Book Read Free

MC: Brighton

Page 7

by L. Ann Marie

  She’s still in and I’m fuckin relieved, then I’m hard. She’s wearing a corset for me. I hope to hell that means I’m seeing it later. I pull away before I can’t. “You need to eat and get ready or I’m not letting you go so I can see that thing sooner rather than later.” She slides off my lap, making me laugh. Maybe she’s not ready for everything, but she’s still in. Thank fuck!

  I get our dinner on plates and sit. She has silverware, napkins, water and a beer for me already set. “What are you doing tonight?” she asks.

  “Playing poker with the Brothers. That’s what they do on girls’ night. It keeps them busy so they’re not watching the feeds all night.” She giggles, making me smile.

  We clean up and she goes to dress while I check the feeds. CK IT has quite a few cars tagged, but it’s fairly normal for a Friday night. I check the country bar and see two yellow tags, but Security is there watching. I know HS will be there, so I check surveillance and see little Ben is on with Sticks until eleven. I shut it down, feeling good about this, and go find the woman who is making me crazy.

  Her hair is in waves going down her back and I want her to put it up. Patches says I can’t tell her what to wear or say anything about her makeup and shit, so I clench my jaw, making sure that doesn’t come out of my mouth. She bends closer to the mirror and I look from her ass to her heels, pissed that anyone else will see that tonight. I watch her put stuff on her face and relax. She’s beautiful and mine. She’s still in with me and no one else has that chance. Her eyes find mine and she smiles. I smile and hold the top of the door frame so I keep standing because my knees want to buckle. I am so fuckin gone. Tiny might as well buy me a whole box of tampons.

  “I’m almost ready,” she says softly. I nod and take a breath, watching her put shit on her lips. I picture them shiny like that on my dick. I take another breath and turn around so I’m not torturing myself. I just finished telling her we can slow down when I want to pound balls deep into her. I go to the living room and drop for push-ups. I’m never going to make slow.

  As I’m standing up, she walks in. “Ready?” She looks at me from my feet to my eyes and I’m hard. That’s not an innocent look in her eyes. She nods and I take a step toward her then hear the beep. Fuck! I put my hand out for her. She takes it and I walk her out.

  Tess screeches from the front seats when I open the door. “You look good together, Penny!”

  I smile and kiss her head. “You’re beautiful, babe, have fun.” I close the door on another screech, smiling. It must take every bit of energy for Patches and Rich to keep up with Tess.

  I turn and remember my bike is still up at the shop. I call and get a Prospect to give me a ride to my house for my other bike, then decide to drive the truck just in case Penny has too much to drink. When I get to the Club I have to wait for the next hand.

  “Where were you?” Rich asks.

  “I went to get my bike from the house, then decided to drive the truck in case they had too much to drink.”

  Danny laughs. “They will. Kate, Jess, and Nancy are with them.” They all nod.

  “Anything on her ex?” Pres asks.

  “Nothing more, no. The Little Brothers and Security are dogging him.”

  He nods and goes back to his cards. Patches switches out to play pool with Jessie and Darren, so I sit in. No one is into the game, so it’s halfhearted and boring as hell. “I’m going for a ride. I’ll meet you at the bar at eleven.” Danny stands. Then we all do. We meet on Main and ride up the coast. I’m thinking about Penny being in and hope she’s all in soon. I never said I love you to anyone and I’m fighting to keep that in with a woman that doesn’t even know me.

  Rich comes over my helmet, pulling me out of my head. “Love this guy. He raised a fuck ton for vets with a tour, he did.”

  I listen and like the music. It’s a southern rock style that works for me and keeps me from making myself nuts over Penny. That is until a slower song comes on. It’s almost the same words I said to Penny earlier. The exact meaning anyway. I pull to the side and slow down. “What’s wrong, Brother?” Colby asks, slowing down on the side of me.

  “Nothing. I need to do something the right way,” I tell him. He throws chin and speeds up.

  I hear Rich and Danny laugh. “Don’t leave her doubting anything, Digs,” Rich says.

  “Going to fix that now, Brother,” I tell him, turning around.

  “Good luck, Brother,” comes through my helmet from a multitude of voices.

