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Hunting for Love

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by Amelia Wilson

  Hunting for Love

  UnBearable Romance Series Book 2


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:

  Invitation From The Author

  Also By Amelia Wilson

  Chapter One: Lucy

  Chapter Two: Jon

  Chapter Three: Lucy

  Chapter Four: Jon

  Chapter Five: Lucy

  Chapter Six: Jon

  Chapter Seven: Lucy

  Chapter Eight: Jon

  Chapter Nine: Lucy

  Chapter Ten: Jon

  Chapter Eleven: Lucy

  Chapter Twelve: Jon

  Chapter Thirteen: Lucy

  Chapter Fourteen: Lucy

  Chapter Fifteen: Jon

  Chapter Sixteen: Lucy

  Chapter Seventeen: Jon

  Chapter Eighteen: Lucy

  Preivew: A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 1

  Copyright © 2018 by Amelia Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Invitation From The Author

  I am currently recruiting BETA readers for my review team.

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  ∞ Amelia ∞

  Also By Amelia Wilson


  Love Beyond the wall

  Sight of Love

  Claimed by Love

  In Love with the Enemy

  Love for you Alone

  A Rizer Wolfpack Series BOX SET


  Rune Sword

  Rune Master

  Rune Hunter

  Rune King's Daughter

  Rune Romance Complete Series BOX SET


  Aeon Captive

  Aeon Fugitive

  Aeon War

  Aeon Ending

  Sensual Abduction Series Box Set


  Bearly Deniable

  Hunting for Love

  The Soul of a Bear

  UnBearable Romance Series





  The Adna Planet Series Box Set


  Rival Love

  Strong Love

  Magic Love



  Ignition (July 18)


  A Chosen Fate

  A Dark Truth


  A Friend in Love

  A Witchy Girl

  A Final Game

  A Vampire in Disguise Box Set


  To Catch A Killer

  The Alien Surrogate

  Alien Message

  Wild Winter



  Twitter: @AmeliaWilsonB


  Chapter One: Lucy

  “Ryan, are you sure you’ll be back before the bar opens tonight? Because if you’re not, I’m not opening up.” Leaning against the bar, I couldn’t hide my frown. My brother didn’t even look at me as he headed for the front door.

  “If I’m not, you open up or you’re fired, Lucy. We can’t afford to miss a day—you know that.” Echoing around the bar, Ryan’s declaration made me stiff. He was right, and I hated it. I hated this bar. I hated this town.

  Glaring at his back, I shuffled from one foot to another before he disappeared behind the thick, wooden barrier. For a moment, I just continued to stare, but it was fruitless. Ryan wouldn’t come back when his mate was waiting on him—not that he’d change his mind anyway. I glanced at the clock hanging on a support beam, and a loud groan escaped from beneath the curves of my frown.

  “Why do I get stuck doing all of this?” Sinking down onto the bar, I rested my forehead on my arms. My complaint didn’t warrant an answer, though. I knew why this had happened.

  Ryan was with Sylvia. Just thinking of that human made my already bad mood grow more sour. I was happy for Ryan; finding your mate was a life-altering event. Usually it was for the better, too. I just wasn’t a fan of the person he’d decided to mate with. There wasn’t even a reason, but I couldn’t find it in me to like her.

  I straightened myself out, and the top of my spine tingled as I turned to catch a reflection of myself in a gap between bottles of vodka. My lean, angular face was twisted in displeasure, my wild hair framing all of the sharp edges. Reaching up to run my fingers through the dark strands, my expression only darkened.

  “You do know getting jealous of Sylvia is useless, right, Luce?” Whirling to face Todd, I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. He leaned casually against the door frame to the kitchen, brushing off my anger as if I was a fly.

  To him and to Ryan, that was probably all I was, anyway.

  “Shut up, Todd. I’m not jealous of that human.” My snap produced only a half shrug from the man standing a few feet away, his face revealing nothing. I didn’t think I ever saw Todd smile unless he was in the kitchen or talking about food. Grimacing, I wondered for a moment how he and Ryan were friends. Todd wasn’t a shifter, but he knew about us. I was fairly certain Ryan hadn’t told him, either.

  “Yes, you are. It’s perfectly okay for another woman to be more beautiful than you are, Lucy. The first step to loving yourself is acknowledging the fact that there are people out there that are better than you. And it would help if you interacted with your inner beast, too, you know. When was the last time you shifted?” The probing question made me huff, and I crossed my arms over my chest while my mind wandered. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had shifted, but despite Todd’s claims, it didn’t affect the way I looked at myself. Knowing he thought so had my blood boiling.

  I didn’t even go near the whole jealousy issue with a hundred-foot pole.

  “I do love myself, and it doesn’t matter when the last time I shifted was. Being a shifter doesn’t define who I am.” It was a weak answer, even to me, and Todd rolled his eyes.

