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Pixie Dust, A Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by Laura Lee

  I shivered involuntarily. This man was disturbingly sexual and took up way too much space. I felt tiny next to him which was very strange considering my height. Power was rippling off him in waves, like a very charged, very dangerous electrical current. He exuded barely leashed violence, yet strangely, I felt safe in his presence….. protected almost. The effect was rather unsettling. He kept his eyes on me the entire time, stopping in front of me to grab my hand.

  “It’s very nice to see you again.” He kissed the palm of my hand, making me a little dizzy. “I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to become properly acquainted yesterday; I had rather pressing business to attend to last night. I must say, you look absolutely delectable this evening, Ms. Lane.” I quickly scanned his ensemble. He was wearing black vinyl pants with a white silk shirt that was left unbuttoned, revealing a chest every bit as magnificent as I had imagined.

  “Um, thanks.” I said, trying really hard not to stare at the impressive package below his belt. Vinyl definitely doesn’t conceal much. “Please, call me Karli.” Wow, I could see the color of his eyes now. They were a pale shade of bluish-gray with a dark blue ring around the pupils. Mmm, pretty.

  “It would be my honor, Karli. Please, call me Leo.” He brought my hand to his bare chest and smiled at me, showing a little fang. My earlier vision of him standing naked in the shower returned, instantly making my cheeks flush. He eyed me inquisitively, probably trying to decipher my thoughts. I had a feeling that I was being a little too transparent because Leo’s nostrils flared while his fangs lengthened, and Vance’s face became about five shades of red.

  Vance cleared his throat. “What kind of business?” He asked.

  Leo answered, still holding my hand, and my gaze. “Oh you know, a little of this, a little of that. I don’t want to bore you with the details.” He released me and walked back over to his desk. “Please, have a seat.” He said, gesturing towards the two chairs in front of his desk.

  I briefly looked around as I sat down and found myself staring into six different flat paneled security monitors. Each one displayed a very graphic live sex act of some kind. Oh God, how many people are in that one on the left?

  Leo noticed me looking and asked, “See anything you like, my sweet? I’d be more than happy to give you a personal tour.”

  Vance didn’t give me a chance to respond. “You mentioned we could look around?” He growled.

  Leo ignored his question and asked one of his own. “Do you have any new information on the case, Detective?”

  Vance glared at him. What is the deal with these two? “The saliva on the victim was demon, but Forensics cannot tell which breed yet. It may have been a ritualistic killing because her heart was removed. I’m looking for a guy who is possibly the last known person to see her alive. He also happens to be a demon which makes him a suspect. He’s been known to come here a lot so I’d like to take a look around.”

  “I will allow you to look,” Leo warned. “But only in an unofficial capacity. Unless you produce a warrant, you will follow my rules. You will not interact with any other patrons or conduct any interrogations. My guests come here expecting discretion.”

  “Understood.” Vance replied.

  Leo waited a moment before turning his attention back to me. “My club is divided into two areas, my dear. The larger section is for people who wish to simply observe, or get loosened up. There are three stages to offer them variety with a bar located off to the side. There are three rooms behind the main arena for people who wish to join in the fun.” He looked at Vance. “Once you two leave this office, you will act like you are here for the entertainment. If I notice any odd behavior, you will be asked to leave. Ms. Lane is welcome to stay as long as she’d like. Do we have an understanding Mr. Alexander?”

  Great, now Vance’s face was turning purple. “Karli has a history with the suspect so she will be the one asking any questions.” He snapped. “She could easily strike up conversation with him without raising suspicion. After we’re done looking around, she’ll be leaving with me.” Okay, I so didn’t appreciate him speaking for me like that!

  Leo looked at me thoughtfully and said, “A history you say? Interesting.”

  I was too pissed at Vance to acknowledge Leo. “Hello? I’m right here.” I reminded him. “Will you please stop talking about me like I’m a piece of property? I think I’m perfectly capable of deciding when I do and do not want to leave! Keep it up and I’m calling a cab right now.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “Karli, that’s not what I meant. Just stay out of it, okay? This is between me and Leo.”

  “Excuse me?” I shrieked.

  Leo interrupted. “Now really Vance, is that any way to speak to a lady?”

  “Fuck you, vampire.”

  The next few seconds were a blur, but in the end Leo was somehow holding Vance by the throat against the door. “You are in my club, Detective. If you knew what was good for you, you’d remember that.” What the hell is going on here????

  Vance shoved him away and ran his hand over his neck. “Trust me asshole, I know exactly where I am. And if you knew what was good for you, you’d remember how powerful I can be too.”

  Leo tried charging him again but I saw it coming and jumped in between them. “Stop it you two!” I yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Leo stepped back and smoothed out his shirt. “Please forgive me for losing my temper, love.” He walked back over to his desk and sat down. “If you want to play detective out there, don’t let me stop you. I’m granting you special immunity to the house rules.” He chuckled and gave me another sexy grin before adding, “I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy this.” Seriously, was the air conditioner broken in here or something?!?

