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Pixie Dust, A Paranormal Romance

Page 11

by Laura Lee

  “Khonsu came upon a small fairy village one night. He saw the magic they possessed and wanted it for his own. He stalked their village until he was able to catch a maiden unaware while she was taking a stroll through the forest. She fought him off with her magicks, doing incredible damage to his body. He lost a large amount of blood but he remained alive.

  The maiden was young and naive. Curious about her attacker, she inched closer, thinking he was so wounded he would be unable to cause her any further harm. When she was standing right above him, he launched his body at her and attacked. He knew the source of her power was in the dust she could conjure with her hands. He must have learned that from his time spent observing their village. He bound her hands behind her back, leaving her powerless and bit down into her neck, drinking her blood until her heart beat no more.”

  “Oh my God.” I took a deep breath. “Then what happened?”

  “His body underwent a massive cellular change once their blood mixed. The magic within her was so potent that it began repairing his wounds instantaneously. His powers were restored to their former glory and then some. His heart beat stronger than ever as his strength returned tenfold. He inherited some of the Fae’s psychic abilities and heightened senses.

  Before too long though, he noticed that his strength was fading. He knew that the fairy blood was the source of his power so he went back to the village one night. He kidnapped a maiden from her bed and dragged her into the forest. He drank her blood until he felt his powers return. She was barely alive after his attack so he decided to use his abilities to help her. He wanted to prolong her life, since her blood was his own life source. He willed her body to heal but his powers had no effect. Feeling desperate, he fed her some of his own blood from his wrist. He figured that if their combined blood could restore his body, then it should be able to heal hers.”

  “Let me guess.” I said. “It worked.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, it worked. She was instantly immortal and much stronger than before. With the added power though, came the added weaknesses. She lost her ability to conjure fairy dust, she could no longer go in the sun without harm, and she needed a constant supply of blood to survive. The laws of nature say we must always have balance. This was just another example of that. The Gods do not allow any one individual to possess enough abilities to threaten their existence.”

  “Leo said almost that exact same thing……about the laws of nature.”

  “It’s a ruling principle among immortals.” He said. “You’ll understand that within time.”

  “He said that too.”

  He looked annoyed. “Karli, do you want to talk about Leo, or do you want to hear the rest of the story?”

  “Sorry.” I replied. “Go on.”

  “Well, the remaining villagers panicked when their maidens went missing and returned to Fairie for the next thousand years. With no one nearby left to convert, Khonsu and his mate fed off each other for sustenance. Over time they evolved and grew fangs. As they grew tired of one another, they traveled long distances and began experimenting with other beings. They learned that they could survive on any type of blood, but humans were the only other ones they could convert. Their blood line became more and more diluted as one vampire sired another, losing the Fae essence almost entirely.”

  “So, if I understand you correctly, vampires come from fairies?”

  “A Fae and a God to be exact.” He replied.

  “So then why is our blood like crack to them? I don’t get it.” I said.

  “Because the Fae are ultimately responsible for their existence. A primal need takes over upon a vampire’s first taste of fairy blood. Their bodies sense the power that it holds; it fills a void from within that they never knew existed. The blood of a God would probably have the same effect, but there are no records of any others who have fallen to test that theory.”

  “But why the bloodlust?” I asked.

  “Because they become instantly addicted to the taste and drunk off the adrenaline.” He replied. “That’s when they begin to lose control. Once a vampire spirals into bloodlust they cannot stop until the fairy is drained completely.”

  “So….I’m guessing that meant fairies stayed as far away from them as possible?” I asked.

  He grimaced. “No, they didn’t. It was quite the opposite. Fairies and vampires were inexplicably drawn to each other. It was like they couldn’t help gravitating towards one another. Over the last hundred years before Faerie was sealed, the vampires reduced their population down to a third of what it once was. The elders had no choice but to seal off all access from this realm shortly after you were born.”

  Well, it’s good to know that I’m not the only one who defied logic on such an epic level. Thinking about Leo tasting my blood I asked, “But what if they don’t go into a downward spiral? Then the vampire wouldn’t be a threat, right?”

  “That’s never happened before. It’s impossible for a vampire to resist the pull of the fairy’s blood.”

  “Um, it’s not entirely impossible.” I admitted sheepishly.

  “What do you mean?” He asked.

  Looking away from him I whispered, “Because Leo has had my blood.”

  Chapter 14


  “What?!?!” He shrieked.

  I squirmed. “Well, you see I cut my hand really bad at the bar one night. Leo and I were alone and he insisted on inspecting the damage. It happened so fast, but when all was said and done, he had repaired my wound with his saliva.”