  “Bullshit. It doesn’t define you—you’re right, I’ll give you that. But you can’t just ignore it. If you don’t shift, your beast will go insane. That creature is just as much what makes you you as your human half, Lucy. You shouldn’t need anyone to remind you of the ramifications of what happens when you try to suppress it.”

  My heart jumped in my chest at Todd’s serious tone, and I tore my eyes from his. Leaning my hip against the bar, I let out a huff as memories floated into my mind’s eye.

  The whole reason I was stuck up in this godforsaken place was because of what had happened when someone ignored half of him- or herself. It was just as extreme to refuse the human part as it was to ignore the animal.

  “You don’t have to. I shift enough, okay?” Grumbling halfheartedly, I star
ed at a crack between the dark floorboards even as my inner beast huffed at my lie. She didn’t even try anymore, and I forced myself not to feel bad about it. I’m going to live my life the way I want to, not the way nature forced me to be.

  But how well is that going for me? The voice in my head was quiet, but the chord of self-degradation resonated deeply within me. I lived in a place I hated, had a job I hated, and didn’t even have a mate to offset my displeasure.

  “Lucy…” Todd’s call was much closer now, and I lifted my head to find his tall, beanpole frame only a foot from mine. His face was drawn, as if talking about these kinds of things took a lot of energy from him. “You’re not stuck here, and if you really want to live that kind of life, you’re free to do so. But, unless you want to end up on the opposite side of the insanity that took your parents, you need to figure yourself out. If you asked Ryan to take a day off for that, I know he would let you. It’ll take a little convincing, but the reason he makes you work here is so you’re not alone with your thoughts. He loves you and wants what’s best for you, even if that means being the bad guy.”

  I had no reply for that, and Todd clapped a hand on my shoulder before retreating to the kitchen. My mind whirled, but, instead of focusing on me, it focused on my parents. Remembering what happened to them sent ice pouring from my heart with each pump, and I dropped down onto the bar to hide my face.

  They spent so much time in their shifted form they couldn’t shift back to human. Their inner beasts had overwhelmed them, and it was terrifying to think that it could happen to me. Every shifter ran the risk of one side becoming too powerful, but no one ever thought it would happen to someone they knew.

  Yet one day Ryan got a letter explaining our parents had just never come back, and a search party never found any bodies. Friends of our parents said their scent hadn’t vanished after a while, either. That meant there was only one option left.

  “This sucks.” I swept my tongue over the roof of my mouth to get rid of the cotton feeling. I rocked back on my heels, sliding back to stare at my body. Shielded in dark wash jeans, my long legs looked like sticks. There was hardly any muscle that a bear shifter normally cultivated if he or she shifted on a regular basis. My stomach was flat, but there was no sign of even a faint four pack. As a human, I was considered beautiful; as a shifter, I was lacking severely.

  Chances are I’ll have a human mate like Ryan, though. That thought was my only saving grace, and I clung to it. I didn’t have a backup plan if my mate was a bear shifter.

  For once I thought of Sylvia without distaste, my mind filling with hope that she might have a cousin compatible with me.

  Chapter Two: Jon

  As I snatched a beer from the fridge, I could feel the large-and-in-charge presence long before my ears even picked up the sound of a four-wheeler. With every passing second it came closer and closer, and I cringed as the thick hairs on my arms stood up. My own bear was on high alert, but whoever was heading for this house wasn’t intent on a fight. Of that, at least, I was sure.

  “Hey, Jon, can I talk to you for a minute?” Twisting to watch Sylvia stroll into the kitchen, I was momentarily struck by the way her golden hair flashed. It was almost blinding, and I knew my friends had all thought the same. Licking my lips, I popped the twist cap of my beer before opening my mouth.

  “Yeah, of course. What can I do for you?” My eyes scanned Sylvia’s body, but I found it impossible to find her attractive in any particular way. Of course, she was beautiful, but at the same time she just didn’t interest me.

  That was a problem with shifters—not just any woman would do. That thought had a familiar frown pulling at my lips, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it when Sylvia spoke up.

  “So, I know the realtor went over some things, but I just wanted to make it clear that this house is very special to me. You and your friends seem like good people, but you’re my first renters—it’s a little nerve-wracking for me.” Sylvia’s concern drew a crease between my brows before my head bopped in a nod. Her hand, supported by two finger braces, reached up to push back stray strands of her hair, and my gaze followed the movement. Despite her obvious injury, she looking nothing short of happy—almost deliriously so.

  A still image flashed through my mind’s eye, but I shook it away roughly. I didn’t come here to be reminded of Hell.

  “It’s not going to be a problem, Sylvia. I promise. We’re all aware that no amount of money can replace anything here, and we don’t really have that much extra to pay for it.” Letting out a small chuckle, I turned my beer around in my palm as Sylvia smiled.

