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Parting Glass

Page 14

by Dani Wyatt

  She yelps as I bite her thigh, admiring the other small purple marks that are beginning to rise. I love seeing that on her, my mark. Her tits are peppered as well and now that I look up at her, there’s not a part of her body that doesn’t have a scratch or some sort of mark from me that I’ve left since she became my wife.

  “Yes. I’ve got us covered.” With a grunt of reluctance I reach to the nightstand and shoot off a text.

  “So? What’s that all about? You have pizza delivery coming? I mean, I don’t mind pizza, just it’s our first night as husband and wife, so I’m surprised. But then, you’ve sort of outdone yourself on everything else, so I’ll give you a bye on the pizza.”

  I flop down next to her and set myself up on one elbow leaning in to kiss her. The scent of sex is everywhere. The sheets are destroyed with our combined liquids and if I had my way, I’d fold them up and keep them in a memory box, but when I brought that up, my wife nixed that idea with extreme prejudice.

  “It’s not pizza, Sunshine.” She reaches up to run her fingers down my cheek and I shiver at the gentle contact. “Just trust me. Have I screwed up today yet?”

  She bites into her bottom lip shaking her head. “No, my king, you have not.”

  Her words leave me speechless for a moment. “What did you call me?”

  Both her hands come to my face, holding my jaw, and her eyes shimmer like liquid emeralds. “I called you my king.”

  A thousand lifetimes seem to come swirling around me and I feel like I’m in a dream. The impact of that hits me like a cannonball to my gut. She will know soon exactly the depth of coincidence calling me her king. But it’s so much more. Her voice echoes in my ears as my heart thunders around in my chest.

  “I feel like you’ve called me that before. Long before. Like it’s something I’ve dreamed of my entire life, hearing your voice saying that.”

  Her lips fall open before she swallows and replies with her own hint of wonder. “Me too. I don’t know why I called you that, but it was like I’d done it forever.”

  “And you know, Riona, my queen. I told you before that your name means queen. And you are. My queen.”

  I bring my face down to hers and we kiss and hold each other until there is a soft knock on the door.

  Riona gathers the sheet up onto her naked body and I chuckle.

  “Don’t worry, no one is going to see. Remember, I set this up. I knew we’d be in here naked.”

  I’m up and off the bed opening the door while she squeals, unsure I haven’t made some error in proprietary judgment.

  Outside the door I take a quick inventory of the linen covered cart, making sure all the details I’d requested are covered. When I’m sure everything is in place, I pull the wheeled cart into the small cabin and spin it around.

  “Oh my God.” Riona exclaims, eyes wide and a smile as big as mine covering her sweet face.

  “Your mum and dad insisted. It’s all your favorites. Their sausages, black pudding, crubeens…all my favs. They cooked it all and insisted it be served to you on the same china they used on their own wedding night. As well as on the wedding night of your grandmother and great grandmother. It’s a tradition apparently. The bride’s family cooks the meal, served on these dishes. For good luck.”

  “Oh my God.” She repeats, her eyes spilling over with tears.

  At the center of the cart are lavender thistles and a small box wrapped in bright green with a silver bow on top.

  “My queen.” I pull out a chair at the small table next to where I’ve parked the cart and motion with a sweep of my hand for Riona to come and sit.

  I reach over and grab the satin robe I had here in the room when we arrived, green to match her eyes and trimmed in a gold edging. As she comes over, I pull it up her arms and turn her around and tie the belt at her waist.

  She takes her seat and I push her chair in before taking a second to pull on just my black trousers and take my own seat across from her.

  “Open it.” I nod toward the cart where the box is drawing her eye.

  She slowly unwraps the paper and flips open the rectangular leather box.

  “Oh. My. God.” Her squeals of delight and laughter tell me I’ve hit the jackpot again. “This is so perfect! How did you find these?”

  “Seems fate is with us, my queen.”

  She giggles and sets the box down to lean over and give me a kiss. When she sits back down, she takes the gold plated darts out of the box and hands me my three.

