Ashley's Bend

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Ashley's Bend Page 5

by Roop, Cassy

  “I told you I was weak and made a fucking mistake, Ashley. What more do you want?” he said as is his eyes still glistened with tears.

  “I want a man who loves me enough to not go shoving his dick in anyone he wishes. Arghhhh. I am not going through this with you again! Sign the damn papers!” My irritation at him was starting to become prevalent and my lawyer reached a hand over to place it on my forearm as a warning to calm down.

  “Mr. Kyle, I would suggest that you persuade your client to sign the papers. Mrs. Carter has been forgiving in her divorce request considering the circumstances behind the dissolution of the marriage,” my lawyer said to Jared’s counsel.

  “Mr. Carter, he is right. As a lawyer yourself, you know that the act of infidelity can ensure that Mrs. Carter is entitled to all property and finances between the two of you. You also know that you potentially face the risk of very high alimony payments. I suggest you sign,” Jared’s lawyer said to him.

  Jared glanced around the room at the two men and me. Angrily he picked up the pen and scratched his name on the divorce documents. I let out the breath I was holding. I was almost certain from his actions that he was going to refuse to sign. Jared abruptly stood and his chair screeched against the floor in the conference room.

  “I don’t care what those papers say, Ash. You are my wife. Make no mistake about that. You will realize the mistake you are making. Go live your free life, but I’ll be damned if I let anyone else have you.”

  “Is that a threat?” I asked standing up from my own chair. I would not let him intimidate me.

  “It’s a promise.”

  “Mr. Carter!” Jared’s lawyer said in chastisement, “I suggest you leave and try to keep your thoughts to yourself.”

  Jared just looked at his lawyer like he had grown two heads. In a final attempt to put the nail in the coffin of our lives together, I turned to my lawyer, “I would also like to petition to the court to be able to go back to my maiden surname.”

  “What? No!” Jared yelled as he pounded his fists onto the table. My lawyer nodded his head and I reached down next to the chair I was sitting in and grabbed my purse. After positioning it on my shoulder, I made my way over to the exit of the conference room.

  “Ashley, this is not over,” Jared said as he gripped me by the arm when I tried to leave. I yanked my arm from his grasp and didn’t say a word as I walked out of the room, leaving him and our past behind to begin my new life.

  Sitting in the living room of my now shared apartment with Kelly, I stared at the signed documents in my hands. I couldn’t help but think about the last words that Jared said to me.

  This is not over.

  I have to admit that I was a little afraid of how things were left. Jared was not someone to make threats to someone, so his words were unnerving. I sat the documents down on the coffee table and pulled the envelope that Dominic gave me from out of my purse. Unfolding the pages inside, I carefully began to read the words on the page.

  Kelly came out of her room with her hair up in a towel turban style. I quickly stuffed the papers back into the envelope and then into my purse before she walked over and plopped down on the sofa next to me.

  “So it’s done, huh?” she asked gesturing to the divorce papers sitting on the coffee table.

  “Yeah, the lawyers said it should only take a few days to finalize in the courts. Indiana marriage dissolution laws are pretty quick when infidelity is involved.”

  “How are you feeling about it?”

  “I am ok with it. Thinking about it, Jared and I haven’t had that great of a relationship in the last year, and definitely not in the last six months. I did kind of feel sorry for him when I heard he lost his job at the firm. He did work hard to get that job. You should have seen him Kell, he looked completely disheveled.”

  “You aren’t softening on him are you?”

  “No, no, nothing like that, I just was making an observation was all.”

  “Speaking of observations, what is that?” she said as she pointed to the envelope sticking out of my purse. She reached for it before I could stop her and was nearly bouncing in her seat with excitement.

  “Holy shit, Ash! Is this what I think it is?” She opened the flap on the envelope and read the contents inside.

  “It’s a fucking invitation to join the sub training? How did you get this?”

  I picked at the hem of my skirt out of nervousness. I thought back when Dominic came into the bar while I was working.

