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The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 12

by Jan Bowles

  He carefully removed the remains of her blouse, slipping it from her slender wrists. When she immediately flexed and waggled her fingers, he figured her circulation had been cut off and she was trying to restore it. She still lay facedown with her head buried in the duvet, only now she was completely naked. Her perfect glowing ass was only matched for sheer feminine beauty by her creamy, flawless back, over which her glossy brunette hair flowed in abundance.

  He walked across to the patio window that led to the pool. It had been a long day, and he’d only managed to catch a few hours’ sleep at the Copacabana Palace hotel in Rio before returning here. He slumped heavily in the soft armchair, wondering how they would clear this mess up. He still loved Rebecca as much as he ever did.

  When he’d returned to her beach house for the second time that day and realized she wasn’t home, he’d walked around to the back of the property, where he’d found a small area of decking overlooking an idyllic sandy beach. Initially, he was minded to wait there on the solitary sun lounger until she returned, but when he noticed a sliding patio door had been left slightly ajar, a plan had formed in his mind. He’d wait for her inside. That way he would have the element of surprise on his side.

  Rebecca stirred slightly, and he figured it was time to sort things out once and for all.

  “Becca, honey, come over here to me.”

  She seemed surprised by his request, almost as though she were expecting him to continue with her punishment. Rebecca eyed him warily as she eased herself to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. When she visibly winced with pain, he realized he’d well and truly disciplined her peachy ass. He could tell from her eyes that she just didn’t know what to expect from him now, uncertainty showing on her beautiful, expressive face.

  He patted the floor in front of his chair. “I’m waiting.” He made sure the tone he used was kindly and unthreatening.

  Rebecca suddenly smiled, but its appearance was so brief it was already gone by the time he’d registered it. She rose slowly from the bed and tentatively walked toward him. His Becca was as stunningly beautiful as always, although he was surprised to see that her pussy was no longer silky smooth. Short, spiky pubes had grown in his absence.

  She stood in front of him, her hands behind her back, her head respectfully bowed. He looked up into her beautiful yet frightened eyes for what seemed an eternity before almost whispering, “Kneel before your Master, my sub.”

  As she obediently kneeled before him, her body twitched with pain as her disciplined butt rested on her heels.

  “It will hurt for a while.” He stroked a hand though her glossy brown hair, reveling in its softness.

  She kept her gaze lowered. “You were right to discipline me, Master. I deserve it.”

  “Yes, you did, my sub, but after reading your letter, I now understand that you’ve been incredibly brave.”

  A silence, an understanding, seemed to bridge the gap between them, and for a while nothing could be heard except the sound of two human beings breathing in perfect harmony. All the time, the constantly changing patterns of blue light from the pool danced on the walls and ceiling of the bedroom.

  “Why?” he eventually asked.

  “Why what, Sir?”

  “Why leave without a word, and on the very day I asked you to be my wife?”

  Rebecca was still clearly upset. She shook her head, and her voice quavered when she spoke. “I thought it would be best for you if I left. I can’t give you what you need.”

  “I need your love, Becca. Are you saying you can’t give me that?”

  She shook her head again, violently this time, and burst into tears. “Oh, no, I can give you every ounce of love I possess and even find some more, but I can’t give you—”

  “Shhh.” Tyler leaned forward in his chair and pressed a finger to her lips. He saw her visibly tremble as she struggled to hold her emotions in check. “All I need is your love, Becca.”

  Her face crumpled, and an agonized wail left her lips. “Oh, Tyler, I’m so sorry.” She clung tightly to his legs. So tightly, in fact, he felt her fingernails digging into his jeans as she lay her cheek on his lap. Her words came haltingly as she fought for breath. “I can’t give…you a…child, and I so…wanted to do…that.”

  “I know, honey.” He felt a little choked himself as he stroked a hand through her beautiful dark hair, trying to soothe her worries away, but it didn’t work, and her tears flowed unchecked as years of pent-up emotion finally poured from her.

