Now & Forever 2 - The book of Danny

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Now & Forever 2 - The book of Danny Page 3

by Joachim Jean

  The din of the restaurant and the presence of other people broke the spell. The maître d’ looked at them and smiled before showing them to a secluded table in a corner of the restaurant. Danny pulled out a chair for Eliza, who spread out her skirt and sat down gracefully. He sat next to her, getting as close as the small table would allow. The waiter lit the candle on their table and took their drink orders.

  After a few sips of their drinks, Eliza spoke first. “How was it to see Callie after such a long time?”

  “I’ll be honest. I was shocked to see she was married and with a kid. But she deserves to be happy.”

  “She does. Mac is the perfect choice for her…not that I knew Kyle. I’m sure they were great together…but for now…he’s crazy about her.”

  “That’s good. Because if he ever does anything, I’ll…”

  “You’ll what?”

  “Callie is important to me. She’s like family…all the family I have. I want her to be happy,” he said, backpedaling, feeling heat seep into his cheeks.

  Eliza took his hand and squeezed it. “You want to protect her. I get it.”

  “What about you?” Danny asked, lacing his fingers with hers.

  “I’m alone, too. My daughters are away at college.”

  “You were married, right?”

  “Yes. Bill died suddenly. A heart attack. I never got to say goodbye.”

  “I never got to say goodbye to Kyle either. I know how that makes everything worse, somehow.”

  “I had a tough time after Bill died. I had the many decisions to make without his guidance. Sometimes at night, the silence deafened me…it can be so loud… you know?” She confided in him, playing with the straw that came with her drink.

  “I understand. After Kyle died, I had no one to report to, no one looking over my shoulder…giving me a hard time if I messed up or beating the crap out of anyone who messed with me. Sometimes…too many times I’d end up drinking too much,” Danny admitted, taking her hand.

  “What about your parents?”

  “After my parents went to prison, Kyle became my guardian. We were only kids ourselves, nineteen and thirteen years old. He worked at a garage fixing cars and rented a trailer for us. Callie came over all the time, she acted like my sister. When I went to college, Kyle joined the Army, like he always wanted. But he died before he could marry Callie or see me graduate…with honors,” Danny said, looking down at his hands, struggling to control his voice.

  “How awful to lose Kyle, when you needed him most,” she said, sympathetically, looking up into his eyes, curling her fingers around his hand and squeezing.

  “I can’t remember not needing him. The same must be true for you,” he said.

  “I was so lost, I disappeared into bed…”

  “Bed? You were sleeping around?” Danny asked as his eyebrows shot up.

  “I spent too much time sleeping. Being tired all the time, I could barely

  move. Jonesy and Mac forced me to get up in the morning, pushed me out of the house. Still, I had to learn to put one foot in front of the other by myself.”

  “You seem to be doing well.”

  “I worked hard, which paid off. I still have hard days…lonely days,” she said and their eyes connected.

  Danny took her hand, kissed it and threaded his fingers through hers.

  “I got angry after Kyle died. I decided to go to Iraq myself…to even the score.”

  “Weren’t you scared?”

  “Terrified. But don’t tell anyone,” he confessed, smiling, staring into the candle.

  “Being so alone terrified me. And nights at home alone in bed…”

  “…you missed that, too,” he finished for her, as a beautiful pink blush stained her cheeks.

  “Yes,” she admitted, looking directly into the candle’s flame.

  “What about Simon?” he probed, studying her face.

  “He’s a poor replacement. He’s pleasant enough…”

  “Doesn’t sound like a love match.”

  “When you’re lonely…and a man comes along,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Are you in love with him?” Danny asked, holding his breath, waiting for her reaction, a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “Simon? No. Absolutely not. He’s…you know…someone to go to the movies with, to take to school functions so I don’t have to go alone.”

  “What about the…uh…sleeping arrangements with him?” he asked, embarrassed but unable to deny his curiosity.