  “I, uh, got it from Dominic.” For a moment, I don’t think that my answer had seeped into her brain until her eyes went wide with shock as she glanced from the paper in her hands to me and back again.

  “Master Dominic gave this to you? How? When?

  “He came into The Local when I was bartending a few nights ago.”

  “What? He brought this to you personally? Oh my God, wow. He wants you Ash! According to some of the other girls at the club, every sub wants to be with him. He apparently is very choosy in who he plays with.”

  I thought about her comment for a moment. Does Dominic actually want me? Do I really want him? Yes. Yes, I do. I barely knew anything about him, yet I had been considering allowing him to do dirty, naughty things to me.

  “That doesn’t necessarily mean he wants me. Maybe they are just having trouble finding recruits for the training and he knew I wasn’t a sub and wanted to invite me.”

  Denial. I am in such denial.

  “Yeah right.” She snickered. Hopping up from the couch, I snatched the papers out of her hand and stuffed them back into the envelope.

  “I haven’t decided if I should do it or not. I have to go get ready for work at the diner now.”

  “I think you should do it!” I heard her yell at me as I walked down the hall to the bedroom. What I haven’t told her was that I had already decided to do so.

  Who was this fucking guy I had turned into? Ever since I gave Ashley the invitation, I had been pacing the floor waiting to hear her answer. I had never wanted anyone or anything as much as I wanted her. I couldn’t describe the need I had to bury myself deep inside of her. Maybe then, I could get her out of my fucking system.

  I told her I was a very impatient man. I needed her answer, now. That was how I found myself standing outside of Clarke’s Diner staring at the blonde haired goddess through the window. It had only been a few days since I gave her the invitation, and I knew I gave her a week, but I needed an answer, now. I walked into the small cozy diner, and the chime on the door signaled my entry. Ashley’s eyes snapped up to see who had walked in and she stared at me, frozen in place. An attractive redhead greeted me as soon as I entered, but I never once took my eyes off Ashley.

  “Welcome, if you’ll follow me I’ll get you seated,” she said politely. I looked from Ashley to the redhead whose nametag said Heidi. She started to walk in the opposite direction from Ashley towards a set of booths in the back. I stopped her by putting my hand on her shoulder and reached into my pocket.

  “This is yours if I can sit in Ashley’s section,” I told her and handed her a fifty dollar bill. She looked at me in shock for a moment before a wide toothy grin crossed her face.

  “Sure thing, darlin’,” she said before heading in Ashley’s direction. I was soon seated in a small booth with a window that faced the street. Heidi walked over to Ashley and they looked to be in a heated discussion. Ashley looked from Heidi to me then back to Heidi again before she tucked her chin into her chest in what looked like defeat. Grabbing a menu and a pot of coffee, Ashley made her way over to my table. She placed the menu down in front of me and gestured to the hot pot of coffee in her hands.

  “Coffee?” she asked in her sweet buttery voice.

  “Please.” I watched as her hands trembled slightly as she poured the hot, steaming liquid into the diner edition white coffee cup on my table. She noticed me staring at her and quickly finished the task of filling my cup.

  “What can I get for you? We have a blue pl
ate special going on right now, and what are you doing here?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle at her sudden change of subject.

  “I came for my answer,” I said as I leaned towards her. She jumped back slightly and nearly spilled the coffee in the pot that she was still holding.

  “But you gave me a week,” she said a little skittishly. I grabbed her wrist and stroked the pad of my thumb across her pulse point. I could feel her heart beating frantically through my finger and my cock twitched in my pants. I loved how I was affecting her. I loved that I made her nervous.

  “I told you that I was an impatient man, Ashley. I do not like waiting.”

  “Then maybe my deadline should have been shorter than a week,” she said exasperated.

  Did she just challenge me?

  “Oh Ashley, what I want to do to that defiant little mouth of yours.”

  I could see her squirm under my gaze.

