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Parting Glass

Page 6

by Dani Wyatt

  I nod and stand, take the paper and pen to scribble down what I’d plan for our day tomorrow and ripping out the page. Then I fold it neatly into quarters before handing the pad and pen back to her. She does the same, watching me from under her lashes as she does, then passes the paper to me and I take them to the board, putting both under a red magnet.

  “You first today.” I hold the dart out and place it in her upturned hand. “I’m not just a customer anymore, am I?”

  Her eyes flit to mine then to the floor before settling back on my face. “Then what are you?”

  “Can I graduate to creepy acquaintance at least?” I lick my upper teeth as my mouth waters for her. After a dramatic pause I place my hand over my heart, “Could even be, friend?”

  “Maybe.” She rolls her eyes and steps to the board.

  Her dart lands perfect center and she turns to give me a shoulder shrug. “Guess we’re doing what I want.”

  We will always do what you want.

  “Not so fast.” I turn around and take my turn. My dart lands in the tiny space left next to hers.

  She releases a little whoop and gives me a high five. “Good shot, Maguire. So what do we do if it’s a tie?” Her smile warms my heart.

  “I say we do both.” I step toward her, looking down and fighting off the urge to kiss her right here. The bar is gathering more customers and her mum and dad are looking our way, so I know she needs to get to work. “Let’s look at them together, then you bring me my pint and get to work. Your father’s giving us the eye, especially me.”

  She looks over at her parents tending the buffet. “Be right there.” She raises her voice above the music and chatter, then walks over to get the folded papers from under the magnet.

  “Bring them here. I want to read yours and you read mine.” I command.

  Watching her walk is a gift in itself. Her hips sway like the pendulum of a grandfather clock and my dick is as hard as a metal spike.

  “Here you go.” She hands me her piece of paper and holds onto mine. “Ready?”

  “I am. Open it.” I watch her eyes as she unfolds the paper.

  I unfold mine and glance down at what she’s written and there’s no fighting the smiles we both wear. I can’t help myself but reach to cup her cheek. My thumb rubs gently up and down on skin that rivals rose petals.

  “I…better get to work.” Her softness heats under my palm.


  She leans into my hand for a long moment, and that simple gesture makes me feel like a king. She shoves the piece of paper into her back pocket before turning and moving toward the bar humming as she goes.

  I look down at the paper in my hand and re-read what’s written there.

  Horseback riding.

  The beat of my heart pounds in my ears. We didn’t have to compare our notes because we both wrote exactly the same thing.

  Watching her move around the bar working has my cock aching. Since the day I walked in here I’ve been ready to explode but relieving myself with a nice tug hasn’t happened. It just doesn’t seem right anymore. My cum belongs to her.

  I’m nursing the last of my second pint, feeling the anxiety creep into my chest. I need to leave soon and it’s pissing me off. I’ve never been happier than I am just sitting here while she moves around, serving customers and talking in quiet tones to her father. I get the feeling from the glances from both of them my name has come up in conversation.

  It’s all good. Before I leave today, I’ll have a man to man with her father, make sure he knows I’m not here to play. I need him to be settled with what’s going on.

  I tip back the last of the smooth Guinness in my glass as the front door bursts open, bathing the darker space in March’s tease of spring sunlight. Through the opening, three twenty-something guys fall inside, laughing and stumbling. It’s barely noon, but it’s not a stretch to surmise they may have been at it all night.

  “God, I’m fucking hungry!” One of them bellows, taking uneven strides toward where Ri’s mum and dad are serving. He caps off his entry with a belch and my guard is up. My fingertips tingle and I’m ready as I’ve ever been to move into action when and if necessary.

  His partners follow in fashion, laughing as they call out to Riona to bring them drinks.

  I watch her eyes narrow and her shoulders pull back as she stands behind the bar. I don’t see fear in her but what she doesn’t realize is this sort of shit will not be on her plate to handle anymore.

