Take Money Mistress
Page 4
“I’m for real. This one nigga got at Curtis while we were at the mall, but he let me go. But on the real, Curtis handled his shit. I know if it ever comes down to some shit, he’ll protect me.”
“I’m done with this conversation,” Timmy said while shaking his head.
Three weeks later, Timmy found himself constantly thinking of Alexandria and their baby. He was supposed to be studying for a fellowship retreat where he would preach to young men. He knew it wouldn’t be long before Alexandria started showing or showed signs of being pregnant.
There was a knock at the door and it didn’t break his thoughts. Then, there was another knock. When Timmy opened the door to his apartment, he saw Curtis standing before him dressed to kill. He wore an Enyce fitted black hat low over his eyes, an Enyce leather coat, jeans, and a pair of Jordan’s to match. He wore a lot of blinding jewelry and it was obvious he wasn’t a stranger to getting money.
“What’s up, nigga?” Curtis asked while not waiting to be invited in. He stepped past Timmy, and then turned toward him. “My girl said you got a shorty on the way and you might be down to get this paper again.”
Timmy quickly grew mad at Teri, and then mad at himself for telling her his problems. “She was mistaken. I’m good.”
Curtis looked around his apartment and admired how he had it laid out. It was obvious that he didn’t have all his fly shit, luxury apartment, and car from the money he made at church. “I’m glad to see you made your money last to get out of the game, but we were a force to be reckoned with. We can be even better if you just say the fucking word.”
Timmy watched Curtis sit on his expensive leather sofa and knew that he could easily make enough money to provide for Alexandria and the baby, but he knew he never wanted back in such a sinister lifestyle. “Like I said, I’m good. What you got going on with my sister, that’s between the two of you, but I don’t want anything to do with you and the way you make your money.”
Curtis stood to his feet and looked at Timmy with intimidating eyes. “I fucks with what you’re saying, but if you change your mind, you know how to get at me.”
Timmy reached out to shake his hand, and said, “Maybe one day you’ll walk away just like I did.”
“I fucking doubt that shit!” Curtis laughed a little.
On his way out of the door, he almost knocked Alexandria on her ass as she was about to knock on the door. When they noticed each other, Curtis quickly knew she had to be the knocked up bitch Timmy was fucking. Alexandria had no idea how Timmy knew Curtis and was nervous to see them together. It was obvious that Curtis was hood and would kill a nigga for looking at him wrong. Seeing the two of them together was like seeing God and the devil chilling together.
One night when Alexandria was partying with her home girls at the club, Curtis noticed how sexy her ass was in a short, jean jumpsuit that made her round ass poke out. She had on high heels that made her about six feet tall. She had on small diamond earrings, the ones you got when you worked a legit job. She wore MAC makeup and false lashes. She easily looked twenty-one, but her baby face told she wasn’t.
At the club, she danced and grinded her ass on his dick all night long. He brought so many drinks for her and her crew that they treated him like he was famous. After the club, Curtis and some of his niggas took them back to his place. Some of her friends were so gone off the money they made so they fucked them without asking for the pussy, except for Liz and Sofia. Curtis tried to get Alexandria to fuck, too, but she thought Timmy would be able to tell if she had another dick in her or not. And, she had feelings for him and wanted to be true to what they had, even if they weren’t a couple.
Shortly after a few of her friends got down and fucked with random niggas, Liz, Sofia, and Alexandria left Curtis’ house. Liz wasn’t feeling the orgy because it was six bitches to ten niggas. She wasn’t down to be a part of that shit. Neither was Sofia and Alexandria.
Curtis stayed fucking other bitches and that was the main reason he sent Teri back home to her parents. He knew she would believe some shit that a hit was put out on him, but that was some bullshit. Plus, it became more and more obvious that Teri stuck around for the money because she would fuck niggas behind Curtis’ back as if he wouldn’t find out because she knew about the bitches he fucked. He kept her close, though, because she knew where he kept his shit stashed and other incriminating shit. He couldn’t fuck around and leave her just yet.
