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Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads

Page 242

by Nicole Morgan

  “Do you want paper?”

  “Ah, no, actually. Hang on.”

  Harper turned her back, making sure nobody was looking, and slid the panties into the envelope, then licked it shut. “If you can give this to that guy, you know which one?”

  “Oh, we know which one.” Nell rolled her eyes. “Your boss, the one you’re just friends with.”

  “Just friends,” Justin repeated, doing air quotes. “I hope to end the evening with a just friend like that.”

  Nell slapped at him with her towel. “I thought you and I were going to hear the Three Ugly Guys play at that club in Scottsdale.”

  “I hope we’re going as just friends,” Justin said, giving her a leer.

  “In your dreams,” Nell scoffed.

  Harper hurried back to her seat. A second later, Nell walked over to Zach, the envelope in her hand. Nell pointed to her table and Harper smiled and crossed her legs, raising one eyebrow. She tapped her phone. Zach nodded slowly.

  His date leaned in, but he said something to her, then stood up and walked to the front entry, where he opened the envelope and peered in. His back was to her, so she couldn’t see his response, but her whole body suffused with a heady adrenaline, and her heart beat faster than she thought possible.

  She stood up and opened her camera bag. “Mike, I’m just going to take a quick picture of the view. The lights are perfect right now.”

  She glanced over to make sure Zach was watching; he was, so she raised the camera and took a picture, then another. Another. She gave him a smile and raised her eyebrows.

  He smiled back, but his was triumphant and dangerous.

  Mike stood up. “So… you about ready to call it a night?” He frowned. “I’m sorry this didn’t work out like I’d planned. Honestly, I don’t know—I think we should end the night as just friends. Right?”

  She nodded. “Thank for inviting me. I’m sorry we didn’t have more in common.”

  His frown softened. “You, too.” He hesitated. “I’m sorry if I talked a little too much about buildings. I do that when I’m, uh, bored.”

  “Got it.” She wanted to sigh and laugh, but didn’t.

  “So, do you want to, like, split the check? We could give her our cards and have her put half on each.”

  “Let me cover it.” She put her hand over the black folder. “My treat. I’ll just sit here for a while and get another drink and enjoy the view.” Please, leave. Just leave. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay, thanks.” He acted like he wanted to come in for a hug, stiffened up, then waved. “Bye.” As he walked off, his step quickened and he looked happier. He shot one last glance over at Zach’s table, probably looking for the date, Harper figured, then disappeared into the foyer.

  Across the room, Zach had both hands on his date’s arms, but it didn’t look all that sexy. He kissed her cheek, then she walked to the exit. Zach made eye contact with Harper, then deliberately sat back down at his table. Not sure what to do now, she sat down at hers.

  “I got your note.”

  “Could you read what it said?”

  “I got the message. You sure this is what you want?”


  Looking right at him, she uncrossed and recrossed her legs. He shifted, and she smiled.


  “Nothing I can’t solve when I get you alone.”

  “I hope you’re not uncomfortable.” She glanced around, saw that nobody else was looking and hiked her skirt a little higher, showing more thigh. Under the table she uncrossed her legs again and spread them just a bit, then leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  When she looked back over, the expression on his face was positively feral.

  “You keep teasing me, you’re going to pay the price.”

  In response, she bit her lip and licked her lip, then tugged at her skirt again. “Oh, do tell. What are you going to do?”

  “Everything you said you wanted on the airplane.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Refresh my memory.”

  “I’m going to bury my head between those thighs and make you scream my name, princess. But first, I’ll tie you up, and take you over my lap and spank you pink for teasing me. You want a dirty, dominant tropical fling, you’ll get one.”

  Fuck! The idea of it, both of those things, had her wet again.

  “I already paid both of our bills. We’re going back to the hotel.”

  “How can I ever repay you?” She stuck a finger in her drink, licked it clean.

  “I’ll come up with something. Let’s go.”

  Excited to obey his commands, she stood up, leaving her skirt wrinkled and higher than usual on her thighs. Feeling naughty and sexy, she made her way to the door, giving a smile and goodbye wave at Nell as she did, all thoughts on the man in front of her. His broad shoulders in his suit were intoxicating, and when he turned to face her, she caught her breath. “Zach.”

  “Harper.” His voice was stern, and when he smiled, it was dark. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  “Who said I’m playing?”


  He tugged her to his body, and she gasped at the feel of his hard thighs and erection against her. “Harper, you don’t even know the rules to this game,” he whispered in her ear, making her moan. “But I’m a good teacher.”

  “I can probably teach you a few things of my own,” she rejoined, her voice low and sultry.

  “I look forward to it,” he said, his voice silky. “After I do exactly what I promised, of course.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Oh?”

  “I always keep my promises,” he said, his smile wicked. “And you deserve it. All of the things I mentioned.”

  Her heartbeat hitched. “I’ve never, ah, never tried.”

  He bit her neck, a sharp nip. “You want me to stop, you say it. You’re not going to want me to stop, though.” The arrogant smile on his face had her panting and full of desire. “This is what you said you wanted, after all.”

  “You seem pretty confident.” She ran a hand up his chest, feeling the muscles and planes through the shirt.

