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Pixie Dust, A Paranormal Romance

Page 3

by Laura Lee

  “Ego, much?” I asked.

  “Excuse me?” He countered. When I didn’t reply, he gave me an annoying hand gesture, suggesting that I should continue.

  I sighed. “I was trying to be nice for the girls tomorrow and get some prep work done for them.”

  “When was the last time you saw Ms. Russo alive? Do you know of anyone who would want to harm her?”

  “I saw her right before midnight. I was heading to the ladies room and she was over in that corner.” I pointed to the wall. “I don’t know of anyone who would want to harm her.”

  “Now I know this next question may seem odd, considering we’re in a bar on The Las Vegas Strip, but did you see any strangers in here tonight? Anyone that stood out more than others?”

  “You’re kidding me, right? I see strangers all goddamn day!” Alright, now I was getting really irritated. I don’t care how snarky I sounded. “Did anyone stand out? Maybe…..I guess. There was this one guy. Big vampire. I’ve never seen him before yet he carried himself like he owned the place. He paid with a card. Let me see if I can get you a name.”

  “That’d be great. Thank you Ms. Lane.”

  I walked over to the bar and flipped through the credit card transmittals until I found the one I was looking for. “Here it is. I found it. His name is Leonidas Markos.” Hold up, why do I know that name? I looked over at the detective and his jaw seemed to be ticking. Okay…that’s weird.

  “Leonidas Markos. Are you sure?” He asked as he joined me at the bar. There goes the jaw tick again!

  I looked at the slip again just to be sure. “Yeah, that’s what it says. What’s the big deal?”

  “As in Leo Markos, President of Markos Enterprises? You know, the company that owns this bar? He acted like he owns the place Ms. Lane because he does. Are you honestly trying to tell me that you’ve never met the man you work for? I know for a fact that he personally keeps an eye on all of his employees, especially here in town.”

  “Are you accusing me of lying?” I shouted. “Look, I would assume we’re talking about the same guy, but I don’t know for sure because I’ve never met him! Why is that so hard to believe anyway? He only bought this place a few weeks ago! Sure, he was in here tonight…… and maybe we had a moment, but I never actually talked to the guy!”

  He stood up from his stool and slammed his fist down on the bar. “What do you mean you ‘had a moment’?” He mocked in falsetto. Why the hell was he getting so angry?

  Taken aback by his reaction, I lowered my voice before answering. “It was nothing really. He ordered some scotch from table twenty. I poured the drink. His waitress served it to him. Before he drank it, he stood up to face me, held the glass up, nodded, and then he took a sip.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Um, his fangs came out.”

  “His fangs came out.” He repeated.

  “Yeah. It was top shelf scotch. I’m guessing it tasted pretty good.”

  “I’m sure it was great alcohol Ms. Lane.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, I think I have all I need for now. I’ll be in touch if I have any additional….”

  I didn’t hear the rest of his sentence because at that exact moment the coroner came by, rolling Leslie’s body out in a black bag. I froze, feeling completely numb. I think I may have muttered something unintelligible, but I couldn’t be sure. The gravity of the whole situation just hit me at once. I slumped against the back counter and stared at the procession of investigators marching out the door with Miguel and Hank trailing behind them. I have no idea how long I stayed that way.

  “Ms. Lane, are you okay? Can you hear me?”

  I looked up and saw that the detective had moved behind the bar and was now standing directly in front of me, with concern filling his piercing blue eyes. My eyes leisurely took inventory while he was helping me into a sitting position on the floor. My God, why didn’t I notice how stunning he was before? He was tall, maybe 6’4” with dark blonde hair that was styled into short, sexy tufts. His bronzed skin was testament to the fact that he lived in the scorching desert.

  I traveled down to his expansive chest which seemed to be testing the limits of his oxford button up. It tapered down to a lean waist and strong leg muscles that I could see flexing beneath his jeans as he squatted down in front of me. His deep, baritone voice rumbled in the back of his throat, sending chills straight down to my spine.

  “Ms. Lane, can you…” His words brought me back to his face, specifically to his mouth. Oh my, I could spend hours kissing those lips!

  I cleared my throat. “Karli.” I said. “Call me Karli.”

  He let out a sigh, seemingly relieved by my response. “Karli, look I know you’re pretty shaken up from the events this evening. I don’t think it’s safe for you to drive yourself home. Is there someone who can come get you?”

  “No, there’s not.” I replied.

  “Maybe a boyfriend, or---”

  “No. No boyfriend, no roommate, nothing. I’m all by myself.”

  He smiled. “Okay, then I’m going to take you home. Do you have keys to lock up around here?”

  “Um, yeah.” I absently handed him my keys as he led me out the back door.


  I remember riding in a car, a newer BMW maybe, with Sweet Home Alabama playing at one point in the background. Now, I was standing in front of my apartment, staring at the beautiful detective. He unlocked the door, twisted the handle, and handed my keys back to me.

