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Pixie Dust, A Paranormal Romance

Page 17

by Laura Lee

  “Oops! Yep, I’ll get right on that boss!” She said. She was mouthing, “Sorry.” as she skittered out of the room like a cockroach.

  Fuck, he looked pissed. I moved against his advance until I felt my back against the wall. A mixture of anger and hurt was rolling off him in waves. Damn Erica and her big mouth!

  “Why are you moving away from me Karli?” He asked as soon as she was gone.

  “I’m not.” I lied. “How long have you been standing there?” He charged me, making me jump. I could feel him deliberately dampening his powers. He was being very careful with me, trying to control his rage. Heat was radiating from his body, so much so, that I was actually starting to perspire. His fists clenched and unclenched while his nostrils flared, and his fangs were fully elongated.

  He caged me in with arms of steel and leaned into me, pressing his body against mine. He bent down to whisper into my ear. “Long enough to know that Vance isn’t the only person you’ve entrusted with your secrets.” His lips traveled down my neck, then back up to nip my earlobe.

  My whole body shivered. He had me simultaneously terrified and turned on. I didn’t know if I was supposed to jump his bones or run away screaming. “What are you doing, Leo?” I panted.

  He pressed his huge erection against my stomach as he lightly pressed his fangs into my neck. They didn’t penetrate, they were merely threatening to. My knees went weak. He grabbed my hips with his strong hands and held me up against the wall. “You know Karli, I should have taken you that night you asked me to. Then you wouldn’t be wasting your energy on someone so unworthy.” He pushed into me harder. “One night with me between your legs would make you forget the detective even existed.”

  Oh God, I so do not have the strength to do this right now! My adrenaline was pumping hard but I knew I was about to come crashing down at any second. “Leo, please don’t do this.” I begged. “Not now. I can’t---” My head started spinning as I slid down the wall.

  He caught me. “You do not look well.” He said as he pulled back. “You should not be here.”

  “I’m fine.” I argued. “I’m just a little tired but I’ll get over it.” The tears escaping my lids belied my words.

  His angry, lustful expression instantly softened into one of concern. His fangs retracted as he took my hand, kissing the inside of my wrist. Ah, I loved it when he did that and he knew it. His lips lingered for a moment before he withdrew, giving me goose pimples. Okay, that helped ease my anxiety a little bit.

  “I insist.” He said. “You should go upstairs and rest a while. If you feel better later, you can come back down.”

  “Leo, I appreciate the offer, but---”

  “Karli, please do not force my hand.” He said. “I could just use my influence on you but I’m trying to respect your wishes.”

  “If anything, I’ll just go back home.” It was my feeble attempt at negotiating.

  “No, you won’t. You almost passed out less than a minute ago. I’m not going to let you behind the wheel of a car. If you try, I will stop you. Do not doubt that for a second.”

  “Do I have a say in the matter?” I asked.

  “Of course you do.” He replied. “You can choose to go up to the room alone, or you can choose to allow me to accompany you. Which one do you prefer?”

  I sighed in acquiescence. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Chapter 22


  He guided me upstairs and I collapsed on the couch as soon as we walked in the door.

  “Do you want anything to eat?” He asked as he threw a small blanket over me.

  I lifted my head slightly. “Yes, but I’m too tired to look at the menu and I don’t think I have the strength to feed myself anyway.”

  “What do you feel like?”

  “Anything.” I replied.

  He called room service and ordered some grilled chicken penne, an artisan cheese plate, and some red wine. After the server left, he carried the pasta over to me and sat on the floor in front of the couch. With the plate in his lap, he held up the fork so I could take a bite. He continued feeding me like that until everything was gone. Apparently, scary Leo has decided to retire for the evening. I managed to sit up on the couch after getting a little food so he came over to join me. I leaned against his shoulder as he offered me a sip of wine.

  “Thank you for helping me Leo. Again.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders and held me. “Do you feel like taking a bath?” He asked.

  “That sounds great but I really don’t have the strength for it.”

  “I will take care of everything for you.” He offered. Being naked in a tub around Leo probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Being around him at all wasn’t the smartest idea. Sensing my hesitation he added, “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. I can add bubbles and step out while you get in the tub.” Remembering how wonderful his tub felt, I reluctantly agreed.

  He got the bath ready for me, complete with bubbles and candles and led me into the bathroom.

  “Will you be okay getting undressed?” He asked.

  Probably not. “Yes.”

  Leo stepped out of the bathroom while I struggled to undress. I climbed into the tub and sank back to absorb the luxury it provided. “You can come back in.” I called.

  He walked back into the room and his fangs lengthened in response to seeing me in the tub. He composed himself quickly though as he started removing his shirt and watch. When I looked at him quizzically he explained, “I don’t want them to get wet.”

