onto the bed.

  But she would not. She thrashed and raged and screamed and would hear nothing that Ramon had to say. He stepped away, letting her have her space. It only took a few seconds for her to make her way to the door. Ramon stood in her way, not allowing her to pass.


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