  “Oh!” Eliza turned beet red this time and looked down at her hands.

  “I don’t mean to pry, but…”

  “I wouldn’t miss him like I miss Bill. I don’t know how I should explain.”

  “I get the idea. He’s not much in the sack,” he said, bluntly, his gaze seeking hers.

  “Not exactly,” she said, her hands twisting the cloth napkin.

  “A beautiful woman like you deserves more.” He saw her eyes widen as he rested his hand over hers, calming her.

  Her hands stopped, he closed his fingers around hers and she lifted her eyes to his.

  “You’re right,” she said, hunger evident in her gaze.

  “You deserve a man who can send you to the moon,” he murmured. He gazed at her face, lovely in the candle glow.

  He focused on her delicate mouth and inviting lips. He couldn’t keep his eyes from traveling over her body. His fingertips tingled when his gaze lit on her breasts, wondering how they would feel, anxious to find out but afraid to rush her.

  “I don’t like to talk about Kyle. Most people don’t understand. But you’re different,” Danny said, dropping his eyes and changing the subject.

  “Same here. Most men don’t want to know about Bill. Hearing about him turns them off. But not you,” she said, surprise in her voice, one eyebrow raised.

  “I guess I understand loss.”

  “You do. Why doesn’t an attractive man like you have a girlfriend? ” Eliza asked, smiling at him.

  “No one wants to get attached to a guy who might come back in pieces.”

  “So you were all alone in Iraq?” Eliza said, continuing to hold his hand.

  “I had my buddies. My squad. They were my family.”

  “Why did you go to the Mideast? Weren’t you afraid you would lose your life there, too?” she asked him, lacing her fingers with his.

  “I had a personal mission,” he said, closing his fingers around her hand.

  “What kind of mission?”

  “ ‘The time has come’ the walrus said, ‘To talk of many things: of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—of cabbages – and kings’ But best not to spoil this evening with tales of blood and gore,” he said, quoting Lewis Carroll, avoiding her gaze.

  “You’ll have to talk sometime with someone or it’ll haunt you. I’m a good listener.”

  The unexpected offer choked him up, his stomach knotted and his chest tightened. He had a hard time trusting and confiding in anyone, except Callie. He kissed her hand, unable to speak.

  She reached up and touched his face.

  They returned to their meal, finishing up in silence. On the walk home, Danny and Eliza went for a stroll down quiet country streets with sleepy houses painted bright colors, their shutters in black or white. Small gardens and lawns were well tended. The occasional warning bark of a dog was the only sound to break the quiet of the evening.

  The evening had cooled off after the warm day, causing Eliza to shiver, so Danny gave her his jacket. They walked home holding hands, enjoying the breeze and watching the shadows as spring leaves danced in the moonlight.

  As they neared her house, Danny steered her into the shadow of a large apple tree. The sweet fragrance of the pink and white blossoms gave a, romantic scent to the deserted lane. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently. She closed her eyes, offering no resistance. He deepened his next kiss, enjoying how Eliza relaxed against him.

  He placed his hands o
n her small waist, moving her closer. Eliza responded to Danny’s ardent kisses with ragged breathing as her body molded to his. His hands caressed her shoulders then moved down her back to her waist where he pulled her closer to him gently while his lips traveled down to nuzzle her neck. Intense heat coursed through his veins. He felt Eliza rest against him so that his arms were the only things holding her up. She closed her eyes again, leaning into him, her arms around his neck. Her lack of resistance fueled his fire. He wanted her right then and there and could feel himself getting carried away.

  Then he stepped back, not wanting to rush her, overwhelm her, and lose her to his growing desire. He could imagine her soft, warm and willing in his bed, her hair shining and silvery in the moonlight, her eyes filled with longing. This woman excited Danny like no other woman before.