  God, I’m too tired to even appreciate the sight of this beautiful shirtless man taking care of me. He grabbed a washcloth and came over to sit on the edge of the tub. I felt too exposed so I held my knees into my chest. He dipped the cloth into the water before wringing some down over my head and back. He massaged my back while I softly moaned in pleasure. My body was melting into his capable hands. He grabbed some shampoo and started lathering my hair, massaging my scalp like an expert. He turned on the spray head to rinse. “Does this feel okay?” He asked as he was delicately washing the suds away.

  “Mmmm. Yes, definitely.” Way better than okay.

  I leaned my head back, resting it on the edge of the tub. I tried focusing on reading his emotions. I could sense his desire, but his concern for me was much stronger. Wow, I can’t believe how easy that was!

  He placed his hand on my cheek as I leaned into him. I had to resist the urge to kiss his palm. “You’re so beautiful, my love.” He whispered. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? I could look at your face for an eternity.”

  “Leo, I---”

  “Shh” He said. “I’m not looking for a response. I just needed to tell you that.”

  Closing my eyes, I relaxed back into the tub. He caressed my face and neck, spending extra time tracing his fingers over the large artery that exposed my rapid pulse. I could sense his desire building and it was having a similar effect on me. I had to get out of this tub before I acted on our mutual feelings.

  “Um, Leo?”

  “Yes my dear?”

  “I’m ready to get out.” I said, trying to sound sure of myself.

  He hesitated, probably because he sensed my feelings too, but then he grabbed a towel and robe, and placed them next to the tub. “I’ll be in the other room if you need me.” He said over his shoulder with a wistful expression.

  As soon as he closed the door, I dried off and pulled the robe over my shoulders, tying the belt securely. I walked into the bedroom and found Leo sitting on the edge of the bed, looking lost in his thoughts. He stood up and guided me over to the bed, pulling the covers down and helping me in. When I was settled, he scooted in behind me. He began combing through my wet hair while I sighed in contentment; my lids were becoming very heavy. Before I succumbed to sleep I whispered, “Leo?”

  “Hmm?” He said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you my dear.” I felt him kiss the back of my neck before I drif
ted off to dreamland.


  I woke up the next morning feeling better than I have in days. I had renewed energy and a voracious appetite. I was a little disappointed to find that Leo was not in bed. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I stepped out into the living room and found him sitting at the table with a buffet full of food waiting for me.

  Nodding towards the food he said, “I saw you stirring so I took the liberty of ordering something. I wasn’t sure what you’d want so I got a variety.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled and sat down at the table, taking a bite of an omelet.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked.

  “Surprisingly, pretty good.” I said. “I’m really hungry again, but not tired.”

  “Uh oh, should I hide the extra chairs?”

  “Funny Leo.”

  I took a bite of some pancakes. “So, I have some more questions for you.”

  “Why do I feel like a Professor of Vampire 101 whenever you’re around?” He teased.

  “Wow, you’re being a smarty pants this morning aren’t you?”

  “I try.”

  “I’m serious. Do you mind answering more questions?” I asked.

  “You should never have to ask that, my pet.”

  “Can you father children?”

  “Why? Are you looking to make babies?”

  “Leo.” I scolded.

  He laughed. “Not in the traditional sense. When a vampire becomes a Sire, they sometimes to refer to the fledgling as their child.

  “Have you ever sired another?” I took a bite of my eggs.

  “Yes.” He replied.

  “How many?” Do I really want to know the answer to this question?

  “I have sired dozens of vampires throughout my existence, but never against their will.”

  “Were they your lovers, like your maker was?”

  “Yes.” He smiled.

  “When was the last time you did it?” I asked.

  “Sired someone?”

  “Yes.” I replied, finding myself awfully curious about the answer.

  “Close to thirty years ago.”

  “Oh.” I said.

  “Does that make you uncomfortable?” He asked.

  “No, of course not.” I replied. “I mean, I don’t enjoy thinking about all the women out there who know you as intimately as possible, but it is what it is. I was actually surprised because I was expecting you to say something more recent. Why did you stop?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’ve stopped per se.” He paused. “I just haven’t felt the desire to do it since the last time.”

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “I used to turn anyone who asked because I enjoyed giving the gift of immortality.” He looked away from me as he said, “I learned the hard way that I must be more selective with my generosity. The last woman I converted brought a lot of pain to others.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Perhaps that is a story for another time. To be quite frank my darling, it is not something I enjoy discussing. I’d much rather focus on more pleasant subjects. What other questions do you have?”