  Chapter 7


  A very tense ten seconds later, Vance and I walked out of the office back into the red hallway. We had to dodge a woman who was down on her knees in the middle of the floor. She was too busy giving some guy a very enthusiastic blow job to notice us trying to pass. Jesus, if this was going on in the hall, what the hell was out in the main room?

  I looked away, shocked at the display in front of me. Vance put his arm around me and whispered in my ear, “It’s okay Karli. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Look, I know I was a dick in there and I’m sorry. Leo just really has a way of getting to me.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  He nodded towards the couple we just passed. “This really isn’t the place to talk about it. Can we please just look around real quick so we can get out of here?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I guess. But I need to hit the bar first.”

  He nodded and led me to a large open room with a long, black polished bar off to the left. The bartender who was wearing pasties, a black lace thong with matching garter belt, and fishnets came to greet us. Geez, and I thought my uniform was slutty! “Hi there.” She purred. “My name is Sonia. What can I get for you fine specimens?” Sonia was openly appreciating Vance’s bare chest. Stupid bitch.

  “I’ll have a Guinness.” Vance replied. “Karli?”

  I considered the series of loud grunts and slapping noises behind me. “I’ll have a shot of Gray Goose. Make that a double.”

  “Coming right up.” The bartender said with a wink.

  Vance raised his eyebrows at me. “Two shots, huh? You’re obviously not looking to pace yourself, are you?” I wasn’t going to dignify that with a response so I just glared at him instead.

  When Sonia brought my drink, I downed it in one gulp and motioned for another. She refilled it right away and I guzzled that one down too. I turned around to survey the area. Okay, maybe just one more drink will do the job. I asked for a third and knocked it back faster than the first two. I slammed the empty glass down on the bar and took a deep breath. I really needed to get myself together here or I was going to blow our cover. Think Karli! What would Sydney Bristow do?

  I looked over at Vance and he was doing that a
nnoying raised eyebrow thing again. “You ready to do this?” He asked. I nodded as he led me towards the main floor. We found an open table and sat down.

  Holy hell there was no way I could have prepared myself for this. Well, maybe, if I had watched a shit load of hard core porn beforehand. Directly in front of us were three raised platforms with a strobe light flashing overhead as Rihanna’s song, S & M was appropriately blaring through the speakers. The stage to the right had a woman bent over at the waist with her wrists bound to her ankles and a red ball gag in her mouth. A man was fucking her from behind while he was pulling on her long auburn hair like he was holding a set of reins. He grabbed a paddle from a table and started smacking her on the ass really hard. That did not look comfortable or pleasant by any means, but she was definitely enjoying herself.

  A loud cry drew my attention to the stage in the middle. This one had a raven haired beauty in a sex swing facing the crowd. Her legs were spread wide while a man was pounding her from the front. From the noises she was making, I’m guessing he was doing a bang-up job. I looked closer and saw a vampire behind her cupping her breasts while blood was dripping from two puncture wounds on her neck. He let the scarlet substance reach her nipple before he licked a path back up to the curve of her neck. I watched his fangs glide into her flesh, causing her to instantly orgasm. Either she was breaking the world record for the longest climax ever, or the rumor about vampire bites wasn’t really a rumor after all. Oh, wow that’s……um, interesting. Fuck, did the heater just kick on?

  Vance put his hand on my arm and leaned closer. “You doing alright? Are you going to be okay after drinking all those shots?”

  “Uh huh.” I said. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a lot to take in all at once.” It was like a massive train wreck. I couldn’t look away no matter how hard I tried.

  I looked to the stage on my left which had what seemed to be an erotic, oral chain gang. One woman was bent backwards over a large wedge while another one was face down between her thighs. There was a man under the second woman doing the same, while a third woman was giving him some oral satisfaction of his own.

  “Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Chad.” He reminded me, clearly aware of my fascination.

  I glanced around to see if anyone looked familiar until I got back to the middle stage. I suddenly had a very graphic vision of replacing that woman in the swing……. with Vance and Leo on each end. Damn these immortal hormones! I shook it off and flew out of my seat before I started panting like a dog.

  Vance looked at me quizzically and asked, “Karli, you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I replied. “I just need to walk the liquor off. I don’t see Chad in here anyway. Do you want to check out the rest of the club?”

  He agreed so we went off to the left of the main arena. There was a wide hall filled with people in various states of undress, observing the activities in front of them. Each room had three walls, with red leather couches on each side, and a black rubber mattress in the middle.

  There were five people in the first room. A Polynesian looking woman was spread out on the mattress, bound at the wrists and ankles with bondage tape on her breasts. A heavily tattooed man was going down on her while she was deep throating another guy who had too many piercings to count. Two women were on the couch kissing and fondling each other’s large, augmented breasts. A very good looking African American man stepped further into the room and joined the two blondes on the couch. One of them welcomed him in by trapping his face between her thighs while she continued making out with the other one. Wow, so it was that easy, huh?