“What’s up, shorty?” Curtis asked while looking Alexandria up and down, wondering what her pussy felt like.
“Nothing much,” she said shyly.
“That’s what’s up.” He winked at her and she felt her stomach flip because she didn’t know why he was there.
When he left, she rushed over to Timmy and questioned how he knew Curtis.
“That’s my sister’s boyfriend. You won’t be seeing much of him, though.”
“That’s cool.” Alexandria felt relieved.
Before Alexandria got naked to fuck, she quickly thought what life would be like if she fucked with a drug dealer. She knew her and her baby would be taken care of. She knew Timmy was too much of a saint to even consider going back to selling, so she promptly got that out of mind.
Chapter Seven
Timmy felt like shit because a little before he found out that Alexandria was pregnant, he started dating Megan. They both had strong feelings for each other and talked about marriage in the future. Timmy didn’t know how to tell Megan about him knocking up the pastor’s daughter. He didn’t know how to tell Alexandria that things between him and Megan had gotten serious.
It was Saturday night when Timmy washed away his stress with a bottle of scotch. He knew his drunken state would have been frowned upon by his church members, so he unplugged the phone and turned off his cell phone. He enjoyed his scotch and for the first time in a long time, his thoughts were empty.
Alexandria was about five months pregnant and her skinny frame started showing it. She wore loose close to hide her baby bump and at church, she always walked with a hand fan in front of her belly just in case she looked pregnant to somebody.
When she walked into the bathroom after needing to pee for the fourth time, she saw Megan and her friend, Lucy, talking while at the mirror. She didn’t bother to speak because she knew Megan wanted Timmy. She rushed into the stall, and Lucy and Megan shook their heads, both wondering why she was so rude.
“So, why am I the last to hear that Timmy is thinking about proposing to you?” Lucy asked while washing her hands.
“I’m not sure where you get your gossip from, but Timmy and I haven’t gone down that road yet.”
Alexandria almost fell in the floor not paying attention to the toilet that she almost missed.
“Y’all have been dating for a minute now. I would only assume that you slept with him at least once, because men don’t deal with women for over a year and not hit it.”
“You are a fool! I keep telling you that we haven’t had sex yet.”
“Then, what are you waiting for? You know if you ain’t sleeping with him, somebody else will.”
Megan rolled her eyes. “Please, that man loves me and I love him. We do things to satisfy our sexual needs, but we haven’t gone there.” Megan looked at Lucy to clarify what she thought about her relationship with Timmy.
Alexandria didn’t bother to use the bathroom. She pushed the stall door open and gave Megan an evil look. “You might think you know Timmy, but let me tell you this, Miss Thang! The reason Timmy hasn’t bothered to fuck you is because he has been fucking me. You might be the woman he wants to marry, but I’m carrying his baby!”
At that moment, Alexandria was in Megan’s face and Lucy tried to get in between them. Alexandria was ready to fight after spilling her little secret.
“Your little fast ass is not pregnant by Timmy. You need to sit yourself down somewhere.” She pushed Alexandria in her forehead with her index finger.
a lifted up her shirt and pulled her skirt under her belly so that the true shape would show. “So, what now, bitch?” Alexandria yelled.
“That is not Timmy’s baby, you cruel little tramp!” Megan had tears in her eyes.
Alexandria went into her purse and retrieved her cell phone. She showed Megan and Lucy a text message that Timmy sent her that morning that read:
I can’t wait to feel our child kick again. That’s love!
When Megan realized the message was from Timmy’s phone, she screamed and cried. “You better be lucky you are pregnant or I’d kill you. I hate you for sleeping with my man!”
“You hate me? I was fucking him way before he was your man. You better get your facts fucking straight.”
“It’s funny that Timmy never once mentioned you.”
“For real,” Lucy added. “I’ve never heard anybody mention that he was seeing you.”
“It was a secret.”
