Now & Forever 2 - The book of Danny

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Now & Forever 2 - The book of Danny Page 4

by Joachim Jean

  “Why don’t you help Mac with the barbecue?” She suggested.

  He chuckled at her transparency, pushing him together with Mac but he went anyway.

  “Can I give you a hand here?”

  “Sure. Steaks for us burgers for the kids. I think the buns are still frozen, can you separate them and put them on the top shelf there?”

  Danny worked side-by-side with Mac, glancing at the dining room where Eliza and Callie were setting the table and putting out the other food. The women were chatting and laughing. He wondered what they were talking about, hoping Eliza was asking Callie about him.

  Dinner was a fairly chaotic affair as Kitty spilled her milk, Jason got catsup all over his light blue shirt and Callie accidentally knocked the salad bowl on the floor. Fortunately, it didn’t break.

  Is it always like this when you have kids? He shot a questioning glance at Eliza who was scooping salad off the floor.

  She laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

  After dinner, everyone helped clean up.

  “I’ve got my first square dance tomorrow night,” Danny announced, returning the salad bowl to the kitchen.

  “What fun! I wish I could go with you,” Callie said.

  “Eliza is coming.”

  Callie looked at her girlfriend and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

  “Do you play baseball in the Army,” Jason asked.

  ‘No, but I can play here. Do you play?”

  Jason nodded and ran into the other room, returning moments later with his baseball and glove. While the men took Jason outside for a game of catch, Callie and Eliza finished cleaning up in the kitchen and put Kitty to bed.

  “Are you dating Danny?” Callie asked.

  “Hmmm?” Eliza muttered, her eyes trained on the dishes, turned away from Callie’s stare.

  “You’re here with him, you’re going out with him tomorrow. You two are spending a lot of time together.”

  “Just helping him make social connections here. He doesn’t know anyone else and—”

  “Baloney. Can’t fool me. I know a couple when I see one.”

  Eliza kept washing dishes, refusing to meet Callie's gaze.

  “Simon is a stiff. He went off to Europe without you. I don’t think he’s good enough for you.”

  “And you think a man ten years younger than I am is?” Eliza inquired raising one eyebrow.

  “Danny’s special…not like other guys. He’s not a phony or a liar.”

  “Sort of like Kyle?”

  “And Mac, too. So are you seeing each other?”

  “Sort of…a few dates and—”Eliza shrugged.

  “I told Mac you were and he said you weren’t. Hah! Men never know these things. You are good for Danny,” Callie said, with a smile.

  “What does he need an old lady like me for?”

  “You’re not an old lady. You’re kind and caring, giving him stability…good sense. Plus you’re very pretty. Danny likes pretty women.”

  “Thanks, Callie,” Eliza said, hugging her.

  “He needs help coping with Kyle’s death and his military experience,” Callie added.

  “Do you know what happened?”

  “Not specifics, bad times, the worst, people getting blown up. Danny had to kill people. He’s suffering still,” Callie told her friend.

  “He won’t talk about his experiences to me.”

  “He will eventually. Pillow talk or aren’t you two sleeping together yet?”

  “Callie! That’s a pretty personal question,” Eliza said, aghast.

  “Eliza, you’re my best friend. What’s the secret? We’re all adults.”

  “Tomorrow will be our third date. That’s rushing things a little.”

  “I’m surprised you’ve been able to hold him back this long,” she said, laughing. “Those Maine boys have hot blood!”

  Eliza laughed in spite of herself. She liked Danny more than she wanted to admit. Now Callie knew, soon Mac would also. Would people think she ‘robbed the cradle’? Eliza had to get comfortable with the idea of dating Danny or give him up. She knew she wouldn’t give him up. A man who made her sizzle the way Danny did when he kissed her was here to stay.

  The adults played board games after Jason went to bed. Partners were switched with Mac and Danny on the same team for one game, which they won. They did high fives and teased the women. The way Danny made Callie laugh and reminisced with her was wonderful to see.

