Stepbrother Savage
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Alpha Monster Book 1
by Blair Lacy
© 2015 Blair Lacy
All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.
Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.
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This is the first book in the Alpha Monster series!
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They found the fourth girl today, as I knew they would. She was spotted by two early morning joggers. I wonder how they even found her body sprawled on a park bench when it was so foggy outside.
I got up early and listened as the headlines on the news changed from ‘Missing student’ to ‘A new corpse discovered – Alpha Monster still on the loose’. I ate a bowl of lukewarm oatmeal with apples and walnuts as I Googled the gruesome shots of the body, which leaked almost immediately after the discovery. I watched the murdered girl’s mother cry on live TV, my face devoid of emotions.
If it were weeks ago, when they found the first victim, I might have cried, or been worried at the very least, too. But this was the Alpha Monster’s fourth victim. And with each new dead body, the chase moved closer to home.
My name is Tahlia Parker and I know who killed those girls.
I know his voice, his eyes as they blaze with fury, the feel of his hands on my throat. I’ve known his touch, and I’ve known his anger.
His name is Heath Evans and he is my stepbrother.
But I can never, ever tell.
Chapter 1
A month earlier
“Tahlia! Get in here,” a growl comes through my telephone and I nearly trip with my fresh cup of coffee.
I stumble forward and place my cup on the desk as I quickly check my e-mails. Sure enough, there are four from him, as well as a missed call, and of course, the voicemail he just left me. I smooth down the front of my pencil skirt and take a deep breath. I will not let him get to me this time, I assure myself, even though I already know it is completely in vain.
Trying to appear as confident as possible, I stroll into his office, shyly knocking before I enter and thus undermining my act. I sigh as he commands me in and timidly enter his office.
“Get over here,” he commands and I see him standing in front of the window, shrouded in the evening’s darkness.
I’ll never get used to Heath owning such an important looking office. It’s all rich, dark and buttery wood, and the view is amazing. It would be more suited for an older man – which is who it was meant for. I’ve always imagined Heath as a more modern type, who needs to be surrounded by glass and metal.
As my eyes slide over his silhouette in front of the window, I wonder how on earth we got to this point. To me, he will always be the boy who tormented me as a child and pulled my pigtails. To admit that he is successful, impossibly rich and the most sought out bachelor in the city, would be to admit defeat.
“Did I stutter?” he barks angrily and I quickly shake my head and make my way to his desk, my eyes firmly glued to the floor. I hear him sigh and pace the door until he finally comes to a stop so close to me I can see my reflection in his shiny black leather loafers.
“You going to pay me any attention or is that floor really that fucking interesting?” he mocks me, and my lips tremble slightly as I lift my chin and push my bottom lip out, giving him a defiant look. I refuse to say a word.
“You get on with the work I gave you?” he asks sternly, his brows furrowed. My eyes move over his distinct, chiseled features, his burning green eyes and that flop of dark hair.
He is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.
And I hate him with every fiber of my being.
“I’m getting on with it,” I reply, proud of myself when my voice doesn’t come out shaky.
“Did I ask you to get on with it?” he asks. He implores me with those eyes and I want to claw his face off. Instead, I simply shake my head.
“I didn’t ask, I told you,” he continues. “And I made it clear the work needed to be finished by today. Are you really going to fuck up again?”
The way he pronounces certain words draws me insane and I gaze at him with a look full of so much hatred and pain, I wonder how he doesn’t just turn to stone on the spot, like his damned cold heart. I want to snicker, but whenever I’m around him, I turn into a blubbering hot mess. So I just keep my mouth shut again.
He stares at me for a few excruciating moments before finally rubbing his red-rimmed eyes and pointing towards the door. “Get out,” he says quietly.
I don’t need to be told twice this time.
It isn’t until much later that I finally finish the task at hand. By that time, it’s past midnight, and I’m completely exhausted. I think briefly of the empty apartment I’m going home to, the boxes I still haven’t unpacked and the dirty dishes in the sink. I’m dreading it already.
But it beats sleeping in the office, so I finally make my way out into the cold night. The lights are off on our floor, but I see a sliver of light coming out from under Heath’s door. For a moment, I stop in front of it, touching the wooden door with the tips of my fingers.
It wasn’t always like this. We used to be …
Before I can get lost in my thoughts, I burn down my own castles in the sky by shaking my head. I don’t have time for this.
I turn on my heels and walk out, ignoring the sound of fingers meeting a keyboard frantically which is coming from the other side of the door. Heath’s the one who made his choice. He’s the one who wants us to be strangers.
And so it shall be.
As I stand on the sidewalk waiting for the bus, I shiver. It’s a cold night and I’ve only brought a light jacket to work. Considering the shit day, shit week and pretty much shit year I’ve had, I sigh quietly. I look around the deserted street and wonder if the bus will even come here on time.