  His gaze swept her from head to toe while his blood pounded. His hands itched to touch her again as her beauty drew him like a moth to a flame. He snaked one hand around her waist as he approached her again. She stepped toward him, closing the gap between them. Trying not to crush her, he held her tight and kissed her, his hand threaded through her hair, his lips parting hers, probing her mouth with his tongue, making her powerless to resist the absolute maleness of him. Danny broke away while he still could and waited for his breathing to return to normal. He took her hand again and they continued their walk. Arriving at her house, Danny kissed her goodnight, careful to keep his desires in check.

  “On Sunday there’s a church supper and square dance at the Dominion Church on the corner of Elm and Ratchett. Would you go with me?”

  She scoffed. “A square dance? Come on.”

  “They’re supposed to be fun. And the food is usually good at these things, I hear. Come with me,” he coaxed, holding her close.

  She nodded.

  “I’ll come for you at five-thirty,” he said, and then he kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her, losing himself in her scent and her softness. As he walked away from her house, he wondered how he was going to be able to wait a whole week before seeing her again.

  The week passed slowly for Danny. He worked on his lessons, reading, making notes, typing up lectures, consulting with the department chair, Jim Caterson. During the day when he wasn’t working, he thought about Eliza. He kept smelling her perfume, recalling the softness of her skin, her lips and the way she melted in his arms.

  Used to being in a barracks with his platoon, Danny was now living alone for the first time. He hoped the peace and quiet would help to heal him, maybe even get rid of his nightmares, but that didn’t happen. Instead, the frequency of his nightmares increased. Most nights he awoke at two am sweating and screaming, but two shots of scotch knocked him out for the rest of the night.

  Friday morning he thought about Eliza, her lonely eyes and he noticed her gardenia scent everywhere. Deciding he’d missed enough time with her, he bought two coffees and stopped by her office.

  “Is Dean Baines in?” he asked Jonesy.

  “Professor Maine, right? Is she expecting you?”

  Danny shook his head.

  “I’ll tell her you’re here,” Jonesy said, looking Danny over from head to toe. He felt naked under her scrutiny.

  Jonesy knocked on Eliza’s office door, walked in, leaving the door open.

  “That young man, a professor, I think, is here to see you.”

  “Danny’s here?” Eliza’s head snapped up and she put down the papers she was working on.

  “Oh, it’s Danny? Yes, I see. Well, he’s here all right. Waiting outside,” Jonesy said, turning toward the door.

  Eliza came out wearing a huge smile. She motioned for him to follow her. He crossed the threshold of her office, set the cups on her desk and folded her in his arms as soon as the door shut behind them.

  “God you smell good,” he said, pulling her close, burying his face in her neck.

  Eliza laughed, the tinkle of her laugh like music to his ears.

  Danny brushed his lips against hers gently before deepening the kiss. He could feel her go soft against his chest. He tightened his grip, crushing her against him, moving his lips to the silky flesh below her ear.

  “Thought you might have a moment to have coffee with me,” he said, breaking away from her reluctantly.

  “How lovely. I can take a break. Thank you,” she said, taking a sip from the coffee he handed her as she sat down, unable to hide her uneven breathing.

  “Regular with one sugar, right?”

  “You have a good memory,” she said, looking him over.

  Danny sat in the chair across from her desk and tried not to stare at Eliza while she fidgeted with her stirrer. He smiled, enjoying his power to make her nervous, with desire, he hoped.

  “I’ve been preparing lectures all week. Wondered what you were doing…needed to get out.”

  “Mac and Callie invited me over Saturday night, why don’t you come with me…if you’re not busy?”

  “Mac doesn’t want me around,” Danny said, shaking his head.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “He thinks Callie and I are going to have a big romance. He’s nuts.”

  “That’s absurd! Callie couldn’t be more in love with him.” Standing up, she headed for the door. “He’s across the hall, why don’t I ask him.”

  “Not while I’m here. I don’t want to get into an argument,” Danny said, getting up from his chair.

  “That’s silly! Mac’s a rational man. He wouldn’t go off the deep end. You’ve only been here a short time and Callie is so happy to see you again. It doesn’t make sense that he would…”

  “Wait until he finds out I’m dating you. Fireworks!” Danny said, ready to leave.