  I clear out of the Bluetooth and call up Google to get me the song. I get it on the second try and replay it to make sure it’s really what I heard the first time. It is and I’m smiling when I hit the lot. No doubts. I walk in and laugh. They’re all dancing in the corner with two HS blocking them in, facing out. I talk to the DJ and walk right up to her, pulling her out of the women. They’re all smiles and move aside, making it easier for me. When we’re away from them I turn facing her and put my hands on her face, turning it up so I can see her eyes. “I told you I’m all in, but I’m not sure you understand. Do you know what that means?”

  “I think it means you’re my boyfriend,” she says, loud enough for me to hear.

  I kiss her head and hear the music change. Perfect timing. “This song is what it means. Every word is exactly what it means.” She looks confused, but I start dancing, holding her head against my chest. I sing the words to her and she holds me tighter. When the song ends I pull her to the side and hold her face again. I wipe the tears, knowing they’re good by her smile. “It means I love you, Penny, and I’m waiting for however long it takes for you.”

  “I’m ready, Digs.”

  I don’t wait for more. I kiss her to cheering. What the fuck? I look around and see the old ladies and Brothers watching. Hell, they must have followed me back. I throw chin, then lift her up and carry her out. Everyone cheers again. I don’t stop to see them or hear what they’re saying. I put her on the bike, pull her against me, and ride home.

  When I tip for her to get off she waits, watching me. I shut the bike off and pull her into a kiss. When she moans in my mouth I know she remembers why we’re home. I take her hand and get us in, then right to the bedroom.

  I don’t have a chance to think of what I’m going to do. She’s unbuckling my belt and unzipping me before I can pull my mouth off hers. I’d be a fuckin fool to stop her, so I don’t. She’s on her knees and moaning with my dick in her hand so fast, I grab the bed frame to steady myself. Her fingers are running over the ladder, making me moan and swell. She runs the edge of her nail down the center and I have to run code in my head to get control of myself. She licks up then down and my hand is in her hair. I watch her slide me across those lips and have to run code again. When I’m in control I open my eyes and see her watching me.

  “So fuckin sexy to see those lips taking me in, babe.” She moans, making me moan. Her tongue is sliding against the ladder and I hold her head tighter. “I need to fuck that mouth, pretty Penny.” She relaxes and nods, watching me. So fuckin easy. I start moving. “Hit my leg if I need to stop or get too rough.” She nods with me halfway to her throat. I go deeper every time I slide in and she takes me without pulling away, so I go deeper, glad I don’t have the ring in. When I hit the end she rolls my balls and I know I’m not lasting. I move faster and she’s pulling me into her just like I imagined. “Need you to pull away, babe,” I growl out. She pulls me harder and swallows. I’m fuckin gone. I let her head go and grab the frame before I fall on her. “Fuck!” Holy shit, I need to sit down. She’s moving slow, but I can’t take any more. My dick is pins and needles. I pull away and pull her up, turning us so I can lean against the bed. “Un-fuckin’-believable, babe.” I hug her until I’m sure I’m not going to fall to my knees and kiss her feet. That was the best blowjob I ever got and it came from my innocent pretty Penny. Shit, maybe not so innocent. I bend and kiss her. “Thank you.” She looks surprised.

  “Let’s see what’s under the dress.” I unzip
the back and let it fall. She stands with her head down and hands at her sides. “Look at me, Penny.” She does. “You wore this for me?”

  She smiles. “Yes,” she whispers.

  “It’s beautiful like you.” I lift her to the edge of the bed and lay her down. “My turn.” I kiss her, moving down her body. When I get to her tits I move the lace down and roll her stud, then I feather my tongue across the other, getting her moan. I know just how she likes that and give her more.

