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Pixie Dust, A Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Laura Lee

  Smiling, he said, “Quite the curious little one, aren’t you?”

  “Hey, I figured if you’re answering, I’m asking! You guys could make it a lot easier on me by launching some What it’s like to be a vampire web site but nooo, you insist on being all secretive instead.”

  He laughed. “Our suspicious nature has been in place since our creation thousands of years ago. I don’t think the technology of today will ever sit well with our kind, despite its conveniences. There is simply too much at risk if the world knows too much about us.” He paused. “Somehow I think you’re different though so I will answer any question you’d like. The frequency in which we need to eat depends on the age of the vampire. Newer vampires require blood every day. I only need to drink once every month or so, although I do so much more often because I enjoy the experience. We can survive on stored blood if necessary, but it is wretched. It would probably be the equivalent to you drinking spoiled milk.”


  “Yes, well thankfully, most vampires I know do not have any trouble finding a willing host.”

  “Why is that?” I asked.

  “Perhaps you will find out one day, my love. I do believe you got a bit of a preview the other night.” Oh God, it’s definitely not just a rumor! Yikes!

  “How did you become a vampire?” I asked.

  He sat down on the bed and looped his finger around the strap to my chemise. “You know, to a vampire that is a very personal question my dear.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Forget I said anything.”

  “That’s quite alright. I enjoy talking with you like this.” He started rolling the satin between his fingers, tracing a line down to the vee between my breasts. “Have I told you yet how much I love this thing you’re wearing? I am very partial to red.”

  I scooted back and brushed his hand away. “Leo.” I scolded as I pulled the comforter up.

  He laughed again. “Let’s see, where should I start? I was born in 1494 in a quiet village on an island now known as Santorini. I relocated from Greece to London at the age of nineteen and was made vampire during my stay there, in the year 1522.”

  “That explains the accent.” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your accent.” I clarified. “I just couldn’t figure out where it was from. Now I know.”

  He smiled. “Have you given it much thought? Do I dare to hope that means you’re thinking about me in my absence?”

  “What? Um…….” Shit, I need to get back on track. “We’re getting off the subject. Who made you a vampire?”

  “Her name was Renata.” He said. “She took me as her lover while I was still human and enthralled me from the very beginning. Back then, our existence was still shrouded in secrecy but I always knew something was different about her. Yes, her heart beat the same as mine, but I started noticing that she did not eat food and she would never agree to meet me during the day. One evening, while we were making love, she fed off me. I experienced a pleasure like no other I had ever known. Afterwards, she explained to me what she was and offered to give me the gift of being like her. I was always an enterprising young man, and the idea of being an immortal had appealed to me. She turned me that same evening and we were together until I moved to the U.S.”

  “When was that?” I asked.

  “In the early nineteen hundreds.” He replied.

  “Wow… were with the same woman for almost four hundred years? Were you exclusive?”

  “Yes, we were. Renata was very special. She was incredibly wise as well as sexy. She taught me the ways of a vampire; I would have never survived the early years without her. Times were very different back then.”

  “Yeah, but that’s quite a commitment for someone.”

  “She was quite a woman.”

  “Damn, nobody can accuse you of being afraid to commit.” I remarked. “How did you leave her though, if she meant so much to you?”

  He shrugged. “It was time to move on.”

  “Just like that?” I asked. “Why do I get the feeling there is more to this story?”

  “Just like that.” He repeated.

  Okay, so obviously he wasn’t going to elaborate. Time to change the subject. “So, that would make you over five hundred years old!” I said. “I can’t imagine all the wonderful things you’ve seen.”

  “True, I have seen great change and progress throughout the years. But I have also seen far too many wars, famine, disease, and cruelty. In life, there must always be balance. You cannot have the good without the bad. That doesn’t change no matter how long you exist. You will come to see that in time.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “My pet, I can sense that your immortality is near. I could taste it in your blood. Once that happens, things will become much clearer for you. Hopefully by then, you will not feel the need to hide your true self.”

  Oh shit, I do not like where this conversation is heading.

  “I’m not hiding anything.” I lied.

  He sighed as he held my face with his hands. “Karli, I do not know what you really are yet, but I do know that you are not a witch. You may be fooling the rest of the world, but the blood does not lie. A witch becomes immortal around their twenty-first year. You are almost to your twenty-fifth. A witch’s blood tastes woodsy, like cinnamon or cloves. Your blood is sweet, like honey….. with a nutty undertone. The contrast is too great to deny.”

  “I……” I pressed my lips together and tried again. “Um…” Yeah, I really don’t know what to say to that.