  “How does one become a vampire?” Okay, I had some idea from Vance’s story, but I wanted a first-hand view.

  “To change someone into a vampire,” he said. “The body must be drained nearly dry, the heart must be slowed to nearly stopping. Once the human’s body is to the point of near death, they must drink their Sire’s blood. It only takes a small amount to initiate the change.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then, they go into a deep sleep while their body reinvents itself. When they wake, they find themselves equipped with fangs and all of their vampire abilities.”

  “What about the fangs?” I asked.

  “What about them?” He countered.

  “I know that they extend when you’re about to…, feed. But are they also affected by your mood?” Okay, I already knew the answer but for some reason, I wanted to hear him say it.

  “Well,” he began. “I have a feeling you already know the answer to that but I’ll play.” Crap! Can’t I get away with anything around this guy? “A vampire’s fangs lengthen not only to feed, but also when they are angry, or….. aroused.” He smiled at me to prove his point. Yep, there they are. And I know he’s definitely not angry with me right now.

  Feeling embarrassed, I said, “Okay, I think we’re done with the questions for now!” I got up quickly and started walking towards the bedroom. He moved so fast, I didn’t have a chance to react until he was already framing my face with his hands. “Whoa, um what’s---”

  “I’ve been dying to do this since last night.” He dipped his head to place a searing kiss on my lips, making my body temperature rise. Gasping, I softened my body towards his, letting him pull me into his embrace. He parted my lips with his tongue, tasting me and drinking me in. Just as the tension was building to a delightful level, he pulled back and smiled down at me, leaving me breathless and wanting. “Now you can go hide from me, my sweet.”

  Stunned, I said, “What? I wasn’t trying to hide. I was just…um….going to go get dressed so I can get home. I have some stuff that I need to…. ah, do.”

  “You keep telling yourself that my dear. Maybe then, one of us will believe it.” He shook his head in amusement and stepped aside. “Please, take as much time as you’d like. I need to head downstairs to go over the receipts from last night. I trust you can let yourself out?”

  “Uh, yep. I’ll be fine.”

  “Goodbye my love.” He said as he kissed my forehead and walked away. Holy Christ that was a kiss!

  Chapter 23


  I pulled into the hotel garage that evening and got out of my car, all ready for work. I don’t know why, but I was feeling very uneasy all of a sudden. Something moved to my right, justifying my suspicions. I squinted my eyes, trying to find the source but nothing was there. God, my paranoia must really be getting the best of me. Just in case though, I started walking faster. Another noise startled me, causing me to drop my keys. “Shit!” I screamed. I looked around and still couldn’t see anything. Christ, I needed to get out of here. I bent over to pick up my keys as I prepared myself to run.

  I stood up and saw a blur of something right before I was thrown backwards into the air. I landed on the concrete, hitting my head… hard. My brain ricocheted against my skull. Panicked, I tried to stand up but was slammed into the pavement again by an invisible force. Everything started to fade. I tried focusing on the fluorescent lights above but was slowly sinking into oblivion instead.

  Suddenly, the wind was knocked out of me as a giant form was landing on top of me, smashing me with its weight. It was huge, at least two hundred pounds and seven feet tall. It had red, scaly skin, long black claws, and a set of teeth that would make a piranha envious. I screamed out in terror, kicking and trying to get free but I was no match for this thing. It bent down and bit me, sending a blinding pain through my upper arm. Omigod, this must be the Stryker demon! Why me? Why is it attacking me? I cried as it gnawed through my flesh. It had paralyzed me somehow from the neck down and I could no longer even attempt to fight it off. I cried as I felt every agonizing bite it took. I could see it tearing off piece by piece like a wild dog chewing on a raw steak.

  It lifted its head to look at me with its soulless yellow eyes. I made the mistake of looking down at my mutilated arm which appeared to have been put through a meat grinder. “Oh, God!” I cried as I was choking back vomit. The beast began vibrating, shimmering with an energy that I couldn’t quite make sense of. It stilled, before it resumed tearing into my body, making me dizzy from blood loss. It continued eating my flesh for what felt like days. I remained there helpless, while I prayed for someone to come to my rescue.

  My pleas with the heavens were finally answered when something swooped in, lifting the beast off of me. I could hear growling and fighting in between my bouts of total darkness.
Blood splattered all over my face. I found myself hoping it belonged to the monster. I managed to turn my head to the side to catch a glimpse of my knight in shining armor. It looked like Leo, but a much more feral version than the one I’m used to. His eyes were wild and he was covered in blood. He roared like an animal before launching himself on top of the beast and viciously tearing into its neck. He was a savage creature in his own right, completely untamed and unrefined. I would have been scared, but I lost consciousness again before I had the chance.


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