  The evening ended pleasantly. Hearing Danny’s relaxed sigh on the ride home pleased her.

  “Mac is getting used to me,” Danny said.

  “He’s a good guy, but he has a hard time dealing with Callie’s feelings for Kyle. He’s improving.”

  As Danny pulled up and parked in her driveway, she realized she wanted to kiss him. Just one kiss. But one sweet kiss rapidly progressed to several heated kisses. Danny tempted her with his tongue, teased her with his lips.

  Eliza melted as the fire he ignited inside her threatened to consume her, the more he kissed her, the more she wanted him. The floodgates on her pent up feelings opened. His hand cradled her breast. When his fingers closed around it and squeezed gently, she felt a sexual charge flash through her body like lightning.

  “I’ll stop whenever you want to,” he whispered in her ear, but Eliza knew she couldn’t stop...didn’t want to.

  She said nothing, moving her arms around his neck, inching closer to him and losing herself in the passion spreading throughout her body. He moved his free hand to her inner thigh, rubbing his thumb lightly over her smooth skin, creating a strong desire…heat she hadn’t felt in years. Her breathing became ragged.

  “Let’s go,” she said, pulling away from him and opening the car door.

  Inside, she took his hand and led him into her bedroom. Danny took her in his arms and kissed her as Eliza moaned and pulled up his T-shirt, running her hands up his chest. He ripped the shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor, then stepped back.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked her, his eyes glowing with excitement.

  She nodded, breathless, her body trembling.

  “I want you so much,” he said, reaching for her.

  Years of frustration turned into undeniable, uncontrollable desire, filling Eliza with an unbearable heat. Danny’s breathing became ragged, his body taut and his eyes on fire with passion. They took their time undressing each other, trying to slow things down. Danny flipped open her bra with one hand and then eased down her panties smoothly, showing more experience than Eliza expected at his age.

  “You are incredibly beautiful,” he said, devouring her body with his eyes, the flush of desire creeping up his chest.

  Stepping up to him, she touched his strong chest, ran her hands through his fine, blond chest hair, and slid up over his firm muscles to his shoulders. His hands caressing her breasts sent fire through her veins to her core. He ran his hands down her sides and around to her gently rounded behind, pulling her hips against his. She moaned when she felt his arousal.

  Danny pushed her down on the bed, kissing her hungrily, before his mouth traveled from her moist lips to her neck and to her breast. His hand moved slowly down over the softness of her belly, then lower. She sighed with pleasure, her eyes closed while his fingers explored the warm wetness of her center. Eliza’s body burned as he gently caressed and stroked her, building the intensity. She raised her hips to him, inviting him to quench the fire by taking her.

  He started this tidal wave of feeling in her so she trusted Danny to take over. Despite Eliza’s growing desire, he didn’t rush. He made slow, sensuous love to her with his hands, lips and tongue. She reached out and stroked him, causing him to gently remove her hand.

  “If you continue that, this will be over real quick,” he whispered.

  When he could hold out no longer, he covered himself and entered her. As he moved inside her, Eliza closed her eyes and lost control, crying out with pleasure as they gave themselves and took
each other in explosive mutual ecstasy.

  Afterward, they collapsed, panting. Danny folded her in his arms, holding her close and brushing her neck with his lips. When he finally lifted his head, she gave him a sweet and loving kiss.

  “I didn’t think…this hasn’t…oh…” Eliza took a deep breath.

  “You are the most beautiful, most amazing woman,” Danny whispered, stroking her hair.

  “That was…was…to the moon,” she breathed, putting her palm on his cheek.

  Danny’s desire for her captivated Eliza and thrilled her to the soles of her feet. She lusted after this gorgeous man, feeling like a young woman first discovering the joys of physical love. His gentleness along with his passion and the way he took over and made love to her so expertly, excited her beyond her dreams. Every nerve ending in her body felt electrically charged.

