Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads

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Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads Page 127

by Nicole Morgan

  She had, however, reached a point in her life where she wanted more…more from her career, more from her life, more for her heart. She wanted a man to love, someone to share her future with, and a career she could be proud of, one that provided for the family she dreamed of.

  Expecting him to say he needed to meditate on it, something he encouraged all of his students to do, Heather breathed in a deep breath and prepared herself to accept that delay in his decision. The breath lodged in her throat when he nodded. “You’re right. This is our destiny. Together, we’re going to fulfill both of our dreams.”


  Surviving the longest three days of her life, Heather thought maybe the plane ride would give her and Haven an opportunity to discuss the meditation app and devise a plan of action. Instead, the plane ride proved to be as chaotic as every moment since they had agreed to embark on this journey.

  Between wrapping things up at work before her vacation, and packing for the vacation itself, and dealing with her sister who insisted they celebrate Heather’s birthday – two weeks late – by hanging out at a bar in Sunset Valley all night, she’d had little time to do anything except fantasize about this project. Okay, not entirely true. She’d had plenty of time to fantasize about Haven, talking to him about code until his eyes glazed over and he eased her down on a yoga mat and had his wicked, spiritual way with her.

  None of that had panned out. Haven was attentive, she had to give him that, just not to her. There were ten other travelers on this tropical retreat, and every single one of them demanded a chunk of Haven’s time during the journey from New Hampshire to San Juan, Puerto Rico. By the time they’d arrived in San Juan, checked into the hotel, and eaten dinner, Heather was ready to collapse. Anywhere would do, the hotel bed, the sandy beach just yards from the hotel, even the restaurant chair.

  “Let me get you tucked in,” Haven had offered. Twelve hours earlier, those words would have made her panties go up in smoke, but when he’d uttered them last night, her eyes were already closed, panties securely in place.

  Now they were boarding the ship, but it wasn’t exhaustion that prickled Heather’s nerves. For the next seven days, she would be in close quarters with Haven. While this was what she had manipulated, doubts sparked every cell in her body. She had never been on a cruise ship, but knew the cabins would be smaller than any hotel room she’d ever stayed in, the bathroom smaller too. The quarters weren’t just tight, but intimate in ways that shattered her comfort zone into a million tiny pieces. Yes, she had created this scenario knowing it was a bad idea, but doing it anyhow because she’d been existing in a zone of safety far too long.

  Their group of twelve all had rooms in the same area of the ship, port side, midship, just a couple floors down from the first main floor. They all made their way together, everyone seeming pleased with the accommodations as they opened their cabin doors. Now it was time for Heather to do the honors with the cabin she and Haven would be sharing for the next seven nights. Swiping the key card across the panel, she got the green light and turned the handle, only to stop short when she spotted the bed.

  The one giant bed.

  “Ooomph,” Haven grunted as he plowed into Heather, making her stumble forward. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to stop. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, but the room…” she stepped in, Haven following, until she got far enough in that she could step aside. “I don’t…they said the room would have two beds.”

  While the thought of sharing this giant bed with Haven turned Heather’s insides to a warm, gooey mess, she knew Haven would have a problem with it. She turned to him, ready to apologize, but when she was greeted with his warm smile, the words slipped from her mind.

  “It’ll be fine. We can make this work,” he assured her.

  Did that mean he wanted…no, Heather couldn’t allow that thought to settle. The fantasies were fine because she knew they were just that, but if she allowed herself to think deeper than the fantasies, she’d just be setting herself up for disappointment. She had a solid plan to spark his interest, she just needed to exercise a little patience.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you two are together. I just thought you were doubling up to save money,” Cat said from the doorway.

  Heather pushed by Haven to face Cat. “There’s a mix-up. We were supposed to have separate beds.”

  “Well, reowwwww,” Cat responded, making a cat-like motion with her hands. “You two have fun.”

  Cat closed the door with her quick retreat, leaving Heather all alone with Haven in their tiny cabin and the giant bed. “I’ll go to guest services, see if they can change our cabin. The reservation shows we are supposed to have two twin beds.”

  Haven took a couple steps toward her to close the distance and gripped her arm in that gentle and comforting way that always grounded her in the moment. Heather had always been confident around men, to her own detriment, usually, but that was better than acting like a bumbling fool. She didn’t understand why Haven brought that side of her out. “If that will put your mind at ease, then go ahead, but the one bed doesn’t bother me.”

  Heather nodded, desperate to leave but unable to step out of his firm yet gentle hold. “I just don’t want you to think…” To think what? That she’d manipulated the reservation so they would have to share a bed? It wasn’t a stretch considering she’d done just that so they could share a room.

  “I don’t think anything,” he assured her. “Take a deep breath, Heather. Everything is going to be fine.”

  She did as instructed, using the four-seven-eight count — four on the inhale, hold for seven, and exhale for eight — for three breaths.

  “Good,” Haven said, his mouth agape as if he was about to say something else when a knock at the door interrupted him.

  Haven released his hold and went to the door. “Good afternoon, sir. I’m Alessandro, your room steward. You are Haven Masters, no?”