  “Okay, here you go.” He said. “Safely at home. You’ve had a long day and I’m sure you’re---”

  “Detective?” I placed my hand on his forearm, effectively cutting off his speech.

  “Vance.” He smiled, showcasing his amazing dimples. “It’s only fair if you insist that I call you Karli.”

  “Vance.” I repeated, reveling in how his name rolled off my tongue. “Would you like to come in for a nightcap?” When it seemed like he was hesitating I added, “To be honest, I don’t feel like being alone yet. It would really help me relax if you’d come inside for just a bit.”

  “Well, when you put it that way, how could I refuse?”He held the door open and gestured for me to step inside. “Please, after you.”

  When we crossed the threshold, I closed the door and flipped the dead bolt. My kitchen/living room combo was right off the foyer so I motioned for him to take a seat on the couch. I went through the cupboards until I found what I was looking for. “I only seem to have Jameson’s. Is that okay with you?”

  “That’s perfect.” He replied.

  I handed him a highball and excused myself for a moment. As I was walking down the hall I said, “I’m sorry, but if I have to stay in this damn outfit for another minute, I’m going to scream. Make yourself at home!”

  As soon as I closed my bedroom door I began searching through my dresser for my favorite Victoria’s Secret boxers with a shelf bra tank. Yes, I found it! Baby pink tank with pink plaid short shorts. I didn’t want to go all femme fetale on him but I was definitely going for flirty. I deserve a little flirty after the day I’ve had. Once I was changed, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and started back down the hall. Vance didn’t notice me at first because he was catching the basketball highlights on Sportscenter. As he took a sip of whiskey I asked, “Do you have a favorite team? I’m a Lakers girl myself.”

  He looked up at me while he was drinking and started choking. “Omigod, are you okay?” I asked as I ran over to the couch preparing to perform the Heimlich.

  He lightly tapped his chest with his fist and wheezed, “Swallowed….wrong tube….. I’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, okay.” I sat down next to him while taking a sip of my own liquid courage. “So, you never answered my question. Do you have a favorite team?”

  “The Bulls.” He replied. “I’m from Chicago originally.”

  “How long have you been in Vegas?”

  “A long time.” He set his glass down onto the oak coffee table and shifted his bo
dy towards me. He grabbed my hand unexpectedly, sending a little volt of electricity up my arm. “Look Karli, I’m sorry if I came across as a callous bastard earlier tonight. I’ve been doing this job for a really long time. Too long sometimes. I see a lot of gruesome things in my line of work so I’ve become desensitized to the violence of it all. I didn’t mean to discredit any feelings or emotions you may have had back there. You’re entitled to process it as you see fit. I feel like I robbed you of that opportunity. For that, I cannot apologize enough. I truly am sorry.”

  Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. “How do you get used to it?” I asked. “I mean, how could you ever get used to seeing that much suffering? I’ve always thought of myself as a strong person; someone who wouldn’t break down in a crisis situation. But this was so brutal and so bloody. I’d be a fool to think that she didn’t fear for her life or experience any pain when that monster attacked her. No one should have to go through something like that.” With the images fresh in my head again, I couldn’t speak anymore so I just wept softly. Vance gathered me into his chest and held me there, trying to console me with soft whispers. When I could finally form words again, I pulled back from him and said, “Oh God, look at me! I’m a blubbering mess! Now I’m the one who should be apologizing!”

  He wiped a rogue tear from my cheek and placed his hands on each side of my face. “Shh…..” He whispered. “Cry all you want Karli. Let it out and don’t worry about anything else.” I tried tucking my chin but he lifted it gently with his finger, forcing me to look up at him. “Karli, listen to me. You’re strong. And you’re beautiful.” As he kissed the spot where he’d just caught the tear, he said, “You’re probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” He began peppering my jaw with sweet kisses until he reached my mouth. His lips were hovering right above mine when he added, “And if I don’t kiss you right now, I will probably regret it for the rest of my life.”

  Chapter 4


  I blinked, bracing myself as he moved in, preparing for hard, demanding lips. What I got was the exact opposite. Vance was so soft, so very tentative. At first, he pressed both of his lips against mine. He just held himself there for a moment before he pulled back, gently tugging on my bottom lip. He came back in, and then pulled out again, taking my top lip with him this time. He slowly tasted me, exploring me. I was momentarily shocked by how perfectly our lips fit together.

  It wasn’t until his third approach that he lightly parted my lips. I paired his tongue with my own, taking the opportunity to suck gently. He let out a deep moan and firmly pressed me into the dark green corduroy couch cushions. With his body now stretched over mine, his kisses became more urgent. He kept our lips together, parting them with shallow thrusts of his tongue that became deeper as our tempo increased. We stayed that way for a while, finding our rhythm; getting lost in the bliss. I could feel his erection against my thigh and it made me want him like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I was on fire. I wanted his hands all over me; I needed his thick length to fill me whole. I had to take control of this situation before I spontaneously combusted.

