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Now & Forever 2 - The book of Danny

Page 16

by Joachim Jean

  Irvin slapped him across the face. Danny started after him, but Irvin cocked the gun and put the muzzle right up against the bridge of his nose.

  “Don’t!” Edna said to Irvin, putting her hand on his arm, then she turned to Danny. “We’re your parents. You’ve got to help us.”

  “I’ll kill you right now, you brat,” Irvin said, taking a step closer to Danny.

  “Brat! That’s what you always called me when Kyle and I were kids. You called us brats. I dare you to put down the gun and call me a brat again,” Danny said, with menace in his voice.

  “I ain’t stupid. I know you can beat me up. You were brats. Both of you. Thank God Kyle is dead.”

  Edna kicked him and he dropped the gun. Danny went for his throat. He pushed Irvin down and fell on top of him, his hands locked around the skinny man’s neck squeezing the life out of him, Danny’s eyes gleaming with hatred.

  “Stop, you’re killing him. Don’t , Danny. He isn’t worth it!” she hollered, pulling on his shoulder.

  When he let go, Irvin grabbed the gun and held Danny hostage again.

  “You damn near killed me, you bastard. Let us in,” Irvin said, coughing.

  “Drop dead.”

  “Why you…ungrateful son of a bitch,” he said as he raised the gun and pointed the barrel at Danny’s chest.

  “Don’t shoot, Irvin. Don’t kill my son!” Edna pleaded.

  “Yeah, he’s your son. But he ain’t mine,” Irvin said, aiming at Danny’s chest.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ask your mother.” He tried to steady his shaking hand.

  Edna got red in the face but she didn’t say anything.

  “She ain’t going to admit the truth, but I know…”

  “You know?” She turned to look at him as her eyebrows shot up.

  “I’ve known all along.”

  “Oh my God. That’s why….”

  “What? What’s going on here?” Danny asked.

  “You ain’t my son. Neither was Kyle. Your daddy’s that asshole, Jonathan Weeks, the guy living next door who banged your mother. He’s your dad.”

  “Is that true, Ma?”

  She nodded looking down at Danny’s gun still in her hand.

  “You think I ain’t figured out after three years I’m shootin’ blanks? Then all of a sudden you get pregnant and try to tell me it’s my kid? When I saw Kyle’s blond hair and blue eyes, do you think I was fooled!” he shouted.

  She stood still, looking at his eyes.

  “And this one, looks just like the other one. She tried to pass you off as mine, too. But you looked so much like Kyle, I knew. I knew she was still bangin’ him. And that piece of crap Weeks over there with his blond hair, mowing the lawn with his shirt off and smiling at your mother and her smiling back, wanting to screw him right in front of my eyes. You think I’m dumb and I didn’t know what happened in my own backyard?”


  Edna cried quietly. “I wanted to tell you.”

  “Is that why you beat us?”

  “Every time I looked at your face, I saw that bastard Weeks. Every time I saw you two boys….then you used to read all the time…just like that piece of shit next door. He and your mother were always talkin’ books over the back fence, with her washin’ her hair for him, paintin’ her nails, wearin’ a special dress. She never wore that dress for me,” he spat out, fire in his eyes.

  “Forgive me, Danny,” she whispered her eyes downcast.

  “All those lousy books in the house…made me mad. I’m tired of pretending. You ain’t my kid and that’s that, so stop calling me dad. I’ve always hated you and your brother, always. And now you ain’t gonna help us, I don’t need you anymore.” He raised the gun and pointed the barrel at Danny’s chest.

  Danny didn’t know what to think, all his childhood he’d been lied to.

  “I’m gonna to send you to be with your brother. I’m gonna finish you off, like I’ve wanted to do from the day you were born.” Irvin cocked the gun.

  Danny down on his knees, all the fight had gone out of him, was powerless to stop Irvin.

  Edna turned to face her husband and aimed Danny’s Glock. She fired the pistol at Irvin’s chest.

  A look of shock appeared on his face before he crumbled, blood oozing from his chest wound, his hand still gripping his gun.