  “So, we have a lifetime of darts and questions. And a lifetime for me to kick your behind.”

  “Is that so?” I kid.

  She stares down at her set in her open palm as I curl my fingers around mine.

  “Gold darts engraved with King and Queen Brann McGuire.” She shakes her head with a crooked smile. “You are a man of many surprises.”

  “For you, my queen, only for you.”

  “Guess we should get on to the pub for the public part of our celebration. It is St. Patrick’s Day, and you said you set up a heck of a party there. Hate to miss it.”

  “My queen, my love onward we go. Celebration of the happiest day of my life.”

  I lift her into my arms and carry her to the bathroom where we shower and dress. My head in the clouds as we make our way back to where it all began less than a week before.

  When Ri reaches over and clutches my hand and smiles at me with that twinkle in my eye, I know, we’ve both come home.



  One Year Later

  “That’s my good girl.”

  Riona’s never been more stunning. Watching her bathed in the late afternoon sun with her belly eight months round with our first son and her face in bliss.

  She squirts and drenches my hand as I slam my curved middle finger in and out of her glorious cunt.

  Sounds of her pleasure fill our bedroom and I think each day I’m as happy as I’ve ever been.

  Then the next day proves me wrong.

  “If you don’t stop, I’ll need change clothes again.” Riona’s green eyes latch to mine once they focus and I slow the movement of my hand enjoying the amazing softness of her body as it grips my digit.

  “So you’ll change again.” I lean down and kiss her. My tongue sweeping into hers and we both sigh.

  I pull my finger out and toy with her folds. Feeling the hard clit that is engorged and the way Riona winces slightly when I give it direct contact.

  “Brann.” She mouths into our kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too Gingersnap. Always have, always will.”

  We draw back from our kiss and I bring my wet fingers to her lips painting the dewy arousal there while a hint of a smile curves them upward.

  “Aren’t you going to share?” Her eyes tease as her tongue comes out to trace her bottom lip.

  “Always.” I plant my lips on hers tasting her glorious flavor and our kiss deepens until her phone begins to ring.

  “That’s my alarm. We have to go.”

  I bring my hands to her hair and grip the sides of her head just looking at her for a long moment.

  “Up we go.” I let my hands drift down her shoulders until I squeeze her fingers into mine and pull to help her up and off the bed.

  Once she’s on her feet, I smooth her green satin dress down and spin her around once.

  “What are you doing?” She giggles at the motion.

  “Just making sure there’s not a wet spot on the back.”

  “Uggg, right.” She cranes her neck around and turns to the mirror trying to confirm she is public ready.

  “You’re good. I tried to keep it out of the way. The bed is soaked though, so I guess I did my job.”

  Her eyes turn to the pie sized dark circle on the white sheets and she giggles again turning to smack me in the chest.

  “Yes, you did all your jobs to the best of your ability.” She rubs her expanding belly and my cock twitches.

  “Maybe we have time for
a quick—” My hands go to my belt and Riona smacks me this time on the side of my head.

  “Later my King. Everyone is waiting.”

  We are down the stairs and out the door to the pub. It’s St. Patrick’s Day, our one-year anniversary and we have a huge party planned to celebrate both.

  When we arrive, the line is out the door and inside the noise and commotion are at a fever pitch.

  “Hiya!” Danny waves at us from behind the bar as we come around from the back entrance.

  “Hi.” Riona goes over and gives him a hug and Joseph his fiancé shifts over to give her one as well.

  “You are glowing sis.” Danny reaches across the bar to shake my hand.

  “I’m ready anytime. I can’t believe I have another month.” She rubs her belly and my balls tighten ready to put her right back in the same position as soon as nature says it’s safe. She still has no idea just how fucking sexy she is like this. Round and full of us. Her hips, her tits, her cheeks…all of my queen is lush and full and I want her more every day.

  We turn to see Ainsley and Calvin behind the buffet with Mr. and Mrs. Farrell.

  “Do you feel guilty you aren’t working?” I reach over to light my hand on the back of Riona’s neck.

