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Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

Page 14

by Michael Dean

  “I told him that you work as a magician at kid’s parties on your spare time, with props and the whole nine yards.”

  We both started laughing.

  “Well played sir…well played.”

  “I thought so. Okay, let’s call it a day, Leo. I think you learned a lot today about this line of work. Go home to that pretty wife of yours and relax. Great work.” He stuck out his arm to shake hands with me.

  There’s no doubt about it. I would have a blast being a cop if I’m able to survive Christian. I hope I get that chance.



  When I returned home, I had fun telling Shade about the events of the day. Shade also informed me that both of our mothers and Sandra would be throwing a baby shower for her soon. Shade was looking forward to it because some more girlfriends from our high school days were going to be in attendance as well.

  Our baby was coming very soon; it was crazy to think that I was about to be a father. I went from being alone in a dead tree every night, to being adopted, having a family, having a wife, a child, and now a family of my own. What a curve my life has taken. Hopefully, I would be around a lot longer to enjoy it.

  “Dad wants the guys to go on over for a barbeque at his house while we’re having the baby shower.”

  “Oh yeah? That sounds like fun.” I answered.

  “Yeah. Dad will probably call everyone this weekend so be ready for it.”

  When the weekend arrived, I indeed heard from Richard about having a get together the following weekend with just the guys at the Lewis house. Being that I had another cool little guy thing going on for the upcoming weekend, the work week flew by.

  The following Saturday arrived and it was a beautifully warm day. Scruffy picked me up since Shade had taken her car to the baby shower and we rode over to Anne and Richard’s house. We were the last to arrive as I could see my father had already arrived along with Sam.

  “Oh man…you smell that?” Scuff raised his sniffer in the air towards the back yard where we could see smoke rising from Richard’s smoker.

  “Ummmm, I wish I could smell it the way that you do.” I frowned at him.

  “Oh yeah, my bad, I always forget. Well, it smells good, just so you know.” He grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed it playfully.

  “I appreciate that,” I sarcastically stated.

  We rang the doorbell and Sam was the one who answered to let us in. We followed him to the back yard where Richard and Benjamin had laid out some paper plates and plastic silverware on a picnic table. There were also two coolers full of refreshments.

  “About time boys.” Benjamin came up and hugged the two of us.

  “Right on time for the stogies. We were getting tired of waiting on you to puff on them,” Richard added as he pointed at a group of cigars lined up on the table.

  “That’s right, if the boys are going to get together to play, then we gotta have a cold drink, a hot cigar and some good food.” Benjamin picked up the cigars and insisted we grab one, which we did.

  We were having the best of time. We stood around and watched Richard cook the barbeque as we puffed on our cigars. Dinner was served shortly thereafter and after we ate, Sam pulled out some cards and we played poker until the sun started to set. It was all jokes and laughs the entire time…mainly about the girls. It was an awesome guy’s day, not quite as good as the time Scruffy and I had at Wolf’s Pass, but pretty close.

  When we lost the lighting, we decided to pack it up and go inside for a night cap. We were in the process of cleaning up everything when Sam called me out to the back yard with an anxious voice.

  “Hey, Leo…you need to come out here and see this.” He called for me as he pulled out the rest of the barbeque that was staying warm in the smoker.

  I came back outside and approached him. I could see that he was standing in place, staring up into the dark night’s sky. I raised my view to the skies above and saw exactly what it was he was looking at.

  There was a thick looking cloud hovering over the Lewis home. I knew exactly what it was. It was the same thing that I, Shade, Scruffy, and Sandra saw when we were at my spot leaving some time back. It was another cluster of demons flying around the home. This time they didn’t land, they just casually soared around the place in circles. They could easily be seen by anyone in the neighborhood. All a person had to do was look up.

  “What do you think they are up too, Leo? What does this mean?” Sam asked.

  “I’m-I’m not sure.”

  “You better find out. This doesn’t look good.”

  The last time I witnessed this behavior from the underworld, I thought it was a message being sent to me about War’s soon-to-be arrival on the earth. Since I hadn’t seen this scenario since then, I thought that was what it was all about. But now that it was happening again in a similar fashion, I wasn’t sure what Hell was up to, or should I say, Christian. I wasn’t clear on whether this was a threat, a spy tactic, or what, but I figured it wasn’t a good sign.

  “What are you two looking at?” Scruff came out to us with a grin.

  We didn’t speak, just kept looking up and Scruffy joined us.

  “Not this again.” Scruffy realized what he we were seeing.

  “Again?” Richard chimed in. We looked over to see that he and Benjamin had both come outside and noticed what was hovering in the sky above us.

  “Yeah, this has happened before with us and the girls. I thought this phenomena had to do with War in the past, but I can see now that they are up to something else.”

  “They’re planning something. Whatever that may be we'd better figure it out before it’s too late.” Sam took his eye off the sky to address me.

  “I don’t necessarily know if it’s a plan or not, but it feels like a warning for sure,” I said.

  For just another minute or two, we watched the demons continue to swirl around in front of us. They started to file out and I heard my cell ring.