  Wanting to do this slow, I’m glad I have some control and spend the time making sure she’s going to be ready for me. When she starts bucking up I slide down further, putting my face right above her pussy. She settles and I kiss the inside of her leg, running my tongue on the edge of her panties. I like the moan she gives me, so I do it again on the other side. “This smell haunts me until all I can think about is tasting you.” She bucks up, moaning. “That’s it, tell me what you want, babe. My mouth on your pussy do it for you?” I look up at her. She covers her face but says yes. “I want to see you come, my beautiful girl.” She moves her arm and looks at me then away. I slide her panties down and moan. “All wet and ready for me. It gets me hard knowing you’re wet and waiting for my mouth.” She closes her eyes and moans. I lick up and lose it, devouring her the same way I take her mouth. Her scent is in my fuckin head. I lift her knee so I can taste every inch of her pussy and don’t stop until I hear her scream. Holy shit, I’m losing my mind. I slow my fingers and slide my tongue in circles around her clit, waiting for her to calm. I have no idea when I slid my hand into her, but I’m glad I did. It’s been a long time for her and she’s tight. I lift up and kick my boots off, grab a condom from my wallet, then drop my clothes. She’s watching me, so I move slow and wait for her eyes to hit mine. “Are you ready for me, babe?”

  “I’m ready,” she says. Her voice is hoarse, but she didn’t whisper it.

  I open the condom and watch her as I roll it on. “Have you ever had a ladder in you, Penny?” She shakes her head no and looks at me like she’s nervous. “It doesn’t hurt. You’ll feel it more the first time but not painful, just different. You’ll like it more if you’re relaxed.” She takes a breath and let’s it out slow, then nods. I stop myself from smiling. She’s going to love this. I pull her to the edge and put her feet up. I don’t take my eyes off her while I slide my fingers in. She’s ready and still dripping, so I slide the tip of my dick in. I’m thick and she’s tight, so I go slow, sliding in further each time. She grabs my arms and holds on. I take it as a good sign and move faster. She cries out, digging her nails in. “More?”

  “Yes.” Her hand goes to her tit, then she moves it away, looking nervous.

  “Grab that nipple for me. I need you wet, babe.” She looks unsure but does it. “Fuckin sexy as hell.” She rolls her stud and moans, giving me a picture I won’t forget anytime soon. Her lip caught in her teeth, eyes half closed and hair all over the bed behind her. Fuck! I move faster and lift her legs higher. Her back arches and I moan, watching her hand squeeze her tit. I’m balls deep and roll into her. She moans and moves her other hand to her sensitive nipple, then her eyes find mine. “Take it all, pretty Penny. Every. Fuckin. Bit of it.” I buck into her with every word. Her pussy is contracting and I lose it, pounding into her with my studs, sending shockwaves every time she squeezes. I have just enough brain cells working to get my thumb on her clit and make it good for her. She yells my name and squeezes me so fuckin hard I see white. “Fuck!” I hold her against me, loving how she’s wringing everything out of me. I drop down, putting my face at her neck. ”Love you, Penny.” I want to kiss her, but I can’t breathe enough for that. By the sounds she’s making she can’t either. “Holy fuck, that was perfect.”

  Her arms go around me and she squeezes. “I love you, Digs,” she whispers, making that the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

  “Babe.” I don’t say any more because I can’t. I kiss her neck, then take her mouth.

  I pull away and put my forehead against hers. “This is where I want to be, but I need to get us cleaned up.” Patches says I’m supposed to clean her, making sure to keep touching her right after sex. I lift up and slide out. Moving my foot, I feel wet. My leg is wet. I look down and see the edge of the bed is wet. My brain is running scenarios then stops. I look at her face. She’s embarrassed and nervous. No fuckin way.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll clean up.” She turns her face away.

  “Not likely,” I say and smile. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. What the fuck?

  “You gave this to me and now you’re going to cry? I just had the best orgasm I’ve ever had and got you squirting on top of it. There is no fuckin way I’m letting you be sorry.” I lean down and kiss her again, then lift her up and carry her into the bathroom. I follow Patches’ instructions, getting her then me clean. She doesn’t say a word and I’m smiling the whole time, thinking she liked the ladder.

  She tries to put that old T-shirt I’ve seen her wear to bed on and I stop her. “Nothing or my shirt if you leave the room.” She looks at me and nods, then goes around picking up clothes. I watch her hang my cut on the chair where I usually hang it as I clean the floor, which really isn’t much to clean, then pull the sheets off. She puts my shirt on and takes the sheets to the laundry room while I make the bed. When she gets back I pull my shirt off her and follow her down. She rolls to the side and I pull her back so she’s on my chest. I’m still smiling and kiss her head. “Goodnight, Penny.”