  With a shrug she waves at some familiar faces. “Not so much.”

  Ainsley see’s us and waves us over.

  “Happy anniversary!” She smiles and comes out from behind the service line for a quick hug to us both before getting back to her position. She and Riona have become sisters and best friends.

  I reach over and shake Calvin’s hand.

  “Boss man.” He nods my way. “You got a second?”

  Riona is busy chatting with her mom and dad so I nod and Calvin whispers in Ainsley’s ear and she smiles, and he steps my way while she takes over both their positions behind the food.

  “Hey.” Calvin takes my elbow and darts a look over his shoulder at Ainsley before continuing. He stops us just beyond the crowd. “I need your help.”

  “Sure, what do you need?” He looks nervous which is making me nervous.

  “You’re the biggest loudest person in here. I need you to create a distraction.”

  I furrow my brow on a shake of my head, but he continues tapping his front pocket on his jeans. “I’m going to propose to Ainsley. And I just want it to be a surprise. I know it’s your anniversary and all, would you guys mind if I upstage you just for this? Just like raise your hands and yell like there’s something going on over here and get the bar quiet. Then I’m going to do my thing. That okay?” He looks at Ainsley through the crowd and she’s busy serving not paying any attention to us.

  “No problem.” I agree. “When?”

  “Right now. No time like the present, I’ve been fucking nervous as a cat all day. I want to get to it. Get a ring on her finger.”

  “I know what that feels like man. I’m happy to help. You ready?”

  He nods, and I give his shoulder a quick squeeze. “Good luck.”

  I give him a couple steps away before I stretch my arms as high as I can and let out a “Heyyyyyyyyyyy everyone quiet!” in my deepest loudest baritone until my vocal cords feel they are going to snap.

  The entire bar turns my way. Wide eyes and awkward stares but the roar falls to a low murmur of curious muffled voices.

  “Over here.” I point toward Calvin who is already grabbing Ainsley’s hand and dragging her out from behind the buffet. “Shut up and give my man a minute of your time and silence.”

  All eyes shift to Calvin and Ainsley whose face shows her disbelief.

  “Baby.” Calvin wastes no time dropping to a knee and digging in his pocket with the hand that is not holding hers. “A year ago, we were just staring our journey. We’ve come a long way, and I want to make it all the way with you.” He coughs then continues dropping her hand and opening the box while Ainsley’s hands fly to her mouth and I hear Riona’s gasp as I step forward to put my arm around her. “I never thought this would happen to me, but you’ve knocked sense into me my love. Will you take on that position for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?”

  Riona’s shoulders quiver and her arms go around my waist and I pull her head into my chest.

  Ainsley nods and the entire bar breaks into applause. Calvin pushes the ring onto her finger then pulls her up and off the floor in a kiss that nearly shakes the room.

  I look behind the bar to see Danny and Joseph leaning into one another and Danny’s hand on the top of his head.

  Mr. and Mrs. Farrell are doing the same and a rare smile shows off the glint of his gold tooth and Mrs. Farrell claps slowly and her eyes well.

  “Did you know?” Riona smacks my stomach.

  “No.” I shake my head. “He just asked me now to create a distraction, so he could do the deed.”

  “What a difference a year makes.” Her smile still lights up my heart and I lean down to kiss her softly.

  Mr. Farrell’s voice rises above the crowd. “Shut up for a minute.” He waves a hand in the air and the crowd once again quiets. “Good, for once the lot of you listen.”

  He comes out from behind the buffet and drags Mrs. Farrell by the hand with him.

  “A year ago, this place,” He looks up and around the room then back to Riona, then me. “Got a new customer. And this family got a new son. But it was so much more. The Parting Glass got a new start. My daughter married a man that I am proud to call my son. And this family, turned a corner. Love is all around us. With our partners.” He leans over to kiss Mrs. Farrell on the lips before continuing. “With all of you. With our friends. And soon,” His voice halts for a moment while he looks at Riona. “With a new member of this family. And I guess, another son as well.” He nods towards Calvin as the bar lets out a ‘here here’.