  I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. Desperate for more, I pressed the heel of my hand against his straining denim. He broke from our kiss to sear me with his gaze, before starting again with renewed purpose. He kissed me impatiently, showering me with affection as I stroked him through his boxers. He made his way down my jaw and to my throat, before pulling the straps of my tank off my shoulders. His five o’clock shadow felt pleasantly rough against my skin. He paused for just a moment to look up at me with hooded eyes before freeing my breasts and licking a delicious path across my chest. He reached down and placed the palm of his hand against my inner knee, slowly tracing a line up to my core. His teasing fingers were just about to discover how much I wanted him when he grazed my nipple with his teeth. The sensory overload made me arch my back sharply and gasp.

  “Oh Vance, I need you inside of me! Please!” I cried.

  As soon as the words left my lips, he jumped back as if I had shocked him again. He stood up abruptly and began pacing the length of the couch while buttoning his jeans. “Karli, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

  Dumbfounded, I replied, “What? What do you have to be sorry for? Christ, I’m the one who should be apologizing. I swear Vance, I was not planning this when I asked you to come inside. I just didn’t want to be alone with that horrible image stuck in my head.” I clumsily adjusted my clothing as I sat up.

  His face was flushed. I couldn’t tell if he was turned on or embarrassed. “Look Karli, I need to go. I’m sorry, but I have to get out of here before we do something we’ll regret in the morning. You were emotional, and I took advantage of you. I really am sorry.” He hesitated as he reached my front door, making me think that he was about to change his mind. He walked over to my kitchen and grabbed a notepad from the fridge. “I’m writing my cell number on here. Call me anytime, day or night, okay? I mean, if you remember any more details that could be relevant to the case.”

  The case. Right. Message received loud and clear. I quickly masked my disappointment and nodded in agreement as he walked out the door. What the hell just happened?


  Moments later, I was standing under the spray of a hot shower just letting the water beat down on my tired muscles. Yeah, this was definitely what I needed. I could feel the tension slowly easing its way out of my body. I started thinking about my confusing encounter with Vance. I touched my lips which were still swollen from his kisses. I lingered on the memory of him working his way down my body with his mouth, while he was simultaneously working his way up with his hand.

  Closing my eyes, I thought about how I felt right before he reached the juncture of my thighs. I needed him more in that moment than anything else in my life. I could imagine him now, touching me, being in this tub with me. Slowing stroking my center with his thumb, working that little nerve bundle into a frenzy. I could feel his finger inside of me, frantically moving up and down. The pressure of beautiful release was building as he rubbed my clit faster and faster until I cried out his name in pleasure.

  Feeling delightfully satiated, I opened my eyes only to realize I was alone. Wow, could I be any more pathetic tonight? Frustrated, I turned off the water and dried off haphazardly. I stomped into my bedroom, flopped into bed, and threw the covers over my head with a groan.

  I woke around noon with a start, remembering something from last night. Chad was at the bar and he and Leslie were pretty friendly. How could I forget that? I ran into the kitchen to grab Vance’s number off my fridge. Taking a deep breath, I picked up my phone and dialed.

  “Hello, Karli?” He answered on the first ring.

  “How did you know it was me?” Why I am blushing?

  “I programmed your number into my phone last night….. in case I needed to reach you about the investigation. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I remembered something about last night though. A guy I know, Chad, was with Leslie right around midnight. I was thinking that he might have some more details for you about where she went after she disappeared.”

  “That’s great!” He replied. “Any information I can get will help me. I just got off the phone with Forensics. Preliminary tests show that it was a demon that attacked her, but they don’t know what kind yet.”

  A demon? Oh, this isn’t good. “Um, when will they know?”

  “I don’t know for sure.” He answered. “I’m guessing a day or two if all goes well. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, Chad’s a demon, but I really don’t think he’s capable of something like this.”

  “How well do you know this guy?” His voice was tinted with jealousy if I wasn’t mistaken. Or maybe I was just hoping that he was jealous.

  “Uh, pretty well. We were together for over two years.” I admitted shamefully.

  He cleared his throat. “What kind of demon is he? Did he ever d
isplay any violent behavior while you were together?”

  “He’s a Zorak demon…. half actually. His mom was human, or so he said. He isn’t exactly the most trustworthy guy. I’d even go as far as saying he’s a compulsive liar. I’ve never seen him get angry about anything though. He’s quite the opposite. He’s very ah……friendly with others if you catch my drift.”

  “Well regardless,” he replied, “I need to speak with him. Every demon is a suspect at this point. He very well may be the last person to see her alive. Can I get his number?”

  “Um, not from me you can’t. He had to change his number after we broke up and I never got the new one.”

  “He had to?”

  “Yeah, I may have accidentally given it to every drag queen I could find, promising them a good time.” I confessed.


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