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Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

Page 16

by Michael Dean

  “Come back to me, Leo. I-we need you.” She placed both of her hands on her stomach as I escorted her to her parent’s car.

  “I will do everything I can to make that happen. Keep your faith in me while you’re away…I will need it.” I kissed her again as Richard got out to open the back door to the vehicle and helped Shade get in.

  Once Richard closed the door, I stuck out my hand to shake his and he shook his head in refusal which set me back for a moment. Then he leaned into me and gave me a hug. It was unexpected, but very welcomed.

  “Take care, son.” He said as he released from our embrace.

  I couldn’t say a word and simply nodded in understanding. He smiled again and got into the vehicle. Shade stared at me through the closed window as tears flowed down her cheeks.

  I waved to them all as they pulled out of our driveway leaving me alone. I stood in the driveway briefly and listened to the quiet around me.

  After soaking in the situation, I decided to head to my spot so I could get a solid overview on seeing how many people had heeded Sam’s warning and were fleeing today. When I got there, I perched on my tree and watched all night long as steady streams of cars evacuated Mountainside in every direction. This made me feel a little more secure about their safety.

  The same scenario played itself out all throughout the next day as well. When I saw that there wasn’t any more action on the roads that night, I left my spot and took off to go see Sam.

  I arrived at the police station and went inside. Even though only he and his staff were on site, there was still a lot of commotion going on.

  “Sam?” I called out to him once I saw him hustling through the office.

  He stopped to address me.

  “Leo…you're back…good deal.” He came up to me and shook my hand.

  “Everything is quiet out there. Has everyone cleared out?” I asked.

  “I’d say about ninety-nine percent of the people have fled. Unfortunately we have a handful of stubborn old stragglers that are staying behind at their own peril, not to mention those that are in the hospital and can’t leave and the workers within the hospital. We have some firemen staying behind in case they are needed as well. That is the best we can do. Now, we must prepare in the best way we can. It is up to us to handle whatever fate comes for us.”

  “Even if I fall Sam, this town…will not. That much I can promise you.” I assured him.

  Sam grinned with a sigh.

  “Now…whatever procedures you have to get in place, continue to do so. I am going to go out and keep watch, if I see anything before the night of the blood moon, I’ll let you know.” I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket.

  “I’ll do the same.” He smiled.

  I returned the sentiment and turned to leave.

  “Leo,” Sam called and I turned to face him, “be careful.”

  I nodded and walked outside.

  I decided I would tour the town to assess things and clear my head. Instead of flying, I walked. As I did so, I couldn’t get over how dead silent things were. I’d never seen the place like this before. It was a literal ghost town.

  I strolled through darkened streets; all businesses were locked up and the lights were off everywhere. It was a little eerie when I walked by BNB’s, our old hangout from the school days and saw that it was completely dark and desolate. That place was always bustling. It was so odd to see it like that. Things had certainly changed since the times of hanging out there.

  When I got to the center of Mountainside, I stood in the middle of an intersection where four ways of traffic met at some traffic lights. I watched them run through the cycle of alternating from red to green while not one single car came. It was haunting. All the life had left a once instrumental intersection. Now, there was nothing.

  All the world traveling I have done to help diminish violence in small and major cities was about to hit home now. The chickens were coming home to roost.

  Hell was coming. I was Mountainside’s last line of defense.



  For the next couple nights, Mountainside remained in a quiet limbo. Time in this place seemed to stop altogether. The only time a single car was spotted was when the occasional tourist would swing off a major highway and stop in to get gas or a hotel. They wouldn’t stay long as they recognized that nothing was open. I saw some of Sam’s deputies intercept some people as well, urging them to leave as fast as they could. Other than that, that was the only activity around town after the evacuation.

  I was in constant contact with Shade and the family, giving them updates on what was going on. I let them know if they didn’t hear from me that would mean things were coming undone around here.

  I continued to check in with Sam from time to time, but for the most part, I was left on my own to oversee the protection of Mountainside.

  Then, one evening, near twilight, the moon was exceptionally large in the sky. It appeared as if it was a short drive away, like you could reach up and touch it. The further the sun set, the more I began to see the massive moon start to change color. As it did so, I could feel the air around me begin to get heavier. It was as if even the environment knew that something foul was afoot. Not even a hint of a breeze or the sound of a cricket interrupted the stillness. The area gripped me in fear.

  The moon became solid blood red and I called Sam to warn him with two simple words, “It’s tonight.” I warned after he answered.

  “Okay.” He replied, “We’re heading out.”

  We hung up and I flew to Eagles Peak Mountain and found the highest tree I could and awaited the onslaught.

  I stood atop a tree and overlooked the valleys below, spinning around in every direction so I could monitor everything. I could see for miles around. In the back of my mind, I secretly hoped that Argento and Elysia would show to help us, but up to this point, that dream was pure folly. I knew we were on our own to deal with Christian, there would be no help coming.

  Then a faint, but very unsettling breeze cut through me as I glared at the blood moon. In that moment, I could sense the evil about to blow in. My demon radar was going off. I was on high alert.