“That’s sad because almost everybody in the church knows Timmy loves me. I guess a meaningless night of pleasure is all you’ll ever be to him,” Megan said in a matter of fact tone.
“Night? You wish. We fuck probably three times a week. I’m the one who makes him cum when you only hold his hand.” Alexandria laughed.
Before she could blink, Megan slapped her across the face, and Alexandria grabbed a handful of her hair and fucked her hairstyle up. Megan screamed out in pain, so Lucy pulled Alexandria away so that her grip would loosen.
“You’re lucky my baby is more important to me than fucking you up, bitch!” Alexandria warned before leaving the bathroom.
Alexandria rushed out of the church to get some fresh air. Her feelings were hurt because she knew Timmy had gone on a few dates with Megan, but every time she mentioned it to him he would deny that it was anything serious.
When Megan went back to her seat, she sat next to Erica. When Alexandria saw her, she knew shit was about to hit the fan. Megan figured if she couldn’t fight a pregnant hoe, she’d let her mother know what was going on.
“First Lady Erica, can I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure, honey. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, we have to talk in private.”
Erica stood up and Megan followed her into Robert’s office. Alexandria quickly followed behind them, but by the time she got there the door was locked.
“Ma, open the door,” Alexandria demanded.
“In a minute,” Erica called from the other side.
“Now, please. I need to talk to you.”
“Wait, Alexandria.” Erica looked in Megan’s direction. “What’s wrong, dear? Do you need premarital counseling with Timmy?”
“First Lady Erica, Timmy and I aren’t planning a wedding.”
“What? I thought somebody said…”
“It wasn’t true. I just learned that Timmy and Alexandria have been sleeping together.” She had tears in her eyes.
“Excuse me!” Erica said loudly.
“Yes, and she’s pregnant,” Megan said sadly.
“Alexandria!” Erica yelled while opening the office door. “Are you pregnant by Timmy?” Her mother looked at her with disappointment in her eyes.
Alexandria looked down at her belly and knew she couldn’t lie any longer. “Yes, ma. I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? Sorry doesn’t fix things like this, Alexandria. I am very displeased with you.” She shook her head. “How could you do something like this?” Her mother had tears in her eyes.
Megan excused herself, finally feeling satisfied for exposing Alexandria’s secret. She felt as though whatever she had coming to her, she deserved it. She knew that at that moment, she could never forgive Timmy and would never marry him.
Chapter Eight
After Timmy received an earful from Megan about what she learned from Alexandria, he was bombarded with questions by both of her parents. Robert was upset, but he knew a man of God was still human and made mistakes. Erica was embarrassed about the scandal and how their family would be perceived by the members of the church. She was certain that people would look at the scandal that Robert was involved in, assume their marriage was on the rocks and they were unfit parents.
With those thoughts in Erica’s mind, she told Alexandria that since she was grown enough to lie down and make a baby, she didn’t need to live in their house anymore.
“How can you put me out when you stayed with a man that cheated and had kids behind your back?”
Erica told her, “That is between your father and me, but I’m not raising you and your child!”
Alexandria was hurt by her mother’s words and couldn’t believe that she would not give the same forgiveness to her that she did to her father. She stormed out of her parents’ house with a duffle bag and found herself at Timmy’s house. Once she paid the cab driver, she walked up to his place with tears in her eyes.
Robert couldn’t stand the sight of Alexandria and Timmy, so he fired Timmy and asked him to leave the church. When Timmy noticed it was her at the door, he was enraged. “What in hell do you want? You have ruined my life!”
Alexandria took a moment to take in what Timmy said. She was brewing hot. She knew damn well it took two to make a baby and she wasn’t laid up fucking herself. She had hopes of moving in with Timmy once he realized her parents kicked her out.
He had been calling Megan for hours and she wouldn’t take his calls. He only wanted a life with her, but he never figured out how he would tell her about his unborn child.
Alexandria slapped Timmy with all of her might. He grabbed his face and rubbed the ache away. “You have lost your mind!” He looked at her with narrow eyes.