  She stroked his skin, feeling a tingle where her fingers touched him. Lovemaking hadn’t been this powerful for her since Bill died. She curled up next to him and put her head on his shoulder. Danny pulled her closer, stroking her hair gently until she drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  So much had been bottled up inside Danny for so long. Anger and vengeance had ruled his heart. Now love exploded in his head. He wanted to memorize every inch of Eliza’s beautiful body, to feel each touch a thousand times. Her sweetness, her genuine caring, her soft laugh brought excitement to him in a new way. He couldn’t believe he was lucky enough to be her lover. This lovemaking exceeded anything he had known before. He cared about Eliza. She was the whole package, not just sex. As she fell asleep, Danny felt fatigue overtake him and soon he slept quietly beside her.

  At three o’clock, Danny sat up in bed, hollering.

  “Joe! Joe! No! Come back! Come back!”

  Danny was having a nightmare and his screams awakened Eliza instantly. He awoke when she shook him gently, but he was sweating and shaking.

  “Danny, what happened?”

  “Oh, God. I saw Joe...oh God. Joe.” Danny put his hand over his eyes to hide his tears.

  Danny turned his back so that his scars were visible to Eliza for the first time. He turned to her in time to see her eyes get wide. She covered her mouth with her hand as he shot her a questioning glance.

  “Turn around,” she ordered.

  He turned around slowly, drying his eyes.

  “What have they done to you?” Eliza exclaimed and started to cry.

  “A bomb exploded. Looks worse than it is,” he said, taking her in his arms. “I’m okay.”

  “Do you have these dreams often,” she asked him gently, stroking his back.

  “Two or three times a week,” he said, touching her hair.

  “Oh, sweetheart, how do you live with that?”

  “I get by.”

  “Who’s Joe?”

  “A member of my squad,” Danny said, taking a deep breath.

  “What happened to him?”

  “Blown to bits,” he confided.

  Eliza tightened her arms around him, and kissed his face. “I’m so sorry.”

  Danny sat quietly, debating whether or not to share some of his past with Eliza. He knew much of it would appear gruesome or horrific to most people but he felt close to her in a way he didn’t with most others, especially women. His need to confide in Eliza was overwhelming, pushing his natural reticence aside. He was beginning to trust her Trust came with difficulty, but with Eliza it came easy.

  “I killed people in Iraq. And I saw a lot of people die,” he said slowly.

  “But you had to…or be killed.”

  “I wanted to kill those bastards.”

  “Do you still want to?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “You’ll be okay,” she said, touching his face and kissing him. “Get help, sweetheart.”

  “I just need a new start,” he said, defensively, pulling away from her.

  She stopped speaking. They curled up together and went back to sleep.

  In the morning, Danny woke up with a jolt in unfamiliar surroundings, reaching for a gun that wasn’t there. When he got his bearings, he turned to discover Eliza sleeping peacefully beside him.

  She wasn’t like other women he had known. He recalled the exciting details from the night before—including the fact she called him sweetheart. No one ever called him that before. He was falling in love for the first time and falling hard, which made him afraid and euphoric at the same time.

  He couldn’t resist her innocent beauty, as she slept so peacefully. He gently stroked her hair and kissed her neck until she started to stir.

  “Good morning, Sweetpea,” he said, resting his palm on her cheek.

  She opened her eyes, smiled at him and reached up to touch his rough face. He kissed her slowly, rekindling their passion with his hands and lips. As he rediscovered her breasts, she touched his chest first with her fingertips, and then flattened her palm out, sliding her hand down his chest and over his stomach. Her fingers curled around his erection, fanning his desire to flame. He slipped his hand down lower, stroking her gently, feeling her incredible softness become slick. She moaned, drawing his attention to her face, where her eyes were half-closed and her lips slightly parted. He wanted to give her pleasure, her happiness being more important to him than his own. She whispered his name and quickly he covered himself and entered her, thrusting slowly at first, then speeding up as the intensity and excitement spiraled up and up, giving her the satisfying release they both sought, heating up the lazy Sunday morning air with their hot hunger for each other.