  As I spun around trying to get a glimpse of what was coming from the sky, it was the ground about twenty miles or so off in the distance that caught my attention first. It looked as if the ground below had come alive. I was up so high that it appeared to me like thousands of ants were scurrying all over the place, climbing over mountains, racing through trees, all traveling in one direction. I began to realize that it was a massive swarm of vampires heading full force towards Mountainside.

  Then the faint light of the moon turned to shadow on my face which caught my attention to look back up. Like before, I saw a swarm of demons flying my way. I slowly rotated my head around three hundred and sixty degrees, it wasn’t just a simple flock of demons flying at me from one direction. The entire outskirts of the hemisphere was filled with demons closing in on our town. There were thousands of them. I’d never seen anything like it.

  I knew this was coming all along, naturally, but nothing can prepare the eyes for seeing such an overabundance of reckless abandon concentrating to one area. I thought he’d done it when I declared Diccittidel, but tonight was the night that Christian had officially declared war on me.

  I rocketed off the tree I was on and headed back into Mountainside. I landed on the roof of a small grocery store near the center of town and watched the sky blacken like the arrival of a violent thunder storm.

  Again, I picked up the phone to contact Sam.

  “Sam, I’m at David’s Market…on the roof. Vampires are coming by foot, demons by air. They will hone in on me, this is where they will arrive.”

  I could hear him breathe hard with anxiety into the phone, “Okay…I’m on my way. I’m sending my guys off to patrol the corners of town. I’ll be joining you in a minute.”

  “Sam…listen. I know you don’t need me to tell you this but some of your deputi
es may not return. Their weapons are useless as you know. All they can be is a presence. They are no threat. When you join me, let me handle things. Defend yourself if you must, but do not antagonize them. After they engage me, you understand, you will be on your own. I won’t be able to protect you given their sheer numbers.”

  “I know, Leo. But this is my job. I was sworn to protect this town with my life if it came to that. Now is the time I must honor that oath. Don’t worry about me. If I go down, promise me you’ll protect what’s left…if there is anything.” His voice trembled.

  “You have my word, Sam.”

  I hung up the phone and watched the swarming masses completely black out the sky for miles around. Not a single star could be seen. I reached down and pulled out the Demon Dagger and raised my wings.

  I saw Sam’s SUV roaring down the street towards my location with the lights and sirens on. When he reached the base of the store he stopped on the sidewalk, parked half on it and half in the road. He turned off the siren but left his lights on. He got out, leaving his front door open and looked up at me. We acknowledged each other as he placed his hand on his hip where his gun rested and stood on defense behind his truck door.

  Then I felt a small rumble from the earth below. It was the massive horde of vampires finally making their presence known as they scurried into downtown. They began to fill up the streets in numbers beyond count. While they surrounded the buildings and filled the streets around us, the demons above began to perch themselves all over the place. They landed on buildings, street lights, traffic lights, wherever they could find an opening. Some of them remained flying around above us. All of Hell seemed to be in attendance surrounding me and my human friend. This was not going to end well I felt.

  I hopped off the roof and landed on top of Sam’s SUV. Thousands of blood-curdling eyes glared at us with no remorse whatsoever in them.

  “Holy…crap.” Sam fretted as he took in the numbers surrounding us.

  “Welcome to Mountainside boys and girls.” I called out to them bravely.

  Of course, I didn’t receive any form of greeting in return.

  “You’ve all come a long way just to see me…you’d think I’d be flattered. You all are stinking up my town. We don’t like trash here.” I harassed them.

  Sam looked up at me slowly; his eyes addressed me as if I was a mad man. “Leo…what are you doing? You told me not to antagonize them…now you’re instigating a fight? Are you nuts?” He whispered to me, barely moving his lips.

  “Did you think they just came here to posture?” I kidded him.

  “Can’t say that I wasn’t hoping for that.” He murmured as he surveyed the masses.

  I chuckled. Wasn’t the best time to find humor in a situation, but this was all we could do to settle down the best we could.

  “Who among you will be the first to challenge me?” I yelled.

  After my proclamation, I saw a demon land in the street from out of the sky a few yards away. It was Franco again.

  “Hello, Franco.” I greeted.

  “Hello, Leo.”

  “I see you’ve brought a lot of friends to the party.”

  “Indeed. You’ve gotten quite the reputation for being a reputable foe. Christian didn’t want to take any chances.” He chuckled a bit.

  “Speaking of…where is our masterful leader? Surely he wouldn’t miss an event such as this.”

  “You know the game, Leo…I’m just following orders. Although I do not doubt he is somewhere near, of where exactly, I am not certain.”

  There was a slight pause of conversation between us. I analyzed the gathered army, confused as to their motives for delay.

  “Why are you all centered right here? Shouldn’t you be looting and ripping this town apart while attacking me? It’s what you all were doing around the world not too long ago. You know I-we can’t stop you all from burning this town to ashes. What are you waiting for?”

  A handful of them began to laugh, as did Franco.

  “We aren’t here to pillage, so to speak. Yes, there are some here that wish to settle the score with you…and they have been granted that privilege, but this is more of a mission to isolate you, Leo. We’re not here for you…yet.”