“I lost my mind when I fucked you!”
She turned her back toward him and left. After that, they didn’t so much as speak to each other unless it was regarding the baby. Timmy got drunk almost every day and he wanted to feel as if his life mattered to his church members and more importantly, Megan.
About four months after their secret was leaked, Alexandria gave birth to their son, Timothy Jr., on July 7, 2007. Alexandria had to drop out of school to make ends meet. She lived in public housing, worked full time, and took a GED course. It was hard for her to find work to provide better for her son. Without a high school education, most companies wouldn’t give her the time of the day.
Timmy’s family relocated to North Carolina, and he went with them just to get away from the disgrace he caused the church. So, he only spent time with their son every other weekend and gave Alexandria child support. She grew tired of nickel and diming to make a penny stretch. She played with different ideas that she could do to make more money, but she never was given the opportunity to follow through with them.
When Timmy Jr. was a few months old, she took a job at night working at Denny’s making more money than she made at McDonalds. She loved Denny’s more because she didn’t go home everyday smelling like burgers.
It was about three in the morning when Alexandria noticed a gang of niggas walk through the door. She tried to pretty herself up as best as she could in her uniform.
“Welcome to Denny’s,” she said with a smile.
“What’s up, sexy? Can we get a booth?” the sexy thug looking nigga asked.
“Yes.” She grabbed three menus and placed them on the table.
“We need another one, too, please.”
“I got you.” She turned to get another menu and before she told them what the specials were that night, she saw a familiar face.
“Nigga, order my shit for me. I need to run in the bathroom right quick,” Curtis said as soon as he got close enough to the table. When he noticed Alexandria, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned his attention toward her. “What’s up, shorty? I ain’t seen you in a minute.”
“As you can see, I’ve been busy.” She was referring to her job.
“You dropped that baby?”
She was embarrassed that he knew she was pregnant, being only seventeen. “Yeah, I did. That’
s my heart.” She smiled.
“No doubt. That baby gave your fine ass a nice little body. I wouldn’t mind spending money on that pussy,” he whispered into her ear.
Alexandria laughed. She never thought of selling pussy, but as broke as she was she considered it for a moment. “I don’t sell pussy, sorry.” She rolled her eyes and headed in the opposite direction.
Curtis finally went to the bathroom and while there, he couldn’t get Alexandria off of his mind because he wanted to fuck her that night she was grinding on him at the club and went back to his house to chill. When he first saw her at the club, he dropped money on her and her friends with hopes of fucking her, but it didn’t work. He knew three times was a charm so he wondered what he had to do to pull a bitch like her because she obviously wasn’t a money chasing hoe. They were the kind of bitches he hated, anyway.
When he joined his crew, his food had already been ordered so he walked over to Alexandria and laid his mack down.
“Are you tired?”
“Yeah, I’m tired as shit.”
“You need to come to my crib and let me rub your body.”
“Get the fuck outta here.” She laughed.
“I’m serious. Once I put these hands on you, you’ll be happy I rolled through here tonight. You want to find out?”
“It sounds to me that you want to fuck, so I’m good.”
“I’m on some no bullshit. Just come over and we can chill.”
“I would, but my son is at home with my friend. She has to go to school in the morning.”
“Bring your son over my house. I love kids.”
“I am not about to have my son up in your house like we a family or some shit. No, thank you.”
“Trust me, boo. We can go out and get a crib and all that shit you need for him. I just want you to spend a little of your time with me.”
Alexandria stared into Curtis’ eyes, trying to see if she could trust him. “I guess it won’t hurt.”
After Alexandria got off from work, Curtis dropped his friends off and she rode along with them. Before picking her son up from her place in Park Heights, they went to an all night Wal-Mart and picked up things for the baby. Alexandria couldn’t believe Curtis spent about nine hundred after getting a crib, a swing, and other stuff that she didn’t have at her house for her son. When she saw how quick he was to spend money on her, yet again, she knew Curtis would take good care of her and Timmy Jr.