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The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 4

by Jan Bowles

  “Football and politics? You know me, I’d never do that.”

  “Only just about every time you come here.”

  Tyler arched a brow in mock surprise. “You know me too well.”

  She took hold of his arm and pulled him inside. “Enough of this small talk. There’s beer in the refrigerator.”

  He followed her through to the kitchen, placed the case of beer he’d bought on the table, then helped himself to an ice-cold Bud. “Thanks.”

  Samantha stood at the kitchen window, looking out onto the backyard, taking in the group of friends laughing and joking. “She seems nice.”


  “Rob’s new boss, Rebecca. I must admit I was a little concerned when he started working late on a regular basis with a woman I didn’t know. I’m not normally the jealous type, and I trust Rob implicitly, but the thought did cross my mind. Crazy, huh?”

  Tyler put his arm around her shoulder. “Believe me, Sam. Rob’s as loyal as they come. You don’t need to have any worries on that score.”

  “Now I’ve met her, I realize how ridiculous I was being. I like the lady. She’s real nice. Anyway, I’d better go tend to my guests. Come out and mingle, when you’re ready.”

  Left alone, he stared out the kitchen window. Rebecca Miles intrigued him. Just what made her tick? Was she really the cold, career-focused woman who worked for him, or was she the woman he observed, talking easily with a group of people? Dressed in tight-fitting blue jeans and a T-shirt that emphasized her shapely breasts, she looked like any other woman socializing with friends. Normal. Vanilla. Conventional even. No wonder Sam didn’t see her as a threat.

  Tyler popped the cap and took a long swig of the Bud. He was thirsty, and it slid down his throat with a satisfying ease. He’d seen a different side to Rebecca at Club Submission, back in Boston. A side that she kept hidden from everyone. It was this facet of her personality that he wanted to explore to the point of obsession.

  Perhaps sensing his intense scrutiny, she glanced in his direction. He liked it when her beautiful brown eyes widened in surprise when she registered his presence. Tyler smiled and raised his bottle of Bud in acknowledgement then made his way outside.

  “Hey, Ty, glad you could make it, man.” Rob was busy cooking burgers, hot dogs, and chicken on a grill. The delicious smell rose up on the charcoal smoke, suddenly making him feel hungry.

  “Hi, Rob, where are my two favorite godchildren?”

  “Peyton and Rob Junior are playing in their rooms, but don’t worry, they won’t be long. Those kids are like homing pigeons. They’ll come running as soon as they smell the food.” He deftly flipped the burgers a couple of times. “Rebecca looks real good tonight. Not so buttoned up. She’s done her hair different, too.”

  “I can’t say I really noticed.”

  “Didn’t notice? As if.” His friend conspiratorially nudged him with a flex of his shoulder.

  Tyler took another slug of beer. He and Rob went way back and they often knew what the other was thinking, but even his friend didn’t know he was heavily into the fetish scene. Some things were best kept secret. “Hey, Rob, I hear the Texans are axing more of the team.”

  “Goddamn it. We won’t have a team soon.”

  “Yeah, buddy, you and me know that, but the guys in charge know jack shit.”

  Sam forced herself between them, her head barely coming to their chests. “I might have known you guys would be talking football. Is that food ready yet, Rob? It looks pretty cremated to me.” She placed her arms around her husband’s waist then stretched on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I’m starving, hun.”

  Rob banged the metal spatula on the grill. “Listen up and gather round, everyone. Dinner is served.”

  Elegantly holding a glass of wine, Rebecca sauntered across to Tyler. Jesus, that sexy fucking scent. He breathed in her perfume. It was the same one she’d worn at Club Submission some two months ago. The way she’d looked and danced that night had taken his breath away. Her sexy, provocative performance was indelibly printed on his mind. He remembered it like it was yesterday, yet staring into her gorgeous brown eyes now, she looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Now that was sexy. Rebecca Miles was a woman of many layers. He desperately wanted to peel each one away, until just the sensual inner core remained.