  He shook his head. “Look, I can sense that you are getting upset so let’s not discuss this anymore today. I just hope in time you will learn that you can trust me with your secrets. You are safe with me Karli, no matter what preconceived notions you may have of me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really must take a shower. We have other important matters to discuss when I’m done.”



  I started pacing uncontrollably while Leo was in the bathroom. What the hell am I going to do? I thought about leaving until I realized that would only confirm his suspicions that I was hiding something. Dammit! I decided to stay and pretend things were normal.

  I put on the complimentary hotel bath robe and ordered breakfast from room service. My omelet looked great but I really wasn’t hungry anymore. Leo came out of the master suite wearing a pair of black slacks with nothing else. His hair was wet and he smelled like that wonderful manly soap again. He saw the fruit plate I had ordered for him and smiled at me while grabbing a piece of pineapple.

  While taking a bite he asked, “Is there something wrong with your eggs?”

  “No, I’m just not very hungry.” I replied. I took a sip of coffee and continued poking at the eggs with my fork. “So, are you going to tell me what happened last night?”

  “Ah yes.” He replied. “Jordyn is dead.”

  I dropped my utensil. “What?..... When?..... How?”

  “Well, she stepped away for a break last night around eleven. Thirty minutes later, I noticed that she hadn’t returned yet. She was dancing behind screen number one before her break and the lights were still off. I checked with Kendra who told me that she mentioned stepping outside for a cigarette.”

  “Yeah, but she’s never late coming back from breaks.”

  He nodded. “That’s what Kendra said too, so she tried calling her cell phone but did not get an answer. I found Jordyn’s robe in the employee break room and took it with me to capture her scent. My men and I left the bar and began searching the casino and surrounding areas. The trail was leading us towards a service entrance, which continued to a loading dock. That’s where we found the source of the sirens we heard. There were several police cars blocking off the alley. Upon closer inspection, I saw Jordyn, lying dead on the ground. Her heart had been ripped out of her chest and pieces of her flesh were missing from her upper arm and torso. Detective Alexander pulled up shortly
thereafter. I stepped away to call you while he was getting caught up to speed by the officers who arrived first on the scene.”

  “Oh my God, it happened again??” I groaned as I held back the bile rising in my throat. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Leo nodded again. “I’m afraid so.”

  I took some deep breaths. “That explains why he didn’t call.”

  “Pardon?” He asked.

  “Um, nothing. Please continue.”

  “Well, I sent my man inside to notify Kendra while I stayed on the scene. Vance noticed me and filled me in on the details. Apparently, a housekeeper found her there while she was taking out the garbage. Jordyn’s injuries seem to be consistent with Leslie’s. They won’t know for sure if it is the same suspect until Forensics can run some tests, but they now know that Leslie was killed by a Stryker demon.”

  “I’ve never heard of a Stryker demon before.” I said. “Do you know anything about them?”

  “Yes.” He replied. “Their breed is near extinction which is probably why you’re not familiar with them. Strykers usually stay in their human form and are pretty docile unless provoked. The ones who give into their inner beasts though can shift into hideous creatures with sharp teeth and claws. They’re known for feasting on their victim’s skin and hearts.”

  “Oh my God, that’s disgusting!” I cried.

  “Yes, they can be very vicious while in attack mode, but they typically pick their victims at random. That is what is most perplexing. It seems an awfully big coincidence that both women work at the same place.”

  “What else did Vance say?” I asked.

  “He asked for your whereabouts because he wanted to ensure that you were safe. I told him that I just spoke with you and you were still upstairs in my suite. He insisted on going up to see you but I told him that was unnecessary. I mentioned that you were likely readying yourself for bed and needn’t be bothered. I assured him that I would remain close to you throughout the evening and talk with you in the morning about the events that transpired.”

  “Oh I bet that went over well. Lovely, now Vance probably thinks I slept with you.”

  He smiled. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  I stood up from the table. “I really need to get back to my apartment.” I said. “Will you please call the front desk and ask for a cab while I get dressed?” Needing to get away from Leo so I could calm down, I shut myself in the bedroom and got dressed. I grabbed my bag after packing it and started walking briskly towards the door.

  Leo stepped in front of me and asked, “Are you upset with me, my love?”

  “I’m upset about the situation.” I replied. Okay, not entirely true.

  “No, Karli I can sense your anger and it is being projected directly towards me. Did I do something to offend you?”

  Sighing I replied, “Look Leo, I don’t want you to think that I’m not grateful for your hospitality. I am, very much in fact. And I actually had a nice time here until about five minutes ago. But to be quite frank with you, I really do not appreciate your high-handedness where I am concerned. You barely know me! I can speak for myself and decide who I do, or do not want to see. You had no right keeping Vance away from me last night. I probably would have turned him away but you didn’t even give me the chance.”

