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Enchanted By Fire (Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Book 3)

Page 63

by Meg Ripley

  Ny-len's hips thrust upward to meet Lindsay's mouth and she sucked him faster. He withdrew, maintaining his gentle hold on the back of her head, keeping her lips just inches from his cock as he spiraled over the edge, covering her lips with his release. It was naughty, erotic and surprising all in one; her tongue ran across her lips tentatively, finding a sweet, sensual taste unlike anything she'd ever tasted before.

  Rogue grabbed her hips, turning her around to face him. He moved to the ground, pulling her along with him until she sat, straddled on top with his cock poised at her entrance. His hips thrust upward to meet her as she lowered herself down onto him, allowing him to enter her pussy ever so slowly. He filled her, and stretched her more than she ever thought possible; the sensation was incredible. She continued her slow descent until she'd taken in every inch of him. Her hands moved to support herself on either side of Rogue's shoulders, her breasts dangling just inches from his face and her eyes locked with his once again.

  Lindsay leaned her head down, kissing Rogue's lips gently before she leaned back fully, using her hands against his chest for support as she began to move. She felt more wanton and wild than ever before in her life as she rode him hard.

  His fingers found her clit, vibrating rapidly. She rode faster and the vibrations multiplied, and her speed increased even more. Her tits bounced wildly and Rogue leaned his head up to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. She was almost there, just seconds away from the umpteenth orgasm she'd experienced with these strange men. Her back arched and she plunged his length deep inside her one more time, stilling as her inner walls began to rhythmically clench around him.

  He reached for her, pulling her down against his chest and rolling until he was on top of her, never leaving her body. And then Ny-len was there, kneeling beside her. One of his hands moved to cup her breasts while the other moved in between the two on the floor, finding her clit as Rogue began to thrust. Just seconds after her last orgasm, the vibrations began there again, stimulating her ultra-sensitized flesh. Her body moved, though she wasn't even sure if it was to flee the over-stimulation or to seek it out more. The buzzing grew stronger, and she screamed louder as the sensations overtook her, this orgasm even more intense than the last.

  And still, it wasn't over. Ny-len's fingers continued to vibrate, pressing fast circles against her clit. Rogue's pace increased, but she could sense in his movements that he was still holding himself back, gritting his teeth to stave of the inevitable, climactic end. But Ny-len did not hold back; she didn't think it was possible, but the vibrations from his fingers grew even stronger. His hand caressing her tits moved to one nipple, pinching it gently between his fingers as the vibrations began there, too.

  Lindsay didn't think her body could take much more. Even in the throes of pleasure, a wry thought came to her. She wondered if a body could be as overwhelmed by pleasure as it could be by pain, both succumbing to unconsciousness to escape the intense sensations. As if in answer to her question, her body began to build relentlessly toward another orgasm. She screamed as she reached her peak, her back arching off the ground, giving Rogue even deeper access. He bucked forward, thrusting inside her to the hilt. He withdrew, plunged deep inside her hot, wet core and withdrew again, fucking her harder and harder as the vibrations continued against her clit.

  And within moments, she was there again. She came hard, spasming around Rogue's cock. His resistance was overcome and he leaned down; his tongue plunged inside her mouth as he erupted deep inside her.

  He stayed there for a moment while Ny-len withdrew his hand from between them. It was sweet relief and insufferable disappointment at the same time to feel the vibrations against her cease. And a moment later, she felt empty as Rogue withdrew from her and rolled next to her on the floor. But Rogue seemed to know the emptiness she felt and he sought to assuage the loss. His hand moved to rub her there, letting his fingers trail languidly along her slit, not to arouse but to soothe.

  Lindsay closed her eyes, enjoying his slow, languorous movements. And then she was asleep, spent from the most intense experience she'd ever had.