  “If you need anything, feel free to find me. I’m usually at the bar you drove past on your way here, but you should have my cell number, too.” At the mention, I swerved my eyes to my beer, and Sylvia must’ve read my thoughts from the humor in her voice. “Don’t worry about that—think of it as a gift from me. You’re on vacation, Jon. You should enjoy it.”

  I could only smile again, my mouth opening even though my words never came. Instead the sound of heavy footsteps clunking up the front steps reached my ears, and my body jolted slightly. My spine straightened as I suddenly remembered that alpha presence I had picked up before Sylvia appeared. Flying to the front door, I held my breath and tightened my grip on my beer bottle.

  Now would be a great time for Jocelyn or May, or even Paul, to show up. When I needed them most, my friends were nowhere to be seen, and my shoulders folded slightly. Of all the times for them not to be around me…

  “Sylvia! Did you kno—” A deep, intimidating baritone, like the sound a bear would make, set my beast on high alert. The figure that shuffled through the front door was monstrous, even more so than any shifter I had ever seen. Despite my own six-foot height, he had at least ten inches on me; that much was clear even though he was across the house.

  Ropes of muscles coiled under his bared, tattoo-riddled skin, and I clenched my teeth together tightly as we made eye contact. It wasn’t a long stare, barely more than a second, but it was enough to tell me this male was pissed off I was on his territory.

  “You know, I’d really appreciate it if you warned me beforehand that you rented out to another bear shifter, Sylvia.” Dark, calculating eyes scanned my form, assessing me, and my lips screwed into a grimace.

  “O-oh–Oh! I didn’t know that… is that bad?” I could hear the sheepishness in Sylvia’s voice, but I didn’t dare look at her as realization shocked my chest. They were mated—together—involved.

  Damn it- so much for a stress-free vacation.

  “I don’t think so, as long as this one keeps to himself.” Stiffening at the threat, I jerked my head in a nod before bringing my beer to my lips. My mouth was dry, and anxiety thrummed through my veins as the male drew nearer and nearer. Flicking to his face, my gaze barely caught the heated look he threw at Sylvia before glancing back at me.

  “Ryan, this is Jon. Jon, Ryan. I’m sorry about this; I honestly didn’t think this would ever happen.” The situation was stifling and awkward, and I cleared my throat at Sylvia’s apology. The animal nailed to my being like Peter Pan’s shadow watched warily through my eyes as they trailed toward the living room. There, beyond the glass sliding doors, everyone I had relied on these past few months sat taking in the summer sun. Envy welled up in my veins, and I took another swig of my beer before opening my mouth.

  “It’s not a problem. I won’t be any trouble. Ironically enough, I came here to get away from other bear shifters…” I could feel my mood darkening fast, and my gaze flickered to Sylvia. “Thank you for the beer. Rest assured your home is safe with us.”

  Carefully making my way around the couple, I reached up with my free hand to rake my fingers through my hair. This was something I should’ve expected, I silently scolded myself. It’s Alaska! Of course, there are going to be other bear shifters up here. It’s salmon season, too, and that doesn’t make it any better.

  I just didn’t think that the house I was renting belonge
d to the mate of another bear shifter. Talk about bad karma.

  “I knew running from my problems was a bad idea.” Grumbling to myself, I shook my head hard before slipping out the back door. Instantly May’s ecstatic squeals reached me, and my ears twitched at the sound before my gaze found her. May, Jocelyn, and Cindy were all at the shallow edge of a small lake, or a large pond, depending on which way I tilted my head. For a moment, I just stared, wondering why I couldn’t have one of them as my mate.

  May was perpetually happy; I couldn’t remember a time in our decade-and-a-half-long friendship that she had ever frowned. Jocelyn had her own successful startup, but the ring glinting on her finger was more than one reason she was unavailable. Cindy was a church girl and saving herself for marriage, and she was definitely going to end up as a soccer mom one day.

  But they’re all wrong. There’s no use dwelling on it, Jon. Huffing through my nose, I made my way to the wide stairs to drop down and cradle my beer. I wasn’t going to risk my friendships for something that would never work. The creature inside me had no interest in these women, preferring something more wild and untamed. Frankly, I agreed, disliking the idea of having a suburban life with three kids and a nine-to-five job. I wanted to travel and I had the money to do it, but adventuring alone was as boring as it was lonely.

  “Hey Jon, cheer up, man. It’s only the second day here, and you already look miserable.” Turning from the girls to Paul, my gaze scanned his weathered face as his slightly teasing words wrapped around me. My best friend looked far older than his 26 years, simply because he worked rigorous, hard labor. We’d been neighbors since we were babies, so I had no qualms with the scowl that dragged down my lips.

  “It’s not that. Sylvia’s boyfriend is another bear shifter.” I didn’t need to say more, and Paul let out a low, long whistle through thin lips. His bald head shone under the Alaskan sun, and there were creases around his eyes as he peered at me. He’d known about me since my first shift, and he was probably the reason I wasn’t dead right now.


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