  “My sweet, I did not mean to upset you. I only kept him from you because I thought that’s what you would have wanted.”

  “And why would you think that?” I asked.

  “It made sense based on the events in your apartment.” He replied.

  “That’s bullshit Leo and you know it!” I shouted. “You kept him away from me because you could. And because you knew it would upset him. I don’t know what fucked up history is between you two and right now I really don’t care. What I do know, is that I am not going to be a pawn in your little battle of egos!”

  “Karli, please calm down.” He caught my eyes and I started feeling the same wave of calmness that I felt that night at the bar.

  “Omigod!” I yelled, realizing what just happened. “You just used some Jedi mind trick on me! You did that to me the night I cut my hand, didn’t you? Admit it!”

  He held up his hands. “I deny nothing, but I will explain if you’ll allow me to.”

  “Ugh! You know what Leo? Fuck your explanations! Just stay away from me and stay the hell out of my head!” I stormed out of the penthouse and hit the elevator call button.

  From the doorway he said, “I called my company driver, Richard. He should be downstairs waiting for you in front of a black Town Car.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” I grumbled. I got in the elevator and rode it down to the casino floor. I saw Richard out front but decided to hop in the cab that just pulled up instead. I didn’t need to be indebted to Leo any further. I asked the cabbie to wait just a minute while I ran back inside. I ran up to the front desk clerk and threw the key fob on the counter. “Please make sure that gets back to the gentleman in penthouse two.” I called as I was walking away.

  Chapter 12


  I got back to my apartment feeling so angry with myself for leaving last night. If I would’ve waited just a few more hours, Vance would have been called into work. Hell, part of me thinks that I should have just sucked it up and talked to him in the first place. He knows what I am; I have no doubt about that. I want to trust him, I just don’t know if I can. I tried calling his cell but it went straight to voicemail. I didn’t want to talk to a recording so I hung up. I took a shower and then tried him again. Voicemail again. This time I decided to leave a message.

  “Vance, it’s Karli. Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. Please call me so I can explain.”

  I waited around my house all day but his call never came. I went to bed convincing myself that he would call me tomorrow. I woke up Wednesday morning and checked my phone. Still nothing. I was tempted to try him again but I resisted. I decided it would be better to keep myself busy before I drove myself crazy. I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom. I dropped off my dry cleaning and got my nails done. I went grocery shopping, paid some bills, and lounged by the pool. I did everything I could possibly think of to keep my mind off Vance but none of it worked. It was just after ten o’clock and still no call.

  I wanted to find out if they had any more leads in the investigation but I sure as hell wasn’t going to call Leo. I decided to try work. Everyone knows everyone else’s business around there. Someone should be able to spill the dirt. I picked up my phone and dialed.

  “Pixie Dust, this is Roxy speaking. How may I help you?” Yes, this is my lucky day! Roxy’s the biggest gossip in the place. She’ll definitely know what’s going on.

  “Hey Roxy, this is Karli.”

  “Oh hey Kar, can’t get enough of this place even on your day off, huh? Whatsup?”

  “Oh, not much. I was just wondering if you guys heard anything about Jordyn’s killer.”

  “You haven’t heard? Oh my God girl, it’s been crazy around here!”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “Let me think, where should I start? Okay, well a couple hours ago that sexy detective came by, looking super fine in SWAT gear I might I add. Anyway, he and Leo went off to talk for a while. When Leo came back he looked really pissed off. I went over to ah, see if I could lighten his mood. Well, of course he declined my offer, being Mr. Professional and all, but he did tell me why he was so upset.”

  “Why?” Omigod, what the hell happened between those two? This can’t be good. And why was Vance wearing SWAT gear?

  “Apparently the cops have a lead on the killer. Forensic results came back and the two murders are definitely connected. They checked the demon registration records and there is a Stryker demon who lives just over in North Vegas. His name is Matt something. Apparently he’s the only one in the database for over fifteen hundred miles. I guess these things are pretty rare.”

  “So they think this Matt guy is the killer?” I asked.

bsp; “I don’t know, but I guess they are going to stake out his place tonight. Supposedly, Detective Hottie is planning on whipping out his magical mojo. He’s going to trance him or something like that to collect a DNA sample. Leo insisted on going as well to see if he recognizes the guy. I guess he thinks that the murders are connected to him somehow? Any-hoo it seems that the detective was not down for that at all. He tried telling Leo this was official police business. Leo put in a call to his buddy, the mayor who pulled some strings and got him in on a ride along. Apparently this Vance guy was not happy about it and was a total dick. Rumor has it that there’s some kind of history between these two involving some chick.”

  “Hold on, they’re going after this thing tonight? Vance and Leo?” Wait a second. Did she just say they hate each other because of a woman?


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