Ashley's Bend

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Ashley's Bend Page 6

by Roop, Cassy

  I had never seen Jared act that way and it was certainly disarming. He was usually a very calm and mellow man, but I assumed that the loss of his job and our divorce was starting to take a toll on him. I needed to step in before the situation got out of hand.

  “Jared, what are you doing here?” I asked him to try and get his attention away from Kelly.

  “Like I said, I’m here to see my wife,” he repeated.

  “Jared, I am not your wife anymore. The papers are final. Why can’t you just let it go? What’s done is done. You made that choice.”

  “No, No! You have to listen to me. We need to talk, alone,” he said as he peered over at Kelly, “Have dinner with me tomorrow night so we can talk,” Jared begged me. Only my thoughts weren’t on him and having dinner. No, my thoughts were now on a brown-eyed, gorgeous Adonis whose club I would be at tomorrow evening.

  “I can’t Jared,” I finally said breaking from my trance. Jared’s disposition went from desperate to angry, fast. He gripped my upper arm and squeezed it so tight, I feared my circulation would cut off. I could feel his fingernails gripping into my skin and winced at the pain it caused.

  “I am not leaving here until you agree to talk to me! Do you hear me Ashley! We are going to talk!” He was yelling now, and soon the attention of all the patrons in the bar was fixated on us. Great, I just started this job and already I was going to lose it for making a scene. I tried to yank my arm out of Jared’s grip, but it only caused him to squeeze tighter.

  “Please let me go Jared, you are scaring me,” I whispered trying not to cause any more of a scene than what was already going on.

  “Not until you agree to have dinner and talk to me,” he gritted out through clenched teeth.

  “I believe she asked you to let her go,” a deep, familiar voice bellowed. My body went rigid and I looked up to see the murderous look of Dominic staring at where Jared had my arm in a vice grip. I was so distracted by the situation with Jared, that I did not even see him come in. Jared turned to look and see who was speaking to him as Dominic stepped closer to us.

  “Who the fuck are you, asshole? I am talking to my wife. Butt the fuck out,” Jared said to a now very large, very pissed off Dominic.

  “I said let her go before I make you,” Dominic said a little too calmly only I could see the anger in his face. His stare still hadn’t left where Jared’s grip was on my arm, “Last I heard, divorce papers mean that she isn’t your wife anymore.”

  Before I knew it, I was being shoved aside and landed on my ass, hard. Jared was face to face with Dominic. My boss, Andrew, had come out from the office to see what the commotion was all about. When he saw me on the floor, he rushed to my side in an instant. I think he was asking me if I was ok, but my eyes were glued to Jared and Dominic.

  “How the fuck do you know our business?” Jared asked Dominic. He then turned to look at where I was still perched on my ass on the floor, “Are you fucking this douche? I always knew you were a fucking whore!”

  The horrible sound of bones crunching was the next thing I heard and I blanched as I was spattered with blood all over my white blouse. I looked over to see Jared who was now on the ground with his hands clutched to his face and Dominic leering above him with a look of rage.

  This was not happening. This was not happening.

  I let Andrew help me to my feet as Dominic looked down at Jared and said, “Get the fuck out of here and don’t bother Ashley again or next time you will have more than a broken nose.”

  Jared scrambled to his feet and looked at me through narrowed eyes before turning to leave. A chill came over me knowing that that was not the last time I would see or hear from Jared.

  “Are you ok?” Dominic asked as I watched his anger dissipate and be replaced with concern.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I replied embarrassed as I looked at my boss, Andrew. I couldn’t meet Dominic’s gaze right now.

  “Andrew, I am so sorry. I did not know that he would come here or cause a scene like that. I have never seen him act like that before,” I explained. Andrew knew that I had just recently filed for divorce and that was the reason I needed a second job.

  “Ashley, that was not your fault. You had no idea that was going to happen,” he reassured me.

  “So...I’m not fired?” I ask shyly.