  “I didn’t know you’d been invited, too.” Her husky voice turned him on big-time.

  “I’m the boss. Rob wouldn’t dare not invite me.”

  She laughed, showing perfect white teeth. “Why didn’t you say you were coming when I mentioned it this morning?”

  “I was undecided.”

  She moved a little closer and stared directly at him. “So what made you change your mind, Tyler?”


  Her mouth opened slightly, but no sound came out. Instead, she just smiled and took another sip of wine. The red liquid briefly coated the sexy fullness of her lips, until she swiped the Shiraz away with the tip of her tongue. All the time she remained perfectly composed, and then she said, “Thanks for looking after me this morning.”

  “It was my pleasure. Did any particular property stand out?”

  “Yes, the one with the extended kitchen and double garage.”

  “Good choice. You gonna make an offer for it?”

  Before she could answer, a boisterous explosion erupted from the house as Sam and Rob’s seven-year-old twins careened across the grass, giggling and shouting with unfettered, youthful joy. They ran straight to their parents.

  “I’m first.” Rob Junior elbowed his twin sister out of the way.

  Peyton looked close to tears. “Mom, tell him.”

  Samantha stroked a hand through her little girl’s golden curls. “It’s okay, sweetie. Mommy will sort it all out.”

  Tyler smiled and turned to Rebecca. “Sam’s such a natural mother. I’ve known her since high school. She never wanted a career. Her goal in life was just to become a mom. She’s a great girl, I’m glad it worked out for her.” He handed her a plate. “Ladies first.”


  They joined the line for the hot, sizzling food smoking enticingly on the barbecue. Rebecca stood just in front of him, and he couldn’t take his eyes from her gorgeous glossy hair. Fucking hell, how he wanted to thread his fingers through those silky brown strands and bury his face in her perfumed locks.

  Rebecca suddenly handed him back her plate. “Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Tyler watched her walk toward the house. For some unknown reason she seemed upset, emotional even. Wondering why she’d given up her place in the dinner line, he decided to follow her inside.

  The empty house seemed eerily quiet as he placed both plates on the kitchen table. He then searched the whole of the downstairs area. Nothing.

  He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called out, “Are you up there? Rebecca, are you okay?” He heard her muffled reply and figured she was in the bathroom.

  Not convinced that everything was fine, he climbed the stairs and rapped lightly on the bathroom door. “Are you all right in there, honey? You seem—” Tyler put his ear to the door and listened intently. The sound of running water suddenly stopped, and he heard the lock click open.

  Rebecca’s beautiful face appeared around the door. Her cheeks held a pretty pink bloom. “I’m perfectly fine, Tyler, the smoke from that damned barbecue plays hell with my eyes. Sometimes contacts can be a real pain in the ass.”

  Although she seemed a little pissed, Rebecca’s evident frustration only added to her beauty. The way she stood so close to him and the way she stared up into his eyes made him want to touch her. He tenderly stroked a hand down her cheek, allowing his thumb to trace the outline of her lips. Her skin was flawless and warm to the touch. Fucking hell, how he wanted this woman. His cock was hard, and, unable to resist temptation any longer, he leaned in and kissed her passionately. Her full red lips were cool and parted willingly under pressure from his own. Yeah, he liked
the way she responded. Submissively. He forced his tongue inside her mouth, and she allowed its entry without a fight.

  When he finally pulled away, her eyes looked hooded and aroused. “Tyler.” She barely whispered his name. “Why has it taken you so long?”

  “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I first saw you at the club in Boston.”

  Her eyes widened with surprise. “What club in Boston?”

  “You know damned well, honey. It’s time for the pretense to end. We’re on the same wavelength. We like the same things.”

  She tried to push past him. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He forced her back against the wall. “Don’t play little miss innocent with me.” Tyler took hold of her hands and smoothed his thumbs over her palms. “You see, I know the real Rebecca Miles.” He stared into sultry brown eyes, assessing her reaction, then lifted her hand to his mouth and sucked each individual finger in turn. She seemed disorientated, almost shell-shocked, and he figured her defenses were finally starting to crumble. He raised her hands high above her head and pinned them against the wall. Her back instinctively arched, and her pelvis crushed against his, making his hard-on engorge with even more blood.