  Vance’s jaw ticked. Through clenched teeth he said, “That bastard. I can’t believe he took advantage of you like that.”

  “No, it wasn’t like that. How could he have known? He was just trying to help me.”

  He scoffed. “Leo Markos does nothing without an ulterior motive.”

  “Vance, I really don’t think that’s true in this situation.” I insisted. “I truly think he was just trying to help. Look I know you guys have issues with each other, but he’s different with me. He’s probably the reason we’re even having this conversation right now. He called me when you were hurt because he knows I have feelings for you. You said it yourself. He was encouraging you to talk to me. What motive could he possibly have for that?”

  “I don’t know.” He admitted. “That’s irrelevant at this point. The fact remains that he’s tasted your blood. Did he say anything about your connection to the fairy race?”

  “Um, yeah kinda. But not right away. He told me that night I stayed at his place.”

  Vance’s jaw ticked again at the reminder. In an accusatory tone he asked, “And what exactly were you two doing to bring up that particular conversation?”

  “Nothing! We were just talking!!!” I screamed. Taking a deep breath I said, “Look, I know what you’re thinking but you’re wrong. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you, but Leo and I did not have sex. Not then, not ever.”

  Relieved by my confession, he visibly relaxed and softened his tone. “I’m sorry Karli. I shouldn’t have accused you of anything. You’re right; I have no reason to feel angry about this. Even if something had happened between you two, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. We’re not in a committed relationship. I was just letting my personal demons get the best of me.”

  “That’s okay. I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same if the situation was reversed.” I admitted.

  “I think we’re getting off track here.” He said. “I’ve never heard of a vampire resisting the pull of Fae blood before. What exactly did he say to you?”

  “He said that he can’t figure out what I am, but he knows I’m not a witch. He told me that he could taste my upcoming immortality which doesn’t make sense based on my age. He also said that my blood tastes very different, like nothing he’s ever had before. He picked up on the honey almond thing. Although, I thought that wasn’t supposed to come until after I was immortal? Anyway, he said the contrast was too great for me to deny.”

  “The blood s
cent you are referring to does not come until you become immortal. He was referring to your blood’s taste which is the same from the day you are born. A vampire will be able to scent your blood from beneath your skin once you are an immortal but only in close proximity. They are very sensitive to it because of the history between the two races.”

  “So, you’re telling me that as long as I don’t physically get too close to a vampire, I shouldn’t worry about it?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not saying that. Your mother’s friend was right to hide your identity. If word spread, a vampire would seek you out.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “Can they scent your blood?”

  He shook his head. “My blood gives off an entirely different scent since the Fae essence is so diluted.”

  “Okay, I hear what you’re saying, but it doesn’t quite make sense. Why was Leo able to control himself then?”

  “I don’t know.” He said through gritted teeth. “It’s possible that his feelings for you override his instincts.” What feelings?

  “So you’re saying that it’s possible a vampire wouldn’t lose control?” I asked.

  “I think that we’ve already established that, Karli. We just don’t know the reasons behind it. Unless you plan on revealing your identity to Leo and asking him, we’re never going to know.”

  “Of course I’m not going to do that!” I said incredulously.

  “Well then you’re just going to have to stay away from him.”

  “Vance, I can’t do that.” Oh Christ, there goes his jaw again!

  “Why the hell not?” He shouted. “You’re putting yourself in harm’s way every time you go near him.”

  “Because I work for him.”

  “Yeah, and you don’t think that’s an awfully big coincidence?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “It means,” he snapped. “That I wouldn’t be surprised if Leo bought the bar so he could be your boss. He probably sensed something was different about you and wanted an opportunity to get closer.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” I scoffed. “There are much easier and less expensive ways to get to know someone. Like, oh I don’t know….ask them on a date???”

  “When’s the last time you went on an actual date Karli?”

  I glared at him. “That’s none of your business.”

  “See? There’s my point. You’re so closed off when it comes to men. I knew the first minute that I met you that somebody did a number on you. Vampires can sense emotions Karli. He could have figured it out just as easily as I did.”

  I returned his glare. “Whatever. I don’t want to talk about this ridiculous theory of yours anymore.”

  He shrugged. “Fine, but we do need to talk about what you’re going to do about him. You need to quit your job.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “If you’d pull your head out of your ass, you’d know I’m right.” He said.

  Okay, now I was getting irritated. “Fuck you Vance. I refuse to live in fear anymore! I’ve been doing that my whole life. I’m not going to take any unnecessary risks, but Leo has already proven himself to me. In doing so, he’s actually given me some hope that I’m not going to die before I get to actually live my life!”

  He narrowed his eyes at me.“Well I’m glad Leo has been such a great comfort to you Karli.”