  “Heavens no girl, I have gotten so many compliments from the customers since you have been here. You aren’t going anywhere,” he said with a smile, “but I must suggest that you may want to get a restraining order against your ex-husband. I fear for your safety.”

  “He is right Ashley, in fact, I insist you do,” Dominic interrupted.

  “Dominic Michaels,” he said as he extended his hand to Andrew.

  “Andrew Long,” Andrew replied shaking Dominic’s hand, “Hey you are the new owner of that club, what’s it called?

  “The Celtic Knot.”

  “Yes, heard business was booming, but haven’t heard much about the place,” Andrew stated

  “We like to keep things...private,” Dominic iterated.

  “Understandable. So how do you know our Ashley?” Andrew questioned. I froze. Oh God! I did not want my boss thinking I was some kind of sex crazed freak because of what I had agreed to with Dominic.

  “Let’s just say we are doing some business.”

  Oh. Business? Did he see me as some kind of transaction? My heart dropped at the thought. Even though I was not ready to be involved with another man romantically and he didn’t do relationships outside of a dom/sub agreement, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed by his answer.

  Andrew nodded and smiled. ‘Well, Ashley, do you need to take the rest of the evening off or are you ok?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “I am fine Andrew, but thank you.” Andrew nodded before telling me he would get me a new shirt to replace my blood spattered one and then made his way back toward the office. I was now left standing with Dominic. Kelly and Trinity had not said a word since Dominic punched Jared. I think they were both surprised by him being here and his actions. Kelly approached me and gave me a hard, squeezing hug.

  “Are you sure you are ok? I’ve never seen Jared act like that before,” she said with worry.

  “I’m fine, I promise. You and Trinity head on home, and I will see you at home tonight.” Kelly agreed with me only if I promised to call her if anything else happened or if Jared returned. After Trinity and Kelly left, I walked back around behind the bar, apologizing to the customers who had to witness the whole ordeal along the way. Dominic walked up to the bar and took a seat on a barstool. He was gripping his right hand in his other hand and I could see that his knuckles were big, swollen and starting to bruise. I walked over to the ice machine and placed some in a towel before walking over to Dominic and handing it to him.

  “For your hand,” I said as I gestured to his injured hand.

  “Thanks,” he replied, taking the towel from me and putting it on his knuckles.

  “I’m fucking serious, Ashley. Get a restraining order. That is not a request,” he ordered.

  He’s mad.

  “I, I will. Thank you, by the way,” I said as I looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

  “I wasn’t going to let him hurt you like that. The only kind of pain you should have to endure is the kind that is involved with pleasure in the bedroom, Ashley.” I blushed crimson. He was talking about pleasure and pain right here within earshot of all my customers.

  “Do not be embarrassed by my words, Ashley. That is why I stopped by. There will be a package delivered to your apartment tomorrow afternoon with instructions. Follow them. A car will be by to pick you up at five-thirty. Do you have to work this weekend?”

  What? A package? Instructions? He was firing off information to me and my head was spinning.

  “Um, no. I took this weekend off.”

  “Good. No distractions for your first few sessions every weekend for the next six weeks. If money is an issue, you can be given
assignments at the club for pay.”

  Was he serious? Take off every weekend for the next six weeks? And assignments? What kind of assignments?

  “I...I…” I stuttered. I was at a loss for words. He saw my discomfort and realization kicked in. He chuckled

  “Not, those kinds of assignments, Ashley. Jobs like you are doing now, serving, bartending, and etcetera.”

  I relaxed at his elaboration on assignments. I was not a whore, and I would not do things to become one. I had more self-respect for myself than to do that.

  Dominic stood up from the bar stool and leaned across the bar towards me. He lifted his non injured hand and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind my ear before he caressed my cheek. I nearly melted into his touch as an electric charge sang through my body. I felt it all the way down to my core.