  “Hey babe, there’s something going on over at your parents' house,” Shade shouted in angst.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as all the guys looked at me with concern.

  “We’re fine, but there are some creatures that look like your type flying over their house. Thank goodness the other girls left already so they didn’t see this. It’s just us girls that are ‘in the know’ here…know what I mean?”

  “Yes…I do. The same thing is happening over here as well, they are leaving as we speak.”

  “The ones here aren’t leaving yet. They’re just flying around. Leo…I’m scared. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, but stay inside and I will be over in just a second.”

  I hung up with Shade and made ready to head on over to check on the girls.

  “What’s going on, Leo? Is everything all right?” Sam asked.

  “There are demons flying overhead at your house too, Benjamin.” I looked to my father.

  “C’mon, everyone jump in with me, I’ll get us there in no time.” Sam grabbed his jacket and keys as everyone prepared to leave with him.

  “I’ll see you all over there shortly. I’m on my way.” I extended my wings and shot into the sky.

  There wasn’t a demon in sight anymore above us directly, but as I approached my parent’s house, I could see the small cluster of demons that were parked on the roof and in the trees of the home. As soon as they sensed my presence, they took off like vultures. I started to follow them but thought better of it and landed in the back yard of my old house.

  With haste I sprinted up to the back doors, which were locked and knocked. When my mother saw it was me, she opened the doors and let me in.

  “Oh thank god it’s you, son.” She hugged me.

  “Everyone still okay? All are accounted for here?” I made sure.

  “Yes…we’re all fine…everyone that is still here is accounted for.”

  “Good…good. Sam and everyone else will arrive in
a second too. I chased the flock off when I arrived.”

  “What do you think that was all about, Leo? You said that they were flying around over at Mom and Dad’s too?” Shade asked as she hugged me.

  “Yes, but I don’t know what they’re up too. Something more is going on here. Christian has a purpose for everything he does. There is a reason for these visits from his henchmen.”

  As we all tried to make sense of our demon visitors, Anne piped up with what her instincts were telling her.

  “Leo…they want something.” She said.

  I turned to her for elaboration.

  “They are here for something…I just don’t know what.”

  “Well, Leo of course.” Sandra chimed in with a possible answer which happened to be what I was thinking as well.

  “No…that’s too obvious. They're keeping tabs…waiting.” She continued.

  “Right…for Leo.” Shade joined in.

  “No!” Anne became agitated. “It’s something more than that.”

  “They are here to collect something for Christian, or at the very least, distract us so Christian can come to claim something.”

  “Could it be the Demon Dagger?” I asked.

  “I don’t think it’s that either; something much more valuable to him than that…something…that he deems will give him absolute power.” Anne looked like she was struggling with her thoughts as if she was trying to get clarity about something that was affecting her.

  “I just don’t know what it is, I-I can’t reel it in. I don’t know…I don’t know.” She shook her head around in frustration.

  “Do you sense anything, Leo?” Anne looked to me for an answer.

  “Not a thing, Anne, nothing. I know that Christian doesn’t make any move without a motive, but that’s hardly an insight about him. It’s more common knowledge.”

  “Regardless, he wants something…bad. I fear if you don’t figure out what that is quickly it may be too late…for us all. Until you do, I have a feeling that more of these kinds of visits are going to occur. Not to add more pressure on you, but you must work faster, Leo. Figure it out.” Anne stepped to me and placed her hand on my cheek.

  I nodded to her in agreement.

  Just then the front door flew open and all the guys stormed in.

  “Is everyone okay in here?” Sam called out as the rest of the fella’s came in behind him.

  “We’re are good, Sam. Thank you…thank you all for getting over here in a hurry. Leo chased them off when he showed up,” Amanda answered.

  After everyone calmed down, we decided to stick together for a while before we left. Our fun and eventful day had been diminished to a time of anxiety. No matter the outcome with Christian, I could at least take solace in the fact that once the fight was over with him, my family could return to lives of normalcy…I hoped.

  When everyone felt safe enough to leave, I decided I would escort everyone home to make sure they got back safely. It took some time, but everyone made it okay. While I was tracking them, I didn’t sense any demonic activity in the vicinity anyway so I knew they were gone…for now.

  When Shade and I returned, we had all sorts of baby goodies in tow from her shower. We got baby clothing, bottles, various necessities, and even a crib, courtesy of both our parents. I got it all hauled inside so my wife could relax. When I was done, I sat with her on the couch.

  “Well, at least I have a couple of projects to do to keep me busy while we wait on our daughter to come into the world.” I tried to lift her spirits as I could see she had a troubled mind.

  Shade was having none of this playful subject discussion.

  “Leo…why is Christian doing this?”

  I pulled back on my smile and struggled for the words to comfort her.

  “C’mon hun, you’ve been a part of this situation from the very beginning. You know how Christian works. He plays mind games to get an edge. How many times have we seen this, huh?” I said while reaching over to rub her leg.

  “Yeah…but it feels different this time. Mom clued me in on some things privately, before the shower today.”

  “You mean about Christian wanting something from me?”

  “She mentioned that yes, but she didn’t have time to tell you the rest of what she’s been sensing.”