  Rebecca struggled to free herself, but he figured she did it halfheartedly. “Tyler, let me go, please.”

  “Listen to me. This cold, sexless image you portray at work is just a façade.”

  She struggled again, trying to twist from his grasp, but this time her resolve seemed even weaker. “Please, Tyler,” she begged. Her big brown eyes pleaded with him, appealing to his dominant nature.

  Tyler knew he was right, and no amount of denial from her would change that fact. He stared into her eyes, daring her to turn from him. “Away from work you’re a natural submissive. A woman like you needs a Master to care for her.”

  When Rebecca heard the word “submissive,” she stopped struggling completely. “What do you mean? What do you know about me?”

  Her breathing was fast and panicky, and when he swept his tongue across her parted lips, a soft, feminine moan came from her, making his cock throb with sexual anticipation.

  “Let’s cut the crap, Rebecca, or should I say Dana. I attended the masquerade party at Club Submission, too.”

  He watched her bristle with indignation as she attempted to regain her composure. “I don’t know any Club Sub—”

  “You said you liked my tattoo,” he interrupted.

  She violently shook her head. “No, you’re mistaken. I’ve never even heard of the place.”

  Tyler released her arms. He lifted his T-shirt then turned away from her, revealing the dragon tattoo on his back. He glanced over his shoulder. “Remember this?”

  Her eyes widened as realization hit her like a speeding freight train. “Jesus Christ, you’re the guy at the bar, the one who watched me dance on the stage.”

  He turned to face her again, covering the large tattoo with his T-shirt. “Got it in one. Like I say, we’re on the same wavelength, you and me.”

  Her demeanor suddenly changed. “You bastard. How long have you known?”

  He knew his face wore a triumphant smile. “About halfway through lunch at the Corinthian. It took me a while to figure it out, but then it all clicked into place.”

  There was real anger in her voice. “You really are a contemptible prick, Tyler Stone. Why the hell didn’t you tell me? You could have saved me all this embarrassment.”

  “Would you have come to work for me?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  “Then you have your answer. Cerberus Technology needed your expertise. I needed you then, and I need you now, only this time in a different way.”

  To show he meant business, he pinned her body against the wall again. “Like I said at the time, honey, knowledge is power.”

  Forcing his knee between her legs, he spread them wide apart, savoring the uncertainty that showed in her expressive eyes. Taking in her expensive perfume, Tyler leaned in and whispered close to her ear, “Now that we understand one another, it’s time to take things to the next level. You want me, as much as I want you. I make your pussy wet, and you make my cock hard.”

  To prove his dominance over her, he forced his tongue inside her mouth again. When she didn’t recoil or try and stop him, Tyler figured she was falling under his control. “What could be more natural than a man and woman who share an attraction enjoying one another?”

  Her breathing was fast and she weakly tried to fight back. “This has to stop. We can’t—”

  “Shhh.” He pressed a finger to her full red lips, stilling her words in midsentence. “I’ll make our excuses to Rob and Sam, and then I’m taking you back to my place.”

  Chapter Seven

  Samantha seemed genuinely concerned. “Aw, Rebecca, I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling unwell. I sure hope it wasn’t anything to do with Rob’s barbecuing skills.”

  Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh. She shook her head. “Don’t worry, Sam. I didn’t get the opportunity to try any of Rob’s cooking. It’s just this damned migraine won’t quit. I’ve suffered with them for years.” This was actually true, but on this occasion she was lying.

  Samantha winced. “Oh, I empathize with you. I get them myself.” She stroked Tyler’s arm. “Anyway, you’ll be just fine, now the great leader has offered to take you home.” She kissed her cheek. “Drive safe now. It’s been lovely meeting you. We must get together again, for a girls’ night out.”

  “I’d like that. Pencil it in your diary, Sam.”