  The final remnants of tension and downright anger that had plagued him for the last twenty-one days finally melted from his body. “Shhh, it’s okay, I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.” He lifted her from her kneeling position and pulled her onto his lap, sheltering her in his arms, protecting her from the evils of the world. Tyler savored the way her beautiful naked body seemed to melt into his until they became one. He tenderly kissed the top of her head as she sobbed quietly against his shoulder. He’d really missed Rebecca these last three weeks, and it felt so fucking good to cradle the woman he loved in his arms once again.

  As he waited patiently for her emotional crisis to calm, the small bedroom appeared to take on a tranquil serenity. Ripples of silver and blue light eddied and flowed all around them, making this precious moment between two soulmates so incredibly special—priceless even. Rebecca’s skin took on a translucent quality, the magical light flowing from her face all the way down her slender legs to her perfect petite feet. It was obvious she’d lost weight, and he guessed she hadn’t been eating properly. As he ran his fingers across her shoulders, he couldn’t help noticing how prominent her bones had become. Tyler realized it wasn’t just him who’d had a bad time of it recently. They both had. Now was the right time to move on and for all the recriminations to stop.

  Eventually, when her breathing slowed and her tears dried, he quietly said, “I now understand your reasons for leaving, even if they were badly misguided. But that’s all in the past now. It’s time to make a fresh start.”

  She lifted her head and looked him straight in the eyes as she idly smoothed her fingers across his jaw. “I was trying to set you free.”

  Tyler squeezed her hand. “I know that now, and I can see how brave you were.” He smiled into her sad brown eyes, glad that the bitterness between them was now gone. “When we’re married, we’ll have lots of children. We’ll just adopt them, that’s all.”

  Wide-eyed and close to tears again, she softly asked, “Married, children, you’d do that for me?”

  “You bet, honey. If it’s a choice of having my own children with a woman I feel nothing for or having adopted children with the woman I love, you win every time.

  “Don’t ever doubt my love for you, Becca. Why do you think I took the time to track you down and then traveled over five thousand miles to be here with you now? Besides, I was adopted myself, and my parents were the best.” He laughed. “But you and me working together will be even better. If there’s one thing I learned from my ma and pa, it’s this. It’s the quality time you spend with your children that really counts. That’s what makes you a real mom and dad. I had one hell of a happy childhood because my parents wanted me, and for that reason, I was never treated as an inconvenience.”

  “Oh, Tyler, what you say is so very true. My parents never had time for me. Looking back, we never connected on any level. I sometimes wonder why they even bothered at all. I was an only child, so perhaps after I was born, they decided that was enough.”

  He brushed a stray hair from the corner of her eye. The moisture from her tears had held it in place. She seemed a lot more composed and upbeat now. “So why hide away in Rio, especially as you have such unhappy childhood memories of the place?”

  “It does seem strange, doesn’t it, but when I was ten years old, I would regularly visit this very beach. The doctors informed my parents that the sea air would be most beneficial. I loved the feel of the ocean spray and the sound of the wind as it whipped through my
hair. When I became too sick to travel, I would daydream about running at full speed along the golden sands from my bed at home.”

  Tyler sighed. “The beach certainly is stunning.”

  “My personal nurse, Renata, would bring me here every day, provided I felt well enough.”

  “What about your mom?” he asked, already pretty sure of the answer. He hadn’t met Rebecca’s family, and from what he knew of them, he didn’t want to.

  “Like all kids, I craved my mother’s attention, but she was always too busy to come along.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Story of my life. I haven’t seen either of my parents for five years.”

  It figured. “It must have been a traumatic time for you, honey, diagnosed with leukemia when you were just a kid.”

  Her breath hitched. “It was. I had chemo for two years, until I was twelve. When the doctors first told my parents and I that I couldn’t have children, I was too immature to realize the full implications. But as the years rolled by, it gradually became more of an issue. That’s why I focused solely on my career. Anything to distract me from the gnawing, empty pain I feel inside.”