While I contemplate my sad faith, a car screeches up in front of me, stopping so loudly I cover my ears with my hands. I look up when the screeching stops, glaring at the sleek white car in front of me. Of course, because my day hadn’t been bad enough, I think bitterly.
A window rolls down in the backseat and Heath is looking me over, seemingly worried about the state I’m in. Disheveled hair, rumpled clothes and saggy eye bags – charming, I’m sure. I glare back at him.
“Looks like you’re pretty cold,” he says worriedly as I sidestep to warm myself up. I look at him suspiciously, suddenly hoping to catch a ride from him. There’s nothing I want more in this moment than to snuggle in my bed and pretend this will end soon.
“Make sure you come in early tomorrow,” Heath adds and shoots me that perfect smile of his, the one that has the women of this state dropping panties all over the place. With that, he whistles at his driver and in seconds, the car is gone.
I’m left alone again as I steam in my rage.
After waiting in vain for the bus to arrive, I finally give up after twenty minutes. Checking my purse, I realize I probably don’t even have enough for a cab, and I a
llow myself a moment to wallow. I realize I have two choices – I can walk home, or I can sleep in the office, where I’ll have to be in a few hours, anyway.
Defeated, I sigh and make my way back to the entrance of our building, swiping my employee card to get in. I take the elevator to our floor and sit in the chair that has confined me for the past few months. I feel deflated, beaten and most of all, so tired. I try to get comfortable in the chair, but fail miserably – it keeps wheeling around when I doze off.
Finally I’ve had enough. I think of the sofa in Heath’s office and I know I need some rest badly. I only hesitate for a few moments before finally getting off the screeching chair and making my way to Heath’s office. I try the door, unsure of what I’m doing, but it opens right away and I’m in.
His desk is immaculately clean and had I not just seen him in here a couple of hours ago, I would’ve thought no one uses this office. I walk over to his desk tentatively and my fingers slide over the heavy desk. The only thing left here that reminds me of her. They’ve changed everything else.
I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and make my way to the sofa. It’s a deep burgundy color and way too plush for an office like this. Without hesitation, I climb on it and cover myself with the jacket I brought, letting the stress leak out of my body.
In minutes, I’m fast asleep.
Chapter 2
I won’t be able to hold on much longer.
I’ve watched her walk, the way she moves enticing me, making me want to touch, to feel. I’ve watched her go into work, followed her going home. Witnessed her teeth sinking into a muffin she bought at the bakery across from the building where she works and imagined doing the same to her.
I’ve always known I would kill her someday.
Longed for it to come, for the moment when my fingers wrapped around her neck as she groaned with pleasure. Imagined the surprise turning to terror in her eyes as my hands found her racing pulse and draining the life out of her body with my touch.
She will not be the first one I take. I need to be careful. Need to plan it, so it doesn’t seem like she was my target all along. It would be too easy for them to find me if I did that.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun in the meantime.
The time will come soon, and I can feel my fingers trembling with the need to hurt someone.
“Here’s your coffee, sir,” a woman’s voice interrupts my thoughts and I take the cup from her, flashing a charming smile, I’m sure. She gives me a dreamy look and I imagine her blood spattering my face as I hack into her body. Delicious.
“Thanks, doll,” I say with a slight edge to my voice, and she looks at me, confused, as I devour her décolletage, imagining slicing it with my knife.
She looks scared, and I’m getting off on it, but I turn abruptly and walk out of there nonetheless.
Note to self – be more careful. It’s too early.
But soon, Tahlia will be mine.
Chapter 3
Late. I’m Late.
I’m usually at work at 7 a.m. sharp, but I must have turned off my alarm and fallen right back asleep. As I finally open my eyes, I’m already fuming with myself as I realize it’s already 7.17.
I get ready in record time, and ignore the fact that my hair is disheveled and I haven’t had time to shave. I put on one of my new Armani suits to make up for the fact I look a state.
Sipping my black coffee on the ride to work, I think of her. I wonder if she’s in already, or has overslept like me. My professional thoughts keep getting interrupted by the image of her trembling lips, the way she pouts, her hair looking so silky and touchable when I sneer at her.
Tahlia, all about Tahlia.
She’s in my mind night and day, and yet I’m a complete fucker to her.
It’s the right thing to do though, and if she doesn’t know it, at least I do.
I have to do everything to keep those dark thoughts about her at bay. I need to control my urges, even when it gets harder and harder to do so.
We pull up in front of the building and I take the last sip of my coffee, scalding my tongue with the steaming beverage. I ignore the pain, just like I always do.
Making my way out of the car, I put on my cruel face, the one that glares at people from the covers of several magazines this week. It’s the only way to do business. Tahlia has a lot to learn.