  “You’re not going to kill my son,” she said, quietly, and she fired again. She fired until Irvin stopped moving. As he sank to the ground, Irvin’s finger closed reflexively on the trigger and the gun discharged. The bullet blazed through Danny’s shoulder, blood spurted then oozed out of his wound. Danny stood up, put his hand over the hole in his shoulder and kicked the gun away from Irvin’s lifeless body.

  Police sirens heralded the arrival of Dave Williams and two squad cars of men. Edna looked at Danny with tears in her eyes.

  “His name is Jonathan Weeks. He lives in a retirement home in Riverton, about fifty miles from here. He doesn’t know about you and Kyle, though he might have guessed if Irvin did.”

  “Drop that gun,” Dave Williams called through a bullhorn.

  Edna put the gun down on the ground.

  “I’m sorry, Danny,” she said, crying softly and gazing at him.

  Danny stared at his mother, not knowing what to say.

  “How did you get here so fast?” she asked Dave.

  “Callie Caldwell called us. She got a call from Danny.”

  Dave gave Danny his handkerchief to help stop the bleeding.

  “I called her from my cell in my pocket after you took my gun, Ma. She heard everything.”

  “I’ve called an ambulance,” Dave said, reaching down and touching Irvin’s neck.

  “Hey Gleason, better call the coroner, this one’s dead.”

  “He threatened to kill my son…and he would have. What mother lets someone kill their son?” she asked Dave, slowly raising her sad brown eyes to his.

  “Okay, lady. Tell it to the judge,” he said, looking away from her.

  Gleason handcuffed Edna and she spat at Irvin.

  “Lowlife scum.”

  Danny leaned against the wall of the house and stared at Irvin’s lifeless body.

  “Goodbye, Danny. Please forgive me…I always loved you.”

  He reached out to touch her shoulder and she smiled at him.

  The ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital, where Dr. Cho patched him up, put his arm in a sling and gave him antibiotics. Danny’s head spun there was so much to sort out. His mind reeled. He focused on his surroundings when heard his name being called.

  “Danny Maine? Your ride is here,” the nurse said.

  He looked up and Eliza stood in front of him, smiling.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked her.

  “I’m here to drive you home. Okay?”

  “Fantastic…Thank you,” he said, smiling at her, “How did you know I’m here?”


  “Should have known. Our little good Samaritan,” he chuckled.

  “I brought you some pants. Too cold to go out like that.”

  “Where did you get these?” he asked, putting on the clothes she handed him.

  “You left them at my house.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day when you would be helping me put my pants on,” he teased.

  “Danny, people are listening!”

  Dr. Cho signed a release form for Danny. “Danny, keep the bandage dry. If there is any infection…are you his wife?”

  Eliza blushed. Danny looked at her and nodded to Dr. Cho.

  “If he runs a fever or the wound site gets red, hot or tender, please bring him back,” he said to Eliza. Then he turned to Danny. “You’re lucky; the bullet passed all the way through and didn’t do serious damage. Looks like there’s a small chip of bone taken with the bullet. Might be painful for a while. If over-the-counter painkillers don’t work, call and I’ll give you a prescription.”

you, Doctor.” Danny shook Dr. Cho’s hand.

  “Good luck, Danny,” Dr. Cho said.

  Eliza took Danny’s free hand and they walked out of the hospital so she could take him home. They arrived to the urgent greetings of Rocky and Blue. She helped him out of his blood soaked robe, and then washed the blood off his chest and back. Touching his chest caused her cheeks to stain with color. Being sponged off so gently, so intimately, by her made him want her, want to kiss her and make love to her, despite his wound. He resisted though Eliza didn’t make it any easier for him, hovering about, her seductive scent filling his nostrils. Her delicate beauty, quiet strength and sweetness drew him to her. The sexy way she tossed her hair, swung her hips and the inviting curve of her lips and breasts made her irresistible to him.