  She awoke slowly, stretching, reaching out for her blanket automatically. But as her hand met with the smooth, hard surface beneath her, Lindsay's mind was flooded with the wild, wanton hours of lust her body had endured. She smiled as her eyes fluttered open, her exhausted body already responding to the naughty memories. But a calmness spread throughout her, radiating from somewhere above her head. Lindsay moved to cover herself with her blanket, but realized someone must have clothed her in a dressing gown while she slept.

  She tilted her head backward to find the source of the strange, calming sensation, and there sat the beautiful woman who had spoken to her before. The infant she had held prior was in her arms, suckling at her breast, and she was looking down at Lindsay with a gentle smile.

  “You really do have that calming power you spoke of,” Lindsay spoke into the silence.

  Accepting her statement as a compliment, Rachel nodded serenely in response, her silken, fiery auburn tresses spilling forward over her bare breasts. The movement tickled the infant's nose, and he turned his head away.

  Lindsay saw him then, the perfect combination of Rachel and the alien species. She sat up, the change in position providing her with a better look at the baby. Flawless like his mother, he had to be the most beautiful infant she had ever seen.

  “Is that...?” she began, but wasn't entirely sure what question her mind was forming.

  “He is my son, as well as Ny-len's,” Rachel explained. “He's five weeks old now,” Rachel smiled down at the infant in her arms who was currently searching for his mother's breast once again.

  “Rogue is the father of your child, Lindsay,” she continued.

  “How do you know I'm...” Lindsay couldn't quite bring herself to say the word just yet, but her hands moved to her stomach nevertheless. “I mean, there's only a small chance that...” she trailed off.

  “With their species, it is almost guaranteed that you are pregnant,” Rachel answered the question that Lindsay couldn't quite bring herself to utter.

  “I see. And is everything else the same? I mean, what was being...pregnant like for you?” she queried.

  “It goes by so fast, I assure you. Much quicker than with a fully human child. But the recovery time seems to be on par with what you would expect,” Rachel said, a frustrated tone in her voice.

  “Otherwise, I would have been here with you Lindsay, enjoying something I have been without for far too many weeks now,” her smile returned, but lust filled her eyes just before they closed as Rachel's mind took her somewhere else momentarily. When her eyes opened again, the emeralds there were ablaze with desire, but she reined it in quickly, her delicate, feminine features looking serene once again.

  But that brief moment, when arousal had overtaken Rachel, left Lindsay wondering what thoughts had filled her mind. Was it some memory from months before, or was it a fantasy of what was still to come? And where exactly did Lindsay fit into that fantasy now that she was apparently a permanent fixture here? Even though she was still weary from her sexual adventure, the thought stirred something anew in Lindsay's body, and she suddenly couldn't wait to find out.


  Rock Star & Bad Boy Romance By Jade Allen


  I'm damn good at tracking down what I want. Whether it's a Colombian drug lord or a hot piece of ass, nothing will stop me from nailing my target.

  As an international vigilante, I’ve been forced to live by a few hard and fast rules. Number 1 being that I don't allow myself to be tied down to anything—or anyone—but when I finally decided to fly home and see my family for the first time in 10 years, all hell broke loose.

  Little did I know I'd be running into Sarah, the very girl who'd been begging to ride this cock all those years ago. She was just jailbait back then, but now she’s all grown up.

  Unfortunately, I’ve uncovered some
dark secrets about her family that would turn her entire world upside down. She doesn't know she's in serious danger, but if I can keep my dick in my pants long enough to find who's after her, I just might be able to save her life.

  Chapter One


  I’ll never understand the point of family reunions. Throw a bunch of people in the same room who haven’t wanted to talk to each other in ten fucking years, and that’s supposed to be the recipe for a good time? Pfft.

  Nevertheless, there I was. I flew half the night into some small-town airstrip that was nothing more than a few hundred yards of asphalt poured down the center of an overgrown cornfield. To top it off, I had to drive three towns over in a rental car once I’d landed. And I use the term ‘car’ loosely, since the dilapidated piece of shit didn’t much resemble any vehicle from this century.