I ignore my employees’ greetings as I make my way to my office. But I do allow myself my one weakness, and I glance at Tahlia’s desk only to find it empty. I smirk, thinking she’ll be late and I’ll have another reason to mock her. She’s a good worker, but she has a long way to go, and I’m planning on getting her there any way I can. Tough love is how it always worked in my family, and don’t I know it.
I arrive to the door of my office and my brows furrow when I notice the door is ajar. I must’ve left it open yesterday night by mistake. I was distracted.
Her lips trembling with the cold, her lightly shaking, her breath coming out in puffs.
I mock her, though it splits my heart in two leaving her on the sidewalk.
I eliminate the thoughts by thinking of the deal I have to close today, and get inside my office.
Something feels wrong instantly.
I spot her in a second. She’s curled up on my sofa, her dark waves laid across one of the burgundy pillows. Her mouth is slightly parted and she’s breathing so softly.
It would be so easy to do what I want right now.
I step closer to her and examine her closely. Tahlia is fast asleep, and in her slumber, her clothes have gotten even more disheveled. I observe the way her skirt has ridden up, exposing her stocking. I watch as her breaths move her shirt a satisfactory amount, until a sliver of her pearly skin is exposed.
I let myself have a moment. Reaching to her, I touch her throat, the soft spot at the bottom of it. My finger circles her creamy, soft skin and I feel my cock stiffen as she moans so softly, it’s almost impossible to hear. I want to venture lower, to her collarbone, to her breasts. But I don’t let myself have that pleasure. I do, however, squeeze her neck ever so lightly. And I pretend it doesn’t feel good, when all I want to do is grab it with both hands.
Her eyelids flutter and my hands are off of her in a split second. All she does is moan again and move her head a little, and she’s fast asleep once more.
I look down at my hands, the palms and fingers that have inflicted as much pain as they have pleasure. I must not do this. Not ever.
I take a moment to put myself together, and then I have a wicked idea. With a wide grin, I make my way to my desk and call my personal assistant on the other side of the door.
“Katie, that 10 a.m. appointment? I want to have it right now. Make the call,” I say, feeling pleased with myself.
Chapter 4
Waking up to the sound of nearby voices, I emerge from a dark and strange dream.
As my eyes flutter open, I am immediately crippled by fear. I don’t feel confusion at all, but am instantly aware that I’m in Heath’s office, and that I am obviously not alone.
I shoot up from the sofa and try to gather my scrambled thoughts as I scope out the room.
“Ah, gentlemen, it looks like she’s finally awake,” Heath announces triumphantly as my gaze connects with his. He’s sitting at his desk, as always immaculate in a beautiful suit, and that smirk that drives me insane. What’s more important, three men are sitting in front of him and looking decidedly uncomfortable.
Three Asian men.
And today is the day of the merger with Japan.
I realize with horror that Heath is in the middle of a meeting, and I’ve just woken up on his sofa. I push off the blanket that is covering me and quickly rise, my feet trembling so much I almost topple over.
“She needs to take naps,” Heath keeps saying. “She’s just so damn tired all the time. Rough work, and all that, if you catch my drift,” he
winks at a horrified Japanese man and I flush violently. I want to kill him. Strangle him. Pull his fingernails off with pliers.
Instead, I scramble out of Heath’s office, his booming laugh following in my trail.
My murderous intent gets worse as the day passes and Heath ignores me completely, aside from making his secretary send me more work than I will ever be able to handle. I refuse to stay in late today, so when 5 p.m. rolls around, I promptly get up and make my way home. TGIF, I think on my way.
Thankfully, the bus rolls up to the pavement this time and I’m home in a mere 30 minutes. I rip my clothes off and avoid my reflection in the mirror, knowing I’m a complete mess.
After a long and hot shower and two glasses of wine, everything seems a lot better. It is only then that I allow myself to replay the events of the day in my head, and I realize I woke up covered with a blanket the same color as the sofa.
I wonder briefly if Heath covered me up as I slept, but I soon dismiss the thought as nonsensical and focus on a news segment about some missing girl, slowly emptying the glass of red in my hand.
Startled, I jump up from my couch as the shrill ring of the doorbell sounds through my dreams. I look around disoriented and realize I must’ve fallen asleep sometime during the movie. My glass is forgotten on the coffee table, and my hair is wild since I fell asleep with it wet, but more importantly, someone seems to be ringing my doorbell incessantly.
I get up with a groan and stretch before finally going towards the door. I close my silk robe in front of me, since it flittered open as I slept, and glance at my reflection in the mirror. No makeup, but at least I look well rested, as opposed to my appearance at work this morning.
For the upteempth time, I curse the fact that my door doesn’t have a peephole and mentally decide to kill the person who is still hanging on my doorbell. If it’s someone selling Bibles, I might just lose it.