  “Be ready, Ashley. Follow the directions in the package tomorrow. I will know if you don’t,” he said and he turned around to leave. I watched his backside as he walked away. What a backside it was! His dark wash jeans hung low on his hips and hugged his ass in all the right ways. I could see the muscles in his back ripple beneath his tight grey shirt. How in the world was I going to survive?

  Later that evening, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. What the hell was I doing? Submissive training? I’m not submissive am I? Was this the world that I wanted to acquaint myself with? The last few months with Jared had been some of the darkest of my life. His constant rejections and absence from our marriage left me feeling vulnerable and squandered. Was I permitting myself to the same dark emotions by joining the club?

  All I knew was I wanted to be closer to Dominic. If it weren’t for him and the feelings that I underwent every time he was close to me, I would never have consented. I did say I wanted to live, to experience new things. I had been lost in someone else’s identity for so long, I was ready to break out and find out who I was. The only way I was going to be able to do that was by experiencing new things and going outside my comfort zone.

  I remembered Dominic’s orders to follow instructions for the package I was to receive. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous apprehension for his plans. At the same time, though I was excited to not know what was to become of all of it. My eyes started to grow heavy and I rolled over to my side and hugged my pillow. Tomorrow, I would start my new life. Tomorrow, I would subject myself to the world that was more than I had ever had the opportunity to experience. My eyes fluttered closed and I was lost to sleep. I couldn’t help but dream about dark hair and eyes like chocolate.

  I woke up Friday morning feeling like I didn’t get a wink of sleep. I tossed and turned all night long, alternating from dreams about Dominic to nervous anticipation for what would happen. At least I would have Kelly with me at the club. I feared that I would get there and chicken out before I even set foot in the door.

  I rose out of bed and went about my morning routine of brushing my teeth and showering before sitting down at the table eating breakfast. Kelly went to work super early this morning so that she would be able to attend the club with me. I started reading through the newspaper that Kelly had left when I noticed that there was a big red circle around one of the advertisements. Reading it more closely, I noticed that it was an ad for art classes at the local community college. Kelly must have seen the ad and circled it for me to read. I just loved her. I loved how she knew me and got me. I had wanted to be an art teacher for as long as I could remember. I made a mental note to give the school a call to follow up on some information.

  I spent most of the morning scrubbing the apartment. Each hour that passed by, I become more high-strung, edgy and...excited. I needed to keep my hands and mind busy so I wouldn’t sit there in the apartment stewing over what could occur at the club. I was furiously scrubbing the tile in the bathroom shower when I heard the doorbell ring. Peeling the yellow rubber gloves from my hands, I made my way toward the door. When I opened it, I came face to face with a delivery man holding several shopping bags and one large garment bag.

  “Ashley Carter?” he asked cocking his brow.

  “Yes, that is me.” I replied. He handed me a clipboard and then asked for my signature.

  “Where would you like your packages, Miss?”

  I instructed him over to the kitchen table and told him to place the items there. Reaching into my purse, I dug around for some cash to give him a tip, but he just waved me off saying that it was already taken care of and to have a good day.

  After he left, I stood staring at the packages. There was a garment bag and two smaller ones. Sticking out of one of the smallest bag was an envelope. Tentatively, I reached for it and noticed a small tremble in my hands. The man wasn’t even in my presence, and I could feel the sensations flowing through my body. I opened the envelope to find a note from the club.

  I was a little disappointed that the note wasn’t from Dominic. Kelly did say that he would probably not be doing my training anyway. That still terrified me. Dominic was the only man who had touched me other than Jared. Even then, it was only the briefest of touches. It was those small, intimate touches when he tied the ropes on me that had my body on fire more than I ever had with Jared. Why was that? Was it because of the sour feelings now harbored for my ex-husband that had my senses heightened with Dominic? Or was it the man himself? Was it his dark, sexy brooding, or the way he made my body come to attention when he spoke with command and authority? He had ways of making me want to do whatever it was he wanted and all he had to do was say it. Does that make me submissive?