  God, I missed my bike.

  Next stop on my agenda: coffee. There was no way in hell I was going to face the entire Ross clan without my morning jolt of caffeine. Sure, a stiff drink would’ve been better, but I figured I was going to need a few of those to make it through the next few days. I should probably start off slow, I told myself.

  So, I parked the junker curbside and walked through the doors of a coffee shop I hadn’t stepped inside for ten years, and not surprisingly, nothing had changed. The tables, the wallpaper…hell, I think they’re still using the same coffee pots. And the woman behind the counter with the hairnet and the fake smile plastered on her tired face looked suspiciously like the woman who worked there a decade prior.

  My mother could’ve moved to any city—fuck, any country—in the world, and yet she chose to remain in a place that would just freak out and implode if a big-box store came to town. Change was the enemy there. What the hell did my mother see in this shithole?

  Nevertheless, there were only a few people ahead of me in line. That was one of the perks of small-town living: there were never more than a few people in front of you, even during the morning rush.

  After a quick survey of the room, I could tell my entrance hadn’t gone unnoticed. Too bad none of the chicks staring at me were worth much more than a second look. Whatever; small town women didn’t generally fit into the rulebook, anyway—the rulebook that clearly spelled out what type of women made for a great time without any of the burdens of the morning after. Fortunately, just a few days later, I’d be flying back to civilization, where I could easily find all the pussy a guy could ever want.

  In the meantime, could the line possibly have been moving any slower? I glanced ahead to see what was holding things up, but suddenly I was no longer in a hurry. In fact, I was perfectly content right where I was, not two yards away from the most gorgeously shaped ass I’d ever seen—and I’ve seen plenty.

  It was perfect. Hell, I’d challenge Heff himself to find a more perfect ass. The yoga pants she wore fit her like a fucking glove.

  And then that ass turned around, and if I were any lesser of a man, my jaw would’ve dropped to the floor. Not just because the rest of the package was as incredible as the ass, but because the package wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to me. Something I hadn’t seen since she was a sixteen-year-old hottie who thought she’d fallen head over heels for the town prick—ahem, yours truly. Of course, since I’d been twenty-two at the time, noticing her was as far as it could have gone. Frankly, I’d been relieved when I’d had reason to get the hell out of dodge in no small part because she’d sorely tempted my resolve.

  Caught up in trying to balance a briefcase, purse, file folders, and the extra-large coffee, she didn’t notice me at first, which was a good thing, because it gave me a few seconds to get my shit together and figure out if I wanted her to notice me.

  And the answer? Hell fucking yes, I did.

  Sarah Wells wasn’t sixteen anymore, and though I never would’ve thought it could be possible, she was even hotter than she’d been back then. And damn, did I want a piece of that. Sure, small-town women were generally off-limits, but Sarah suddenly became the exception to the rule. She had to be, because god damn it, I needed that perfect ass of hers in my bed.

  One quick glance at her hand showed no ring—not that it would’ve stopped me anyway. Still, it’s always a good idea to know what you’d be up against.

  But just as I was about to get her attention, she looked up, and a split second later, everything in her arms fell to the floor. The look on her face would’ve been comical if the way her lips parted in shock hadn’t brought about a thousand images of those lips put to every possible use in my mind. Even less comical was the way those thoughts sent a hot jolt of arousal through me that had me fighting against a raging hard-on right there in front of the coffee-hungry crowd. That would certainly have given new meaning to ‘the morning salute’.

  I bent down to help her retrieve her things, focusing on the items spilled out on the floor rather than the woman bent over in front of me. For fuck’s sake, had it really been so long since I’d gotten laid? Days, at most, so what the hell had gotten into me? Fortunately, I’d managed to get myself under control—at least outwardly—by the time I stood up again.

  “Hello, Sarah Wells.”