  As the trio move through the buffet, Mr. & Mrs. Farrell do their best to serve them and stay polite, ignoring their less than gracious comments about the food. In my mind I know this entire family can handle this sort of bullshit, but they shouldn’t have to.

  With piled plates the three stumble to an open table, nearly falling on their asses before they finally manage to sit. The other patrons glance over at the spectacle as everyone else is trying to enjoy a lovely Sunday meal.

  “Hey!” The dark-haired guy wearing a backwards Pittsburgh Pirates ball cap yells toward Riona and my fists ball at my sides. “I said three boilermakers! Are you deaf, Ginger?”

  “Hey!” She yells right back jabbing a finger his way. “I heard you just fine. Eat your food.”

  She comes out from behind the bar with a tray and three glasses full of water and three coffees stepping toward their table. I’m on my feet watching.

  Before I get a step forward, Mr. Farrell is behind Ri. I’m never one to be in the mood for a fight but I don’t avoid them either.

  Riona sits the glasses down in front of each man.

  “Fuckin’ water? Coffee?” One of the others, a blond-haired, bearded guy who looks like he’s been sleeping outside all night, starts laughing around a mouthful of food, spitting gobbets back onto his overfilled plate. Ri stands steady as Mr. Farrell takes a step to her side.

  Mr. Farrell crosses his arms over his chest. “That’s right, water and coffee. And that’s all you’ll get today, too.” He is about the same height as Riona but he’s got a wicked stare and all three of them look up at who it is that is ruining their buzz.

  “Fuck off! My money’s as good as theirs.” Backward-ball-cap wags his arm in an arc motioning to other tables where pints and other drinks are served.

  “It’s not about your money asshat.” Riona snaps. “You’re already three sheets and read the sign.”

  Her arm flies out pointing to the wall between the dart boards which reads in clear black and white, We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone we damn well choose.

  “Fuck your water.” The third guy chimes in picking up the glass and holding it back toward where Riona stands with her tray still balanced on her hand.

  “Fine by me.” She responds with a tip of her head reaching down to retrieve the glasses of water. When she picks one up, backward-ballcap guy snatches it from her hand, cocks back and throws the liquid and ice in her face causing her to drop the tray where the steaming cups of coffee fall to the floor.

  And I see red.

  Before I’m across the room, Mr. Farrell has him up off his chair by the collar of his shirt and he’s stumbling toward the door. I keep my eyes on Ri, making sure she’s okay before running to help him get the shithead outside.

  I’m two steps away when the other two knock back their chairs and jump Mr. Farrell from the sides, knocking him and ball-cap to the floor. They get a half-hearted swing each on him before I can get there.

  I take the two on top of Mr. Farrell first, tossing one over a table and slamming my fist into the gut of the next, taking them down fast. They are both on the floor and distantly I recognize shouting behind me, with Riona’s voice in the background.

  I glance up for a second to see her coming closer with fire in her eyes.

  “Stay right there!” I bellow, and she gives me a death stare but obeys my command.

  She snaps her head throwing a hand up then yells, “Get them out of here then!”

  My hands are on the fuck on the floor i
n the next second. I don’t just toss him, I draw back and deliver a solid fist to his right eye socket. My other hand pulls him up by the neck and I give him another shot in his belly. From there, it’s ten steps to the door and I throw his worthless, drunk ass out on the sidewalk. By the time I turn around, his two buddies are back up and they hold their fists up.

  “Really?” I grunt. “Get the fuck out or I’ll put you out.”

  I hold the door open with my boot and for a second they falter.

  Their friend is rolling around moaning out front, and the looks on their faces tell me they are as dumb as they look. When they fail to make forward movement toward the door, I growl and step toward them letting the door fall shut. At that point they manage to find some coherent thought and after a single look one to the other they make their way out the door, cussing us out as they go.