  Danny detected the faint sweet scent of gardenia as Eliza moved close to him to wipe the blood off his chest. He looked at her lovely neck, within reach of his lips and he could hold out no longer. He leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly against her skin causing goose bumps to rise along the surface. He pulled her closer and when she turned her head, their lips met. He kissed her softly at first, then angling his mouth to deepen the kiss, his tongue teasing hers. Eliza didn’t pull away. She put her arms around him and returned his passion.

  Weakened from the trauma and blood loss, Danny stopped to take a breath giving Eliza a chance to pull back.

  “You’re exhausted, you need to rest.”

  “Will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone.”

  She touched his face gently.

  “Of course, but first…the dogs,” she said, getting up.

  “Do me a favor. The police took my Glock subcompact. When you’re out with Rocky and Blue could you bring in my other Glock from the glove compartment? I’ll feel better if I have the gun on me tonight.”

  Eliza brought the gun in, carrying it away from her body and holding it with two fingers. She handed it to him quickly because the deadly weapon made her nervous. She wiped her hand on her leg, then moved toward the kitchen to make tea for them both.

  “How about a real drink?” he asked.

  “Didn’t the doctor give you an antibiotic, or tetanus shot or something?”


  “Then you shouldn’t have alcohol. Let’s have tea. Your body needs to calm down."

  “Never happen with you here.”

  Eliza put him in bed. Rocky immediately climbed up on the bed and curled up by Danny’s calf. Blue curled up on the floor next to the bed.

  “Do you want to talk?” She ran her hand through his hair.

  Danny felt too tired to go into detail. He told her generally what happened. Not long after they finished their tea. Eliza pulled the covers over him and turned out the light. She took off her clothes and put on one of Danny’s T-shirts and climbed quietly into bed next to him. Danny rested on his left side to keep pressure off his right shoulder. She moved up beside him and slowly draped her arm gently over his middle and they both drifted off to sleep. Rocky snored softly on the bottom of the bed and Blue lay on the floor next to Danny’s side of the bed, curled up on a mat on the floor.

  At three o’clock, Danny woke up when Blue licked his face to wake him from his nightmare. Irvin haunted his dreams tonight. He felt a chill of loneliness until he rolled over and saw Eliza, beginning to stir, next to him. She opened her eyes.


  “About my father…Irvin.”

  “Oh, sweetheart!” She kissed his lips softly, touching his face.

  Danny put his good arm around Eliza and pulled her closer to him. She put her head on his healthy shoulder and her hand stroked his chest. They fell back asleep wrapped tightly together.

  The next morning he woke up first. He saw Eliza sleeping peacefully next to him. His shoulder started to ache, but he didn’t care. He reached under the tee shirt to stroke her body, enjoying the feel of her soft skin again.

  She woke up with his eyes staring straight into hers, his hand under her shirt caressing her breast, focusing on her peak. She removed her T-shirt, the only barrier to their lovemaking, and ran her hands up his chest. Her eyes smiled warmly into his. He smiled back, his hand passing slowly over her skin, fingers closing over her breast. She slipped her foot between his calves and moved it up and down.

  Danny ran his tongue over his lower lip; tiny drops of sweat broke out on his forehead as he shifted his leg up between hers. She gasped as his thigh touched her core. He moved his leg back and forth, slowly, stroking her. Eliza closed her eyes and lifted her leg up slightly allowing him better access. He raised his higher and gently increased his pressure against her. She began to breathe heavily and move rhythmically against his thigh. His lips brushed kisses down her neck to her breast. Her hands, traveled over his chest, caressing him, fingers moving over his chest hair and soft skin. Her left hand continued down until she found his arousal.

  He moaned as she wound her fingers around him. She hooked her leg over his hip. His arm ached, his motion was limited, so Eliza took over. She maneuvered her leg and hips enabling him to slide right into her, causing her to gasp in surprise, while he moaned with pleasure. Danny pulled her closer while he pumped his hips, moving in and out of her. Their bodies rocked together in perfect sync.

  “Danny…” she gasped.

  He watched her face dissolve into ecstasy as she achieved her climax. She opened her eyes in time to see his eyes close and hear him call her name as release claimed his body.

  He nuzzled her neck and pulled her closer, kissing her face.