  “Let me talk to him,” she said, pushing him back down in the chair.

  “I know jealous guys, Eliza.”

  “I won’t tell him you’re here,” she said, standing up, heading for Mac.

  Eliza knocked on Mac’s door. He was on the phone but motioned her to come in.

  Within a few minutes, Eliza returned to her office.

  “If he was jealous, he’s not now. Please come, I’ll have more fun if you’re there,” she said.

  He nodded.

  “Come over at three tomorrow and help me bake a pie. Baking together will be fun…like going to a square dance,” she said, her eyebrows raised, a smile on her lips.

  “You got me,” he agreed grinning and got up to go.

  Eliza followed him to the door.

  “I missed you. I’m glad I came today.”

  They kissed another long, slow kiss. Danny slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. His breathing became shallow. She touched his stubbly face. He stopped to kiss her one more time before he disappeared through the door and back to his solitary life.

  * * * *

  Eliza closed her office door and sank into her chair, waiting for her breathing to return to normal and the heightened color to drain from her face. Danny Maine affected her like a hurricane, blowing into her life with gale force winds, sweeping her off her feet and stirring up long dormant feelings, sensations. When he held her in his arms, her lips and other parts of her body tingled. She felt every inch of him pressed against her, his masculine presence making her pulse race. Her fingertips became super sensitive trailing along his powerful shoulders, down his back.

  She closed her eyes and allowed herself to dream about him for a moment. Her first image of Danny, undressed and in bed with her, made her blush, then smile. Embarrassed, she opened her eyes and didn’t leave her office until her cheeks returned to normal color.

  Jonesy saw everything and thought it was time to investigate—find out if Eliza had already given her heart to this young man. The older woman ambled into Eliza’s office trying to look casual and disinterested, though she was like a bloodhound on a fresh scent.

  “What’s up, Jonesy?” Eliza asked in business-like voice.

  Jonesy plunked herself down into the chair opposite Eliza’s
desk and stared at her.

  “That’s what I was going to ask you. What’s up with this guy, Eliza?” Jonesy asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?” Eliza asked.

  “Come on, it’s me. We’ve known each other too long to beat around the bush. What’s going on with you and Professor Maine?”

  “Nothing…not much. We’re dating,” Eliza said, looking at the empty coffee cup, avoiding Jonesy’s eyes.

  “Just dating? The heat in this office could set off the smoke alarm.”

  “You’re exaggerating.” Eliza laughed.

  “Am I? Never got this warm in here when Simon came by. This new guy is pretty hot. Is he too hot for you, missy?”

  “Not at all.” Eliza sniffed, avoiding giving away too much.

  “Good. You deserve this…him. Give dusty old Simon the boot. Never liked him anyway,” Jonesy said, getting to her feet.

  “Glad to have your approval,” Eliza said, chuckling.

  Jonesy walked out back out to her office and Eliza hoped she satisfied the other woman's curiosity.

  Chapter Four

  Saturday night at five, Danny and Eliza arrived at the Caldwell house with a warm apple pie. Jason greeted them at the door. Sweat broke out on Danny’s forehead when Mac opened the door. He tried to meet Mac’s eyes but hesitated, unsure whether he would find welcome or hostility there. He was relieved to see a neutral expression on Mac’s face. Danny swiped his sweaty hand across his jeans quickly, in case Mac wanted to shake.

  “Aunt Eliza and an apple pie! Oh boy, oh boy!” he said dancing around. Then he saw Danny.

  “Look mom, here’s the soldier, where is your uniform?” Jason asked him.

  “I left it home little buddy. Only wear my uniform when I go to war.”

  Jason nodded. Danny picked him up and tossed him in the air.

  Mac shook his hand and didn’t make a face when Callie gave Danny a hug and a kiss.

  “Can I help set the table or something?” Danny asked Callie.


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