  “I...I really should take your order now. I have other customers to attend to,” she said just as an old man held up his cup to her and requested a refill.

  “I’ll take the special, and Ashley, I want my answer by the time I am finished eating.”

  She stared at me for a few moments dumbfounded before nodding and wandering over to fill the old man’s coffee cup. I watched her intently, each sway of her hips called to me, beckoned me, taunted me. She did this to me and didn’t even have to try. Even in the ugly mustard yellow uniform she was wearing, she was one of the sexiest women I had ever seen.

  I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye. She stopped and asked if I needed anything a few times while I was waiting on my food, but otherwise didn’t say anything else to me. By the time my food arrived, I was itching and fidgeting in my seat. There was a real possibility that she might say no. What would I do if she did?

  I dove into the steaming plate of eggs, buttermilk pancakes, sausage and grits knowing that the sooner I was finished, the sooner I would have my answer. I did not think I had ever eaten so fast in my entire life.

  When I was finished, I spotted Ashley behind the counter helping a few customers and her gaze met mine like she knew I was looking at her. She looked apprehensive and nervous. After placing a few menus in front of the new customers, she walked from behind the counter and over to my table. She reached for my now empty plate and replaced it with a black vinyl folder that contained my bill before quickly leaving again. I pulled out my wallet and retrieved my credit card and placed it in the folder. A few moments later, Ashley returned and reached for the folder. I grabbed her wrist before she had the chance to get away. I had waited long enough for her answer.

  “I want my answer, now, Ashley.” She looked at me stunned and before she could answer, Heidi beckoned her.


  “Ashley! Can you help me carry this order to table twelve?”

  “Yes, coming,” she replied and gently pulled her arm away from my grasp.

  “I’ll be right back,” she whispered meekly.

  I watched as she helped Heidi with the order, before she returned to the register to run my credit card. When finished, she finally made her way back over to me.

  “Thank you for coming. I hope you have a wonderful day,” she said politely with an almost too cheeky grin before walking away.

  What the fuck?

  If she thought she was getting off that easily, she was sorely mistaken. I had it half in mind to make her behind sore just for toying with me. I grabbed my jacket and quickly slipped it back on. I was just about to go after her as I opened the black vinyl folder to retrieve my credit card and sign the slip. I froze in place as I stared down at a familiar piece of paper that was inside of the folder. I picked it up and carefully unfolded it to find my eyes staring at the sub training invitation that Ashley had placed inside. My eyes quickly scanned the document before landing at the bottom.

  It was signed.

  What the hell had I done? I signed a piece of paper that said I would participate in a BDSM submissive training program. Me, plain, normal, ordinary Ashley had agreed to allow a man to do kinky, dirty things to me. Things that I had never done with my own husband, much less a man I barely knew. Something about Dominic screamed of a dark past. He was mysterious, beguiling, and so very sexy. I couldn’t escape the pull that I had toward him. If it weren’t for the feelings that raged through my body every time he was in my presence, I would have never consented, never agreed to bondage and punishments and obeying.

  At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel excited anticipation for what was to come. I risked one last glance at Dominic before I walked to take some dirty dishes to the back of the diner. I found his dark browns eyes fixated on me and they were smoldering. An involuntary shudder rippled through my body, and I grew hot from his gaze. If looks were a fire, I would be in a blazing bonfire of heated sensations. The corners of his lips hinted at a smile as he looked from me to the document in his hand. I knew it was cowardly of me to place it in the folder, but if I didn’t do it that way, I never would have gotten the courage to give it to him.

  Dominic started to make his way over to me and I flushed as heat rose from my toes to the crown of my head. I knew that we were the only two in the diner who knew what the document he was holding said, but I felt like all eyes in the place were on me, watching me, judging me. I shrank a little at the thought. All these people couldn’t know what I had agreed to do.

  Dominic was towering over me in moments. His brown eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

  “Friday, Ashley.” Wait what?

  “Wh-what about Friday?” I queried.