  I glanced at the clock to see that it was already twelve thirty. I needed to get cleaned up before I went to the spa. I was a little giddy and surprised by the spa certificate. I had never been to one before. Our finances were always so tight with Jared’s school tuition, that I never had the opportunities for any luxuries. It felt a little like Christmas.

  The spa was top of the line. I was waxed, buffed, and polished to within an inch of my life. My skin had never felt so smooth and beautiful. After the body spa and one very relaxing massage later, I headed to the salon. A tall skinny man with white hair and blue tips approached me. He was sporting black framed glasses, bright red skinny jeans and a white shirt under a black vest.

  “Hello, gorgeous! I am Nigel and I am going to be doing your hair and makeup today. Oh. My. Gosh, you are such a pretty thing!”

  I couldn’t help but giggle at his animation. I wished that I could bottle his energy because I would make millions.

  “Mr. Michaels has given us specific instructions for how he would like for you to look for this evening. I hope that is alright with you, honey,” Nigel said to me as he spun me around in the chair before placing a cape around me.

  Dominic gave specific instructions?

  “I guess if Mr. Michaels gave specific instructions, we better follow them shouldn’t we?” I replied with a chuckle.

  “Oh, honey pie, I would lick the tires of that man’s car if he asked me to. Have you seen him? All hunky beefed up muscle. Don’t even get me started on his gorgeous eyes and hair. Oh, and his ass could crack walnuts!”

  I was laughing so hard at Nigel, my side hurt. At least I knew I was not the only one affected by Dominic. Even if the other person was an obviously gay man. I had a feeling that I could get along well with Nigel.

  He ran his fingers through my long blonde hair. He then steepled his fingers under his chin and proceeded to pace in circles around where I was sitting in the chair.

  “Ah Ha!” he exclaimed and I nearly fell out of the seat from jumping out of my skin, “Layers, lots of layers and some lowlights to frame this gorgeous face of yours. Mr. Michaels’ wants sexy? I’ll give him a tiger instead of a kitten!”

  An hour and a half later I was in a cab on my way back to my apartment. My hair was flowing in gorgeous waves down my back and shoulders. My eyes were smoky and dark and in contrast to my soft pink lips. I tipped the driver when we arrived before making my way into the apartment. Kelly was sitting on the couch en
joying a glass of wine and laughing at some chick on a reality show. Her head snapped up as soon as I opened the door and her jaw dropped opened.

  “Holy shit, Ashley! Damn girl, you look gorgeous!” I flushed slightly from her comment. I was not used to getting compliments or receiving attention from anybody.

  “Thank you. I had a spa day courtesy of the club.”

  “I know! I read the card on the table. So...are you ready for tonight?”

  I paused to think about her question as I nervously tried not to pick at my freshly manicured nails. Was I ready for what was to come? Hell no, I wasn’t ready. It was so far outside of my comfort zone, I might as well have been in a new galaxy.

  “I’m definitely nervous,” I offered her as an answer.

  “You will be fine Ashley. Just trust your trainer, he will show you so much, and take you to wonderful, pleasurable places but you have to trust him.”

  I nodded as if I understood her. Trust? How do I trust a man to do things to me and my body that I had never done before? I mean yes, I loved it when Dominic did the rope lesson on me, but how much further would I be able to go?

  I walked over to the table where the garment bag that was delivered still sat. Reaching for it, I unzipped the bag and my mouth fell opened when I saw what was inside. Staring back at me was a black corset with pink satin ribbon that crossed around the ribcage before tying off into a bow at the center of the bust. Also inside was a black garter belt with black silk stockings. I reached out and fingered the stockings. They were real satin, not those cheap ones you could get at any department store, but real, soft satin. I peeked into the shopping bag next to the garment bag. Inside was a shoebox. Reaching in, I pulled the box from the bag and peeled the lid from the top to reveal a gorgeous pair of black patent leather stilettos.


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