  Tyler saw she needed to talk, and he wasn’t about to stop her. “Go on.”

  She forced a smile that didn’t convince. “On the upside, I’ve become the best goddamn software engineer in the whole of the US. That’s something to be proud of. I’ve worked with the best of the best. That’s how I came to work for you at Cerberus Technology. It was the best fucking decision I made in my entire life, and meeting and falling in love with you was just the icing on the cake.” She breathed in and then sighed heavily, and he figured she was reliving the past in her mind. “But…but even my achievements at work can never take away the deep ache I feel inside. I feel it right here.” She held her hand to her heart. “Every minute of every day, that fucking ache just refuses to quit, and I’ll never feel like a real woman because of it.”

  “Believe me, honey, you’re worth ten of any other woman. And you’ll make a wonderful mother to our children.”

  “Oh, Ty, you say the most wonderful things.” Her eyes glistened with fresh tears, and he knew if he continued, she’d burst out crying again.

  He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “You realize I want a whole football team.”

  “But that’s—” Her mouth opened wide and stayed open.

  “A hell of a lot. Yeah, and why not?” He tapped her nose with his finger. “Enough talking for now, let’s take a shower. I can see you’re in need of some tender loving.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Rebecca felt cherished and wanted as Tyler carried her through to the bathroom then carefully set her down on the floor. When he switched on the walk-in shower, three chromed heads immediately came to life as water gushed from them, cascading in a riot of noise onto the marble shower floor.

  Tyler held out his hands, a smile on his face. “Turn around, honey, let me take a look at your butt.”

  She laughed easily. “It’s okay. It’s fine.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” He swiveled her around then gently smoothed a palm over the heated flesh. After three weeks of crushing despondency, she suddenly felt alive again. That was the effect Tyler had on her. Her heart was full of happiness and love, because she had no more secrets dragging her down to the depths of despair.

  She jolted from his touch. “Ouch.”

  “Still tender, huh? I’ll go extra easy on you.”

  He feathered the back of his hand over her cheek. His amber eyes were all knowing as they delved into the very depths of her soul. “Christ, you’ve no idea how much I’ve missed you.” His words were whispered, and she could almost taste the sincerity in them.

  “Not as much as I’ve missed you.”

  When he began shedding his clothes, she shouted over the deluge of cascading water, “I’m so happy, Ty. I feel like I’m in a dream. I can hardly believe I’m here with you now.”

  “Believe it, Becca, it’s real.” He yanked his T-shirt over his head in a testosterone-charged rush and then slung it into the corner of the bathroom before quickly lowering then discarding his jeans on an adrenaline-fuelled high. “I intend to make you feel every inch of me.”

  Rebecca swallowed hard, feeling like the soft center of her favorite candy whenever he was around. Fucking hell, although she’d seen him naked many times before, she knew she’d never tire of his wonderful physique. Her man, the man who had come to claim her for his wife, the man who had come to take her home, had a body to worship and adore. She licked her lips, mentally visualizing his strong, powerful thighs pushing hers apart as he entered her, taking what was rightfully his. His huge erection didn’t just defy gravity. It defeated it, bludgeoning it into submission as it rose majestically from his groin with such strength and vigor that it threatened to bang against his gorgeous, flat stomach. Her heart beat fast and her pussy was soaking wet in the knowledge that she would soon be enjoying every inch of him in the shower.

  Tyler gave her that look. The one she’d seen many times before. It was a look of pure intent. His powerful shoulder muscles rippled as he guided her under the torrent of cascading water. He followed so closely behind, she felt his huge prick twitching eagerly against her butt crack. Oh, dear God, wasn’t life a lottery? Just a few short hours ago she’d wallowed in a pit of despair. She didn’t care about herself, and without Tyler, she had no future. Yet suddenly, from out of nowhere, she’d been handed the winning ticket and had literally hit the jackpot.