  He kissed her neck. “I am. Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  “Your safe word is Tequila. You say that, I stop what I’m doing. But if you don’t say it, I don’t stop. Do you agree?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was low but firm.

  He tipped her chin up, looking into her eyes. “What drink did I order you tonight?”

  She smiled and licked her lips. “Red wine.”

  He laughed, a harsh sound and pulled her closer. “I have your panties in my pocket, Harper. When we get back to the hotel, I’m going to use them to tie your hands together. Think about that on the way back.” He ran a hand up her waist, and cupped her breast. “And then I’m going to play with your tits while you beg and wiggle under my touch.”

  She breathed out hard. “Zach.”

  He kissed her then, his mouth warm and tasting like tequila, and she kissed back, enjoying his tongue, his scent, his hands on her body. He was a skillful kisser, exploring her with his lips, his tongue, and she pressed into him, wanting more, wanting everything.

  He broke away, leaving them both panting. “My car. Now.”

  She slid into the front seat of the rental. He started the engine, then paused. He pulled her panties from his pocket and said, “Wrists.”


  “Give me your wrists. I think I’ll tie you up now. Give you a taste of what’s coming.”

  “Zach, I—”

  At his stern look, she held out her wrists.

  He wrapped the fabric over and around, ending up with a snug bond. “You could get out of that easily. Don’t. Keep your hands in your lap like that, good. I like the idea of you all submissive and tied up for me, even in the car.”

  She flushed hard. “What if someone sees?”

  “At night, with tinted windows?” He chuckled. “If they do, they’ll t
hink I’m the luckiest fucking man in this entire city.” He leaned in. “You thirsty?”

  She tilted her head, then realized what he was asking. “No.”

  “Sure? I can get you a drink.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Good. Hike your skirt up more, though. I want your bare ass on the leather.”

  “Zach!” she squealed. “But. But I’m…”

  “You’re what?” He grinned at her. “Lift up.” He put his hands at her thighs. “Lift up your ass, Harper, so I can raise your skirt.”

  “But I’m… wet.” she whispered the last word, feeling her face get hotter than ever.


  “But the seat?”

  “Now.” He tapped her thigh, not a spank, but a firm gesture. She widened her eyes and lifted her body, allowing him to pull up the fabric. The air was cool on her legs and body and she shivered. When he had the skirt around her waist, he helped her settle back down. “Spread your thighs a little, Harper. More. Even more.”

  She made a small noise of uncertainty. She was so turned on, but a little embarrassed, too.

  “I want you like that all the way back,” he said. “Legs open, hands tied. Ready for me. Are you ready for me, Harper?” His voice was a demand and a caress.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Ready for my touch? For my fingers, for my tongue? For my cock?” His voice was harsh.

  “Yes.” She felt desperate. She clenched her thighs, feeling her body twitch and moisten further.

  “You probably want me to touch you right now,” he said, starting the engine. “I think I’ll wait, though.”

  She shifted her legs, restless.

  “I can smell your arousal from here,” he said, glancing over. “I can smell how turned on you are, for me, Harper. Do you know how hot it was to get aroused during your date with another man?”

  She breathed out. He pulled out of the lot and merged into the street traffic. “And when you gave me your panties? Knowing you were sitting there naked, almost, had me ready to grab you and fuck you right the hell there.”

  He reached over with his right hand and stroked her thigh, up and down, a gentle movement. She flinched and widened her thighs, as if begging him in.

  He laughed. “I know what you want.” He let his fingers stray to her inner thigh, tantalizingly close to where she wanted his touch. He brushed the skin just beside her mound and she cried out. “Zach.”

  “Yes?” He ran his hand down to her knee and cupped it.

  The gesture felt so erotic she almost moaned. “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you.” He glided his fingers along the back of her knee and rubbed under the back of her thigh.

  “No, I need it higher.”

  “I’m sure you do.” He laughed. “Not yet, though. Keep those legs open for me, though, in case I change my mind.”


  “Hmmm, I don’t know if you should be calling me names. Maybe I’ll make you wait that much longer for it.”

  “Zach!” But she loved this; it was exhilarating. There was nothing in her mind except this man and this car, his hand on her leg, the mounting orgasm in her body, the arousal swirling through her bloodstream.

  He ran his hand over her breast, found the nipple and pinched it, and she bucked her hips.

  “You like that?” He did it again.

  She raised up her hands, tied with the panties, put them down. “I want to touch you.”

  “Not yet. I like seeing you tied up like that. Those got wet. Can you feel it against your wrists?”

  She nodded.

  “Lift your hands up to your face and smell the panties, Harper. Tell me what you smell.”

  “Zach, I—”

  “Do it, please.”

  She lifted her hands. “I can smell my scent. How turned on I got.”

  “I bet your pussy is so wet right now that you’re leaving a mark on the seat.” He sounded pleased, but slid a sidelong glance at her; she figured he was checking to make sure she liked the dirty talk.

  She did, and gave him an encouraging smile.

  “I should have you ride bare-ass all the time so you can cream my seats and let everyone know what a sexy little cunt you have.” He squeezed her thigh.