  “Oh, Sweetpea, I love you so much,” he whispered softly.

  He was grateful to be intimate with her again. He didn’t know if this would be the last time they would make love. Danny gathered Eliza close to him with his good arm. Both of them were silent, using touch to replace words. An hour passed before Eliza recovered enough to dress and take the dogs outside. Danny ran a bath. When she returned he put coffee on and sat at the kitchen table, wearing only his boxers.

  The dogs came bounding in, nuzzling him for their breakfast.

  “Boy, once they turn for home, they don’t waste time.” She took a minute to regain her breath.

  “They get breakfast when they come back. It’s the highlight of their day.”

  She helped him by opening cans of dog food.

  “Eliza about this morning…” Danny began.

  “I’m embarrassed by my lack of self-control.” She turned her face away from his gaze as her cheeks colored.

  “I wanted to tell you how great it was to be with you again and how much I have missed you,” he said, placing the dog dishes he filled with food on the floor and moving away quickly as the dogs each claimed their own bowls.

  “I still can’t resist you, even though you’re also sleeping with someone else.”

  “I’m not sleeping with anyone else! What happened only happened once… a one-time thing. Here’s what happened.” He gestured with his good arm.

  “You don’t owe me any explanation. We’re not dating anymore. You’re free…” Danny grabbed her by the wrist.

  “Will you be quiet and listen!” he hollered, squeezing her wrist.

  “You’re hurting me!” Tears filled Eliza’s eyes. He let go immediately.

  “Oh, God, Eliza. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I got carried away. Are you all right?” He examined her wrist.

  “Go on. I’m listening,” she said, lightly rubbing her wrist.

  “Jenny, the girl you saw, is Jack Henderson’s sister. She came here because Jack tried to commit suicide. He’s in the psych ward and she freaked out. Her parents are being a pain in the ass and she didn’t know where to go.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “I gave her brandy to calm her down and before long we both had too much. She wasn’t in any shape to drive home so I made a bed for her on the sofa. But I had one of my nightmares at three a.m. and she came into the bedroom.”

  “Go on,” she coaxed

  “So she came into the bedroom. And she’s talking about Jack and the next thing I know, she’s taken off her clothes and is naked in the bed next to me, and I have been so…so…alone, without you and…and I had too much to drink and she was there…and you know the rest.”

  Eliza sat still, watching the dogs gobble down their food.

  “I didn’t plan to…to. It just happened. I wanted you to know the truth.”

  “But you still slept with her, didn’t you?”

  “Eliza, holy hell, I’m human! Who’s going to turn down a naked woman in their bed? Superman? I’m not Superman.”

  “I know…” She sighed.

  “A mercy fuck, a mutual mercy fuck, do you know what that is?”

  She nodded.

  “We made each other feel better. Is that a crime? Maybe if you were more reasonable and hadn’t turned me down, I wouldn’t need a mercy fuck from Jenny.”

  “So now it’s my fault you slept with her?”

  “It’s mine. But I’m human, Eliza. I don’t always do the right thing. I’m sorry if I hurt you. I didn’t want to wave Jenny in your face. I hoped you wouldn’t find out at all.” Instantly, he regretted his honesty.

  “Great! So you may sleep with other women? Should I assume you are?” Eliza yelled.

  “Eliza, calm down. You’ve blown this out of proportion. I didn’t want you to find out because I knew it’d hurt you and I did this when I was drunk and stupid. You’re the only one…you mean everything to me. I am not sleeping with other women and have no desire to. Can’t you believe me?”

  Her eyes teared up.

  “I don’t know what we’re doing from one minute to the next. We’re off, then on or at least still sleeping together, then you’ve got someone else, then we’re off. We need to talk,” she said, drying her eyes on the T-shirt.

  “Please don’t cry. I hate when you cry.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m human, too. This is making me crazy.”

  Danny took her in his arms despite the pain in his shoulder.

  “Let’s make a date to talk.” He stroked her hair.

  She nodded.

  “How about dinner out? Maybe the little place we went to on our first date?”


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