  “Hello, Declan Ross.”

  She always was good under pressure—at least, she carried herself well under pressure. Unfortunately for her, Sarah had the most expressive face I’d ever seen; the girl couldn’t hide how she was feeling if her life depended on it. At least, the younger version of her hadn’t been able to, and it didn’t appear she’d had gotten any better at it.

  “Do you have a few minutes for coffee with an old friend?” I asked.

  She checked her watch before replying, something the young Sarah would never have done. If I’d invited her to coffee years ago, she would have jumped at the opportunity.

  “Yeah, alright. I guess I have a few minutes.”

  Not the enthusiastic response I was hoping for, but I’d take it. After all, if I was only going to be in town for a few days, I didn’t have long to get that incredible ass into bed. A guy’s got to work with what’s available to him.

  She’d sat down at the nearest table while I grabbed a coffee, and was reorganizing the armful of papers she’d had in her arms as she spoke. “So…what have you been up to for the past, I don’t know, ten years?”

  “A little of this, a little of that I guess you could say. What about you?” I already knew she’d gone off to medical school and graduated at the top of her class—not that I was going to divulge how I knew.

  What I didn’t know was what the hell she was doing back in Westport, Washington. Her only link to that place was her father, and he had passed away several months prior. Had she come back just to reminisce, or was it a permanent move?

  “A little of this, a little of that, huh?”

  “Alright, fine.” I knew if I didn’t give a little, she wasn’t going to budge an inch. “I’ve moved around a bit. I spent a couple of years in South America on business and such.”

  “So, you went into the family business after all?”

  She was surprised and rightly so. I’d railed in objection to a life in boardrooms and stiff suits. There was no way I was going to become one of them, and I hadn’t. But I wasn’t going to tell Sarah that.

  “Yeah, I did.” And I definitely wasn’t going to tell her it wasn’t my family’s business that had sent me into just about every dirty crevice in the world. Besides, I was already plenty aware of what I’d been up to for the past decade; I wanted to know about her. “Now it’s your turn.”

  “Well, I went into medicine. I was working in the ER in Baltimore up until a few months ago. Then, it was just time to come home, I guess.”

  “I heard about your father, Sarah. He was a good man. I’m sorry for your loss.” I had no intention of telling her that I knew firsthand what a good man Erik Wells was, or that I would miss him, too; more than I’d ever missed my own father.

  “Thanks, Declan. I just wish I’d been there, you know?”

  She was already beginning to let her guard down. I could hear it in the tone of her voice, and see it in her expression clear as day. It was just a small chink in the armor, but it was a start. Unfortunately, she chose that moment to glance down at her watch again.

  “Damn it! I’m going to be late for my shift if I don’t get going,” she cursed as she stood and gathered the stack of papers in her arms again. “It was nice to see you. If you’re ever back in town, we should do this again.”

  “Actually, I’m here for a few days. Have a drink with me this evening?” I planned on having more than a minute and a half to persuade her, but I hoped at least some of that old infatuation remained and she’d jump on board.

  She froze mid-grab for the last of the papers on the table. “I’ve been rather…busy…”

  “Certainly, you can squeeze in time for one drink with an old friend.” I gave her the look that most women seemed helpless to resist and immediately regretted it. She took a physical step back—and half a dozen emotional ones—at the same time.

  I should have known better. I knew people, I always have; it’s one of the things that made me good at what I did. And from what I remembered about Sarah, the typical bullshit games men played didn’t work on her.

  Fortunately, it wasn’t like I’d never been in a difficult situation before.

  “I won’t be here long, and it would be really nice to spend a little time with a familiar face.”

  Nice and simple. No innuendo. And no lines—at least, it didn’t sound like a line.

  “Yeah, alright. What the hell. Pick me up at…nine-thirty?”

  The hand she extended for a handshake wasn’t exactly the response a guy would hope for, but I’d work on that later.


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