  She felt as though she were dreaming. So Tyler Stone knew she’d visited Club Submission from the very beginning. When he’d interviewed her for the job at the Corinthian in Boston, she’d certainly been attracted to the tall, handsome stranger, and although he’d appeared vaguely familiar, she had no idea he was the guy with the tattoo that she’d happily flirted with the night before.

  From the passenger seat of his Dodge Viper, she watched him shake Rob’s hand and kiss Samantha on the cheek before heading to the car. Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt, he looked awesomely sexy and left her in no doubt of what he expected from her tonight.

  Fuck, he was right, her pussy was soaking wet, and it ached with a sexual desire she hadn’t felt in a long time. Tyler knew exactly which buttons to push to turn her on. Okay, so she still felt a little pissed that he’d kept everything to himself, but she was keen to explore their mutual sexual attraction, too.

  Tyler pulled open the driver’s door and slid beside her. He smelled good—a mixture of sophisticated cologne and alpha male scent. Initially shocked that he knew so much about her, she denied all knowledge of Club Submission. In the past, she’d always managed to keep work and play totally separate in her life, and this sudden disclosure seemed to undermine all that. But truth be known, she’d loved it when he’d taken control of her inside Rob’s house, and she longed for him to take control again, only this time in private. Work was work, and she would remain the strong, independent-minded woman when at Cerberus Technology, but today was Saturday, and that meant she could play the submissive woman, a role she loved just as much. He leaned across and murmured seductively in her ear, “My place is just a ten-minute drive.”

  His amber eyes twinkled mischievously as he feathered the back of his hand across her cheek, allowing his thumb to graze the side of her mouth. “You may be a powerful woman in charge of your own team, Rebecca, but I’m still your boss, both in and out of the office.”

  His supreme confidence bordered on arrogance but luckily fell on just the right side. “You’re right, Tyler. I’m not at work now.” She was already falling under the spell being woven by Tyler Stone, and her aroused nipples rubbed painfully against the inside of her bra.

  He looked at her for a long time then gunned the car into life and reversed it from the driveway. “Ready?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Sugar Land consisted of a myriad of interwoven avenues and streets, and as dusk began to fall,
the red Dodge Viper crisscrossed the various intersections, until they entered a more affluent part of town. Large trees and wide-open spaces separated each luxury home. They continued into empty open countryside for a mile or two, until he slowed the car and turned down a track almost hidden from view. The totally secluded drive was protected from prying eyes by an avenue of cedar elm that seemed to reach toward the horizon, and she let out a barely audible gasp of amazement as the impressive modern home finally came into view. Tyler Stone had clearly done well for himself, and she liked what she saw.

  “It’s stunning.”

  “I designed it myself. I drew up all the plans and then employed the best craftsmen available.”

  “Really? I’m impressed.”

  He effortlessly guided the Dodge Viper around a large circular courtyard before stilling the engine outside the main entrance. The house itself lay nestled enticingly in a clearing of mature live oaks.

  The low-rise property had a substantial footprint, and she reckoned the ground floor covered at least six thousand square feet. The new build was entirely constructed of steel and glass, and it glinted provocatively, beckoning her inside as its masculine structure caught the last vestiges of the slowly setting sun. An upper story seemed to rest precariously at right angles to the floor below, somehow defying gravity as it stretched out over the graveled courtyard.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t buy a ready-built house in Sugar Land, after all. Maybe you could design one for me.”

  “Hardly your style I would have thought, Rebecca. After taking you house hunting this morning, I got the impression you preferred the cutesy homes. You know the type of thing, the ones with flowered drapes and white picket fences.”

  “Hmm, certainly not. I’m as individual as you are. I thought that’s all there was on offer in Sugar Land.”

  “Mainly you’re right, unless you have plenty of money.” He smiled. “The houses around here are crammed together like sardines in a can, allowing no personal space for the people who live there. Luckily, I came across ten acres of undeveloped land that backed onto a lake. As soon as I saw it, I knew that’s where my dream home would be situated.”


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