  Haven nodded and extended his hand to shake the steward’s. “I’m Haven, and this is Heather.”

  Alessandro then extended his hand to Heather. His grip was warm and firm, welcoming and friendly, as was his handsome smile and sparkling eyes. “Lady Heather, so nice to make your acquaintance. If there is any way I may be of service to you, day or night, please, just call on me.”

  “Oh, well, yes, there is the matter of the bed,” Heather blurted. She wished the single bed didn’t make her so nervous. It’s not that she didn’t want to share a bed with Haven, because God knew she wanted that more than anything. She just worried that she’d end up wrapped around him on their first night and completely scare him off. “We were supposed to have two twin beds, but there is only one bed in here.”

  “Oh, my lovely lady, my apologies. That is my mistake and no problem at all to fix. We can separate the beds for you before this evening.”

  “Oh,” she breathed, a bit embarrassed she didn’t know the bed was actually two beds pushed together.

  Alessandro, with his dark hair and mocha skin, looked perplexed. “Does this not make you happy?”

  “Oh, yes, it’s great. I just, well, this is my first cruise. I didn’t know that was two beds.”

  “Nothing at all to worry about,” Alessandro insisted. “Is there another way I may be of service? I am here for you for the entire cruise and wish to make it as comfortable as possible.”

  Haven shook his head. “Thank you, but I think we are all set. We’re eager to get out on deck and take in the view before an afternoon meditation.”

  Alessandro smiled. “You won’t be disappointed, sir. San Juan is a beautiful city and there is much to see from our luxurious ship. Please, enjoy, and don’t hesitate to call on me if you need anything.”

  Heather and Haven extended their thanks as Alessandro departed their room and made his way down the hall. “Friendly chap,” Haven said. “I think he likes you.”

  Unable to stop the snort that echoed in the room, Heather shook her head. Men who looked like Alessandr
o, or Haven, didn’t just like her. Average to the core, Heather had to work for that kind of affection.

  With the bed situation under control, they left the room and headed back to the elevators to make their way to the Sky Deck where they planned to meet for the first group meditation.

  Halfway to the elevators, Heather realized she had forgotten her water bottle. Since better hydration was a personal goal, she told Haven to go on ahead, that she’d meet him on deck after she grabbed the bottle and filled it up.

  Once Heather grabbed the bottle, she took quick steps, hoping she might catch up with Haven, but nearly plowed into Cat as she stepped out of her cabin three doors down from Heather’s.

  “I really need to slow down,” Heather admitted. “These narrow passageways are dangerous.”

  “Speaking of dangerous, when did you and Haven hook up? I’m usually pretty perceptive about these things, but I didn’t have an inkling.” Cat’s cabin mate, Zoe Stephens smiled with keen interest.

  “Oh, no,” Heather said, shaking her head. “Haven and I aren’t…the bed was a mix-up…Alessandro is going to fix it so there are two beds.”

  “Oh, really? Well, that’s too bad. Haven needs a woman in his life and you’re a hot ticket. I was rooting for you.”

  “She was,” Zoe added. “She was already talking wedding video with me.”

  Zoe was half-owner of A to Z Eventography. Together with her business partner, Griffin Andrews, they recorded videos for all the local events, weddings, graduations, bar mitvahs, even births. According to Zoe, they did much more than just record, but Heather couldn’t wrap her head around all the steps that went into making a finished video.

  “Well, thanks, but…”

  “But you should totally go for it,” Cat interjected. “I mean, you’re single, right? You and Haven would make beautiful blond-hair and blue-eyed babies.”

  Yes, yes they would. That was another of Heather’s fantasies, two beautiful babies that looked just like Haven. She even dreamed of fraternal twins, one girl, one boy, because she wanted a daughter, but only one because having a younger sister was exhausting on a good day. “Haven doesn’t seem interested in dating,” Heather pointed out. She knew this because she’d been paying attention, looking for the perfect moment to make her move. It had been months and the moment had yet to present itself, but she had hope this cruise would pay off. It was an expensive investment just to get the beautiful man to take an interest in her, but the direct approach had failed her for too long. Gaining Haven’s affection required subtlety.

  Heather didn’t know Cat or Zoe well enough to admit her nefarious plans, so she was glad when they reached the elevator and a couple of already-tanned and very buff men stole their attention.

  Still needing water, Heather got off the elevator at the Aloha deck that housed the all-day cafeteria. She filled her water and strolled out to the pool area, finding the stairs that would take her up to the Sky deck.

  All of the other mystics were already there, leaning on the rails and taking in the fabulous view. She took position next to Haven because there was space there and his mysterious scent always drew her to him. She knew he used aromatherapy oils, but had no idea what the blend was that made him smell so enticing. It was like vanilla cake on an ocean breeze.

  “This view is amazing,” she said, focusing on the historic fort on the hill and trying to forget the sight of Haven’s very fine tushy as he leaned on the rail.

  Haven reached over and gripped her hand. “Thank you for this. I had a vision, but no clarity on how to make it happen. We are here because of you.”