  He twisted her around to face him, and she looked up into eyes that reflected kindness and love back at her. After pouring shampoo into the palm of his hand, he began massaging it into her scalp. He laughed, and she knew he’d shaped her hair into two demonic horns. “Ah, I see I have the real Rebecca before me.” He playfully tapped her nose, leaving a blob of white foam behind.

  He replaced shampoo with shower gel and began smoothing it over her body. It felt wonderful as the palms of his hands slid almost frictionless across her skin, making it tingle excitedly. He gave her that look again before lathering generous amounts of gel on her belly and breasts. “You’re just perfect, Becca.”

  He dropped to his knees, and she took the opportunity to shampoo his hair, while his hands slipped seductively down her thighs and calves before reaching her feet.

  When he took hold of her foot, she screamed, “Don’t, Ty, don’t, I’m begging you. My feet are so ticklish. Don’t, don’t, please don’t.”

  He laughed again. “Okay, my sub. I’ll show mercy just this once.”

  She expelled a loud sigh of relief and breathily said, “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, so much.”

  His fingers feathered lightly over her short pubic hair. “This needs to go.”

  She returned to massaging shampoo into his gorgeous, thick locks. “I agree. I thought I’d never see you again, and as I could never love anyone else but you, I suppose I just couldn’t be bothered.”

  “As your Master, I’ll see to it. Pass me the razor. It will be my pleasure.”

  “It’s okay, Ty, I can do it—” She abruptly stopped speaking when he suddenly lifted his head and gave her that dominant look again. The one that made her legs almost buckle beneath her yet also sent her sexual libido into overdrive. “Sorry, Master, I didn’t mean to question you.” She handed him the razor.

  Applying more shower gel, he lovingly soaped her mons and then began teasing away the fledgling pubes until the silky smoothness he demanded had returned. “That’s better. Thank me.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He glanced up from his kneeling position, and she knew from the look in his eyes that he loved her being compliant. “Hold on to the handrail, and rest your foot on my shoulder. I’ve still got the tricky part to shave. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t sneeze,” he joked.

  Gripping the rail for support, she did as he asked and rested her foot on his shoulder. This had the effect of opening her feminine folds up for him. “Is there anythin
g more beautiful in the world than a woman’s pussy?” He stared at her most intimate parts for what seemed an eternity before gliding the razor along the edge of her labia majora.

  She loved Tyler and trusted him implicitly. “I can see you’ve done this before.”

  He smiled.

  With anyone else she’d be more than a little concerned, because razors and soft feminine folds didn’t generally mix. However, Tyler was different, and it felt downright sexy as he deftly shielded her labia minora from harm before guiding the lethal-looking blade with pinpoint precision.

  Surprisingly, she felt herself relax even more as the razor glided painlessly over her clitoral hood. “I love you, Tyler Stone.”

  “I love you, too, honey.” He briefly stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. “Other leg.”

  Rebecca took her foot from his shoulder and replaced it with the other, allowing Tyler to expertly repeat the procedure. After a few minutes he placed the razor in the soap dish. “All done.” He carefully studied his work. “Now that is fucking sexy.”

  Without warning, Tyler took hold of her wrists and pinned them behind her back before holding them in place with a single strong hand. From the amount of pressure being exerted, she knew it was his way of taking control.

  “See that your pussy is kept silky smooth at all times. Otherwise, I will discipline your sexy little butt far more severely in the future.”

  “Yes.” The way he looked at her when he was in this type of mood always excited her, yet it frightened her, too, but in a good way.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Master.”


  With his other hand, he peeled back her clitoral hood then ravenously licked her sexual nub with an enthusiasm that showed just how much he loved her. Twenty-one days apart from the most beautiful man in the world had sensitized her clit to such an extent that she knew her climax was imminent.


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