  “I’ve seen enough of this room.” I said to Vance, motioning for him to follow me to the next one.

  The second room was occupied with only one man and one woman. They looked like they were just getting started, arranging themselves for a very adventurous position with some scary looking gadgets. Oh God, I hope they stretched beforehand! Chad wasn’t here either so we started walking away, but we were blocked by a couple standing in front of us. The man gave me a hungry look and grabbed me by the hand, pulling me into the room with him.

  “C’mon sexy, that looks fun. Let’s give it a try.” I stumbled forward but Vance quickly pulled me back into him. Damn, the shots were really hitting me now. “Hey man, what the fuck? “ The stranger griped.

  “She’s not interested.” Vance firmly replied.

  “Why don’t you let her speak for herself?” He glared.

  “I’m not interested.” I said, returning his glare with all my might but the prick still seemed unconvinced. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leo. He gave us a warning look before walking away. I tucked my body behind Vance and added, “I’m with him, and I’m not looking for another partner at the moment.”

  The loser still wasn’t getting the hint so Vance barked, “Get a clue asshole.”

  He whirled around, grabbed a fistful of my hair, and started kissing me. The guy finally backed off and grabbed the other woman who was standing next to him. I thought Vance would break from our lip lock as soon as he made his point but that didn’t happen. With a low growl, he pushed me into the room against the arm of a couch. He continued shoving his tongue down my throat while he was grinding against me.

  Okay, I am definitely not a PDA type of girl, but Heaven help me I was getting really turned on. It must have been a combination of the alcohol, the surroundings, and the fact that Vance was a really good kisser. I peeled off his jacket and started clawing his back in need, moaning under his lips. He moved his hands down to my ass and lifted me up onto the arm of the couch. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my torso slid back onto the cushions.

  He leaned forward and started kissing my neck while he was kneading my breasts. His mutual desire was evident based on the thick bulge pressing against my core. Right now, I wouldn’t have cared if we were in the middle of the Superbowl half time show. I wanted him bad and I wanted him now. I started unbuttoning his pants as his hand slid up my skirt. He looped a finger under my thong and went straight for my pleasure zone. I arched my back as his nimble fingers wreaked havoc on my lower body. He pinned both of my wrists above my head with one of his big hands and started plunging his tongue into my mouth again. My climax was so close I could practically taste it.

  “Oh God! Yes Vance! Yes! Don’t stop!” I begged in between kisses. “Please don’t ever stop!”

  “Karli?” A familiar voice called. “Karli……. is that really you?”

  Shit, I knew who that voice belonged to. With a big sigh, I cursed his name. “Chad.”


  Vance froze, undoubtedly jolted out of the moment. He extended his arm to help me off the couch. We both took a few seconds to rearrange our clothing before walking out of the room to face him.

  “Well, look at what we have here.” Chad teased, with a giant grin plastered on his face. “I’d have to say Karli, you’re probably the last person I’d ever expect to find in a place like this. I am very happy to see that you are….. expanding your horizons. Hey, I didn’t mean to break up your little party there. Please, don’t stop on my behalf. Quite frankly, I was enjoying the show. It brought back some old memories.”

  “Chad.” I repeated, through gritted teeth. “What brings you here?”

  He replied “Well, it looks like the same reason as you. Who’s your friend?”

  Just then, a naked leggy blonde sauntered up to him and trailed her finger down his bare chest. “Hey baby, you come here to play with me tonight?” She asked him.

  “Um, no. Maybe later, I’m kinda busy here. I’ll find you if I’m interested.” He removed her hands from his chest and motioned for her to go away. What a slimeball! Returning his attention to me he asked, “So tell me Karli, who’s your friend?”

  “This is Vance. Vance, meet Chad.”

  The two men sized each other up, not saying a word. Vance moved behind me and wrapped his right arm around my waist. I could feel him digging in his pocket for the crystal with the
other arm. I could also still feel his erection on my back. Something to save for later I suppose.

  He kissed me right below my ear and whispered, “It’s okay Karli. Keep him talking.”

  I shivered. “Chad, I wouldn’t expect to see you here so soon after what happened to Leslie. You two looked pretty cozy last night.”

  He replied, “Oh yeah, I heard about that. Roxy called me. I heard you’re the one who found her, huh? Pretty freaky.”

  “Wow, you seem really torn up. She must have meant a lot to you.” I said sarcastically.

  “Nah, she was just an easy lay when I wanted one. I needed to get off after seeing you looking so fine last night and she was more than happy to oblige. Truthfully, she wasn’t even any good. I need a gal who has a little more fire in the sack.”

  “Nice, Chad.”

  He stalked towards me with a determined look in his eye. Vance’s body tensed and he tightened his grip on me. Chad was suddenly standing right in front of me, grabbing a stray hair, and tucking it behind my ear. “You remember how hot we were together, don’t you baby?” He asked. “You have no idea how much you haunt me, do you? Even after all this time, I’ve never found anyone who can come close to competing with you.”


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