  “What? Isolate me? What are you talking about, Franco?”

  He nodded as he looked around at the empty town, “I see that you remembered our little conversation the other day. You were wise. Consider it a favor from me…to you. The only one you will get from here on out.”

  “Stop beating around the bush, Franco. What’s going on?” I demanded.

  He grinned and took a few steps closer to us, “I see you’ve brought one of your little pets with you. Not everyone you care about has been cleared out apparently.” He pointed at Sam.

  “What is he talking about, Leo?” Sam glanced at me with concern.

  Franco answered him before I could.

  “We’ve been ordered to kill whoever has knowledge of your quest, Leo…to kill those that care about you the most. So long as they are within the confines of this town that is…orders are orders.”

  Sam looked up at me in fear.

  “I won’t leave your side, Sam. I promise.” I assured him.

  “He’s not the only one that knows about you, that cares for you…that remained behind.” Franco grinned sadistically.

  “He’s that last person remaining that knows my privileged information. There is no other here. Sure, some have suspicions, but no one here knows of my secrets besides him.”

  “You are wrong…Leo.”

  I looked at him mystified. Suddenly, another voice called out from the crowd. An English accented voice. Vampires and demons moved aside to let this soul come forward. It was Christian. In his arm he was holding a struggling Scruffy. He brought him to the forefront and stood next to Franco.

  “What are you doing here, Mark?” I called out in anger at him.

  “I-I came back…on my own. I wanted to help you.”

  I shook my head around in disgust at his unwise decision.

  “Mark…I told you to stay away. What were you thinking?”

  “Oh now…this lad has been practicing all of those fancy arts he thinks could harm us.” The rabble of dark souls laughed at Christian’s sarcasm, “He went from a skinny little twerp to being almost as buff as his big brother Leo there. I think he has a sporting chance.” Again, laughter chimed out.

  “Let him go, Christian.” I commanded.

  “Oh, I will…after I kill him.” He snarled.

  “You will not. It is against spiritual law,” I reminded him.

  “I am the law!” He roared back at me.

  I hopped off the SUV and landed before Christian and Franco.

  “I have to admit, Leo. When I ordered Franco here to come to you and warn you before this night, I thought Shade would remain by your side. Her human stubbornness mixed with her stupidity because of her love for you I thought would keep her loyal, but it appears that she values her own safety over that of your own. You risk it all for her and yet…she risks nothing in return. Seems a bit one-sided to me. I thought I’d get you both in one night, but I was wrong. A tactical mistake on my part, but this night will not be a total loss it appears.” He sadistically chuckled.

  I knew it. Another trap set by Christian. Thank goodness Shade left. I fear that if she wasn’t pregnant, she would have stayed. Fortune was with me on that note, but now I must find a way to protect Scruffy and Sam.

  “Let’s have it out…right here…right now, Christian. Let this all end tonight.”

  Christian tsked, tsked, tsked me with his mouth, “Oh c’mon, Leo, you know it won’t be that easy. Now choose.”

  “Choose what? Stay here and fight, or come after you and save my brother? I will kick your ass and save my brother.”

  “Again…you prove to me how foolish you are, Leo. Unlike myself, you can’t be in two places at once.”

  I heard Sam whimper behind me along with a struggle. I spun aroun
d to acknowledge what was going on behind me. There was one of Christian’s doppelganger’s holding Sam by the neck in his forearm.

  “Surprise.” The other Christian smiled.

  I turned to face what I thought was the real Christian.

  “This is enough. Let them both be!” I felt my fury rise.

  “Good…good. I can feel your hate coming forth. You are ready now.” He looked back at his army.

  “All Demons follow me and my Throg. Vampires…kill the traitor. The time to avenge your master Shimmer has come. Sierra…Molina…step forward and lead them.”

  I about fell over when he said the names of the twins. It seems that my past keeps coming back to haunt me, from all avenues, as of late. From out of the vampires came the ravishing Queens of the blood suckers.

  “We meet again, handsome.” Sierra smiled and whipped out her stiletto knives.

  “Still just as sexy as ever,” Molina added with a seductive smile.

  They began to position themselves, ready for an offensive strike. The vampires behind them rallied to their side.

  “I will go to your beloved old stomping ground. If you do not show within ten minutes, I will kill your two little pets here. After that, when you’re ready to avenge them, you know where to find me.” He snarled.

  “Franco…take your minions…follow me.” He commanded.

  With those words, the two Christians with my friends in tow took to the sky with Franco and the mass of Drift Demons following behind them. I took off to follow them but was immediately pounced on by dozens of vampires who sacked me right back to the ground.

  I violently shook around and tossed them off me, using my wings in defense. Once they were shimmied away they landed in various directions, I tried to fly after Christian again. This time, Sierra and Molina leaped on me and began their attack. Our rematch was on. There was nothing I could do to shake them. I had to kill the two Queens now. That might be enough to chase off the rest of the vampires once they see me, again, take out their most powerful hierarchy. Hopefully that will discourage them from pursuing me afterwards.


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