  Mrs. Farrell takes over for a moment. “Blessings come from everywhere and anywhere. Never forget, greet people with your heart first. They may just surprise you with the gifts they bring. Congratulations Ainsley. Calvin. All the love in the world to you.”

  Mr. Farrell shouts above the cheers, “Free pints to everyone!”

  Another roar of cheers and Riona is running to Ainsley to jump up and down admiring the ring.

  I look around and breathe deep. A sense of pure joy and gratitude fill me and I feel my own mother and father with me in this moment.

  I may have waited forty years to find this, but I’d wait another lifetime if necessary if I knew this would be the payoff.

  “Hey!” A voice comes from behind the bar.

  I look over to see Danny dragging Joshua out and into the crowd.

  “I hadn’t planned this…” He takes Joshua’s face in both his hands and before anyone can take a breath it happens. “Marry me Joshua Leonard. Make me the happiest man on earth.”

  “Wait that’s me!” Calvin bellows.

  “No, it’s me!” I follow.

  “Nah, with all of you, it’s me.” Mr. Farrell follows and laughter and applause ignite again.

  Joshua nods and Danny kisses him.

  Riona is back next to me and I do the same. Tasting her like it’s the first time and wondering just what I did to get so lucky.

  When we finally pull back from our kiss, I look down and see her through blurry eyes. Her smile pushes up her pink cheeks.

  “I love you.” Is all I can manage as my throat tightens.

  “You’re an idiot Brann MacGuire, you know that?”

  “I know Gingersnap. Lord do I know.”



  Ten Years Later

  I see Brann’s smile even though the only light in our bedroom streams in from the moon hanging outside the window.

  “You okay Gingersnap?”

  His nickname for me has never lost its sweetness and his care for me and our family has never wavered.

  “Yes. Little tired.”

  “Close your eyes. I’ve got this.”

  Natalie our newborn lies on his naked chest. I’ve
given birth to all our children here at home with the help of a mid-wife and Brann who is an expert by now.

  She is our sixth baby and the blessings from our life seem to be never ending.

  There have been hard times. Calvin and Ainsley were in a horrible car accident three years ago and we nearly lost them both. But through miracles we got them back and they are expecting their first baby in a few months.

  I had a couple difficult pregnancies that had us wondering what the future would hold for our family. As God willed, I pulled through and have gone on to two more terms with no issues at all.

  There was a fire at the horse farm a few years ago and we lost Snowflake as well as three other horses. I thought my heart would never heal, but time is amazing, and I can think of her now without crying. We rebuilt and now also do training and therapy for children with disabilities both emotional and physical.

  Mum and Dad are still with us. They are slow and stubborn. Taking a day or two still to spend time at the pub helping Danny and Joshua who took it over years ago.

  “I don’t want to close my eyes.” I tell Brann.

  There is nothing like a hulk of a man so gently holding his baby to show you pure love and joy. Natalie has fire red hair like me and she came into the world screaming and taking charge. She’s been a challenge already, and I told Brann I think he may have met his match.

  “I never want to close my eyes.” He smiles at me and lowers his lips to kiss Natalie’s head.

  Brann works from home mainly. He still buys and sells businesses, but he also has taken to training and mentoring new small businesses in low-income areas. Through his hand, the part of town that was struggling around The Parting Glass is vibrant again with few vacant spaces. New growth and housing is going up still and our little pub is a part of the community as well as a financial success yet again.

  “We have to sleep, eventually.” I just nursed Natalie something Brann can’t seem to get enough of. I’ve not stopped nursing since our first was born, Brann Jr.

  Brann discovered he enjoyed that part of us as well and as strange as it may sound to anyone else, it has become part of who we are. Feeling his mouth on me every day, hearing the deep rumbling sigh that comes from him as he draws from me is beautiful as well as an incredible turn on. He partakes of me in every way, his desire for me has not faltered and mine for him as well.


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