  “Tell me about it…what’s up?”

  “She thinks that Christian is in a position now where he can’t lose to you. I mean, she’s always feared and felt that your death would come for certain if the two of you met, especially since Argento mentioned that you can’t kill him with the Demon Dagger.”

  “What do you mean…can’t lose to me?”

  “She wasn’t clear, because she didn’t know for sure, but she thinks it’s about Christian getting all obstacles removed out of his way.”

  “What are you talking about?” I was confused.

  “Leo, hasn’t it occurred to you that the entire council of Hell…”

  “Lord Bellock’s council?”

  “Whosever…council, is gone now except for Christian?”


  “Doesn’t that council have the absolute say when it comes to Hell's side of things as it pertains to Earth when it comes to spiritual law?”

  I turned my head away from her in thought as it was occurring to me what she was saying.

  “Leo…Christian doesn’t have anyone that he has to run anything by anymore when it comes to decisions being made on Earth. The balance of that council is gone. Christian has complete say so over what goes down in the world now, at least coming from Hell he does. He doesn’t have to answer to anyone here. He is the council for Hell on Earth now.”

  “That is true, but he still has to answer to Lord Bellock, the son of Satan.”

  “But isn’t that only in Hell that he has to do that? Not on Earth? Right?”

  That stunned me for a second. Anne’s insight and what Shade was saying was right. I can’t believe I hadn’t picked up on this before. I guess with all the battling and baby-prepping I’ve been doing as of late, I hadn’t been seeing what was going on right in front of my eyes. Christian had complete say so on behalf of Hell to do whatever he wanted in the world of men. He could go unchecked, for the most part. Whatever he saw fit to do in the world was exclusively his call now. That was a bad thing for humans.

  “You’re right Shade…Anne is right. Whatever Christian does on Earth is entirely up to him. No Shimmer or Agrelia in his way. Not even the general within Hell, War, can challenge his authority on Earth anymore. It’s solely his rules now. Mankind could be in supreme danger, all on account of my quest for Diccittidel. I systematically aided him in having sole control over Hell’s grip on the world by eliminating his possible objections.” I leaned back into the couch in shock.

  “Do you think he knew this the whole time?” Shade leaned over to me and rubbed my chest.

  “I’m not sure, but knowing how brilliant Christian is, I wouldn’t put it past him. I need to see Argento and Elysia. They might have the answer about this.”

  “Since he’s in charge of the decision making now, what do you think he’s waiting to do? Finish you?” She asked.

  “Well…yeah, I’m sure that’s part of it, but your mother senses that he needs something. Just one more thing that will give him the power he’s looking for.”

  “What do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know, but I better find it before he does.”

  “What if you don’t find whatever it is before he does?”

  “There’s only one thing the most powerful demons of Hell want from mankind. One thing they constantly desire and always obsess to achieve.”

  “What is that?”

  “Total…soul…control over the world of humans.”

  “I know the answer to this, but I still have to ask…what happens to us…the world, if something like Christian got that kind of power?” She breathed heavily with anxiety.

  “Do you even have to ask? The worst things im
aginable that you could dream of happening…except a hundred times worse. Events like Middleton would be the norm…everywhere. Madness…pure madness. Cruelty on a greater scale than ever before.”

  “What would become of us in particular, I mean, if you lose and he gets what he wants?”

  I remained silent for a second, trying to come to grips on how to tell her what I know Christian would do to them, just because of my defiance towards him and their affiliation with me. They would suffer immensely on account of my actions.

  “You…all of you…our daughter included, would feel the consequences of his wrath the most. I’m afraid…he would make you all suffer more than anyone else on the planet…and that is saying something.”

  Shade just fell back into the couch in despair. We had no words to say. Could it be that Christian played me all along? Here I was thinking that I was fighting for my freedom exclusively, which I am, but, in reality he may have been putting this scenario into motion for ages; something to purely benefit him and only him.

  What Argento was trying to tell me was starting to become clear when he mentioned in the past about Christian having something bigger in play than just my Diccittidel fight. Was Christian really shaping things for him? Was world domination actually in play now? The only thing that was in his way anymore was me.

  “Leo…you must defeat him. Find out what he needs, then, kill him. End this,” Shade said without hesitation.

  She couldn’t have been anymore spot on.



  The topic of our conversation haunted me for the next couple of days. I couldn’t keep my mind off of it. In order to make sure I had the facts straight about Shade’s translation of Anne’s sixth sense, I went straight to the source and Anne confirmed her worries nearly word for word about what Shade mentioned. I hoped I’d hear from Argento or Elysia about the potential of this turn of events, but they were nowhere to be seen. I mentioned to Sam to keep a vigilant eye out for anything suspicious, supernatural or not, that may occur in Mountainside. He did just that. Every little minor call the police station got was looked into a little deeper than it normally would have been, searching for any signs of something more devious going on. I also made sure that our family and friends were aware of anything suspicious around them, if they saw anything at all to let me know. Paranoia was overwhelming us all. Even if Christian wasn’t up to anything other than dealing with me, he was winning again when it came to the art of mind games.


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