  Every inch of skin tingled, strongest where Haven held her hand, but increasing in intensity as they stood there, Haven’s smile, the sincerity in his deep blue eyes, all of it creating a hypnotic spell she couldn’t step away, or even look away from.

  “It’s time for our meditation,” he whispered, still holding her gaze.

  Heather nodded, but it wasn’t until the mystics dispersed that he altered his gaze and released her hand, leaving her off balance and in desperate need of a meditation to ground herself again.

  KNOWING it would be impossible for their group of twelve to enjoy dinner together every evening, Haven had taken Heather’s suggestion that he offer a sign-up for the mystics to have dinner with him. Each mystic picked three nights to occupy a five-person table. Some nights the table was full, others only a few spots were taken. In hindsight, he wished they had left a couple nights off the list, not because he didn’t enjoy his time with the mystics, or because he felt he needed to dine alone, but because he wanted to enjoy the intimacy of a meal with Heather.

  Sounded a lot like a date, and maybe that wasn’t appropriate during the cruise since they were sharing a cabin, but Haven decided he would figure out how to make that happen when they returned home to Lilac Ridge.

  There was no formal dinner planned for the group during their first night aboard ship since the ship had yet to set sail and everyone was scattered, getting acclimated to their temporary home, exploring, or resting after the long journey the day before. Haven was ready to unwind with a glass of chardonnay and light music, and he found the perfect place near the casino, a jazz musician named Vinnie strumming his guitar as Haven sat in the window seat watching dusk fade into the peaceful darkness of night. The ship would set sail at 10 p.m., so he had over an hour before he’d make his way to one of the outside decks to bid farewell to San Juan.

  The familiar giggles of two women drew his attention from the window. He spotted Heather, Zoe, and Cat walking from the casino area, Zoe and Cat waving flirtatiously as they moseyed along. Heather gave just a subtle wave, her cheeks an endearing shade of pink. “Ladies, care to join me?” he asked, waving his hand in welcome at the empty seats surrounding the table. “We would love to,” Cat said, giving Heather a subtle nudge.

  Heather took the seat perpendicular to Haven, but before the other two sat, Zoe grabbed Cat’s arm. “Oh, hey, we’re supposed to meet Brandon and Tamarra on the Serenity deck. We need to go change into our swimsuits.”

  “Oh, right, yeah,” Cat said to Zoe before turning to Haven and Heather. “We’ll catch up with you guys later. Ta-ta for now.”

  They both gave another flirtatious wave and locked arms as they skipped away. “Those two are trouble,” Haven laughed, turning his attention to Heather, her cheeks even brighter than before but the shade no less endearing. Her gray eyes always seemed to lighten when she blushed, the mystery of what she held behind them intriguing him.

  “With a capital T,” she agreed, smiling and shaking her head as her focus remained on the two women.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked. Haven didn’t indulge in alcohol, but he enjoyed a glass or two of wine on occasion, particularly on nights when the Greater Spirit encouraged him to ease on his focus and simply relax and enjoy the moment.

  “Wine would be lovely,” she said, her posture rigid.

  “You are entirely too tense right now,” he said. “Here, let me help you relax. Do you mind if I put my hands on your shoulders.”

  She seemed to stiffen even more, but shook her head.

  Haven closed his eyes and connected with the Reiki energy before setting his intention to reduce Heather’s stress.

  “I’m just going to adjust your energy, encourage a shift so you can release the tension and enjoy the here and now,” he explained, grateful for the pause between songs so he could use his soft, meditation voice. “Just breathe in, following the path of the breath and let your mind go to a calming place, where you feel light and free and can breathe easy.”

  He gave her a few moments, his own breaths aligning with hers, deep and long. “Did you find your calming place?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered on her next exhale.

  “Tell me where,” he encouraged, because it was important that she communicate that place to secure it in her mind. He had often found during individual guided meditations that most people could not be
grounded in the moment if they did not communicate their place of peace. He had discovered in his early days of guided meditation that people would simply tell him they had a place, but would admit later to only saying that so he would start with the session. That’s how he learned the importance of verbalizing it, along with their intention for the meditation.

  It had only been a few months since Haven had started studying Reiki, but he found it wasn’t so different from meditation when it came to intention. With the practice itself, he had already benefited immeasurably. He found it easier, more natural, to see and interact with people’s chakras than it was to read their auras. While he had no trouble seeing the darker auras when they dominated a person, he still struggled to see the more subtle or less dominant auras, and the amount of concentration it took drained his own energy. The chakras, though, was a more natural connection, one he wanted to pursue in his practice.

  “I’m sitting next to the small waterfall along the meditation path behind your studio. The moss is soft and cool, and I like the sound of the waterfall.”

  “Good. Feel the mist of the water, cooling your body, easing your spirit. Imagine your breath as the mist, and picture where it touches your body as you first breathe it in and then release it back to nature.”

  Haven would love to do a body scan on Heather, to see where her energy vibrated, ebbed, and flowed, but it almost seemed an intimate invasion since she hadn’t invited him. Instead, he simply used position six, placing his hands on her shoulders, cupping them in a gentle connection that applied no pressure but allowed the energy to flow between them.


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