  My blood is pumping as I turn stepping back toward Mr. Farrell. I drop to one knee beside Riona and her mother, who are already crouching down tending to him. Chairs are tipped and fallen over all around, and the pub patrons are on their feet working to right the furniture and clean up the mess with rags and trash cans without fuss.

  “You okay?” I nod at her dad.

  “Just meh pride.” Mr. Farrell rolls his shoulders and braces a hand against the nearest table leg.

  I look over and see distress in Riona’s face. Her mother is chirping at Mr. Farrell, telling him he put up a good fight as I reach over and grip his hand.

  “Back on your feet. You take on three at a time. Next time, wait until I’ve got your back, eh?” With a grunt, he grips my hand tight and I heave him easily upright.

  When he’s standing, the bar breaks out in applause.

  “Oh, go on back to your sausages, you lot.” Mr. Farrell waves his hands at them. He gives me a terse ‘thank you’ under his breath before he and the missus go back over to tend to the food like nothing ever happened.

  Riona is staring at me and all I can think about is getting her under me. But right now my protective instincts are in high gear, so first things first. I march over to the front door and make my way outside into the sunshine. Stepping onto the sidewalk I look up and down the street to make sure the three used what brain cells they had left and disappeared.

  Which lucky for them they did.

  I lean half my upper body just inside the door to see Riona still standing there staring. “Come here.” I twitch my head at her and she obeys. I open the door just enough to get her outside into the outer entryway of the pub.

  It’s cool out still, but the sun has warmed the small space and I hear birds chirping and my heart beat in my ears.

  With the door barely shut behind her, she opens her mouth to speak but it’s not words I need right now.

  I tug her against me and I’ve got my mouth on hers before she can take a breath. Her hands flatten against my chest, but she’s not pushing away. I lick the seam of her mouth and she slowly opens. My first taste of her slams through me to the core. If there’d been any lingering doubt about our family legend before, it’s gone now.

  Tasting her is like coming home. She’s sweet and pure like honey in the summer. The sound of those church bells ringing returns as her mouth opens and our kiss ignites.

  I spend the next few minutes tasting and touching her, getting to know her flavors and each morsel of her skin that I can touch. I pull her hard against me, imagining blanketing her naked. My full length is pressing upward and I push myself into her soft curves and relish the little moan that seeps from her into our kiss.

  I can’t go on this way much longer. It’s taken all my control so far to not drag her into the back room and rut into her like a fucking wolf.

  To look at me, most would figure I’d had my share of time in the sack, but it’s not the case. My father always told me it was the legend but honestly I just thought I was broken. Whatever it was, I’m sure not broken now, because every fucking thought I have is about getting my dick inside that soft, wet pussy of hers and breeding her.

  Fucking almost forty years old and I’m a damn virgin, but for the first time in my life I’m so fucking happy I’ve never been with another woman. And I know exactly why, too. The thought of putting myself inside Riona after I’d been with someone else horrifies me. Call me a freak, but it’s all coming clear.

  “Stop.” She pushes back. “My parents…”

  “I’ll handle your parents.” I shift my thigh and half lift her tiny frame up onto the hard muscle and plaster my lips back to hers.

  I’m honest about dealing with her parents. That’s been in my plans since the first day. Again, I know I’m backwards compared to what most guys do these days, but I don’t give a shit. I’m going to do what feels right for me and Riona and that will include marching into the pub in a minute and asking her father for his approval to court his daughter.

  When I move my hands to the sides of her neck I can’t help but squeeze. I want to own her. To claim her.

  And yes, hurt her in the right ways. The thrum of her pulse under my palms sends me nearly into a rage as it speeds faster, and the growing heat from her skin tells me she’s right here with me.

  I plunge my tongue deep and twist it with hers. Her hips gently begin to sway and her cunt is burning a hole in the fabric of my trousers.

  I release her lips just an inch, stare down into her eyes and begin to move my thigh between her legs all in time with her own movements.