  “You’re impossible! You know what? You can leave now. Just go!” I walked over to my door in case he needed a demonstration.

  “What? I’m not leaving. We’re not done. We’ve barely even scratched the surface!” He shouted.

  “Well too bad.” I replied. “We can continue this discussion when you’re ready to put your issues with Leo aside and act like an adult. I’m too pissed at you right now to hear anything else you have to say.”

  “Well, aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black?”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Oh hell no, did you just call me immature?”

  “If the shoe fits…..”

  I opened the door for him as I gritted my teeth. “Leave. NOW.”

  He got up and stormed out the door. When he was halfway down the hall he said, “You’re going to regret this Karli. Call me when you’re ready to think sensibly.”

  “Don’t hold your breath jackass!” I screamed. Ugh!

  Chapter 15


  Almost two weeks have passed and I haven’t spoken to Vance once. I almost called him so many times to apologize, but I refrained. I wasn’t going to budge on this. I know I’m being stubborn but this is about principle. I’m not going to let him, or any man think they can run my life.

  As for the other complication in my life, Leo has remained distant which is really starting to upset me. He’s still kind as always, but it’s not the same. I miss his playfulness and his affectionate nicknames. I heard that his lunch date with Kendra turned into another for drinks, then a third for dinner. The fact that he was dating anyone really bothered me. I know that I don’t have any rights to him, but I was jealous all the same.

  To top things off, the investigation was at a standstill. Thankfully no one else has been attacked but the fact that a murderer is still out there somewhere didn’t sit very well with me. Apparently the police have explored every possible angle and they still have nothing. They even hired Erica to perform a locator spell with Vance using a piece of hair they found at the scene. I guess they were thinking two magical people were better than one? Erica thinks this thing is cloaking itself somehow because she’s never failed when trying to locate someone before. Who knows?

  Tonight is my last night working before I had a few days off. I relieve Kendra on Sundays which I am really dreading at the moment. Quite frankly, I’m not looking forward to seeing her and Leo together. It’s not like I have much of a choice though considering the fact that I’m walking in right now. I scanned the bar. Leo isn’t here yet which makes things a little easier I guess. I took a deep breath to face the inevitable; I had to go behind the bar so Kendra could leave.

  “Hey girl, how’s it going?” She asked.

  “Um, okay Kendra. How about you?” I didn’t really want to know but I felt that being polite was the best course of action.

  “Well to be honest, not so hot.” She replied.

  “Why not?”

  “Can I ask you something, as a friend?”

  Okay, I would consider us more co-workers than friends but I’ll bite. “Sure.”

  “How well do you know Leo?” Alright, maybe I shouldn’t have taken the bait. Let me think, what is the fastest way out of this conversation?

  “Not well at all. He’s just my boss.” I lied.

  “Hmm, that’s weird because he brings you up a lot. Anyway, the reason I was asking is because I need some advice. Leo and I have been on a few dates which all went really well. I mean, he’s super sexy, he’s rich, and he’s sweet. What more could a girl want, right?”

  “That doesn’t sound like a problem to me Kendra.” I replied, maybe a little more bitterly than I had intended.

  “Well, I’m just confused that’s all. I mean he’s a vampire, right?”

  “Yes, Leo is a vampire. And…?” Oh c’mon just shoot me now please!

  She lowered her voice before continuing. “Well, I’ve never dated one before, but I thought vampires were supposed to be really sexual, right? And well, I’ve been trying to put the moves on him, but he’s been the perfect gentleman. The most action I’ve gotten from him is a goodnight kiss on the cheek! Is there something wrong with me?”

  “Hold on,” I said. “Are you trying to tell me that you and Leo haven’t slept together?” Okay, now I was interested in this conversation.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” She replied. “I even went as far as offering my blood to him the other night, but he politely refused! God, I’m so embarrassed! Am I pathetic or what? I’m practically throwing myself at him! I don’t understand why he keeps asking me out when he’
s so obviously not interested.”

  “That is a good question.” I said. “One that I intend to find the answer to.”

  She gave me a confused look. “Huh?”

  I shook my head. “Um, nothing.” I lied. “Look Kendra, I wish I could help you but I can’t. Like I said, I really don’t know Leo very well. I think this is a conversation you should be having with him.”

  “Oh, okay I understand.” She said, with disappointment in her voice. “Well thanks anyway for listening. The bar’s been pretty slow so I hope it picks up for you. You have a good night Karli.”

  “You too. Thanks.” Okay, I know this is selfish, but that conversation actually made my whole week! I’ve been so bummed about everything lately. I really needed something good to happen and that was it. Now I need to do a little self reflection and figure out why I am so damn happy about it.


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