  “Zach!” She turned red and pressed her thighs together, trying to relieve the ache.

  “Uh-uh, legs open. We’ll inspect the seat together and check whether or not you made a mess, baby. Either way, I’ll get a chance to punish you. If you ruined the seat, you deserve a good hard spanking. But if you didn’t get turned on enough, that merits punishment, too.”

  “Oh…” she moaned, as he squeezed her nipple again, feeling wanton and ragged.

  “You like it when I talk to you this way?” he murmured.

  She nodded.

  “Then tell me you like having your thighs wide open for me,” he demanded.

  “I like… having my thighs open for you,” she whispered back.

  “Louder. Regular voice.”

  She bit her lip. “Zach! I like—I like having my thighs open for you.”


  He merged onto the freeway. “Now I’m going to open the window and you shout it out to the world.”

  “People will hear!”

  He laughed. “Nobody will hear but me. I want you to do it for me. And for you.”

  He rolled down the window and the hot desert air made her suck in her breath. She waited a second, looked at him, then called into the night, “I like having my thighs spread for you!” Then, to him, “Oh, God, Zach. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Jesus, I like having you do what I say,” he said, his voice harsh and hard. “It’s a fucking rush, Harper. I am going to have you be submissive for me all the fucking time, now that I know you like it.”

  She whimpered and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the seat. She was a grown woman who ran her own business, managed her life. And here she was, naked from the waist down, hands tied with her own panties, obeying the commands of her sexy boss… and loving every second. Who could ever have guessed?

  “I’m going to have you do things you never dreamed you’d do, Harper,” he continued. “Things you don’t want to do, until you try them for the first time and realize you like it. I’m going to do things to you that good girls don’t do. And you’re going to beg me for more.”

  “Yes,” she murmured, his voice putting her in a trance.

  “Tell me you’re going to do everything I tell you to do,” he ordered, his voice mesmerizing her.

  “I’ll do it, Zach, everything you want, I swear.” Her voice was high and needy. “Every single thing.”

  When they reached the hotel parking lot, he glanced around, and so did she, noticing a few people walking through the grounds. Both of their eyes went to her hands, still bound by the panties. She sucked in a breath. He wasn’t going to make her wear those to the room, was he? She started to stiffen, thinking about—

  He reached over and unwound the fabric, and stuck it into his pocket. “Nobody else needs to see what you do for me,” he murmured, the sexiness of his voice coupled with his insight into her needs making her even more turned on. “As long as I know,” he whispered into her ear, his lips brushing her skin. “That’s what matters.” He came around to her door and opened it. “Let’s go.”


  Walking back to their cottage, his arm around her, they were silent. Some night-bird called out again and again, and something fluttered overhead. A bat? She didn’t know; didn’t care. He unlocked the door and took off his jacket. “Take twenty minutes and get yourself ready, whatever you need to do. When I come into this room, I expect to see you naked on your bed, hands and knees. Understand?”

  “Zach.” She flushed. “That’s…”

  “That’s what you’re going to do for me,” he said, biting her neck and running his hand over the curve of her ass. “Because I asked you to. Yes or no?

  “I… yes,” she whispered, unable to look him in the eye.

  He tilted her chin upward. “Completely naked, Harper.”

  She nodded.

  He let go and ran his fingers down her shoulder. “Go.”

  Standing alone in her room, she trembled with desire, her body full of warring emotions. Need conflicted with logic; this was bound to go nowhere. He was a player, he wasn’t in this for long term. She worked for him, part time. The ending would be a disaster and a mess and difficult to get past. But oh, he was a player, and how fucking good this game could be.

  Even though her mind wasn’t at ease, she stripped and jumped into the shower for a brief wash, brushed her teeth. Drying off, she checked the clock, her stomach in knots. Seven minutes. Was she going to do this? If he came in and she wasn’t naked and on the bed, would he go away? Surely not; the game would alter into something new and different, probably just as delicious. The look in his eye wasn’t that of a man who’d give up when one thing changed.

  But as appalling as it might seem to the her of a month ago, she wanted to obey his orders. She could stop at any time; she knew he was in this for pleasure for them both, and she wanted to have that.

  So after she replaced the damp towel back over the silver bar, she smoothed down the cover of the bed and climbed up, positioning herself as requested, on hands and knees, thighs spread. The pose was provocative and lewd, and just displaying herself like that, to the empty room, was enough to have her wet again. The cool air brushed against her nipples like fingers and she shivered with anticipation. What would he do first when he came in? Touch her? Tease her? Would he undress?

  Two minutes. God! Would he come in right on time? She shifted her position, anxiously awaiting any sounds from the connecting door. Where was he?

  At the last minute, she flipped over and switched positions. Maybe she’d make him work for it, just a little bit. Maybe she wanted to tease him. Maybe she wanted to push that dark look in his eye, and find out exactly what he’d do when he discovered her disobedience.

  Smiling at her own plan, she grabbed the gauzy fabric at the foot of the bed, the piece draped across like decoration, and twisted it over her breasts and through her thighs, the material doing little to provide any modesty; instead, highlighting her body. She put up one knee and one arm near her head, playing with her hair, splayed out across the pillow.


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