  * * * *

  Ten blocks away, Callie rolled over in bed and snaked her arm around Mac’s side. The clock read six. Kitty and Jason weren’t up yet. She expected them to come running in at any moment, so she and Mac didn’t have time to repeat their passion of the night before. Still, she had time to lie there, remembering. She put her cheek on his back and pulled herself up close to him.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  He surprised her by taking her hand in his, kissing her palm and then, folding her hand over his stomach.

  “Eliza is dating Danny,” Callie said, quietly.

  “What?” he exclaimed, his body jerking slightly.

  “You heard me…Eliza is dating Danny but maybe not sleeping with him…yet.”

  “He’s a lot younger than she is,” Mac argued.

  “So what? They like each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts sleeping with him soon, Danny’s a pretty hot guy.”

  “How would you know?” he asked, rolling over and giving her a probing look.

  “Don’t be silly. Not Danny and me, both the Maine boys were pretty hot-blooded,” she said, instantly regretting her statement.

  “Do you want to give me details?” Mac rested his chin on his elbow, giving her his full attention.

  “Forget I said that. Frankly, if you were any more hot-blooded, Mac, I’d be in trouble,” she said, palming his cheek.

  He smiled and gave her a hug.

  “Just pulling your chain, baby,” he said, stroking her hair with a devilish gleam in his eye.

  “Don’t give me that look. I know what’s on your mind, but the kids will be up any minute…”

  “Can’t we teach them to sleep in?” he asked, pulling her nightgown up, stroking her behind and nuzzling her neck.

  “You tell a toddler to go back to bed,” she said as her eyes closed.

  “You think Danny and Eliza are getting together?” he asked, letting her go.

  “I don’t think. I know,” she said, sitting up.

  “She’s pretty and I can see why Danny would like her, but what she sees in him, I don’t get,” he said, pulling the sheet over his naked body.

  “He’s hunky.”

  “Eliza wouldn’t sleep with him because of his looks. She’s better than that.”

  “You mean she’s above sexual desire? I don’t think so. After wimpy Simon, now she has a real man. That makes a big difference. I ought t
o know,” she said, kissing him.

  “I’ve lost both my women to Maine men!” Mac said, throwing his hands in the air, feigning despair.

  “Both your women? Since when is Eliza your woman?” Callie said, hitting him with a pillow, pretending to be jealous.

  * * * *

  Back at Eliza’s house, Danny and Eliza shared a long shower and made love one more time. Later the lovers sipped coffee at the breakfast table.

  “Is this Bill’s robe?” Danny asked, pulling at the lapels and looking at Eliza.

  “Yes, but it’s just a robe.”

  “Doesn’t bother you…it doesn’t bother me.”

  She looked at him in the green robe, the color brought out the green flecks in his eyes. He exuded power and appeared sexy in the robe, Eliza couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  The doorbell rang. She opened the door, surprised to see Simon there.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “That’s a fine greeting,” he said, a sharp tone to his voice as he pushed past her and walked into the house.

  “Who’s this Eliza?” he asked pointing to Danny. “Better be a cousin dressed as he is.”

  “Simon, Danny. Danny, Simon. No, he isn’t a cousin.”

  “You’ve taken a young lover while I went home to England?” he asked, his eyebrow arching.

  “Danny is none of your business. You and I are done.”

  “You’re kidding? Why?”

  “While you were gone, I realized we have no relationship. I moved on. I think you should go.”

  “What about us? The last two years?”

  “Our relationship ran its course, let it go,” she said, turning away from him.

  “Can’t we talk about this?” he pleaded, reaching for her hand.

  “I’m not going to change my mind. Please go,” she said, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her robe.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I demand an explanation,” he stated, planting his feet firmly in the living room.

  “The lady asked you to leave,” Danny said.

  “I don’t care, punk. I’m staying. Why don’t you leave?” Simon said, his eyes flashed, as he took a step toward Danny.


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