  “Goodnight, Digs,” she whispers. I look down and see she’s smiling. She relaxes against me and her arm goes across my stomach. I like the feel of that and put my hand over hers so she doesn’t move it.

  Chapter Five

  Two days later...


  I feel his warm chest under my face and smile, opening my eyes. He wasn’t here last night, but I still woke up on him. Maybe he had a lot of work and stayed later than he usually does. I try not to move, but I must have. His arm tightens around me. “Morning,” he says. His voice is raspy and I get a shiver.

  I sit up, facing him. “Morning.” I lean down and kiss his lips. When I sit back up he’s smiling. He smiles a lot. I never noticed it before, but I notice now that he’s my boyfriend. “We get to ride today!”

  “Yeah, if we do the run. We could skip it and stay in bed all day,” he says.

  We could stay in bed all day? I want to ride. Tess and Amanda are going. “I want to ride,” I tell him, a little nervous, but I want to ride and he won’t know if I don’t tell him.

  He moves my face so I look at him. “Then we need to move so my girl can get her ride.”

  “Yes!” I fist pump and he laughs. I hug him, then get in the shower. He showers in here now. He always washes me first and I like it. I twist my hair and put it up so it doesn’t get too wet. He reaches around me and turns the water on, then puts his hands on my waist and leans into me. I feel him on my back and wonder if we’re really going to go or he’s just saying it. He hasn’t done it before, but this is the first time I told him what I want to do.

  “We have half an hour to get you clean, babe, then half an hour to get dressed.” He bends and kisses my neck. We have an hour.

  “I can dress fast,” I tell him. Maybe we can do both.

  I just finish brushing my teeth when he puts a coffee cup down and leans on the door, drinking his and watching me. I separate the top of my hair and throw braids in it, twisting fast because I know I’m running out of time. When I’m done I put a tie in to hold them together at the back and braid that. I brush the back and turn. “Ready.”

  “Beautiful.” He hands me my coffee and brushes his teeth. I watch him brush his hair with his fingers and think men have it easy. I would roll my eyes, but I don’t want to get slapped, so I don’t.

  When we get outside he walks me to the truck. I look at him, wondering what we’re doing. “We need the other bike.” I get in, excited that we really are going to ride with everyone. He drives to
a neighborhood and stops at a house. “This was my house before Pres wanted me in the backyard.” I look at it with more interest now that it was his. He pulls me out while the garage door is opening and I see two motorcycles, but neither is the one Lenny ran over.

  “How many motorcycles do you have?”

  He walks us to a dark purple one. “Four, but that one is for Security or teaching the kids. I’ve only ridden Security twice.” He looks embarrassed.

  “They’re all pretty motorcycles.”

  He gives me a look and I step back. “Bikes are nice, bad, sick, or badass. They aren’t pretty. Ever.” His shoulders relax and he puts his hand out for me. “By now you should know I’m not into hitting women. You don’t have to be on guard all the time, Penny, that’s got to be exhausting. The Brothers would kill me if I ever put a hand on you, but that isn’t the reason it wouldn’t happen. I told you I’m in, you don’t hurt what you love. Whether it’s a person, animal or object, you take care of it, never hurt it.”

  He’s right, but Lenny didn’t hit me at first either. I take his hand and nod. He puts a helmet on me and tips the motorcycle. Getting on behind him, I hug him tight, wanting to believe all this is real. “I love you, Digs.”

  He puts his hand on mine. “Babe.” The engine starts and I don’t hear anymore.

  There’s only a few people at the Bakery when we pull in. Amanda comes over and hugs me, while Digs goes inside. “Look at you! I’m glad you came, Penny, it’s a nice ride. Are you coming for the cookout later?”

  I look for Digs, but he’s just walking in the door. “I don’t know.”

  “She is! She’s coming home with us,” Tess says from behind me. She hugs me, telling me I’m dressed perfect.

  Amanda laughs. “I like the boots, very badass.” Oh dear. I smile and feel my face heat.

  Digs brings me coffee and a roll. “Thank you.”


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