  “Are you going to cum?” I whisper in a throaty groan. My dick is so hard it could shred metal and the thought of her cumming right now just turns me into a monster.

  A shaky breath falls from her open wet lips and her hips move faster, but she doesn’t say a word. And she doesn’t have to. She’s so perfect, just like this.

  “God, do you have any fucking idea how beautiful you are?”

  Her eyes flicker and her lids fall. She’s close and just as I increase the tempo of her grinding on my thigh the pub door starts to swing outward.

  I sweep her up and into the crook of my arm before we’re caught. We step out onto the sidewalk and smile at the two gray-haired customers exiting.

  “Good day Mr. Piper. Mrs. Piper.” Riona nods, cheeks pink and desire still twinkling in her eyes. Her hands flutter upward, adjusting her ponytail. “Have a good day.”

  “You too, dear.” The older couple hold hands as they shuffle out the door and down the sidewalk.

  “We best get back inside.” I instruct. As much as I want to see her cum, my better judgment knows this isn’t the time or place. “We will finish what we started. But you need to get back to work. And I need to have a conversation with your father. Then I have to move. I have some things to do this afternoon out of town. But I’ll be by your house tomorrow at seven AM to pick you up.”

  “Seven? AM?” Her eyebrows arch high on an incredulous tone. “I haven’t been up at seven AM in years, not unless it was because I was up all night. You’re taking your life in your hands dealing with me at that time of day.”

  “Not a morning person?”

  “Not until about noon and a pot of coffee.”

  I chuckle as we weave back inside through the tables and I watch as Riona’s step seems a bit lighter as she slips behind the bar.

  Her father has his eyes on me as I approach.

  “Sir.” I nod at him and he gives me a solid stare. “You have a moment?”

  There are no customers at the buffet and Mrs. Farrell is humming as if she’s not paying attention, but when she looks over at him and nods, he relaxes just a touch.

  “Back here then.” He motions toward the back hallway and I follow him around behind the bar.

  He stops and turns in the corner where we are shielded from most of the activity in the open space of the pub. Then he stares at me silently, crossing his arms over his chest. His face shows years of hard work, but he has the same green eyes as Riona and they have the same light in them.

  “Well?” He narrows his eyes at me. “What is it b
oy, I don’t have all day.”

  I nod appreciating his direct approach. “I know I’ve only been coming in here for the last few days. But from that first day…” I swallow hard and think of the right words. “Your daughter has put her hands around my heart and held on. I can’t explain it, but bottom line, I want to take Riona out. More than that, I want to court her—by which I mean, this is not just dating. My intentions are honorable, and I promise I’ll do right by Riona. By you. By your family.”

  I pause for a breath. I’m fucking nervous, more nervous than I think I’ve ever been in my life, and he’s still staring at me.

  He sniffs with a nod and finally replies. “You think I don’t have eyes?”

  I let his words hang there, and I sense that it’s some sort of test. A test of my patience, perhaps, and I steel myself and hold steady. An excruciatingly long moment later he finally continues.

  “I don’t pretend to know who ya are. But I do know people. You don’t work in this business for as many years as I have and not get a sense for who’s right and who’s wrong. I can tell something about you from just watching. But, know this—” He lifts a hand and stabs a finger into my chest. “You hurt my little girl and I’ll hurt you a hundred times worse. We clear?”

  “That is not going to happen. You have my word.”

  “Okay then, just so long as we understand each other then go on with you. I’ve work to do. Don’t know anyone these days would ask a father to court his daughter anyway.” He steps to walk away then pauses for a moment and mutters back at me over his shoulder. “Sits well.”

  I’m still smiling as I return to my table, slowly finish my pint, watching her work. When I can’t delay any longer, I give her a quick goodbye, firm up our morning plans and I’m out the door. When I set up this meeting to view a rental property on the north side of town, I was planning to pay a month or two and see what happened, but now I’m glad it was one with an option to buy.


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