  “Friday night we begin your training. I expect you to be at the club by six pm. Don’t be late,” and before I even had a chance to respond, he was gone.

  Thursday came and I spent another evening bartending at The Local. I was beginning to enjoy the job. The customers were great and my boss, Andrew, was the nicest guy ever. He and his partner, David, both ran the place, but Andrew managed more of the day to day functions while David was more the bookkeeping financial side of the business.

  It was a steady, not slow, but not busy evening and Kelly had come in to have a few drinks with Trinity after they got off work.

  “So you start tomorrow?” Trinity asked.

  “Shhhh, but yes. I start tomorrow. I don’t want anyone to know,” I replied.

  “Who would have thought that our girl would have a kinky side,” Kelly said as she clinked her glass with Trinity’s in a toast like manner.

  “I don’t have a kinky side,” I chastised, “I am just simply curious about it is all.”

  “Hell, I don’t blame you girl. Dominic is crazy hot. The girls are constantly trying to get him to take them to The Hall or The Rapture. Although I had only seen him do lessons and demonstrations in the Common Room,” said Trinity as she took a long appreciative sip of her cosmopolitan.

  I felt a little better hearing her say that they didn’t see Dominic with a bunch of girls. The thought made my stomach turn with jealousy. I mentally chastised myself for the thought. I had no claims to Dominic. Hell, my divorce was just recently finalized. I have no right to be having jealous feelings in my situation.

  “Well, I for one am fucking excited about you joining. I will be going with you. I have my eyes on a sexy beast myself,” Kelly said as her eyes sparkled. I have never seen that kind of expression on her face when she talked about a man.

  “Who would that be?” Trinity teased.

  “I don’t know his name. He works security sometimes, but he looked like a dominant to me. He has that sexy I-want-to-tie-you-up-and-fuck-you-sideways vibe about him. Besides the bald head and tattoos are fucking sexy as hell.”

  “Oh, that’s Knox. Rachel said he is co-owner of the club with Dominic and also very dominant,” Trinity revealed.

  These girls tripped me up. They talked about the BDSM world like it was a normal everyday thing that people did. It was like it came as natural to them as trying on a bathing suit.r />
  “I am so nervous,” I admitted. Kelly reached across the bar top and clasped my hand in hers.

  “That is part of the fun, Ash. The anticipation, the desire it gives you. Trust your trainer, Ash. He will take care of you.”

  I was a little stunned by her words. Trust my trainer? I assumed that Dominic would be my trainer, now I am hearing that some random man may be introducing me into this world that I am completely foreign to.

  “I thought Dominic was going to be my trainer,” I said nervously. Shaking her head and setting her glass down Trinity spoke and my heart dropped into my stomach.

  “Nope. He doesn’t do the trainings. I think Knox and two other guys do the female subs and Madame V and two other mistresses train the male subs.”

  I never thought about the possibility that it wouldn’t be Dominic training me. I was even more apprehensive about the decision I had made. The chime of the door had me lifting my eyes up to see the customer who had entered and my breathing hitched.


  Kelly and Trinity both turned around to see where my gaze was fixed. Their simultaneous gasps proved that they were just as surprised to see him here as I was. Jared started to approach the bar, and he looked awful. He looked like he hadn’t shaved in a week, and his clothes were wrinkled and stained. I couldn’t disregard the angry scowl that he had on his face. Trinity and Kelly both stood up as he approached and Kelly stepped in front of him to block his path.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” she reprimanded. Jared’s eyes raked Kelly from head to toe like he couldn’t believe she was standing up to him. His look said disgust and irritancy.

  “I’m here to see my wife,” he said vindictively.

  “She stopped being your wife the moment you shoved your dick into your secretary,” Kelly said jabbing a finger in his face.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. There was a wicked gleam in his stare and it had the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention.

  “Stay out of this bitch! If it weren’t for you and your influence on my wife, we would have worked things out. I would have gotten her to forgive me and things would be back to normal.”


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